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Yet another Time Warframe [ Kronai ]


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Hello, crystalyq here!
I wanted to suggest a new frame that prety strong, but extreamly hard to get. Yes, yes... Another time based warframe, but i wanted to try to make sort of balanced frame.
If thread gets enough attention i might try doing a rough sketch or some sort of art.
So, the warframe's name is Kroani. Here are his stats and powers.
    Kronai ( Time based Warframe )
    Health : 125 ( 300 at 30 )
    Shield : 125 ( 300 at 30 )
    Energy : 150 ( 275 at 30 )
    Armor : 230
    Walk / run speed : 0.8 / 1
    Polarities : Vazarin x1 , Naramon x1 ; Aura Vazarin
    Powers : - Decay : Enemy caught in this power will have his life time accelerated. His HP will begin to drain rapidly, but will deal
                                   increased damage.
                                   Cost = 50 energy
                                   Cast time = 2 sec
                                   Shape : Cone going from frame to where player is looking ( directional )
                                   Size : ( rank=height/base ) 0=5m/1m , 1=7,5m/2.5m , 2=10m/4m ,3=15m/6m
                                   Effect on regular enemies: Enemy caught in the cone will get DoT, but will have increased
                                                                              damage output.
                                   Strenght on regular : ( rank=HealthDrained/Time/DamageMultiplier )
                                                                      0=25%/10sec/Dmg x1.5        1=50%/15sec/Dmg x2
                                                                      2=75%/20sec/Dmg x3           3=100%/25sec/Dmg x(4.5 or 5)
                                   Effect on bosses: Boss caught in the cone will be striped of the immortal state and will
                                                                get armor and shield reduction during the duration.
                                   Strenght on bosses : ( rank=Armor&ShieldReduction/Time/DamageMultiplier )
                                                                      0=15%/10sec/Dmg x1.5         1=30%/15sec/Dmg x2
                                                                     2=45%/20sec/Dmg 3     3=60%/25sec/Dmg x(4.5 or 5)        
                                   Other info : - Power cannot be recast
                                                      - Power strenght does not increase Armor/Shield reduction or Health Drain, but instead increases enemy
                                                        damage output. ( Armor/Shield
                                                        reduction and Health Drain can only be reduced )
                                                      - Enemys recive DoT should work approximately like this :
                                                           If no mods applied : 100% health will go away in 25 sec ( 4%/sec )
                                                           If mods are applied (+50% duration) : 100% health will go away in 37.5 sec ( 2.6%/sec )
                                                           If mods are applied (-50% duration) : 100% health will go away in 12.5 sec ( 8%/sec )
                                                     - Rotting animation is played on enemies or at least some sort of particles to indicate which enemies were
                                                        "hit" during the cast.
                                                     - Increased damage type depends on affected units
                                                        ( Grineer Flesh/Ferrite Armor = Heat, Grineer Alloy Armor = Blast,
                                                          Corpus flesh = Magnetic, Corpus Robotic = Electric, Proto Shilded = Cold
                                                          Infested = Toxic, Infested Flesh = Gas, Fossilized = Viral )
                 - Time Barrier : Kronai summons a barrier that stops the time inside of it.
                                          Cost = 75
                                          Cast time = 3 sec
                                          Shape = Icosahedron with the frame in the middle
                                          Size = ( rank=radius ) 0=0.75m , 1=1.25m , 2=2m , 3=3m
                                          Effect : Slows/Frezees enemies and projectiles/bullets inside the bubble.
                                          Strenght : ( rank=SlowDown/Time)
                                                              0=25%/5sec 1=50%/7.5sec
                                                              2=75%/10sec 3=Freeze(100%)/(12.5 or 15)sec
                                         Other info : - Bullets/Projectiles that enter bubble Slow down (if rank 0-2) or Freeze (rank 3) in time, but regain
                                                              their original velocity after they get
                                                              out of the bubble. You can still be damaged  if you touch them(even if touched inside of barrier),
                                                              ( they dont get absorbed/destroyed )
                                                           - Allies that enter are not slowed down
                                                           - Bubble moves with the Kronai ( like artic eximus's snow globe )
                                                           - You can collect Pickups
                - Memories of The Old : Memories are being awoken, both good and bad. Some empowering you, other weakening you.
                                                       Cost = 100
                                                       Cast time = 4 sec (player is able to move and shoot while casting this power)
                                                       Shape = Abbility would take effect inside of (invisible) sphere (much like tenno affinty bonus)
                                                       Special effect : During the duration of power spectral ribbons apper from Kronai's shoulder plates, and for
                                                                                each diffrent effect,more
                                                                                ribbons will appear, each with diffrent color, deppending on the effect.
                                                       Range = ( rank=radius ) 0=5m , 1=10m , 2=15m , 3=20m
                                                      Duration = 30 sec
                                                      Effect = Players inside range will be given one of the following effects;
                                                                   1. Protegat - Restores 300 Shield , can overcharge shield if full        -Blue
                                                                   2. Salutem - Restores 200 Health                                         -Pink
                                                                   3. Armis - Increases Armor rating by 50% ( if armor 200 then +400 )      -Grey
                                                                   4. Levitas - Increases speed by +12,5%                                   -Light Blue
                                                                   5. Opes - Doubles pickup value (same as 2x bouns from smeeta kavat)      -Orange
                                                                   6. Hostilia - Enemies become more aggresive and deal extra damage (+37,5%)    -Dark Red
                                                                   7. Damnum - Players recive 25% more damage and enemies have increased status
                                                                                         chance +5%       -Yellow
                                                                   8. Venenum - Players are infected with toxic proc and deal extra toxin damage (+12,5%)( doesn't
                                                                       combine with other elements)  -Green
                                                                   9. Fundati - Decreased speed by 50% and increased rate of fire and reloading speed by 12,5%
                                                      Strenght : (rank=Multiplier) 0=1       1=2         2=3   3=4
                                                      Other info: - Effects can stack
                                                                        - Opes is only effect power which doesn't improve with leveling
               - Time Stop : Kronai forces all the matter to stop moving, including objecitves,while giving a large advatage to his allys.
                                    Cost = Cast=100 / Drain=20/sec
                                    Cast time = 3 sec
                                    Shape = Special effect : 2 spectral clocks appear on Kronai's shoulders , clock arms are spining during the duration
                                                                           of the power.
                                    Range = infinite
                                    Duration =  Drained of energy / Used up T-Points (explaind in other info)
                                    Effect = Stops/slows down eneimes where they stand. Survival time is frozen, same as rescue targets and other
                                                 Mission objectives. Allies are not
                                                 frozeen or slowed down by this power, but all players share T-Points. Bosses get extra Armor.
                                   Strenght = ( rank=SlowDown/T-PointAmount/BossArmorGain)
                                                            0=25%/300T-P/+20%              1=50%/700T-P/+40%
                                                            2=75%/1100T-P/+60%             3=TimeFrezee/1500T-P/+100%
                                   Other info : - Bullets/Projectiles that are effected Slow down (if rank 0-2) or Freeze (rank 3) in time, but regain their
                                                        original speed after the power
                                                        runs out. You can still be damaged if you touch them.
                                                      - T-Points are points that can be used while in Time Stop. Certian actions take certian amount of T-Points. 
                                                             T-Point table  [   http://imgur.com/1qHBTJy   ]
                                                      - Amount of T-Points is effected by strenght , but the T-Point amount spent is affected by:
                                                             ( Usual T-Point spent * 1[if efficency 100%] / 0.75[if above 100%] / 1.25 [if under 100%] )
                                                      - All warframe powers are frozen as well , but will do their respective effect after Time Stop runs out.
                                                              (if power is used during the Time Stop , effect will take effect after Time Stop if depleted)
                                                      - During the duration of the power, players are able to preform stealth kills.
                                                               (Not mentioned in T-Point table, but channeling stealth attacks will cost 3x T-Points)
    Augment mod ideas : - Decay ; Corrosive Malfunction : Effect is switched from killing enemies , to disarming them and forcing them
                                                                                                  into melee
                                                                                            combat. Bosses are switched from one phase of battle directly into next one.
                                                                                            (1 time use on bosses)
                                        - Time Barrier ; Timeless Existence : During the duration of Time Barrier , Kronai and everyone inside the
                                                                                                     Bubble become invisible. Enemies can be stealth killed.
    Kronai would be obtanible through completing special objectives that players wouldn't recive any information about. These objectives
    would rotate (you decide) ;  every week , every 2 weeks or every month. After the player finishes the objective in rotation they are
    rewarded with a choice to join some sort of syndicate/group called Betraya. Players would be able to give information to each other
    about the challanges, but after everything about certian challange has been discoverd, that challange would be removed from the
    objective pool.
    This warframe and other frames (if you like the idea) from Betraya would not be able to have Lenses installed on them.

    Feel free to comment on anything or leave a suggestion. Also its my frist Concept on forums, also sorry if i have bad English. 
Edited by crystalyq
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the concept is nice and detailed but, it still needs some tweeking. not nessesarily withe numbers, as the number effect we will only be able to see once its in the game.

but the abilitys effects, i think need some slight remodeling to make them fit more in with the rest of the game

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