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Morphos, The Concept Of A Polymorphism Warframe.


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My english isn't really great so I'll make my best to explain my idea clearly. Here's my idea : A warframe with  polymorphism abilities who is called Morphos ( If you have better ideas, post them please !). I haven't think of all its stats yet, but  here's some of my ideas for this warframe ! 


Presentation : Morphos is a warframe with a really special cellular structure. Indeed its structure can memorize all shapes, all forms and is really  stand-alone, which can allow Morphos to have great possibilities of creation and transformations.


Here are its abilities :


- Disguise (25 energy) Morphos take the appearance of a member of the opposite faction (it depends on which one you fight) for  20 seconds. While you're transformed, the ennemies don't attack you while you're unfer your Disguise but if you attack someone while you're under your disguise , the ammount of damages while be higher but the disguise will disappear, (You an even do stealth attacks under Disguise !)


I really like this one even if it'll be more like an ability made for Loki !



- Animal transformation (50 energy) : When Morphos uses this spell, all the ennemies within 20 meters range turn into smalls and  inoffensives animals for 10 seconds, and their amor are reduced while they're animals. 


I know , this one looks like Vauban's Bastille x)! But I think it'll be  fun !



- Summoning ( 75 energy) : Morphos summon two pets wich will fight for him for 15 seconds  ( I don't know now how they look like, make your propositions !).


Yeah I know sentinels are already here to support the warframes but I think that a summoning spell is fun too !


- Metamorphosis (100 energy) : The structure of Morphos changes, making him turn into a terrifying monster for 20 seconds, in this form all Morphos's caracteristics are increased  ( 100% more or less , I let you judge !) In this form, Morphos has new abilites in this form ( these ones cost no energy because Morphos can't use his weapons in this form)


- Heavy strike ( 5 seconds cooldown) :  You strike all ennemies who are in front of you , making them a great ammount of damages and make the fall down ( ignores armor), ennemies who are already down can't be touched by Heavy strike.



-  Terrifying roar ( can be used  once in each metamorphosis) : Your look make your ennemies feel a huge fear, which make them flee for 10 seconds (affects all ennemies in a  25 meters range)



- Devour ( 5 seconds cooldown) You eat the target of this ability, which kills immediately the target to give you energy and life ( 20 life + 20 energy ) ( Doesn't work on bosses).



So, do you like Morphos ? :D I wait your answers!

Edited by Camaror
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Although 1:st skill seems ok (even suggested a version of this myself a while back) the "animal" summoner just feels very out of place. Fanstasy and not Sci-fi.

1:st - Switching "animal" to something less fluffy and drooly-sounding might help.

2:nd - First I would like to point out that the power this would bring the frame is probably ulti-lvl. Make enemies useless for 10 + (PLUS!!!) a debuff. Then the "turn enemies into sheep" spell type magic abra cadabra hocus pocus feel.

3:rd -  Again, pets - animals.

4:th - Monster...this is probably the most fantasy of the bunch and just needs to be completly redone from scratch (not the effect of the skills but how you name and present them).



(initial post)

Building requirments: 100 Morphics, 5500 Rubedo, a box of Dog food and a bag so you can throw that stuff away when you're done.
Sorry but a pet summon space ninja makes me want to nyan-puke exploding ponies and acid cotton candy. Makes no sense.


1:st skill is ok.

Rework it into Sci-fi genre, (kill the animals with scindo and roast them with ignis).

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First of all, thank you very much for your answer !


I guess you're quite right about the animals,  I haven't  think too much about the Sci-fi when I was thinking about Morphos.


For the 2nd spell :


Do you think that replace the  animals from the 2nd spell by robots would be better ? Or it would make too much Corpus ?

Or how about make ennemies tinier rather than turn them into animals ?


For the 3rd spell :


Would it be better to replace the pets in the third spell by clones of the warframe even if it'll  be too much like Loki's Decoy? Or replace them by robotic creatures like the one in the first link ?



For the last spell :


How about something like this  to replace the monster( but very tinier)( picture on the 2nd link)?



About the metamorphosis abiities  


- Replace "Devour" by "Energetic Drain" : Rather than eating ennemies , how about steal their vital energy ?

- Replace "Terrifying roar"  by  "Fear system activation" : Rather than a roar , how about spreading neuronal waves which will have the same effect ?



Here are the pictures :





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Manipulation of an enemy's molecular and cellular structure sounds reality-breaking and very overpowered. Instead of transforming your enemies to animals, consider an ability where he throws out cell masses made of the same material as him(transformable, polymorphic tissues). These may transform into tentacled or slime-secreting lifeforms that attach themselves to enemies that lower their armour, do damage over time or slow them down/paralyze them while in effect.



Metamorphosis sounds like a great idea to be honest. Sounds like Werewolves in Skyrim. In fact, he could probably assume the form of a werewolf-like creature, that'll make quite a few of our players happy. Don't forget to give him increased stamina, increased sprint speed and increased jump distance to compensate for not being able to use guns to engage enemies at range. Also deplete his shields and lower his armour as penalty, but give him something like 80% damage resistance and a chance to drain 5% of damage dealt as life when attacking.

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Thank you for your answer ! 


For metamorphosis I totally agree with you. And your idea for the second spell seems great too, I really like it and I think it's better than my idea personally, how about calling it Transformation :  Leech ? 

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Morphos huh? Color me intrigued, considering my own name. Love the idea but it could use...something. I agree that changing enemies would be going a bit far, and his powers should be more centered around his own transformations.



Keep the first ability, great for stealth play and positioning. Just add that you need a target first, and won't be attacked by untis of the specific faction. If the mission swaps enemy types mid mission you can't just walk your way through a wave of Infested while looking like a Corpus Crewman. Maybe call it Morph instead of Disguise, to emphasize that it is you you're changing and not just activating a hologram.


For the second ability, maybe call it Biomass and have Morphos shoot out a portion of himself onto a single target to bind them in place(acts like a stun rather than a snare). Then, similar to Saryn's Venom, if the binding is shot it'll spread to nearby enemies(downgrading the duration to compensate for it being an AoE now).


The third, forget summoning, or "spawning", this needs to be about changing and morphing. How about having Morphos destabilize, melt himself down into a pool of slime, and then travel around faster than normal? While in this form he'd leave behind a trail that did damage over time to any enemy within it, and any enemy Morphos directly passes under is knocked over for a bit of extra damage and crowd-control?


For his Uber maybe less giant monster and more shifting mass of chaos? He could quickly change into, say, a shifting biomass bubble and expand to a great diameter, grabbing every enemy he hits as he expands and dragging them inside of himself. He then shrinks to about a quarter of the size and compresses the enemies together for a large amount of damage and staggering them upon end. Any enemies that die within him can then be converted into extra biomass, giving him back a small percentage of health and/or energy depending on how many enemies died up to a cap?


Just a suggestion though, considering how passionate I'd be about an Amorphous Warframe. It really has potential. (<- Is a bit biased due to own name and favor towards this concept.) Kind of wanted to start my own topic discussing the properties of such a frame, guess I don't have to now.



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Thank you for your answer ! For the first ability, I really agree with you , I haven't think of these aspects ! For the second and th third ability I think tht your ideas are great especially for the third one, would you calling it "Liquefaction" or something like that ? And for the last one, don't  you think that your "Mass of chaos"  could replace "Energetic conversion" ? ( If that's the case , this ability won't be as much powerful as it will be if it was the last spell of Morphos).


I'm really happy to know that I'm not the only one who thinks that such a warframe would be great ! :D

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