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Warm Coat Mod Useless?


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As the Warm Coat mod is now, I pretty much question its utility:
A +3% resistance against ice hazard with 6 capacity while even maxed out having +12% resistance and 9 capacity...
I don't see why you would prefer this mod over any other in the only 6 (or more) free slots you have in your Warframe. You'd rather want to upgrade "+% shield capacity" or "+% armor" which you can even make use of in non-ice levels.

....or am I missing something?

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To me that's about right. Yes those ice levels are annoying but at the rate at which I get thrown into one of those isn't enough to prepare for it. If I was forced to play those levels more frequently even then I'd rather use other mods to help me survive.

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I totally agree with you on this one and i wish they would either buff it do something with it to make it better or to entirely get rid of it because well i think its useless as well. I think the same thing about the other resistant cards they put out like an electrical resistance mod which fully upgraded gives you 10% against electricity or something like that. Those seem useless to me since i could just have a shield mod like you said, but i guess certain players like it better or something. Either way i hope they do something about them because to advanced players who have things like redirection up most of the way with a rhino or something its not even gonna be thought about to try and put on the warframe. Anyways i agree and i hope they do something great with it.

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I have a doubt with this, Is "Ice harzard" taken as the amount of shields that get chopped during ice levels too? Or the Icy floor tiles from the Void? Cuz if that's it, I don't see a real use for it in any of those cases since you can just jump over the latter. Unless DE is thinking of introducing an enemy that can freeze you, or there is one already and I'm too stupid to remember it.

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Instead of giving us a mod, I just wish they'd scale back the ice level effect, 50% of my shields seems too extreme. Maybe 20%


But thats DE for ya... they hear us complain about something and immediately think "I have a mod for that!" *slap* No, your not an android phone. Just fix the issues please.

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