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Some problems in the course of carrying on the clan


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Hello, DE. I'm the  generals of Eastern Lord Union Touhouproject clan
Some problems in the course of carrying on the clan

The following are the three members of the family of Guan's recommendations and management aspects of the temple construction

Recommendation 1 Add custom clan member class

Because more people in the clan
Not easy to manage
Want to manage small groups
But the default for the class too little
Our clan is Clan number of mountains on the line every day is probably about 180
Even if the ten people into a group to manage the various classes have only enough 18
However, you can use the default class clan little only eight members of the group want to put class and team managers are set, then the current number of classes can be wholly inadequate clan gave classes to add custom functions?
So I want to request customer can open a way to add more features to facilitate the management class member clan members
We hope to better business clan

Group management is to make every player to know themselves and who in a group so that each player can quickly find the clan for their own team so that every player can know what they can do what kind of role-playing in the clan
So it is very important for the management of a clan
Please consider our proposal that we hope to be able to add such features as open custom classes can be better managed so that each clan clan members of the player's game easier

Recommendation 2 open clan can build bigger PK Arena

Clan pk field now is too small and there is no entertainment
Clan would like to organize an economic activity, then shot into the pk field who should basically won the game even if this victory is too low technical pk
Hope can build bigger support 3v3 field in the pk clan temple in
Even if you set the platinum to build a larger arena we are willing to spend more platinum to add more entertainment to the clan temple

Recommendation 3 can hope to build more open clan room

We have thought about some of the clan members of the clan to the allocation of their own room
But in the process of construction of the temple in our room to accommodate the number there is a surplus of more than 500 energy there is a surplus of more than 100, I think it seems to be a bug in accordance with the rules of the game if we can make it at least 30 houses, but it prompted us to build space insufficient cause we do not have enough rooms for the players assigned
Hope to be able to effectively put the number of temples built to accommodate the number and consistency is best to increase the existing number of rooms can be built even if you can set to buy platinum clan dojo Room accommodates Just let us build more houses

Recommendation 4 hope clan temple open pasture care support new construction projects of genthod Kournikova Cooper Cooper and Kournikova raised regularly in the breeding ranch in the clan temples

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I don't know the limitations, regarding the development of clans/dojos. Everybody and their mama has a clan so i would imagine it's more difficult of a task than I may understand. That being said, I feel you raised some valid concerns. It's very cool that we can rename the titles of of clan management and assign the roles that we see fit, but the amount of role selections, or their abilities (technician, treasurer, and so on), are pretty limiting. I'd really like to see some of them split into different areas. For example, I don't want to give the ability to demolish the entire dojo to someone that wants to paint a room or two. It would be nice to see other options as well; the more customization the better. It's sounds like you want the addition of rooms to fit the updated version of Warframe we have vs what we had when the dojo was last seriously worked on. Don't get me wrong, adding the ability to paint and research colors was a great step in the right direction, but nothing has really happened since or anything noteworthy in a long time prior, but OP is right, the demand is out there.

If I understand recommendation 3 correctly "just let us build more houses", I agree. To some, 100 rooms seems like a lot; to others it's not nearly enough. 

There's a lot I think we all want to see added to dojos and it would be really cool to see some of these suggestions addressed.


Edited by (PS4)B0XMAN517
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