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My Suicide Squad Movie Re-Write


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This isn't  meant to be "oh look i can create a better movie" but as what i would of preferred to see in the movie instead I created this to be more Harley Quinn focused as she was the best thing to come from the movie.

My pitch for suicide squad,
Film opens Harley Quinn is setting a timer to a bomb as you hear the Joker torture a Security guard, Quinn walks up to tell Joker she's done setting up.  He brings her in close and slaps her for interrupting him torturing the guard. He goes to apologize to the guard before spraying him with Joker Toxin. As Joker's clowns are grabbing bags of unidentified objects they are slowly being taken out by Batman. Joker foresaw this coming sayiny "We got company" and tells Harley to bring the car around. They drive up blowing up the building as we see the batmobile burst through the building chasing the Joker. Then the car chase we got in the movie happens and Harley gets captured. Harley is then walked through the prison and we get the roll call. Deadshot we see him getting brought out for a contraband check by 3 guards but he grabs a guard's baton beats up 2 of em with it and takes one hostage but fails as he gives up when the warden brings up never seeing his "lil girl" again. Captain Boomerang is shown trying to carve a boomerang out of his bed post but is caught and beat up in a comedic way. Killer Croc's room is getting cleanned of blood as 6 guards taze him. El diablo is shown meditating in his chamber, flames dancing around his hand in thehe shape of his wife, but is flushed with water as guards say "Knock That Off!" Enchantress is shown as Dr. Moon sitting in a painted pentagram on the floor Saying "Hello Harleen" as her face shifts to enchantress trying to cross the pentagram line but is stopped by it. Then Harley is then brought to her cell and as they throw her in she yells at them "What!? No Cappacinno Machine". Cut to Amanda Waller. She is shown pitching the idea of Task Force X to the board of directors. But as they are skeptical they show video files of the members of Task Force x and how they were captured. Deadshot's assasination from the movie but then got caught as he was spending time time with his daughter by Deathstroke, Deathstroke brings him to the prison, Amanda Waller is then shown transfering payment to his account  <~~~(Now Thats A Cameo), El diablo burning an entire prison yard he is shown surrendering to the police at his burnt house, Killer Croc is a body guard for falcone and is shown fighting batman but is subdued by him. [Enchantress backstory from movie but one difference] her Husband, Rick Flag trys to help her by telling his Superior Officer but catches the eye of Amanda Waller, she is captured in the middle of the night and taken to the prison they also search the house and find enchantress's heart that Rick was hiding, Moone cant believe what Rick did [thinking he betrayed her] she then lets enchantress take over. As the board is looking through the files they ask "why these 2?" and they bring up Captain boomerang and harley quinn. Waller says boomerang is for his knowledge of metahumans showing a video of him taking on the flash. And as they bring up Harley Quinn  she throws them a profile with alot of unknown tags all over it and they open it showing a picture of the joker. They approve it and as Waller views all of the inmates Rick Flag runs up to her and requests to see his wife but is rejected when waller says shes part of Task Force X now. He then offers his service to join Task Force X as a last stitch effort to see his wife. Waller agrees thinking it'd be entertaining. Waller then signs off on a document to transport something and is revealed to be the mysterious bags Joker tried stealing earlier. Quinn is shown drawing pictures of her and Joker in crayon as it flashes back [Harley quinn origin flash back] They are then shown getting bombs placed into their necks and a bomb being placed inside enchantress's heart as she crys out in pain. They are rolled out all next to each other and are told what happened to them and enchantress is shown strapped in a case next to Rick Flag's backpack and it is revealed if the heart leaves Flag's Person or if she is 100 yards away from the heart the bomb will detonate. They are then allowed to train in the prison yard deadshot shooting targets, Enchantress teleporting through obstacles, Captain Boomerang nailing 3 targets with one boomerang, croc punching through brick walls, and Diablo sits there content with doing nothing. Joker is shown contemplating on a thrown-esc chair while flipping a playing card through his hands, a prison guard from the earlier is shown to be a spy for Joker and tells him Harley's there but what he wants isnt. He then stands up and walks around, sounding irritated he says "Lets go along with plan b", the guard asking whats plan b is as the joker back turned to the guard turns around quickly flicking a razor sharp playing card into the guard killing him whispering "step 1.......check" It then montages Joker getting a bunch of henchmen and weapons and then breaking into Arkham Asylum. And holding the entire staff hostage as he interrogates a few of them. Waller is then called saying Joker has taken over Arkham Asylum and to deploy Task Force X. They are briefed as they are driven there saying the hostages are their top priority and capturing Joker is secondary. And Harley has another flashback as flag brings up Joker[Acid Bath scene]. They enter the asylum but are stopped at the front by 5 of jokers goons and they have a fight. After the goons are defeated. They walk in the asylum and go about getting to know each other.  Boomerang just wont shut up about how he fought the all mighty flash and held his own and Deadshot says "Last i heard he sent your sorry a** to prison" they then have a small altercation as Rick breaks em up threatening to detonate their bombs. Harley interjects talks about how she took out the boy wonder herself with a little help of her baseball bat as she kisses a blood stain on the bat. As Boomerang is about to say something they are ambushed by more Joker Goons. As it looks like the squad is about to win, a goon is shown walking up to another goon saying look what i found as he brandishes a futuristic rifle with an evidence tag that says "Mr. freeze." the goon starts blasting em with it. Enchantress is frozen all the way and Deadshot is hit right in his chest.  He lies on the ground and is pulled behind cover by El Diablo. Deadshot suffering from his wounds opens his console on his arm and looks at a picture of his daughter saying "I hoped i would of got to see you before i bit the dust" El Diablo seeing this puts his hand on Deadshots chest warming his wound healing him saying "You will brother".  Diablo then flames on and combats the ice ray goon  Defeating him. He then defrosts Enchantress and they move on. Deadshot thanks Diablo and calls him a saint. diablo then says "I aint no saint" and reveals what he did to his family by accident. Harley converses with Croc saying he seems familiar, he says he met her here at Arkham when she was still Harleen Quinzel a psychologist  [flashback to Harley before meeting Joker] (She is shown to be really good at her job but goes home alone with no one around as she sees the Joker and Batman fighting each other at a warehouse. Joker is then subdued and brought to Arkham as Quinnzel intrigued by him asks to be assigned to him)  Rick trys to converse with Enchantress but she says "Moone isnt here" he asks please let him speak to his wife.  Enchantress in Moones voice says "Here you go" as they continue to walk and talk. Harley as they are walking looks at a few of the arkham asylum jail cells. Noticing one of them opened up and as she looks inside she sees a bunch of what seems to be brown dirt. Flag tells them to get a move on and they continue on they see they hostages strapped together in a chamber. And Joker appears flag deadshot and boomerang attempts to take him down but he is behind a wall of bulletproof glass. Joker says after their done shooting the wall  "You done? Cause the hostages dont seem to well right now" it then cuts back to the hostages room being pumped full of Joker Gas. Enchantress teleports all the hostages out next to them. Flag Tells them to escape the building, Turning His attention to Joker "Why!? Why do This!" Joker now opening up the door to him tells him "Do i need a reason?" as 2 big buff joker goons stand next to him [named Clubs and Spades] and joker says "Does chaos need reason?."  He bring up the unidentified bag from earlier and brings out 2 big canisters Labeled "Venom" he hands it to the big goons and they inject themselves with it, mutatating them and they take on the suicide squad as they fight, harley "play" fights with Clubs as she knows him. Joker waves his arm at Clubs and he tosses Harley over to him and they share a kiss.  Flag attempts to detonate the bomb in Harley but is knocked down by one of the venom charged goons.  They continue to fight, as joker takes a knife and removes harleys bomb from her neck she freaks out, joker tells her "just a love peck sweetie" as he rips a chip from the bomb. she almost bleeds out but is saved by Enchantress. Joker says you're no fun to Enchantress and brings out a detonator saying "this will be though" showing a big bomb next to him as he shoves the chip he got into the detonator the bomb now says ARMED. Harley now healed thanks enchantress and joins the fight for real. Rick wakes up and continues to help the squad fight and they take down both of the goons[Scene goes like this Croc goes 1 on 1 with one of the goons as dead shot and Flag open fire on the other one, they are pushed back enough for Harley to slide in and kneecap both of them making them reel in pain Boomerang throws two explosive boomerangs at them as El Diablo Flames on and fights them with Croc as they dodge outta the way for Deadshot to shoot the explosives stunning them and Enchantress teleports in and subdues them.] In the commotion Joker escapes with the bomb and detonator. They give chase, it is revealed Joker has a truck loaded with venom canisters and the bomb is now attached to it. Harley, ahead of the squad, makes it to the truck. Joker then reappears with his hands in his pocket. Joker then says "C'mon, into truck Quinny" she then hesitates pointing her gun at him thinking bout what he did to her but ends up walking towards him as he talks to her bringing her back to his side. As they are bout to walk into the truck Joker is shot several times by Deadshot, Rick Flag, Boomerang even chucks a boomerang into his chest. Harley distraught collapses on the floor crying, Deadshot walks up to her saying "You dont need him". Diablo checks for the detonator on his body but doesnt find anything. He is kicked by Joker sending him flying across the room. The squad is shocked to see Joker stand up and pull the boomerang from his chest and says "Well you guys found out" he then reforms into a brown bloblike mass. Rick remembering the cell from earlier screams "Its Clayface!" as they duck as clayface swings his arms now transformed into maces at them.The reL Joker walks toward the truck placing the detonator in the venom bomb as it counts down from 10 min. As the fight goes they all take down clayface but before he is taken down he strikes everyone knocking everyone down.  The bomb having only 10 seconds left is grabbed by enchantress, she looks at flag saying "She loves you still, Don't stray blindly"  Rick struggles as he yells "No Dont!" she then teleports away towards the bay as her heart and the bomb detonate saving the city Rick now on the floor balling is struck by Joker saying "I'll give you the real reason to you now Ricky boy, Your government friends took something from me" as he stares at Harley Quinn "As you can see I don't like to share" Joker pulls out a revolver about to shoot Flag. Diablo attempts to charge at the Joker but is gunned down by him. Quinn seeing what joker has done gets up and swing her bat at him but to no avail as he catches it and knocks her out with the end of his gun, and yells at her for being so rude. Joker realizing the police are now just storming in cause Waller gave them the OK after the hostages were safe, he then picks up Harley unconscious and walks away saying "I'll bill ya Flag for borrowing my Harley". Rick Now on his feet screams in agony, at the loss of Moone. Deadshot Boomerang and Croc get up as well and tell him lets get outta here. As they evacuate the premises Rick slowly contemplates what Moone said before her death. he tells Deadshot Boomerang and Croc to Hold as he Deactivates their neck Bombs and says they're free to go. As Deadshot and Croc think about it, They choose not to run away and Deadshot says to Boomerang  "Well we're bad guy's and killings what we do"  they then meet up with Wallers extraction team, they are welcomed by Waller saying "Mission Accomplished Squad" and are taken back to the Prison. (Skip 2 weeks) Boomerang, Croc, and Deadshot are being walked toward the as Flag presents them with 3 New Suicide Squad members (Black Manta, Captain Cold and standing next to Waller as she walks in Deathstroke) Deadshot has a real angry look at Deathstroke but before he can say anything Deathstroke removes his helmet and says "Sorry mate it was just business" Waller calls them to attention as they are briefed on their next mission, it is to locate Harley Quinn and Joker and bring them in. Pictures of Quinn and Joker pop on screen as it fades to a warehouse in Gotham. Harley is shown sitting on a box looking down as the camera pans around her revealing a black eye, Joker gets dressed and walks up to her laughing it up. Joker brings her chin up and says "Hey darling don't wait up for me I gots business to take care of" he then leaves her as she sits there crying to herself as she looks up notices Joker left her  a Gift Box with a tag "For My One and only Harley" she opens the box, and inside is a little plush bear dressed as the Joker, holding a heart saying "Sorry" she then gets all giddy, hugs the Bear and laughs as the screen fades to black.
/I would like opinions on it and feel free to post your own re-writes/
Edited by (PS4)thegodofwar12345
English and Grammar edit
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