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Please Fix: Bladestorm, Sound Quake, World on Fire and Synoid Simulor


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10 minutes ago, letir said:

And i have all rights to complain. They ruin MY gamelpay, they killing MY attempt to actually play Warframe for once. And after that self-satisfied act they come on forum and complain that their almighty button is perfectly fine, in fact, it's too hard to press and probably button should be buffed.

I have the right, and i'm gonna use it.



You want to sit there behind cover for 30 seconds to deal with 4 heavy gunners and bombard and a legion of lancers go ahead.

If you really want to play for gunplay, go play something else. The game gave us powers to use, we built for it and put our time into it (farming all those mods, using forma to be able to fit mods, etc.) just so we can kill the S#&$ that we had a hard time with back when we started. All those abilities at their base aren't that strong without mods. Just remove mods, easy fix.

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We going nowhere. Can't understand each others.

There is who want a challenge, and put effort in the play. And who want the mission done in the easiest way, for farm or rewards i guess.

16 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

If you really want to play for gunplay, go play something else.

Showing true colors.



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By far what I see is you want to "FIX" your own gameplay experience by nerfing weapons that require MR12 and huge amount of standings to aqcuire? 

Don't cry around if you can't get those frames and weaponry to make your jobs easier and faster in this game. It's really stupid and tired for me to see each time people wants that to be nerfed, that nerfed, this nerfed, and those nerfed, simply because you can't feel you're doing anything. If you really feel your work will be taken away by others, then I recommend you to swtich that "PUBLIC" to other selections. That is, avoid Pubs to fix your problems.

The way I see it, is that you're in a bad situation of the game, and you want everyone to be as bad as well? No, that's not right, not healthy.


Mind telling me what weaponry and frames you like to use? 

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48 minutes ago, letir said:

1. They even make post about this on forum. Why should i make free lessons of Warframe balance for everyone, who never heard about Vivergate?

2. There is always demand for the cheap cheeze. The problem arises when this type of people get all of they want and discover that they left game brocken and violated, devoid of any gameplay by simple press of one button.

And i have all rights to complain. They ruin MY gamelpay, they killing MY attempt to actually play Warframe for once. And after that self-satisfied act they come on forum and complain that their almighty button is perfectly fine, in fact, it's too hard to press and probably button should be buffed.

I have the right, and i'm gonna use it.


Let me remind you that you can play games solo, invite-only, and friends-only. By that way, your efforts won't be taken away.

You can have the right and use it to expose your problems, but the way I see it is that you have issues with pubs, so by playing alone, you should be fine.

If you don't love seeing Embers, Mirages, and Ashes take away your gaming experience, leaving the game is always an option for you. You don't like it, you can leave it, run another one until you're satisfied.

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3 minutes ago, Mardana said:

By far what I see is you want to "FIX" your own gameplay experience by nerfing weapons that require MR12 and huge amount of standings to aqcuire? 

Don't cry around if you can't get those frames and weaponry to make your jobs easier and faster in this game. It's really stupid and tired for me to see each time people wants that to be nerfed, that nerfed, this nerfed, and those nerfed, simply because you can't feel you're doing anything. If you really feel your work will be taken away by others, then I recommend you to swtich that "PUBLIC" to other selections. That is, avoid Pubs to fix your problems.

The way I see it, is that you're in a bad situation of the game, and you want everyone to be as bad as well? No, that's not right, not healthy.


Mind telling me what weaponry and frames you like to use? 

Wow, this is so childish! You think i need to be a good player for spam Bladestorm, shoot around the simulor, or stay still while Sound Quake going on? Those really need a lot of efforts and skill! Don't talk me about mods, weapons, standing. Anyone can reach that point. Some buy the stuff, and can reach MR 12 with 300 hours.


Anyway, not treat me like a kid, because i'm not anymore.


I gladly play alone all the missions, and i do the most, but the game sometimes force you to find a team. Like the drop rate in fissures. 


Personaly, i like Ivara and Bows. But i don't know what matter here. 

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

Wow, this is so childish! You think i need to be a good player for spam Bladestorm, shoot around the simulor, or stay still while Sound Quake going on? Those really need a lot of efforts and skill! Don't talk me about mods, weapons, standing. Anyone can reach that point. Some buy the stuff, and can reach MR 12 with 300 hours.


Anyway, not treat me like a kid, because i'm not anymore.


I gladly play alone all the missions, and i do the most, but the game sometimes force you to find a team. Like the drop rate in fissures. 


Personaly, i like Ivara and Bows. But i don't know what matter here. 


Childish? Be a good player that can spam Bladestorm or Soundquake? I think you got my point all wrong darling, and you're not reading my points completely.

And no, I don't treat you like a kid, but you treat everyone else like kids, and we're not as well.

Playing Ivara that makes enemies sleep? No wonder your work will get taken away and cry at those who do the rest of jobs for you. If not, I assume you're either being sneaky pocket-picking, or playing guiding-arrows. Anyway, those were my assumtions.

If you fear to play with pubs in fissure missions, the recruit channel is always an option for you, and I love it, use it wisely, and be sure to tell them not to use frames you don't like to see.


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11 minutes ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

Wow, this is so childish! You think i need to be a good player for spam Bladestorm, shoot around the simulor, or stay still while Sound Quake going on? Those really need a lot of efforts and skill! Don't talk me about mods, weapons, standing. Anyone can reach that point. Some buy the stuff, and can reach MR 12 with 300 hours.

Anyone can reach that point but with TIME and/or MONEY. Only reason one is able to spam them is because they have the mods to do so. Remove those mods and viola, problem fixed.

18 minutes ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

I gladly play alone all the missions, and i do the most, but the game sometimes force you to find a team. Like the drop rate in fissures. 

Recruiting chat exists BTW. You don't need to play public to get a squad going. Host a mission and ask them not to use the frames you dislike.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

LOL, if this isn't kid thinking....


I got you want tell me to play alone, or with my friends. Have fun with your farmframe. Next.


Indeed that wasn't kid thinking, and yes, you should play alone, with friends, or with people via recruit channel. And stop treating me like a kid, seriously, how ironically you even told me not to while I didn't even try to.


If you think I am wrong with your usage of Ivara, then tell me what do you do with her in gameplay.

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Just now, (PS4)ghinellil said:

I got you want tell me to play alone, or with my friends. Have fun with your farmframe. Next.

It's called PUBLIC for a reason. Let's say I hate vegans for whatever reason. I go out in PUBLIC and I meet a vegan. I don't go and say "STOP BEING VEGAN, IT'S BAD". That's just rude to do and really childish. It's my fault for going out, knowing full well there are people that like being vegan.

Same goes for this. Say I hate Ember. I go into a PUBLIC mission with an Ember. I don't go on and say "STOP EATING MY KILLS, IT'S BAD". It's my fault for choosing PUBLIC when I can choose other options to avoid Ember. 

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42 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

If you really want to play for gunplay, go play something else. The game gave us powers to use, we built for it and put our time into it (farming all those mods, using forma to be able to fit mods, etc.) just so we can kill the S#&$ that we had a hard time with back when we started. All those abilities at their base aren't that strong without mods. Just remove mods, easy fix.

And for what exact purpose? To win Sortie with one button? Don't you understand, that this is pointless?

So, you make "endgame" build, or whatever cheeze build it may be.

You come onto Interception, push one button and stand on one place 30 minutes, doing nothing besides this.

Congrats, you won mission.


You just spend 30 minutes of your own life on something that even button macros can achieve.

Are you feeling well? When all you missions ends with just one button? When everyone and their mothers, even toddlers have 100% winrate?

When you just waiting on hollow map for one pointless virtual item in a computer game?

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5 hours ago, secret9005 said:

If you have a problem with Mirage and Synoid Simulor nerf the following as well please.

  • Zepyhr + Jet Stream and Tonkor
  • Saryn with Torid/Mutalist Cernos/Pox or Ignis/Hikou Prime
  • Mag with Lanka
  • Equinox/Excalibur/Banshee/Inaros/Ivara with Covert Lethality

Just some of the "OP" combos out there.

Simulor + mirage is way better. Learn the difference between OP and Broken. 

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24 minutes ago, letir said:

And for what exact purpose? To win Sortie with one button? Don't you understand, that this is pointless?

So, you make "endgame" build, or whatever cheeze build it may be.

You come onto Interception, push one button and stand on one place 30 minutes, doing nothing besides this.

Congrats, you won mission.


You just spend 30 minutes of your own life on something that even button macros can achieve.

Are you feeling well? When all you missions ends with just one button? When everyone and their mothers, even toddlers have 100% winrate?

When you just waiting on hollow map for one pointless virtual item in a computer game?

It seems you play differently from me, right? These efficient builds are there so I can clearly sortie fast yes. Why? Because like I said, it's fast. Other people don't have 8 hours a day to play the game. Some people have jobs/school and other stuff.

You have your definition of fun and I have my own. You can't tell me, "BUT THAT'S NOT FUN!". I find destroying enemies in thousands fun.

If I want to play your "FUN" way I can. I do it when I'm done farming stuff, or when I'm tired of RNG spitting in my face. There's a randomize button in the game that I use. You don't go forcing your way of fun down people's throats.

1 minute ago, Rapiddragon said:

Simulor + mirage is way better. Learn the difference between OP and Broken. 

Covert Lethality can instakill any mob you can deal a finisher on (which is most mobs). Tell me how that's not broken.

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7 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

Covert Lethality can instakill any mob you can deal a finisher on (which is most mobs). Tell me how that's not broken.

You can only perform it with your team, yeah a team wich mirage + simulor players don't have.

I miss understood the word. Sorry :(

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Just now, Rapiddragon said:

Sorry I miss understood with corrosive projection ( ahh my brain) But really you can't wipe out entire room with it in seconds .

You can wipe out X level enemies. It suffers no fall off. Only downside is that you can't deal finishers to everything. (Ospreys, Rollers, Bursa, Hyenas).

You can kill basically the whole Grineer armada (except rollers, but they're easy to kill anyways). You can kill most infested. You can kill a lot of Corpus. All of these in any level.

That sounds pretty broken to me.

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2 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

You can wipe out X level enemies. It suffers no fall off. Only downside is that you can't deal finishers to everything. (Ospreys, Rollers, Bursa, Hyenas).

You can kill basically the whole Grineer armada (except rollers, but they're easy to kill anyways). You can kill most infested. You can kill a lot of Corpus. All of these in any level.

That sounds pretty broken to me.

Why you need to kill enemys with 1000+ level. This tiny little dagger only performs better than simulor when you just don't need to continue it anymore.( since endless void missions are gone ) Most of players in this game plays within enemy level of 0-200 wich simulor + mirage overwhelms every single thing in this game.

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1 minute ago, Rapiddragon said:

Why you need to kill enemys with 1000+ level. This tiny little dagger only performs better than simulor when you just don't need to continue it anymore.( since endless void missions are gone ) Most of players in this game plays within enemy level of 0-200 wich simulor + mirage overwhelms every single thing in this game.

Still broken isn't it?

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1 minute ago, secret9005 said:

Still broken isn't it?

Not so much when we consider what level everyone is playing at. Thats why we don't see any "nerf covert lethality" threads. Lots of people making threads about simulor because something is wrong with simulor like valkyr before.

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3 hours ago, letir said:

I have the right, and i'm gonna use it.

It would be nice if you also used your right to read with comprehension.

Before you get on yoru high horse again, though, I do agree that the fact that two different gamestyles clash so hard is a problem and it should be solved in way satisfactory for both sides, not just one, whichever it would be. I have, on more than one occasion, suggested adding group finder tools and filters, which would allow players to make their teams less random without need to use recrutiment chat.

However, I will oppose such blind belief that "my way is better than yours".


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24 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

Still broken isn't it?

I disagree. It only allows you to kill one target per finisher, with a relatively slow animation attached to it. It mostly requires stealth or finisher openers abilities, and is still slower than using conventional means at any reasonable level (140 and under).

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