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Warframes Really Need Gender Swaps.


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The original intention of the gendered Warframes, (As much as some might want to pretend that it isn’t.) was to give the suggestion of females (in high numbers) playing Warframe.


Otherwise Warframe might be considered to be a sausage fest.




It goes without saying that anybody with the slightest intelligence should be able to see that this enforced single sex frame decree actually highlights the dudeapalooza (sausage fest factor)



And if we had a choice then we’d see a more genuine gender-rama.



So DE keep up the fabrication/deceit or let the chips fall where they may…

I... What? So you're turning this into some kind of conspiracy and saying anyone who disagrees is an idiot?


Oh boy, I'll get the tinfoil hats out, then we can have a real party. Maybe we can take turns taking wild guesses about the motives of other people without really knowing anything about their actual motives. Or maybe we can come up with elaborate tales of how everyone is out to deceive us and only we can see it? Ooh! Maybe we can insult people who disagree with us, so that we can stew in our ignorance and never consider any new ideas or even consider the fact that we might be wrong! That sounds like fun, don't you think?


Also, diversity of this type SOLELY for the sake of diversity is not true diversity. It's forced, and is just as bad if not worse than the alternative.

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Is this topic done to death? Yes. Why does it still get brought up? Because it is of importance to many players. Perhaps not to you. Which is understandable. But to make a sweeping statement that gender swapping is a waste of resources is incorrect. Its a waste for you. Not me. Who matters most? I guess the people paying the bills. Which in this case seems to be the no gender swappers....not so sure why im shooting myself in the foot here.


A waste of time would be to further dilute the mod pool by a LARGE amount by making all new frames to please both parties. A gender swap is as simple in most cases as a pixel swap. Now I am not a coder, so this next part is a coming from a place of ignorance. But it seems the skeletons for the frames are pretty much the same with just the outwward skins being the difference. IF this is the case it would be far easier and a far more elegant solution to just offer the damn gender swaps for platnium. DE makes money, some players are happy, some are not. But the bills get paid for minimal effort. Making 11 new frames would take a year + and drain vast amounts of dev time. Re-skins....not so much.


And this is why these threads still pop up. Because some of us think their purposed solution to the issue is crazy talk. I do. And in this game, the loudest voice gets the cake. Sure works for nerf threads. (this part was a joke....maybe.)

Edited by WARLOCKE
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I was excited to see the antimatter frame was coming out soon untill i saw the teaser pic and it showed it will be a female frame. Ugh. Now Im not going to knock guys who like playing with female frames nor should they knock us manly men. But really, genderswaps are the best route to please your customer base.

you neeed

to not be sexist


seriously thought

you think its THAT easy to just wip up an oposite gender? they would have to re do EVERYTHING EVERY ANIMATION

plus it means more time spent on REAL content rather then stupid &#! re-skins

they have said however they might release oposite gender ability varients (Q&A #8)


I disagree. It adds a different dynamic to the game I think. If you dont like the female frames then dont play them.

this as well





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you neeed

to not be sexist


seriously thought

you think its THAT easy to just wip up an oposite gender? they would have to re do EVERYTHING EVERY ANIMATION

plus it means more time spent on REAL content rather then stupid &#! re-skins

they have said however they might release oposite gender ability varients (Q&A #8)


this as well




I cant invest myself into the opposite gender. Does that make me sexists? Maybe. But it makes you a cross dresser as well. All in all Id rather be a sexist. Different strokes I guess. 



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So you say everybody playing saryn for example plays one and the same person. Thats not satisfying for somebody who wants to identify with his character, also I think it will get hard for the devs to make a lore out of this. Warframes are suits, and every player is a tenno, just wearing different warframe suits, so a gender change with changing your warframe is absolutely impossible as long as the devs dont give a really dumb explanation like " tenno are genderless beings".



Well said. We need gender swap.

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I cant invest myself into the opposite gender. Does that make me sexists? Maybe. But it makes you a cross dresser as well. All in all Id rather be a sexist. Different strokes I guess. 




 That doesn't make him a cross-dresser. He isn't wearing women's clothing. It is a videogame character. Don't play stupid.

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The idea that each Warframe is just a "suit" is incorrect. They are individuals. They are physically one with their suits, and their suits are designed just for them. They are not character classes in some huge open-world MMO, they are characters in a story (albeit a currently undeveloped one). There may be multiple Excaliburs in one mission, or something like that, but inside the lore/canon of the story -- from what currently can be interpreted -- there is only ONE Excalibur. Adding gender swaps completely breaks this concept, which SHOULD be a fairly simple concept to understand.


Could you point me to where the devs actually said this? Surely if this was officially stated to be the case this topic wouldn't come up nearly as often. Nobody asks to play as a female Master Chief, after all. 



you think its THAT easy to just wip up an oposite gender? they would have to re do EVERYTHING EVERY ANIMATION



What makes you think that? The frames share a pretty significant number of animations and they all seem to share the same skeleton. It should be a fairly simple matter to port over the existing animations.


Everything else aside, creating alternate skins for the different frames takes significantly fewer resources than creating entirely new frames with entirely new movesets that would be added to the RNG, making it even more difficult to get what we actually want. 

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Could you point me to where the devs actually said this? Surely if this was officially stated to be the case this topic wouldn't come up nearly as often. Nobody asks to play as a female Master Chief, after all. 



What makes you think that? The frames share a pretty significant number of animations and they all seem to share the same skeleton. It should be a fairly simple matter to port over the existing animations.


Everything else aside, creating alternate skins for the different frames takes significantly fewer resources than creating entirely new frames with entirely new movesets that would be added to the RNG, making it even more difficult to get what we actually want. 


You made my point far better than I ever could.

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Could you point me to where the devs actually said this? Surely if this was officially stated to be the case this topic wouldn't come up nearly as often. Nobody asks to play as a female Master Chief, after all. 


The idea that each Warframe is just a "suit" is incorrect. They are individuals. They are physically one with their suits, and their suits are designed just for them. They are not character classes in some huge open-world MMO, they are characters in a story (albeit a currently undeveloped one). There may be multiple Excaliburs in one mission, or something like that, but inside the lore/canon of the story -- from what currently can be interpreted -- there is only ONE Excalibur. Adding gender swaps completely breaks this concept, which SHOULD be a fairly simple concept to understand.


Pretty sure only scott was still in that boat as far as the devs go.  Also the bosses taunt you and referr to you by your account name. Implying that we have our own character.... Then they refer to the warframe as a suit.... so.... get over that one real quick would ya?

Edited by Varo_Sanumai
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Could you point me to where the devs actually said this? Surely if this was officially stated to be the case this topic wouldn't come up nearly as often. Nobody asks to play as a female Master Chief, after all. 


  I believe it was mentioned in one of the Livestreams. I want to say it was the Art Showcase livestream, not sure. One of the earlier ones.


 They responded to the question "Why isn't there a Gender swap?" and Steve answered saying they want Warframes to be characters, not classes.


 Ember is Ember. Another woman in the suit wouldn't be Ember. The Warframe she wears is the Fire suit. 

 Excalibur is Excalibur. He wears his particular suit and that is how the powers manifest.


 A Man wearing the Fire suit wouldn't be Ember. It'd be a new character.


 This line of thought has been around for at least five months. I remember this being a part of discussion of this type since my own joining up.



What makes you think that? The frames share a pretty significant number of animations and they all seem to share the same skeleton. It should be a fairly simple matter to port over the existing animations.


Everything else aside, creating alternate skins for the different frames takes significantly fewer resources than creating entirely new frames with entirely new movesets that would be added to the RNG, making it even more difficult to get what we actually want. 


 I don't think that matters. I think this comes down to DE wanting to use the 'Missing Genders' to fill up the roster even more. Instead of one Fire Frame they can have two. 


 And because they seem to want to do it in that fashion they can't do it just yet. They are still working on expanding the various types of themes and play styles they've got covered.

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Ok Blatant, good reply. But it does not cover what some of us pro-swappers are trying to express.


The most common anti-swap reply is that it will drain resources. I have already pointed out that this is not a very stable line of reasoning.

The story is so bare bones at the moment (sadly) that I think they can go either way with the frames. And you would have the fan base split on that as well.


About the only good thing to come from this division is the fact that the game is so good that it has spawned very intense thoughts on the matter (other than the old and tired "go away" or "stfu" pics and threads.) But the fact remains that I, as a player, would pay money to have a gender swap option.

And I fail to see how anyone lose's if we get one.


DE makes money for little effort (in contrast to their purposed solution anyhow).

"Sexist" players are happy because we do not have to pansy out  and put on a lobster skirt to play support.

"Cross-Dressers" are happy because the "sexists" finally shut the **** up about it.


Its the Micheal Scott win/win/win/lose method. The ones that lose are the people who dont care either way.

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 Warlocke, I'm all for being able to swap too. I just think it is pretty likely that the Gender you choose from will be a Warframe in and of itself.


 I really doubt DE would make such a move without making sure that it wasn't much harder to obtain the Gender of your choosing. In the long run I figure they might choose to make it as close to a non-issue as possible.



 I guess I just see the things I'm talking about as an advantage to Warframe. I can understand some of the things Corrtek and you are saying just fine.


 For instance, even I don't have a perfect answer for how to solve the nastiest issue in what I've mentioned - which would be the big, big increase in the amount of Warframe skillcards.


 However I'd like to mention that this problem exists regardless. Say they never add these imaginary gender swapped Warframe I mentioned - there will still be new Warframes of other types anyway. The number of skillcards will grow over time all the same.

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 Warlocke, I'm all for being able to swap too. I just think it is pretty likely that the Gender you choose from will be a Warframe in and of itself.


 I really doubt DE would make such a move without making sure that it wasn't much harder to obtain the Gender of your choosing. In the long run I figure they might choose to make it as close to a non-issue as possible.



 I guess I just see the things I'm talking about as an advantage to Warframe. I can understand some of the things Corrtek and you are saying just fine.


 For instance, even I don't have a perfect answer for how to solve the nastiest issue in what I've mentioned - which would be the big, big increase in the amount of Warframe skillcards.


 However I'd like to mention that this problem exists regardless. Say they never add these imaginary gender swapped Warframe I mentioned - there will still be new Warframes of other types anyway. The number of skillcards will grow over time all the same.


True. And I guess the problem of the mod pool is not going to go away. But I think the mod system is flawed anyhow and this is one of the reasons why.


Give me my MAN TRIN! 24 inch pecs and a lobster bib please.

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True. And I guess the problem of the mod pool is not going to go away. But I think the mod system is flawed anyhow and this is one of the reasons why.


Give me my MAN TRIN! 24 inch pecs and a lobster bib please.


 Oh god that'd be brilliant. Lobster King. Honestly I hope you get it at some point, be it the way I suspect or via a skin.

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The devs are 100% in the right considering it's their game/universe. They could have said males were wiped out and all you have is female frames, and still be right.

And they could also lose most to all their playerbase to that. And have it changed to 3yo lil girls who both dislike/aren't recommended to be playing this game and don't own a single penny. And they'd still be right.

…Oh wait...

That doesn't make him a cross-dresser. He isn't wearing women's clothing. It is a videogame character. Don't play stupid.

"That doesn't make him sexist. He never implied men were better than women (or vice-versa). It is a videogame character. Don't play stupid."

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I'm not sure a gender "swap" is the answer, but there really does need to be both genders for all power types.  It's part of the reason I hardly ever play my Ember.  I prefer playing male characters and while I'd ditch my Ember in a second if there was a male Warframe with a fire power set.  Doesn't really matter how different they are from Ember's powers.  I'm sure people feel the same way about Frost (men AND women).


So whether gender swaps are simply a skin you can select in the color customization menu or a new Warframe entirely, like primes, I'm all for it.

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Sooooo many armchair Freuds in here. Just because someone would prefer to play as a character the same gender as them doesn't make them insecure, or sexist, or a bigot, or anything. This would be a great option to have. I'd love to see what a male Saryn would look like, or a female Rhino.

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