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challenge missions


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before the enter of relics sys, i go to the void and Host challenge missions with particolar warframe( example 20 waves in t4 with all CC warafrme, or 30 waves with 4 nekros )...but if the DE will create a challenge missions? This type of mission we have to use particolar warframe not what you want, and will be no easy:

example: survival 15 minutes lev 70 for start, in  void with nova mag ember nyx only rifle.

the gift will be endo or mods or potato and will be to the void :)


Edited by Matt89Connor
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2 minutes ago, Matt89Connor said:

example: survival 15 minutes lev 70 for start, in  void with nova mag ember nyx only rifle.

This is actually in the game. You just have to wait until the 3rd Sorite rolls Survival and there you go, lvl80-100 enemies.

Edit: I hate survival btw, always watching a bar not to be emptied.

Edited by Doxorn
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1 hour ago, Doxorn said:

This is actually in the game. You just have to wait until the 3rd Sorite rolls Survival and there you go, lvl80-100 enemies.

Edit: I hate survival btw, always watching a bar not to be emptied.

but mine challenge that i was host before the relics was with specific warframe and this will be more difficolt XD

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1 hour ago, Doxorn said:

I am sorry. What? I don't really get what you are trying to say :D

hahahahah XD sorry for bad eng....mine intention to say is, then the challenge will be with 4 specifc warframe you have to use for win but this will not casual this may be have a sense ( example i wrote before was nova mag ember and nyx with only rifle in surv 15minutes void liv 70, it's not easy , but no impossible obiovlsy) :)

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I made a suggestion similar to this in that mission poll that DE ran, where say, the enemy had captured a bunch of "empty" Frames, and we managed to remote activate them, but they all had "random" Mods (lets call those "Mods from another Operator", with some Mods being offline or damaged) and we have to do a mission AND get the Frames out alive, maybe with no respawn on "death".

Basically DE would control ALL "choice" part aspect of what we can do the mission with, and we simply improvise with what we have been given.

This would do things like allow people that have never used a particular Frame to try one out, use guns they never used, and basically play outside of their normal comfort zones, and since it's "optional missions", if you don't like them, don't do them.

Edited by DSpite
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