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Major Volt Buffs (Lots Of Improvements)


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For his Speed ability, he should leave behind a trail of electricity and he should also be covered in electrical stunning and causing elec damage. His melee weapons should be twice as fast and cause elec damage. He should also be immune to all knockdowns including laser doors.


His shield should be really large and not allow enemies to past through. It should also stun and cause elec damage upon touching it as well as adding elec damage to all bullets and projectiles and not have missiles blowing up in their faces(I just know this happened to someone).


The ultimate should be twice as big and twice as strong plus stun everything including infested. Anyone in the field would do elec damage for a short duration and get a speed boost to rate of  fire, swing and running(This includes Volt as well).


The first ability should just chain to every enemy in a wide range and stun them and do more damage. You should be able to hold down the button to make the chain longer and last longer. Creating a long chain of damage starting with 3-5 enemies making this the longest range power skill.


This all sounds about right and boost his default speed. And anyone cloaked under ghost should be immune to everything including laser doors. Not this half assed immune crap. And cloak the stealth kill animation under ghost.

Edited by XDeathCoreX
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For his Speed ability... He should also be immune to all knockdowns including laser doors.


He already is immune to laser doors with Speed.


His shield already applies damage to enemies if they walk through it.


The ultimate does stun everything hit by it. But it does need a larger AoE with how large the animation is and the fact that it's strength comes from affected electronics in the area.

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I'm under the impression that Volt is mostly fine as is. His first ability needs to be buffed for sure. The duration on his Speed could be increased as well. His shield is actually very useful at the moment, it just needs to work on bolt/thrown weapons like Despair and the Paris. I'm not sure his ultimate needs much changing as it's already good against Corpus.

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I'm under the impression that Volt is mostly fine as is. His first ability needs to be buffed for sure. The duration on his Speed could be increased as well. His shield is actually very useful at the moment, it just needs to work on bolt/thrown weapons like Despair and the Paris. I'm not sure his ultimate needs much changing as it's already good against Corpus.


I'm under the impression that Volt is mostly fine as is. His first ability needs to be buffed for sure. The duration on his Speed could be increased as well. His shield is actually very useful at the moment, it just needs to work on bolt/thrown weapons like Despair and the Paris. I'm not sure his ultimate needs much changing as it's already good against Corpus.

The Corpus are pathetic and they have no armor or meat in their bones. You can kill them fast on Pluto with an unranked DERA(Their own weapon).

Edited by XDeathCoreX
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I'm under the impression that Volt is mostly fine as is. His first ability needs to be buffed for sure. The duration on his Speed could be increased as well. His shield is actually very useful at the moment, it just needs to work on bolt/thrown weapons like Despair and the Paris. I'm not sure his ultimate needs much changing as it's already good against Corpus.


The problem is if you got no electronics to destroy nearby his ult does garbage for damage, like less than 200 to non-corpus. It should IMO re-use already blown up electronics with maybe a slight dmg decrease, I mean while the base electronic is gone, they are still there, sparking with live electric current going thru them. Also I'll be honest most of the frames 1st skill is garbage for most. Then again most of the frame abilities are bad anyway. Alot of them are way to niche. Vauban is a prime example, he is great in a situation where yoru camping the same spot bascally, like Defense, but once you get into a mission you move around in his powers mostly become worthless. I mean u can crouch down and look up to stick Tesla to your Sentinel but thats a major pain in the &#! to do every 30 seconds. Which is kinda why I proposed some new abilities that are dropped like mods, That you can find and use that can change yoru role. As an example lets take Tesla, Normal one is as it is drops a turret near your crosshair. The Alt power when could could call 4 hovering turrets that follow you for say 20-30 seconds and shoots at anything nearby, damage will be a tiny bit less than tesla due to it being mobile. His other 3 powers though I have no idea what a good alt would be, maybe some direct damage abilities.

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The only ability that needs a change is Shock, Speed is fine as a runaway tactic or save someone fast., but needs more uses, Electric shield is too small and needs to block enemies and Overload are amazing only on Corpus.


Don't touch my Volt, First Frame Main Frame.


Closed Beta Volt starter.

This closed Beta Volt starter wants Volt to not be outshined anymore by other warframes and to stop being the underdog. Overload is dangerous on infested on high levels and high level grineer just shake their booty and continue shooting.


other frames just kill everything and don't need Focus or an ugly helmet to do it often.


Furthermore, I'd like to use more than just Speed and Shield as they are the most effective.


There maybe lots of ways to use speed but it's not necessary for all those tasks. it's best use is farming.

Edited by XDeathCoreX
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Personally, I would love to see Speed leave behind a path of destruction. If not that, maybe a effect that encourages melee combat such as stunning an enemy that comes into contact with him, or even have it apply to melee animations.

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Personally, I would love to see Speed leave behind a path of destruction. If not that, maybe a effect that encourages melee combat such as stunning an enemy that comes into contact with him, or even have it apply to melee animations.


Personally, I would love to see Speed leave behind a path of destruction. If not that, maybe a effect that encourages melee combat such as stunning an enemy that comes into contact with him, or even have it apply to melee animations.

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