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Struggling the rank up misisons


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I imagine that they are great for those who can play every day, but for anyone else it makes ranking up very slow. Especially early on when you do not know what frame or equipment to take and you do not know about where to practice. Even using the practice consoles I am having difficulties. For instence I am doing a platform course that is timed, but the platforms are white on a white background, making them very hard to see. Is there anything I can to mitigate this?


I am really struggling with the rank 11 mission. I just cant get past it. If I cant it seems like there is no point playing any more as I will not be able to unlock planets, missions and weapons (or am I worng there?). I love this game but I am frustrated with these rank up missions beyond belief. The video thing being the most important - maybe my eyes just are not as good as they used to be...:/

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by TheKovacs
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57 minutes ago, TheKovacs said:

I imagine that they are great for those who can play every day, but for anyone else it makes ranking up very slow. Especially early on when you do not know what frame or equipment to take and you do not know about where to practice. Even using the practice consoles I am having difficulties. For instence I am doing a platform course that is timed, but the platforms are white on a white background, making them very hard to see. Is there anything I can to mitigate this?


I am really struggling with the rank 11 mission. I just cant get past it. If I cant it seems like there is no point playing any more as I will not be able to unlock planets, missions and weapons (or am I worng there?). I love this game but I am frustrated with these rank up missions beyond belief. The video thing being the most important - maybe my eyes just are not as good as they used to be...:/

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

First off you have to stop looking at high MR as some sort of real progression. It's not. At best, it's a gating mechanics to stop Syndicate weapons and other things getting into wide spread use too fast. Just because you don't have a Synoid <insert weapon here> does not mean you can't play the game.

The WF wiki usually states what Frames can trivialize what MR tests, so yes, Iif you want to minimize effort because the conditions in one test are worse then others, you would need to have the correct Frame, but other then that, it's just down to memorization of the levels, and can be done with any Frame. Titania at the moment, because of flight, is one one the Frames that can bypass a lot of problems.

MR is not a Planet or Mission lock, it just effects some weapons, number of extractors out, oudout slots ... minor things. Being MR8 is about the only real step you would need just to get to Baro when he is on Pluto, and I have MR8 on an account where all Frames and weapons were not obtained via plat, so MR8 is trivial.

The sooner you stop thinking that you "need" to have everything, the better the game will be. If you want to be a collector it's one thing, if you want just to play the game because you enjoy the style of the game, then just find the weapons you find more fun to use, not the ones that just have the biggest DPS, it will burn you out in the long run.


You are already in a clan, and have a Soma Prime and an Akstilleto Prime. You also seem to like Mirage. The only thing you lack at the moment to trivialize the game more then you can already is to get a normal SImulor [you already have one] - not even a Synoid one - so really, other then an MR text hiccup, I think you are over-reacting.

I know it's frustrating when you fail an MR test, but it's not really stopping you from doing anything in-game, other then maybe having a Synoid Simulor - I have a disapproving look on my face right now :) - so other then practice the test more, I don't really know what to tell you.

Edited by DSpite
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At MR11 this is all you're locked out of:

Rank 12   Rakta Cernos Sancti Tigris Secura Penta Synoid Simulor Telos Boltor Vaykor Hek    
Rank 13   Tigris Prime   Galatine Prime

Only other things are Daily Reputation, a few loadout slots, and the number of points your unranked weapon starts out with.

The visuals aren't great for seeing clearly, but don't give me too many problems. It could just be my graphics settings. Maybe go into the Simulacrum (if you have access to it) or one of the Mastery tests you can sit in for a bit and adjust your settings until you can see better. Probably focus on Brightness, Contrast, and Bloom.

Other than that, the mastery tests really aren't too difficult and don't require specific frames or weapons.

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I just ran the test with what I logged in with, which was a Limbo with a Latron Wraith, and I did it fairly slowly (I had the counter down to 3 seconds at one stage in the start section before the elevator) - and I even fell off once.

Modded Titania with Energy Syphon and I had 1.25 energy/s cost on Razowing, and gave her a shotgun modded just for ammo capacity and reload speed.

You can turn on Razorwing and fly the entire first section all the way to the elevator, spamming shotgun rounds at the orbs with close to zero effort. The maze should be simple enough when you know the layout, then just fly the end section so you don't have to jump anything.

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