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Idea For A Warframe


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I feel like a defensive Warframe would be pretty cool to play as. He wouldn't be like rhino, because he would be more distraction oriented. He would play more of a support role; helping you finish missions like hostage, protecting the cryopod in defence missions, and saving your partners all together. I don't really have a good name for him (i was thinking Snapper (like a snapping turtle)), his abilities would be:


Turtle Up: dramatically raise the armor of all allies in a radius for a short duration of time (leveling up could increase the duration, radius, or armor given)


Callused Skin: when you use this, your armor will raise more and more after each time you get hit (will last until you are not being attacked anymore (like 1 sec after last hit taken)) (leveling up could increase the duration or armor gained per hit)


Snapping Bite: do a large amount of armor piercing damage to a certain target (leveling up would increase the damage)



Tough Bait: all enemies in a radius attack you instead of their previous target (leveling up would increase the radius)



sooo good idea or no?

Edited by MyNameIsDraven
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Good, but I disagree. I'd believe that DE would want original ideas, rather than those based off of other Frames. This combines Loki/Saryn's Decoy/Molt abilities (taking enemy attention), Mag's defensive shield-replenishing ability, Trinity's abilities which improve the party's survival... Also, Frost fits that description perfectly with his Snow Globe ability.


Besides, if they have thought of the Warframes, surely they would have thought about combining their abilities, and didn't approve of it (for now)...

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its not really anything like lokis or saryns ability lol? it makes everyone attack him, there isn't an object being attacked instead, and it would be instant to rather than lokis where it takes time for the enemy to notice it. also it wouldnt keep going, it would be a onetime burst (that would also get people hiding behind walls and barriers). For the mag thing, its not sheilds or a replenishing sheild, your armor gets raised, you still take damage, it just makes the damage less and less. Trinity is a support, thats like saying there cant be any other warframes who do damage because excalibur already does damage. And frost is not a good defensive support at all lol, he just blocks your shots and doesnt let you see through the snowglobe (he doesnt take all of the fire either, so your partners still get downed like crazy). I'm pretty sure these ideas are as original as they come (i mean besides it reminding people of TMNT)

Edited by MyNameIsDraven
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