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Get rid of sorties; add a casual-friendly way to get sortie rewards


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Does this will provide diversity ?


Will I approve your idea ?


and sorry (or not) to use my tools in order to complete missions...

On 03/10/2016 at 5:25 AM, PUR3K1LL3R said:

If you can't handle level 50+ enemies in a game that's full of cheese, then I don't know what to tell you.


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I don't think anything is really wrong with the difficulty or lack there of in sorties. As for the casual aspect, if you are really interested in sorties you can't exactly be considered casual anymore (by most opinions of what casual is).

I'm going to give my experience with getting lenses while working a full time job. I went to the market and bought Greater Lenses. Why you may ask? Simple. Because the little time I had to play the wouldn't allow me to farm the lenses while still enjoying the rest of the game.

That means that you can farm Prime parts to trade and then just buy the lenses if you don't want to use real money. This method is probably much faster than doing the sorties for the lenses.

This is just my opinion with possible alternate ways to achieve a goal. I like doing sorties, but I don't like doing them for the rewards. The rng of sortie rewards kinda ticked me off.

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Right, no one is 100% right, and 100% wrong. 

Sorties can be fun.  Sorties can be challenging.  Sorties can offer new ways to play the game.

They don't all the time.  Defending an extremely stupid AI that moves on its own volition is bad game design.  Essentially no energy is bad design.  Radiation hazards can be badly designed.  Scaling enemies in general are just bad game design.  Scaling anything, is bad game design, etc etc.  Sorties both bring out the worst and best in what Warframe has to offer.  Sometimes you can just cheese them forever, other times they're little more than exercises in frustration.  Sometimes they're actually kind of fun and interesting.

There is no simple solution to this.  However, I have to say we should keep the sorties.  They're honestly not that hard and some days are much easier than the rest, and they are rewarding.  It's also a bit more stimulating than trash tier endless survivals, but just look for some straight-forward sorties that aren't ridiculous and you still have a chance to get good rewards.  

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