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Oznik- The Grineer Frame


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UPDATE 23-03-17



Credit: @CrashingBull

He is a great artist/3D Modeler, you should check him out 




General Stats: 0/30

Hp: 150/450

Armor: 475

Shield: 25/75

Power: 100/150

Sprint Speed: 1.00

Passive: Immunity to magnetic procs (< only regarding his power and HUD! Shields are still debuffed!) and ammo slowly regenerates for him and teammates in affinity sharing range.

The ammo regenerates with a static number *ASWELL* as a percent amount so that big and small ammo pools regenerate at a certain pace.




Roller Turret: Cost 25 energy

You place a roller turret in front of you and it rolls to the location you aimed while casting. When they run out of ammo they will turn into normal rollers attacking the closest enemy, when there are no enemies in range they will go back to the set location.

It shows its ammo pool above your ability icon and you can refuel their ammo by using the [interact] button (refill costs 5 energy, or if there’s no enemies they will pick up sniper ammo packs which each replenish 50 bullets). 30% status chance with purely Blast and Slash procs. (Status and damage can be increased with strength mods+) Fire rate of 15 and a crit chance of 15% and a crit multiplier of 2 (Also affected by pistol mods). They share armor and health with Oznik.

Rank 0: Ammo cap 100, 10 damage

Rank 1: Ammo cap 150, 15 damage

Rank 2: Ammo cap 200, 20 damage

Rank 3: Ammo cap 250, 25 damage

(note 60% in slash and 40% in blast i.e. 15 slash and 10 blast at max rank)





Arc Mine: Cost 50 energy

You can lay 3 different mines. Each stuns enemies with electricity to make sure you catch at least one enemy with the mine.

Cryotic mine, it releases pulverized cryotic slowly freezing the enemy in place.

Napalm mine, will cover the floor and enemies in non ignited napalm. Shooting the napalm makes it explode launching and ragdolling enemies. Enemies covered in the napalm will take additional damage from the Explosion (5x base, multiplier affected by strength). Because of the pulses you can technically make this mine blow up 3 times each dealing 500 damage with no damage drop.

Poison mine, a cloud of smog is released. Enemies hit get affected with Viral, Corrosive and Toxin procs. The Toxin dot deals 150 damage per second.

For the napalm and cryotic mine it releases one "pulse" every five seconds for the whole duration, whereas the poison mine just gets an extended time on cloud.

(also note that the chosen effect only activates 0.5 seconds after the electric stun)

Rank 0: Effective range 3,75 meter diameter, 2.5 seconds of debuff

Rank 1: Effective range 7,5 meter diameter, 5 seconds of debuff

Rank 2: Effective range 11,25 meter diamater, 7.5 seconds of debuff

Rank 3: Effective range 15 meter diameter, 10 seconds of debuff

(Note the electric stun goes for half of the debuff duration)





Cluster Grenades: Cost 75

You throw a cluster of grenades in a large cone were you are aiming, all sticking to the surface they land on, then explode after 2 seconds within contact.They have a 100% Chance to proc blast when they explode and have drop-off in flight. Each grenade flies for 20 meters in front of you (if aimed at exact normal head height, i.e. it goes further if its thrown at an angle upwards) and is thrown in a 70 degree spread. Each grenade is separated by approximately 4.7 degrees. Range mods affect the width in degrees (up to 145%), grenade explosion radius and grenade velocity (range covered in the same time i.e. more range).

Rank 0: Each grenade deals 125 blast damage, 3 grenades total, 14°

Rank 1: Each grenade deals 250 blast damage, 7 grenades total, 32,7°

Rank 2: Each grenade deals 375 blast damage, 11 grenades total 51,3°

Rank 3: Each grenade deals 500 blast damage, 15 grenades total, 70°





Bombardment: Cost 50 to cast, then 15 energy per second

You fly into the air activating your hellion-ish jetpack (at this point you control like in Arch-Wing). The fire button shoots "Hellion-shrapnel-missiles" which shoot at a fire rate of 20 and have a 100% chance to proc slash and his alt-fire is a flamethrower which you can use to set the floor on fire, enemies will try to evade the fire by using other paths if possible. Shooting enemies directly with the flametrhower will deal minor (15 heat per second) damage but always proc heat. Upon recast he crashes down into a ground pound. Upon landing enemies around him (15 meters) get blinded from smoke for 2 seconds.

Rank 0: 30 damage missiles, flames last for 10 seconds

Rank 1: 60 damage missiles, flames last for 25 seconds

Rank 2: 90 damage missiles, flames last for 50 seconds

Rank 3: 120 damage missiles, flames last for 90 seconds

(note the missiles deal 30% puncture and 70% slash i.e. 36 puncture and 64 slash at max rank, the base range of the flamethrower is 15 meters unaffected by mods or rank)




My reasoning on why this can exist

The Grineer have been researching Infestation (as evident on certain tiles on the Uranus tileset) and they have a breakthrough in understanding the Technocyte. They used their new knowledge to create a suit to fight Warframes more effectively. A pseudo Warframe so to say. As the cheeky lil' buggers we are, we got wind of this. So in short we went over there and broke it (ill leave quest details to DE because i think they can exicute this better than me). It was quite effective while it lasted, so Ordis made a blueprint to 'Tenno-Reforge' the leftovers of the suit into a fully functional Warframe.
Of course this must sound very blunt and basic but you see, im not DE and i wont pretend to be the best at making videogames either.




My friend was the one who created this Frame, but he insisted that I upload on my Profile. Hope you guys like it.

-DerkmeisterPrime and Jemmanelli

Edited by DerkmeisterPrime
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14 hours ago, Matt89Connor said:

will be an idea for a kind of false warframe create form the greneer to kill tenno

Only they wouldn't know how to make one, don't know how transference works, or what it even is, and they wouldn't have anyone that could survive transference.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎07‎.‎10‎.‎2016 at 0:32 AM, Rehtael7 said:

Only they wouldn't know how to make one, don't know how transference works, or what it even is, and they wouldn't have anyone that could survive transference.

Well to be blunt, with mass cloning facilities i dont think that replacing a pilot every now and then is a downside...

People always think that Grineer are stupid which annoys me a bit, they wouldn pose such a threat to the corpus if they were that much dumber, they have research regarding Infestation going on (check uranus if you dont believe me), so i dont see why they wouldnt be able to make a Pseudo-Warframe that doesnt use transference or edgy space magic, and like i said, the pilot dying every now and then isnt much of a downside when theyre so replacable.


On ‎03‎.‎10‎.‎2016 at 3:04 PM, Shad0wWatcher said:

Sho-shouldn't you come up with your own name instead of the name of a skin that's already in the game?

If it bothers people that much i can always choose something else, I had problems coming up with a name i liked and then i found Faven_PS's work. Graxx sounds grineer, is short, not difficult to type and this warframe will probably have striking similarity to the skins. So i thought it to be fitting. Aye if you know the grineer word for Pseudo-Warframe that is short, easy to type and remember and has a nice ring to it. Knock yourself out, tell me, please.


On ‎05‎.‎10‎.‎2016 at 10:06 PM, WingedDragonofRa said:

since its a grineer frame would we get it from the grineer research lab or a grineer assassination?

My preference would be over an assasination over which you find your usual Chassis, Neuroptics and Systems which all have to be "Tenno-Modified" to turn it into an Actual warframe. The blueprint should not be found there as he is "re-engineered" to have transference, energy usage for powers and so on.



Sorry for the late update but school and family have priorities. :P

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5 hours ago, Jemmanelli said:

Well to be blunt, with mass cloning facilities i dont think that replacing a pilot every now and then is a downside...

Syvana described transference as horribly painful. She was a perfectly healthy Orokin citizen. I doubt the feeble Grineer could even handle it, ASSUMING they'd ever learn what transference is and how it works.


5 hours ago, Jemmanelli said:

People always think that Grineer are stupid

They are a bit stupid, but more importantly they're technologically regressed.The most advanced technology they seem to own is short-range teleportation. Transference is the amongst the height of Orokin technological advancements.

Also note the amount of training the Tenno have gone through. Even if you could just replace the grineer operator no problem, the replacement would have to learn how to use it as well.

Also as Warframes are made of Technocyte, Grineer don't know how to make them. Manipulating Technocyte is a study lost to time.

Also note that the Queens have a strict do-not-touch policy on Tenno and Tenno technology. Ever since Vor's bumble, they don't want anyone even messing with Tenno tech.

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2 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

Syvana described transference as horribly painful. She was a perfectly healthy Orokin citizen. I doubt the feeble Grineer could even handle it, ASSUMING they'd ever learn what transference is and how it works.


They are a bit stupid, but more importantly they're technologically regressed.The most advanced technology they seem to own is short-range teleportation. Transference is the amongst the height of Orokin technological advancements.

Also note the amount of training the Tenno have gone through. Even if you could just replace the grineer operator no problem, the replacement would have to learn how to use it as well.

Also as Warframes are made of Technocyte, Grineer don't know how to make them. Manipulating Technocyte is a study lost to time.

Also note that the Queens have a strict do-not-touch policy on Tenno and Tenno technology. Ever since Vor's bumble, they don't want anyone even messing with Tenno tech.

I thought i mentioned that the Grineer used it as a more traditional suit!

5 hours ago, Jemmanelli said:

so i dont see why they wouldnt be able to make a Pseudo-Warframe that doesnt use transference or edgy space magic,

there it is actually


5 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

Also note the amount of training the Tenno have gone through. Even if you could just replace the grineer operator no problem, the replacement would have to learn how to use it as well.

While what youre saying isnt untrue, using it like the mentioned "Pseudo-Warframe" is in no way comparable to an actual Warframe if you ask me. (Pseudo=false/fake)



8 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

Also as Warframes are made of Technocyte, Grineer don't know how to make them. Manipulating Technocyte is a study lost to time

Like i mentioned before, theyre studying the Infested and who is to say they cant ever have a breakthrough?

They are Technologically regressed to the degree where its called "arcane" but they are not dumb. They visit earth where one of the most hindering life forms (ignoring plants) is the feral kubrow, not much later they trained special personel known as Drahk masters to guide gene modified kubrows to battle. Same with Hyekkas. Sadly there are no Grineer Shaxx's. This is probably just a plot hole but if the grineer are that much dumber, then how are they even a threat to the corpus? Or us the Tenno?


Until now the lore is based of off the Grineer having a breakthrough in understanding the technocyte and therefore making a "Pseudo-Warframe" suit for trained personel to wear.

Obviously not as strong as an actual Warframe.


Afterall the version which's stats have been provided is the "Tenno-reforged" version of the actual Grineer Graxx unit.

Im really sorry about the wall of text mate.

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Almost forgot to mention it. Vor might be "dead" but he knew what transference was. So its not something that Grineer just cant fathom due to their genetics. :P

Vor knows a couple things about warframes. For example that theyre only "vessels" that "shape" the Tenno's  power. He said that once. Forgot when. Probably in one of his bossfights... If i find it again ill make sure to link it here.

Edited by Jemmanelli
i fixed a typo
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6 minutes ago, Jemmanelli said:

Almost forgot to mention it. Vor might be "dead" but he knew what transference was. So its not something that Grineer just cant fathom due to their genetics. :P

Vor knows a couple things about warframes. For example that theyre only "vessels" that "shape" the Tenno's  power. He said that once. Forgot when. Probably in one of his bossfights... If i find it again ill make sure to link it here.

I found it: "We've been wrong all this time. Tenno do not control the Warframe's divine energy. The Tenno ARE that energy. Each Warframe you control is merely a glass shaping your furious light." < that is said during the third mission of the beginning.

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"Soon the worm will be in your spine and I will control this Warframe of yours... I will purge your doting mother and bring you home." < This is even said in the Fith mission...

Im not saying that Grineer know how Warframes work, but Vor defenetly knows how they work.

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6 hours ago, Jemmanelli said:

Like i mentioned before, theyre studying the Infested and who is to say they cant ever have a breakthrough?

Infestation studies pretty much ended with Tengus.


6 hours ago, Jemmanelli said:

This is probably just a plot hole but if the grineer are that much dumber, then how are they even a threat to the corpus? Or us the Tenno?

Sheer overwhelming numbers, a unified people with only one goal, mass production facilities, and their entire populous is a disposable military force. The Grineer have sheer numbers on their side, to the point at which they don't need advanced technology to be dangerous. Corpus rely upon it. They're fewer in number, a more divided people, and don't have the military production of the Grineer.

Edited by Rehtael7
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6 hours ago, Jemmanelli said:

Im not saying that Grineer know how Warframes work, but Vor defenetly knows how they work.

Even if Vor knows how they work, he's not part of the Grineer anymore. Note that he's pretty firmly outcasted by the Queens, and he's... Well, he's content to be void jesus.


6 hours ago, Jemmanelli said:

Until now the lore is based of off the Grineer having a breakthrough in understanding the technocyte and therefore making a "Pseudo-Warframe" suit for trained personel to wear.

Obviously not as strong as an actual Warframe.

Well then it's not a warframe, is it? It's just armor.

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4 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

Even if Vor knows how they work, he's not part of the Grineer anymore. Note that he's pretty firmly outcasted by the Queens, and he's... Well, he's content to be void jesus.


Well then it's not a warframe, is it? It's just armor.

Despite that, Vor probably kept research notes somewhere. Who says that someone like Dr. Tengus can't get their hands on it and make use of it.

Also, I believe that is the whole point of this. The armor is copied off of Vor's data, and then said armor is reverse engineered via Ordis and is made into a full-fledged Warframe.

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1 minute ago, Kerberos-3 said:

Despite that, Vor probably kept research notes somewhere. Who says that someone like Dr. Tengus can't get their hands on it and make use of it.

Also, I believe that is the whole point of this. The armor is copied off of Vor's data, and then said armor is reverse engineered via Ordis and is made into a full-fledged Warframe.

Again, the Queens have been VERY explicit about not researching the Tenno. A xenophobic stance to prevent any disasters like what happened with Vor.


2 minutes ago, Kerberos-3 said:

Also, I believe that is the whole point of this. The armor is copied off of Vor's data, and then said armor is reverse engineered via Ordis and is made into a full-fledged Warframe.

Then enjoy never getting a prime version.

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3 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

Again, the Queens have been VERY explicit about not researching the Tenno. A xenophobic stance to prevent any disasters like what happened with Vor.

Who said the Queens had to know? Do you think they would have approved Dr. Tengus' research on the Infested? 

3 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

Then enjoy never getting a prime version.

That's fine.We already have a precedent set. It wouldn't make sense for Valkyr to get a Prime version, considering that all of her abilities are the direct result of Alad V's experiments, which were relatively recent, not to mention we have her Gersemi form as a skin.

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1 minute ago, Kerberos-3 said:

It wouldn't make sense for Valkyr to get a Prime version, considering that all of her abilities are the direct result of Alad V's experiments, which were relatively recent, not to mention we have her Gersemi form as a skin.

That's actually not true. We will get a Valkyr prime, and Gersemi would be what Valkyr looked like before Alad's tampering, so the Prime will look like a Primed version of Gersemi.

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3 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

That's actually not true. We will get a Valkyr prime, and Gersemi would be what Valkyr looked like before Alad's tampering, so the Prime will look like a Primed version of Gersemi.

Except, what would her abilities be? As I stated, all of Valkyr's abilities are a direct result of what Alad V did to her, which was relatively recent. Valkyr Prime would have to get a completely new set of abilites to account for the fact that her powers were completely different before Alad V captured her.

Edited by Kerberos-3
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