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Melee stops working mid mission.


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I beleve this has happened to me three times now (all 3 times while set to solo), during missions my Rhino just decides he dose not like using my Galantine anymore and when I press the button to attack with my sword, he just flinches instead of swinging his blade.

it dose not matter if he is holding Galantine or if I'm just trying to use the quick attack while holding a gun. My Rhino reacts the same way if I press the button on my Xbox 360 controller or my Keyboard.

I hope this can be dealt with quickly, especially since this last happened during an infested survival mission.

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This happend to me about 5 times till I started solo mission to figure how is that and at time when my primary run out of ammo and you hit aditional F to switch weapn you take melee and become unable hit with it and in 2 out of 10 cases also cant take secondary weapon to hand and your F switching Between Primary and Melee. I pay attention to no run out of ammo and everything is ok xD 

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As far as I know, its related to the 'resist' animation when you have Power Drift or something like it equiped.

Sometimes you will resist more than one knockdown or pull at the same time and your melee just glitches, cant quick melee or equip it at all, your frame just flinches or does the defense animation for a split second.

I remember that it happened a lot for me during the Thousand Cuts alert.

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