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New Faction: Ideas?


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Corpus are the robot faction.


Infested are the nanomonster faction.



1) I dont know the history of the grineer, if they're clone warriors or cyborgs

Whichever grineer are a type of; the other sort would be interesting too. maybe an offshoot of a previous faction.



2) You could also have a faction of fundamentally different ALIENS, maybe energy creatures, not human related at all. Psionically gifted (communication and powers)  that can pour their energy essences into other creatures and possess them. (body jumpers or body snatchers)



3) Another alien faction that can shape molecules into whatever they want (within range) that can create golem like beings from the metal of a starship hulk, pierce and stab (like a terminator 2)

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1, they're both as far as we can tell, clones that rely on augmetics to compensate for their genetic degradation.

As for the new faction, I suspect it'll be orokin related considering they said that vor's resurrection at the end of the new trailer was connected to the new faction. But for the future? who knows?

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I opened a similar post but posted it in the wrong forum. Alot of these ideas were cut, pasted and edited from my original post.


Raiders (Space Pirates) - This class of enemies would be very realistic for the current universe considering most of the levels are on space ships. This faction is very crude and organized and is a constant threat to the interests of the Grineer and Corpus. They are able to amass large attacks on ships either to loot or overtake completely. This group could also be a rival for Tenno during the occasional raid missions, thus forcing players to rely on teamwork and speed rather than firepower to be first to the artifact. This group could have their own ships or be just like the Stalker and show up unpredictably.


Also, this would open up a new tile set for this faction or new mission types.


Orokin Cultist/Worshipers - This faction is made up of individuals that have survived the Void and returned to this dimension. They believe they are chosen few to create a pathway for the Orokin's return. Anything that is considered impure or is a taint to the Orokin, in this case the Tenno and Infested, must be eliminated with extreme prejudice. There are rumors that some within this faction have mastered Orokin technology to the point they are to be considered deadly. Unlike the corrupted the followers are fully aware of their actions and use the Orokin to advance their own superiority. What structures or machines they make will always show they are in control of the Orokin and not the over way around


Also, this opens up a new tile set for this faction. It could be a ship sanctuary or a makeshift replication of an Orokin void level.


Bounty Hunters - Bounty Hunters would be more or less boss characters withing the universe. They would operate in a small group or alone and only fight for themsleves and a price. They would operate much like the stalker, but unlike the stalker could set a trap or ambush in the least likely times.


For example you go on a mission for a rescue and fight and arrive at the cells. You fine the right cell only to have emerge a non faction speicific character that is 70 level and a dead or restrained hostage below them. Then that rescue mission suddenly becomes a very challendging boss fight. Another scenario, is you go on a raid mission and find the ship completely empty. You reach the objective only to find a group of characters that state you are worth alot of money dead and begin to stalk you throughout the ship. Suddenly, direct fighting may not be the best option and you or your group may have to be more tactical in your engagments. To sum up think of it as a warframe or frames hunting other warframes is the idea I am going for.



Scavengers – This faction is comprised of the remnants of space travelers forgotten by time. The idea of the individual is outweighted by the good of the many would guide this group. This faction would resort to anything to survive, but does not create anything new only recycles older technology for their own usage. This group would be of human origin, just like the tenno and grineer, corpus, and infested. Yet, since having been stranded in space for quite a long time would have mutated and evolved, possibliy from radiation for a space craft or from the evolutionary demands of their enviroment over the years. As you would predict this would change their appearence making this group appear similar to humans, but not quite as grotesque as the infested.


This faction opens the possibility for future tile sets for ruined cities/colonies or derelict ships.

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Bandits/scavengers I like, they'd have random equipment from good to bad. The best they could find basically.



I also like the cultist nutjobs as a faction idea, though they'd have to have some sort of belief to give them a reason to be out "claiming" areas, for their crusade.

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I had made an post too with a new faction idea : "The Exiled"


Story Idea:


"The Exiled" are the most dangerous enemys we have faced yet. Their leader is the last Sentient, found in an Cryopod by the vanished Stalker and brought back to life. His Memorys are clear and he plans to take revenge on the Orokin and the Tenno. His Army isn't very different from ours, because he uses recovered Tennos and Warframe technology against us to eliminate us all. You must kill him at any price!.



I thought about the Idea that the Stalker finds an abnormally Cryopod and opens it, but in the Cryopod wasn't any Tenno, but the last Survivor of the Sentients who wants to take revenge of the Tenno. The Stalker will be his right hand for that job.



Tile Set Idea:


The tile set can be an darker and dangerous version of the Clan Dojos and Orokin Towers tile set with black and red as the dominating colours like the colours of the Stalker. This tile set will be full of traps but not the same as like in the Orokin Towers.


Enemy Ideas:


As told in the Story Idea the enemy will be Warframes, but not all will be strong as you. The lowest Unit can be the "Dark Recruit" a light fast Warframe that will appear in mass and can Move like you with Wallrun etc. The Heavy units can be called "Doom Bringer" and "Stormtroopers". "Doom Bringer" will use devasting attacks like Sonic Boom, Slash Dash or Tesla Grenades as abillitys. He will be Dangerous but not as Dangerous as the Stalker. The "Stormtroopers" will be a very, very fast unit and their Target is to slow you down. They will use Freeze, Speed and Teleport to hunt you down.


Bosses can be very Dangerous and Heavy because they will uses Powers that are Strong as yours. One Idea for a boss can be a boss that copys your Warframe abilitys and fight with them against you. The final boss will be the Last Sentient and he will be very hard and powerful.

Edited by Hazy-Moonshine
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