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What Frames to use in Raids?


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Right, I am sure this has been covered before, but it seems to be a recurring topic. What are the best Frames to use in Raids? More specifically: LoR. Well, as I have been telling many people in my Alliance. ANY. That is right. Any frame can take you through LoR. 

If all depends on how you use that frame, your skill level, the communication of your team, and how experienced you are. Yes, there are easy way, and there are also hard ways.
How do I know this, well, a few Alliance members and I recently conducted a raid using only Chroma.

8 Chroma, 1 Raid.

Please note, I started this Youtube channel to help my Alliance, in particular the newer players of Warframe. If you feel the need to watch my other videos, like or subscribe, then please accept what I have to say as my opinion. Some will agree with what I have to say, others, not so much. I largely do this for fun and I am still getting used to it, so the quality of my content will not be of the standard some of you will be used to. Please bare with me.

Edited by Dod-Regnbue
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1 minute ago, Dod-Regnbue said:

Not trying to advertise, trying to prove a point that you do not need specific builds/frames to do a Raid.

I'm not saying don't post a video, as long as it's relevent in context (which it obviously is). I'm saying don't say stuff like what I quoted :p

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Effective Frames for LoR and LoRN:

  • Loki (Open doors, distraction Vay Hek, Bomb Dragging)
  • Trinity (Energy build) - Its important frame for LoR and LoRN raids! Without her is very difficult (You loose many energy consumables). And she gives you extra-armor with augment mod
  • Banshee (Sonar - easy to kill enemies, Bomb Dragging)
  • Vauban (Control enemy with bastille)
  • Rhino (Control enemy - Stomp ability)
  • Nova (Control enemy - Decrease Speed, Decrease enemy armor, Bomb Dragging, Use portals for speed relocation)
  • Volt (Speed, Bomb Dragging - Ideal for it, he has high energy capacity) 
  • Trinity (Resistance build) - After Bless nerfing her resistance become less than was, but she still useful for heal allies (especially on first stage). She is very useful on LoRN than on LoR!

Other unpopular frames, but yet effective:

  • Nyx (Control enemy, Distract Vay Hek).
  • Ash (If you have augment mod and long duration, you can hide your allies or hide player with bomb).
  • Zephyr (Bomb dragging - Use turbulence and deflect enemy projectiles, Distract Vay Hek - turbulence deflect his rockets, so you need stay nearby him)

But you can pass LoR and LoRN with other framesImportant to know what to do, have enough energy for bomb dragging, stay carefully on pressbuttons.

I was played in team with Oberon, Mesa, Nekros, Chroma and with other frames...And we pass it. Kill Vay Hek with melee :D

In addition, i didn't advice to risk on LoRN. One mistake on second stage - BOOM, mission failed.


Effective Frames for TJV:

  • Nekros - (Desecration for Antiserum Batteries, He can control enemy with 2nd ability and you can heal nerby allies, if you have installed Arcane Pulse)
  • Atlas - (Very helpful in conjunction with nekros, because 4nd atlas skill and nekros desecration make easily to get antiserum batteries, especially when you can't find enemies and have few antiserum batteries)
  • Loki - (Fast walkthrought on last stage. Glitching!)
  • Nova - (Slowdown enemies)
  • Trinity - (Energy for team)

P.S. Your video confirms what important to have skill and good teamwork :)

Edited by StolenLife
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