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A check on fisures in-game mechanics: cosmetic and feeling of repetitiveness


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From an end game player perspective, theres nothing hard about clearing the mobs spawned by fissures, and the reactant drops are now very generous to the point of not being a thing at all, you dont search for reactant, you just wipe mobs and pick the reactant now and then, which more or less makes it a cosmetic system in the end, back then it was kinda a task to pay attention to the drops, but it wasnt really fun so i wouldnt like to return to that

I dont know, maybe it would be better to just remove the 10 reactant pick system from fissure missions, also the constant sound of fissures becomes like an ambiental music, which reinforces the feeling of repetitiveness even when each fissure mission is different

Another way to (probably) clear away this feeling of repetitivenes, would be reducing the fissure lighting chaos, this is a very predominant element over the environment of any planet where it spawns, and thats why it adds a lot of the same feeling to every fissure mission by not even allowing you to play the mission in peace, be it spy, extermination, survival, the lighting chaos follows you everywhere you go, and that is the final feeling of any fissure mission, this would be ok if it wasnt always the same feeling, again, and in a very personal situation i dont enjoy thinking about going into fissure missions because i remember that lighting chaos following me and its just not enjoyable for me, i attribute that mainly to the ambient it creates, the style of the sound, and the never leaving me in peace

also i would like to point out to a well done system: the syndicate marks doesnt bother you, doesnt turn the whole planet into the same feeling all the time, you just do your mission and if you are invested enough you search for the pick ups, theres no "every syndicate mission feels the same"

Edited by rockscl
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