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Suggestion for Quest Lines - Optional Conclave Restrictions.


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So this is just a random idea, but what if we had the option of laying Conclave Restrictions on Quest Lines? 

The idea behind this is to try and put the player at the relative power they ideally should be in the Developer's eyes for the Quest they are running and giving players a way to get some more challenge out of it instead of spending a long time modding specifically not to be too overpowered for the quests / unique areas of the Quests (such as unique boss fights or things like the Silver Grove Guardians).

This would however be just an OPTIONAL thing - players who want to run around blowing things to smithereens with a single shot (nothing wrong with that even if I don't like the playstyle myself) will still be able to play how they want, while those who want to go for a "slower" playstyle will find it a bit easier to do so once they have a good reference for the level of content they'll be going over.

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I get what you're saying, but i don't see why DE needs to put in a system for it. Couldn't you just see the quest and equip gear/mods that won't make you a miasma of chaos? Challenge yourself by beating the second dream with nothing but a rank 0 valkyr and rank 30 kogake. It's not impossible or even super hard [i presume, i haven't tried it myself], but it'd be a lot slower than going in with a maxed frame and your favorite murder weapon.

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