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Some problems with Titanias abilities


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Titanias tribute ability is pretty great in concept and once you have gotten enough buffs from the enemies, the problem however is getting there as Titania is not only immobile but also needs a second to cast the ability as well as having to use Tribute repeatedly to achieve a worthwhile effect. Trying to help teammates with Tribute often feels like a complete stop of the flow of the game, especially because we ground and unable to move if we have to do repeated casts. If Tribute was applied to all enemies within a 10 or 5 Meter radius around the enemy we aim at it would help alleviate what feels like a chore to use.

Also having a clear visual indicator on what enemies had their souls sucked out by Tribute would also be very much a appreciated.

Lantern would also be a great ability if it wasnt for how often the target is pushed away from its initial position rendering the entire reason for casting the ability useless in the first place. Shotguns for example sends the target flying with exstreme prejudice. Cant the target instead flow freely for mabye 3 to 5 seconds and then locking in place at its current posistion? This would make the ability more eligible in large rooms or maps.

Edited by Kaokasalis
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5 minutes ago, ZenshadowOfZramx said:

The stuff they are doing with Ash Bladestorm looks interesting, maybe it could be applied to this as well.

Maybe you could press down 2 and sweep your cursor across the enemies you want to Tribute, where each enemy hit drains the usual amount of energy for Tribute?

this is a really good idea

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20 minutes ago, ZenshadowOfZramx said:

The stuff they are doing with Ash Bladestorm looks interesting, maybe it could be applied to this as well.

Maybe you could press down 2 and sweep your cursor across the enemies you want to Tribute, where each enemy hit drains the usual amount of energy for Tribute?

I wouldnt mind this as well, just as long as we get something better than the current way of casting Tribute.

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