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Endless Fissure Concept


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Endless fissure Concept In Depth

Table of content
-Base Concept
-End game
-Survival Vs Defense/intercept
-Maintaining Variety

Make it so void always has selectable fissures, you may always bring 4 relic types (example: AXI N1, V2, A1 and S2 of each you have 10 and 5 of them are radiant) and at the rotations one of your relics will be randomly selected to be filled with reactant.

 This makes a full old school loot table. 3 common drops in a relic X 4 tenno = 12 commons for that mission assuming they are all different relics. 1 rare per relic X 4 tenno= 4 rares, like in the old key system. 

in rotation A you may only get the high percentage items (with the team selection) non radiant relics are prioritized. 

Rotation B, either the common/uncommon can be selected and only on rot C can the rares come up (so can the commons) , and game will prioritize radiant relics for that treasure pause. If you don't have anymore radiants, it'll do another relic from your pool.

This adds more emphasis on Mastery Rank, make it mean something beside trade numbers or locked weapons.  

So long as you have relics this will keep looping and youll have to keep filling your relics with reactant at every new rotation, old reactant that fell disappears. Reactant gets more and more rare to drop making you have to exponentially kill more enemies to fill reactant. When you get to super high rounds it would be rarer than argon so there is always challenge. Farm frames can not increase drop chance. Reactants shouldn't get this way till at least LV 250-300 enemies to make that the "end game" bar, if you still count "endless" as "end game" but whatevs.

 Not getting all 10 means your reward wont be accessible and you cant select something during treasure pause.  Perhaps add a 4 strike system where if you cant get the reactant 4 times in a row you are forced to auto extract or insta fail, making the matches tense and a gamble like the old days while still incorporating new systems.

Getting corrupted would make endless way more fun. Maybe add new corruption like amped companions, reviving sentinels or pets if they died. Or perhaps evasion corruption where your frame's feet glow and you get +50% parkour and -25% enemy accuracy. Or add something to an existing power up. Example: infinite ammo corruption also gets converted to finisher damage. 


For survival i still would like the treasure option system. Im sure the Devs could make the game pause for 10 seconds and freeze for relic selection, maybe you heal/are invincible during this and for 5 seconds afterwards adding a period to readjust. This way defense isn't better than survival due to this choice. Or alternatively have all tenno report to ship at 5 min marks to get reward but i think this would stop the flow more than a universal pause. Playing solo yields no pause, lotus just shows you what you got- like old void. 

For void traces, there should be very little that come with each rotation, no more than 12 (AXI only) no less than 5 Or going as low as 3-6(Lith). So staying for say 4 rotations may net you guaranteed 35-60 traces in an AXI and about 16 in a Lith so there is a challenge incentive to long runs to radiant more for those rotation C rewards on your next long run. 


Its very important that this gameplay shows up ANY time an "endless mission" pops up on the star chart. That way we are still getting the variety of tile sets that specters of the rail provided. So if an endless fissure showed up on say Earth, new players who don't have the void yet can get into the groove and any intermediates (like myself) to vet players are not getting bored of the void's gold and white halls 

•Y'all select 4 relics.
•Every rotation pick reward from a 4  pool. 
•Radiants used on C
•Reactant resets, less spawn per rotation, end game gets nigh impossible for reactant.
•Keep going till you cant take it anymore, or run out of relics.
•on more than just void map
•Git Gud, Git reactant, Git Corrupted, Git Primes, Good Game!

•Thought of while watching iFlynn on youtube. He's gud, subscribe.

•Id appreciate all comments in ways to improve this, please share or adapt it. If there are gaps, ask and please don't hate without suggesting better.

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Please bring it to old void that's when the game was fun when i was enjoying the game but now warframe is boring im probably leaving warframe  real soon it is ashame because warframe was fun but now there is no point to play especially with the trading chat prices going down, farming void traces which Isn't  fun it is a basic concept . Don't  take my word but if the new update dosen't do good im leaving warframe  do to the fact the game is grind only but the void fissures made the game easier for noobs  warframe use to be a game  that requires you to have good builds for your weapons, the prime stuff was hard to get which made platinum easier to get in trading chat  De are you consumeed for money other than making a good game that everyone wants to play as i said Don't take my word because that's how warframe  changed in the first place people keep complaining about the game which i dont understand you are changing everything from Vaccum that you fixed, fusion cores turned into endo, and void that every skilled player loved because it was a callenge for your reward not a free hand part come on DE . I love warframe i use to play it everyday but now you are turning into money hungry companies be orginal making the game easier is teasing the game #TurnWarframeGoodAgain . Had the best memories in void now everyday i just logon for rewards intell i get my prime fury on the 200 day which is tomorrow yea but this whole paragraph is about my opinion nobody get mad because its my statement and if you mad get over it .

Edited by (PS4)Assassinfox3k
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@Assassinfox3k your reply is not a true comment on the content of my topic, just a rant on the old VS current system.

Even if we dont take your word for it, not offering a solution and sitting here saying you'll quit warframe is rather toxic. Your comment would more likely be heard if it is its own post instead of on mine.

if you are going to comment please make it relevant to the endless fissure rather than completely old void bias, followed by specters of the rail/vacuum within rant. 



Edited by Cxdfc
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Welp for me the problem with the system RIGHT now is that we need WAY MORE GRIND then before... EVEN tho it should have REDUCED the grind ... 


Why not make endless missions so that every x(maybe 25) of the "open relic bubbles" open the relic for a new item. 

-every 25 Bubbles collected you get another roll for the loot later.

-4 players with 4 relics means 4 items 2 choose from each 25 bubbles 

-If one person of 4 has 50 while rest has 100+ means that the one person only get 2 items rest gets more so that is anti afk.


not exactly on the topic but just my thoughts on it as right now its is SO FREAKING MUCH GRIND ... 

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@Donquixote-Doflamingo I like your alternate suggestion, however I believe the current system is mainly bad because the lack of challenge, I can one shot anything in an AXi with the telos boltor, I think level scaling should be affected a bit more in general, Lith can stay where it is but perhaps make some AXi fissures Sortie level and higher at base

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Very complicated. I read your first paragraph twice and it still is quite unclear what your intentions are. You want 4 people to bring 10 relics each, with varying degrees of refinement? Are your intentions to get to harder content or to relive the endless missions with multiple rewards per run? Either way, most people won't have the patience for others to load up all their relics.

A suggestion: This would never fly, but how about inserting one lith, meso, neo, and axi. It would be a longer mission that progresses in difficulty.The mission modes would be, for example, spy, sabotage, capture, and an archwing mission (no one asked you if you like archwing or not) where you speed to the end to destroy a convoy. Each mission could be connected in story, i.e. the information gathered in spy, will inform you of your next target, and the captured soul will inform you of the need to intercept the transport. Minor objectives need to be also completed for each mission and at the end, some chance for a mod in addition to the prime stuff.

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Not 10 types of relics, just 4. The magic number in warframe like i stated in the example at the top of my post (Example: Axi N1 V2 S1 A1) 

the 10 cane from how many overall they have in thier inventory but only 4 types are brought. Which would make a nice amount of variety for rrwrds

every rotation uses up a relic and since by now you prolly have hundreds of at least neo relics, you could do this nigh endlessly. Eventually youd tu out and have to ACTUALLY PLAY OTHER CONTENT

because they all must be different relic types, you have a bigger drop table im endles fissures than you do regular fissures, when ya spam EXT or capture 

All 4 tenno bring 4 and if my buddy jim brought the same 4 that i did that would increase pur chances to get something we want


i hope this solved confusion i apologize if my phrasing was off in the original post






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