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Passive Frame Skills Or: How Could You Miss Out On This?


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So, I was thinking about Warframe a lot lately and something came to my mind that has already been suggested in some form, but it still blows my mind how DE could miss out this Opportunity to give every warframe a more unique feel and playstyle.


What Iam talking about here is: What if every Warframe had a passive ability that influenced his playstyle and role in battle?I mean an ability that is always present and usable without energy.


For example, Ember as a fire-frame could get a buff on damage while she is on fire.

Frost could for example have his shields doubled instead of halved on ice maps(And other ice-related bonuses)

Rhino could be immune to knockdown

Saryn could have highly increased health regen while she is staying in a cloud of poison(Including those she creates herself).


With a bit of brainstorming anyone can come up with other ideas for the other warframes, too.


This would obviously need a lot of balancing, but the huge advantage gained out of such an addition is that every warframe would encourage specific playstyles.Right now, most frames are press 4 or press3 frames and other than that it´s pewpewpewslashslashslashreloadpress4pewpewpewpress3pewpewreloadslashslash and so on - with those passive abilites actual tactics will become more spread and encouraged.Volt´s shield ability is for example a nice synergy between active gameplay and the usage of abilites, but what if every frame had something like this, only passive?I think it would greatly improve the overall gameplay.


Your thoughts?

Edited by Fleischkloppa
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Good idea. I definitely agree with making the Warframes feel more unique in their playstyle especially.


I had an idea of adding some sort of strength/dexterity values on frames to make certain ones more proficient with certain weapons:



This in combination with your idea would definitely make the different frames much more unique in how they're played. As they are now though, I feel they're too similar in how they feel when playing - they only differ in abilities and health, really.

Edited by Niavlys77
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Thanks for the positive feedback.


I think one of the current "problems" warframes gameplay has is that even though there is a relatively great diversity among the playable frames they all dont differ too much from each other.Sure, there are the frames with a lot of energy and lower hp/shield which are faster, but in the end it boils down to using redirection and vitality and shooting a bit inbetween the usage of abilities.I think it would be really refreshing to have some new kind of effects on each warframe that encourages players to think a but more about the characteristics of their frame and how it´s best used.

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