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New Frame Idea - The Gravity Warframe


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So with the idea of the Anti-Matter Warframe, I started to think of how I would really enjoy being able to shift gravity to be able to run on walls, and wall-run on the ceiling, so I came up with this Warframe idea, which is still open to idea's for skills, since this is a rough version. I just wanted to see everyone's constructive criticism, as well as the plausibility of it.


Gravity Warframe

This Warframe would be a semi jack of all trades with average armor, health, higher energy, as well as medium run speed.

You want to get up close? He has a skill for that!

If you want to be able to take things a little farther back, and need a way to keep enemies temporarily off of you? He's got it!

You want to be able to drop the bass on the enemies? He's got that too!

Here's the current rough skill set:

#1 Defy Gravity - Defy's gravity for a short period of time, allowing him to run on walls, and wall-run on the ceiling spraying carnage from above! (Has a cool-down / limited range)

#2 Gravity Displacement - Displaces the gravity that affects him, allowing him to move at a faster rate, jump higher, and the gravity that would have affected him, would he displaced around him, so that any enemy that gets up close is violently forced to the ground and stunned.

#3 Bend Gravity - The gravity surrounding him is reversed causing projectiles to fly safely above his head, while he moves around unscathed. (Might not combo with displacement)

#4 Drop the Bass - Changes the gravity in the surrounding area (excluding other frames) causing all enemies to float in the air unable to act for a short period, followed by a quick few changes of gravity, forcing enemies to fly high up in the air, then come crashing down at a violent rate. (possible wub wubs as sound effect? ^^)


All abilities are pretty much up for changing but I just want to stick with the theme of gravity, and the act of manipulating it in his favor if you think you have better idea's.

Edited by F43AK
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suggest this when they make a new warframe poll.  it seems like very interesting mechanics

Thanks, I just want to get the rough edges ironed out and have discussions over exploits, and plausibility first.

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I guess you didn't do your research on gravity as a physical phenomenon?

I get the general "magical" approach to the topic, but it fails in parts where it is supposed to act "all physical".

The whole "running" process is a combination of "length jumps" (walking is a combination of "falls" btw). We do our part by moving body parts around and the gravity finishes the job. We don't "raw with legs", we more or less "sail on gravity". It's not the same as toying with wind though... Making it "weaker" would slow the "jumps" down but only on "vertical" projection (or rather the one that is parallel to the gravity's direction), and making it stronger would increase the strain on legs. Neither should result in a notable acceleration. And definitely not without unwanted side effects. It's mostly the question of how fast can your legs move and how long can they handle that speed.

Also, gravity does affect projectiles, even bullets, but mostly that effect isn't worth factoring in. For a bullet to succeed at harming it's victim it needs high enough velocity. For a gravity to noticeably divert that bullet in the time frame it takes the bullet to reach the target either the bullet has to be too slow to cause notable harm, or the gravity must be so strong that it's direct effect on the body would be much more lethal than the bullet it is trying to divert.

And, this is a bit bordering on the side of realism vs "magic/fiction", but what we call gravity cannot be strengthened or weakened. By it's definition it depends on mass of objects and distance from those objects, nothing else. A force that can be toyed with, in ways you describe, would not fit our definition of gravity, so there's really no reason calling it such. "Attraction" would be a better term - it's much broader, but we have no terms for "selective" force that is based on mass but bends to some tech-user's will in not yet known ways.

Which brings me to the final point, the effect of gravity in space is close to insignificant, which is why there's so called "artificial gravity". So, are you going to describe a warframe as a "warframe that messes with real gravity on planets and artifical gravity in space"? Those aren't the same things, it's like bundling the control of an AI with mind control. (hmmm... where have I seen that before...)

And then there's the factor of biology, our own health depends on gravity, or rather, on the forces which affect our body's mater. To change that in ways you describe one would probably need organism that is (biologically) mostly indifferent to the forces affecting it's mater...

For the abilities you are describing, toying with magnetic forces would have been a more suitable "backing", and there's Mag already ;P.

I'm not saying that such a power theme shouldn't exist, but that power theme, contrary to uneducated perception, has no ties with gravity.

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Lol, you really should have added a TL;DR, but fine, I understand your point, then give me a set of skills that would apply to gravity that would make sense, give me some constructive feedback, besides telling me in a hundred ways how I'm wrong. On the point of realism, this whole game is pretty fantastical so I don't believe realism should be included to that much of an extent. It appears my perception of forces of gravity is a bit off, then we can make this the male counter-part of Mag, with "Magnetic forces" instead, does that sound more reasonable?

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I suggest you put the information in layman's terms, since this is a forum.

Also, I thought gravity was a vector which we can "defy" by applying a force greater then gravity. (ex. this is how we jump and how space shuttles escapes Earth's gravity.)


But back to the Topic:


I've thought of this theme for a warframe myself but could not think of any powers so, I'll suggest ideas on yours.



Here's the current rough skill set:

#1 Defy Gravity - makes a path in front of him making anything in that path to have less gravity.(teammates included. or could just be teammates and himself or just the enemies) Can be used almost anywhere. (ex. Large gap? lay this out and just jump across!)

#2 Gravity Displacement -makes an circle of increase gravity causing all enemies in that area stop moving and slowly take damage. Also makes any flying enemies fall  to the ground doing  damage on impact.

#3 Orbit - The gravity surrounding him makes all bullets orbit him and deal damage to those near him.(doesn't work with lasers, works with rockets but can be dangerous, and if he shoots while this is up his bullets will orbit him and his teammates bullets are also affected.) [in a sticky situation? Why not clean it up with Orbit?] 

#4 Drop the Bass - Changes His gravity (excluding or including other frames) causing him to float in the air for a short period,he can shoot while doing this and all shoots have increase damage, then comes down(with increased velocity)  with a bass(or melee weapon) and slams the ground knocking enemies down and will do a lot of damage to those directly below him. (possible wub wubs as sound effect? ^^)



I tried to not make his powers like some of the other frames and tried to stay with the theme.

Hope you find these powers interesting!

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I suggest you put the information in layman's terms, since this is a forum.

Also, I thought gravity was a vector which we can "defy" by applying a force greater then gravity. (ex. this is how we jump and how space shuttles escapes Earth's gravity.)


But back to the Topic:


I've thought of this theme for a warframe myself but could not think of any powers so, I'll suggest ideas on yours.


I tried to not make his powers like some of the other frames and tried to stay with the theme.

Hope you find these powers interesting!

I like the input, but those powers except the 4th seem a little too much like other frames, I wanted to go a bit out there with the powers, since most of the powers we have now are all pretty similar. I'll revise my main post to include some of your suggestions though!

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I like the input, but those powers except the 4th seem a little too much like other frames, I wanted to go a bit out there with the powers, since most of the powers we have now are all pretty similar. I'll revise my main post to include some of your suggestions though!

Well, I tried to stay away from things that may work like magnetism and since Vauban's powers work a little like gravity powers instead engineer gadgets, those are the powers i came up with.


But, I still want to see you revision. 

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I tought of some things that could be good in my opinion :


The frame itself would be a heavy one, but not obviously a tank.


First skill => Walk on everything (can't find names). You just walk, slide, attack, and stuff, but you can do it from the wall, or from the ceiling, and you would see it like you actually were on the ground, but the others would be on the walls and ceiling.

This skill should be a permanent drain, with a decent cost per second, to avoir rushers that would only search for those blue balls.

Something like, yeah I walk on ceiling, but it costs high energy per second (like 10) and make it a maximum of 10 seconds or so. Also, you run incredibly slower.


Second skill => It's all about weight.

Make everything. I mean, everything, heavy as F***. Even ennemies bullets. Everything stick to the ground. That'll learn those infested to run after you. Make it like that for 3 seconds, then, the opposite. Eveything is super light, even yo' momma lol, you almot fly across the room, shooting poeple while mid air, fast as hell, you're a goddamn ninja.


Order doens't matter. Opposite order would be best I think, fly accross the room, seek after a good place to land, then stick there and explode everything around you. (could avoid rushers too)


Third skill => I'm a Jedi lol

Use you jedi skills to take over the body of an ennemy, get him in mid air, then throw him where you think he will fit well, like, his mates, explosive barrells, or high cliffs, I don't know. You can also use him as a human shield for a while. Can't work against bosses.

(looks like Mag's Attract, but it would actually have a small range, doen't actually gets close to you for melee purpose, and mostly, throw him where you want)

This one should have a cooldown too.



Fourth skill => Drop the bass (like that name too lol)

Make a big orb somewhere in front of you. An orb as big as Frost's ones. This sphere has no gravity. Everything starts to wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah, wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah, making it super vulnerable. Add fun if there's an explosive barrel in that orb. Also, bullets, ennemies, debris, and ammo are attracted to this place. Make a big boom when the orb disappears.

Record this sound, place it in Autotune. Great, you just made dubstep.




Okay maybe that's not perfect, but it's still something. Can be funny, and deadly. And anti-rushers.

What do you think about it ?

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Well, I tried to stay away from things that may work like magnetism and since Vauban's powers work a little like gravity powers instead engineer gadgets, those are the powers i came up with.


But, I still want to see you revision. 



well... its true his powers kinda work like gravity, with the exception of tesla... his powers are more gadget based.... he throws a orb like object, and that object has the effects of w/e the power you used for (tesla,bounce,bastille,vortex). all in all, his is like a neat little spy gadget/equipment in the form of throwable... .lets say... jack-in-a-box? but yeah... theres really nothing shooting out of him, all of his animations are of him throwing an orb object that sets up itself, where as other warframes have powers emanating from their... i guess... suits/frames?


I guess you didn't do your research on gravity as a physical phenomenon?

I get the general "magical" approach to the topic, but it fails in parts where it is supposed to act "all physical".

The whole "running" process is a combination of "length jumps" (walking is a combination of "falls" btw). We do our part by moving body parts around and the gravity finishes the job. We don't "raw with legs", we more or less "sail on gravity". It's not the same as toying with wind though... Making it "weaker" would slow the "jumps" down but only on "vertical" projection (or rather the one that is parallel to the gravity's direction), and making it stronger would increase the strain on legs. Neither should result in a notable acceleration. And definitely not without unwanted side effects. It's mostly the question of how fast can your legs move and how long can they handle that speed.

Also, gravity does affect projectiles, even bullets, but mostly that effect isn't worth factoring in. For a bullet to succeed at harming it's victim it needs high enough velocity. For a gravity to noticeably divert that bullet in the time frame it takes the bullet to reach the target either the bullet has to be too slow to cause notable harm, or the gravity must be so strong that it's direct effect on the body would be much more lethal than the bullet it is trying to divert.

And, this is a bit bordering on the side of realism vs "magic/fiction", but what we call gravity cannot be strengthened or weakened. By it's definition it depends on mass of objects and distance from those objects, nothing else. A force that can be toyed with, in ways you describe, would not fit our definition of gravity, so there's really no reason calling it such. "Attraction" would be a better term - it's much broader, but we have no terms for "selective" force that is based on mass but bends to some tech-user's will in not yet known ways.

Which brings me to the final point, the effect of gravity in space is close to insignificant, which is why there's so called "artificial gravity". So, are you going to describe a warframe as a "warframe that messes with real gravity on planets and artifical gravity in space"? Those aren't the same things, it's like bundling the control of an AI with mind control. (hmmm... where have I seen that before...)

And then there's the factor of biology, our own health depends on gravity, or rather, on the forces which affect our body's mater. To change that in ways you describe one would probably need organism that is (biologically) mostly indifferent to the forces affecting it's mater...

For the abilities you are describing, toying with magnetic forces would have been a more suitable "backing", and there's Mag already ;P.

I'm not saying that such a power theme shouldn't exist, but that power theme, contrary to uneducated perception, has no ties with gravity.


thanks for the uhh...long read and information about how gravity works and its effects and so forth... but this is a sci-fi game... heck you even got ember, saryn, mag, and frost shooting stuff out of their suits/frames.... the amount of heat can burn the user for it to superheat that much that things can combust. or the different types of poisons in the suit/frame is dangerous, and can be quite volatile if lets say the suit is hit with enough force that w/e is holding the poisons within, breaks and mixes, causing a dangerous reaction. or the amount of magnetization can as well, be harmful to the body and so forth.... same with the frost powers.....if we apply too much logic, everyone is going to get confused.... and this is why games have their own logics....real-life knowledge/logic/facts can defer from game knowledge/logic/facts as well.... im not trying to say anything bad about what you have posted, its nice to learn new things, but the OP is just trying to come up with a new warframe, and it is his right to say how certain powers work, regardless of what we know how some things actually work..... well... thats my 2 cents? or... 10 bucks on this post...


-sweat drop-


P.S: these new warframe ideas belong in the fan zones, as this section is about feedback, which means ideas to help/support/boost things already in game.

Edited by VoidWraith
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I tought of some things that could be good in my opinion :


The frame itself would be a heavy one, but not obviously a tank.







Okay maybe that's not perfect, but it's still something. Can be funny, and deadly. And anti-rushers.

What do you think about it ?

I like it. Here are some names.


1.Haters gonna Hate (zero gravity) 


2. Float like a butterfly, Land like a brick (inversion or center of gravity)


3.The force is strong in this one (displacement)



thanks for the uhh...long read and information about how gravity works and its effects and so forth... but this is a sci-fi game... heck you even got ember, saryn, mag, and frost shooting stuff out of their suits/frames.... the amount of heat can burn the user for it to superheat that much that things can combust. or the different types of poisons in the suit/frame is dangerous, and can be quite volatile if lets say the suit is hit with enough force that w/e is holding the poisons within, breaks and mixes, causing a dangerous reaction. or the amount of magnetization can as well, be harmful to the body and so forth.... same with the frost powers.....if we apply too much logic, everyone is going to get confused.... and this is why games have their own logics....real-life knowledge/logic/facts can defer from game knowledge/logic/facts as well.... im not trying to say anything bad about what you have posted, its nice to learn new things, but the OP is just trying to come up with a new warframe, and it is his right to say how certain powers work, regardless of what we know how some things actually work..... well... thats my 2 cents? or... 10 bucks on this post...


-sweat drop-


P.S: these new warframe ideas belong in the fan zones, as this section is about feedback, which means ideas to help/support/boost things already in game.

You just said something that I was to lazy to say and i agree with you on that.

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Wow lots of feedback didn't even notice. If you guys would like me to make revisions +1 the skill posts that you like, and i'll work them into the options, and maybe warp them in my gravity defying mind. I also love the Drop The Bass skill name, haha.

And yes it should be in Fan Zone, I realized after I made it, i'm just gonna wait for Ced to move it, since there's so much good feedback in here, thanks all! I will begin revising tomorrow to include things I think would fit!

Edit: He already moved it.. I need to sleep. Couldn't even realize it has been moved, lol.

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I thought gravity was a vector which we can "defy" by applying a force greater then gravity. (ex. this is how we jump and how space shuttles escapes Earth's gravity.)

We can apply a greater force but what does that have to do with gravity? Our jumps don't "defy" gravity by manipulating gravity, neither do our space ships.

thanks for the uhh...long read and information about how gravity works and its effects and so forth... but this is a sci-fi game... heck you even got ember, saryn, mag, and frost shooting stuff out of their suits/frames.... the amount of heat can burn the user for it to superheat that much that things can combust. or the different types of poisons in the suit/frame is dangerous, and can be quite volatile if lets say the suit is hit with enough force that w/e is holding the poisons within, breaks and mixes, causing a dangerous reaction. or the amount of magnetization can as well, be harmful to the body and so forth.... same with the frost powers.....if we apply too much logic, everyone is going to get confused.... and this is why games have their own logics....real-life knowledge/logic/facts can defer from game knowledge/logic/facts as well.... im not trying to say anything bad about what you have posted, its nice to learn new things, but the OP is just trying to come up with a new warframe, and it is his right to say how certain powers work, regardless of what we know how some things actually work..... well... thats my 2 cents? or... 10 bucks on this post...

There's a difference here, which I was trying to convey. When we call the powers ember uses "fire based" it's because they bear a strong resemblance to what we know as fire. What we know as gravity has little to do with the powers listed in OP.

Different fiction has different approach to it's "magic". Some claim that it changes something in the environment, which in turn triggers familiar processes. (IE, you change the temperature of the object magically, and then if freezes naturally). Other's claim that it only has "skin deep" resemblance to natural processes. (IE a fireball that only looks like a ball of fire, but in practice is something entirely different, related to neither temperature nor oxygen.)

In the first case, gravity doesn't work like that. To make it work as described we'd have to use the "magical interference" up to the point where it has nothing to do with gravity.

In the second case it doesn't "resemble" gravity either. In layman's view gravity associates with something that makes objects move to the surface and stick to it, but it is not the same thing. For one - it's much more complex than that. And for another - in space the same effect is not accomplished by gravity. Like I said, what the listed powers "resemble" is better off being called "attraction" or even simply "force".

Lol, you really should have added a TL;DR, but fine, I understand your point, then give me a set of skills that would apply to gravity that would make sense, give me some constructive feedback, besides telling me in a hundred ways how I'm wrong. On the point of realism, this whole game is pretty fantastical so I don't believe realism should be included to that much of an extent. It appears my perception of forces of gravity is a bit off, then we can make this the male counter-part of Mag, with "Magnetic forces" instead, does that sound more reasonable?

Pretty much none. If you are looking for something that makes objects "fall in a different direction" or otherwise get a weird trajectory adjustment you'd want a magnetic "theme" or a simple manipulation of force (I mean a scientific term, not SW term) aka "telekinesis".

If memory serves, there was a piece of fiction that featured a "gravity based spaceship" the idea was that someone invented a material that "blocked gravity" (which was the fictional part), then the ship was built that was "shelled" by that material from all sides but one. The movement was accomplished by turning the unblocked part towards the destination and letting only the gravitation from that side move the ship. Even that had it's flaws...

I'm just trying to say that gravity as a theme for fiction is barren, boring, and overly complicated. The "fun" parts are about application of force and not about gravitation. Magnetic theme is a bit more forgiving, and "force" theme is practically a "distilled" theme stripped of a lot of complications and featuring pretty much all the effects you'd want from "gravity" theme. Though it pretty much outright screams "we couldn't fit our fiction needs into a restricted environment" which kinda smells of cheap fiction...

And in most cases the listed powers would trigger a cascade of questions, because they require us to step over a number of restrictions, and stepping over those would allow a huge number of other uses of "force" that we didn't account for, making people wonder why do we go through all the trouble when we could harm our enemies or move around in much more convenient ways. For example if you can make an enemy "fall" towards one part of the ship, why would you want to wall run or even run at all? You can simply make yourself "fall" in the direction you want to move in.

Also, pointing out mistakes is constructive in itself. "Not offering a solution" and "not helping" are not the same things.

P.S. "TL;DR" would have looked as uninformative as "OP is wrong for the reasons listed above". Who needs that kind of information anyway?

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I couldn't help but notice these Grav-Frame skills seem quite ... familiar ... 

My post is about mid section of this page...



A funny amount of similarity between mine and your ideas, especially the 4th ability.

Edited by Phantom_Jack
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We can apply a greater force but what does that have to do with gravity? Our jumps don't "defy" gravity by manipulating gravity, neither do our space ships.

There's a difference here, which I was trying to convey. When we call the powers ember uses "fire based" it's because they bear a strong resemblance to what we know as fire. What we know as gravity has little to do with the powers listed in OP.

Different fiction has different approach to it's "magic". Some claim that it changes something in the environment, which in turn triggers familiar processes. (IE, you change the temperature of the object magically, and then if freezes naturally). Other's claim that it only has "skin deep" resemblance to natural processes. (IE a fireball that only looks like a ball of fire, but in practice is something entirely different, related to neither temperature nor oxygen.)

In the first case, gravity doesn't work like that. To make it work as described we'd have to use the "magical interference" up to the point where it has nothing to do with gravity.

In the second case it doesn't "resemble" gravity either. In layman's view gravity associates with something that makes objects move to the surface and stick to it, but it is not the same thing. For one - it's much more complex than that. And for another - in space the same effect is not accomplished by gravity. Like I said, what the listed powers "resemble" is better off being called "attraction" or even simply "force".

Pretty much none. If you are looking for something that makes objects "fall in a different direction" or otherwise get a weird trajectory adjustment you'd want a magnetic "theme" or a simple manipulation of force (I mean a scientific term, not SW term) aka "telekinesis".

If memory serves, there was a piece of fiction that featured a "gravity based spaceship" the idea was that someone invented a material that "blocked gravity" (which was the fictional part), then the ship was built that was "shelled" by that material from all sides but one. The movement was accomplished by turning the unblocked part towards the destination and letting only the gravitation from that side move the ship. Even that had it's flaws...

I'm just trying to say that gravity as a theme for fiction is barren, boring, and overly complicated. The "fun" parts are about application of force and not about gravitation. Magnetic theme is a bit more forgiving, and "force" theme is practically a "distilled" theme stripped of a lot of complications and featuring pretty much all the effects you'd want from "gravity" theme. Though it pretty much outright screams "we couldn't fit our fiction needs into a restricted environment" which kinda smells of cheap fiction...

And in most cases the listed powers would trigger a cascade of questions, because they require us to step over a number of restrictions, and stepping over those would allow a huge number of other uses of "force" that we didn't account for, making people wonder why do we go through all the trouble when we could harm our enemies or move around in much more convenient ways. For example if you can make an enemy "fall" towards one part of the ship, why would you want to wall run or even run at all? You can simply make yourself "fall" in the direction you want to move in.

Also, pointing out mistakes is constructive in itself. "Not offering a solution" and "not helping" are not the same things.

P.S. "TL;DR" would have looked as uninformative as "OP is wrong for the reasons listed above". Who needs that kind of information anyway?


id like to point out.... once again... this is the OP's warframe idea/concept..... let him come up with w/e weird powers he wants. we can give simple input to make it balanced/not soo op that it makes other frames useless. just simple "powers should be lowered, buffed a bit" or "this type of theme/power/skill wont work in the warframe universe"

but you want to get all technical.... which is right now, making something simple in the beginning in which it was just about warframe theme/powers, how the OP explains the powers will work.... to something well..... technical science from real life vs applying it to ingame....

im not trying to condescend or insult you, but just saying that this was just that, something simple turned complicated by real-life facts interfering with it being ingame. yes.... some of the powers in this game wont really work the way they do in-real-life, but thats why its a game....while games shouldnt dumb people down, but it can explore possiblities and creates a new world/alternate reality... we dont even know how these powers really work... yes it could be magic, or it could be something like a mutation like from X-Men. some of the powers there cant really be possible due to "side-effects" to the human body...

it could be magic, it could be that their projecting their reality, its fine, its a game, lets enjoy it.

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Stop hijacking my thread if you don't mind, as others have said this is basically just a concept, no need to muck it up with walls of text that have no constructive feedback besides it won't work, it's understandable but you keep repeating the same thing over and over. Just give me idea's to work from that would fit gravity, or a skillset you would enjoy that would fit under "telekinesis" of sorts.

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