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Friendly Fire bug in The Index


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I'm not sure what triggers it as it seems to be random (potentially caused by the earlier Mag Polarize bug?) but my friend was OHKO'ing me with his Tonkor grenades, and my other friend's War was taking a nice chunk of my health in another round.

Just tonight I was running in front of a randomly assigned squadmate's line of fire and got pelted by their Soma, though this was a full team of players and no Mag Polarizes were going on so I'm not sure what I was getting hit by.  It was just me, teammate, and a melee enemy at that corner of the map and the damage indicator came from my squadmate's side of the screen so....yeah. 

The Tonkor friendly fire was aggravating though. 5k+ Inaros health gone instantly every time.  And we did test to see if FF was the issue, we headed to an isolated area and he shot me and killed me.  All of these instances happened in Missions 1 and 2, have not yet encountered the FF bug in the Endurance.

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14 minutes ago, IceFlame1019 said:

Rad procs do that? oO
But I don't think it was a rad proc in the case of the Tonkor, that was happening the entire match.

Yeah, that's why people get mad when there's an Ash on the team during radiation sorties. It's really easy to wipe your team if you're spamming Bladestorm without watching for the clouds.

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Radiation procs on players are kinda rare. Even in Sorties with Radiations, you can wander through the complete planet without being affected once.

But you may have seen one of your colleague dying and telling yourself "what a noob" without knowing you just killed him. :D

Radiation does the same thing to player than it does to enemies : remove all allies/enemies marks. When you're affected by Radiation, you can friendly fire and you take dmg from your colleagues.

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