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[Suggestion] Allow queue for rounds in DEF/INT


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Howdy there fellow Tenno!

So I've recently come back after a semi-long hiatus from Warframe, we're talking 8-10 months, and boy has there been introduced alot of new stuff to level up!

Great! I love levelling stuff, you get to try new pew-pews, and frames! Awesome!

What's not so great though, is the experience of levelling up.

There are certain nodes currently used for EXP farming; Akkad and Berehynia being two of them, that I know of. 

Now, when going into public missions, you'll often find yourself in a team that extracts after either 5,10 or 15 waves in Defence, or even at second wave in Interception.

That's all fine and dandy, if people have other business to attend to, by all means, let them.

But for god sake, please, allow me to queue up for the amount of rounds that I want! Say I wanna go for 20 rounds, so I pick that when I click on the node in the chart. Then I'll be queued up with others who've picked 20 rounds, and we'll fight until those are up. There's no extraction until said point is reached. 


What will this accomplish;

  • Levelling will be MUCH less tedious
  • Tenno will likely be introduced to more weapons, due to the ease of levelling
  • Perhaps, better player interaction.

Now, I get that some people are very much against "easy" affinity farming. And sure, perhaps you're right, but on the other hand, in order to do end-game content, you'll need to sink in about 20-25 forma for your full loadout, this including; Frame, primary, secondary, melee, Sentinel/pet. And then you might want to have some other weapons to switch around with, which requires even more forma. At this point, it's just a ludicrous affinity-fest. And if I can't even sucessfully do 20 rounds in a Defence mission with a squad, so help me god, this will be the most repetitive, tedious task I've ever experienced in any video game.


So what do you guys think? Should this be a thing? Any feedback greatly appreciated! :)

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Or use recruit chat and advertise "doing so and so mission x amount of waves". I see this all the time in recruitment for akkad 20 wave runs. I join then and we all stick around for the number of waves advertised. Occasionally a player would leave early for some reason or another but it's no big deal. This has worked really well for me and I feel that it can for you as well.

Having said that, you're idea isn't bad. So long as it still brings up extraction every 5 waves. It would make it easier for people to match with like minded groups without having to use recruitment, which might be faster.


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22 hours ago, TaylorsContraction said:

So long as it still brings up extraction every 5 waves.

The entire idea is to elliminate the option of extracting after "x" amount of waves. You queue up for, say, 25 waves, you go for 25 waves, or until out of revives. No extraction. 
If people were given the option to extract after every cycle of 5 waves, the entire idea is pointless. 

As you put yourself, this is merely a faster way to group up with likeminded people. I can't be bothered to go look for a group of 4 in recruit chat every time I want to gather some affinity. Rather, give me the option to join others who are already doing the exact same thing.

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