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The haze effect in Jupiter missions is everywhere, even inside !


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I do not know why this happens, but I get a really bad haze effect when I run missions on Jupiter. I understand the effect when I am outside, but I get it inside as well. It ends up being in every area of the mission and is annoying. Not that it causes issues with the game but it just makes everything hazy and very dull looking. Which is what you'd expect when outside the building but definitely not inside. Is there a way to get rid of it or turn it off. It doesn't always happen but it happens enough. Any suggestions.

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They know it looks awfull like they have done similar "innovations" on earth and they won't change it exactly because they know it's annoying, like many other aspects of the game. They prefer u get used to it than to make quality work, quickie job is easier.

Jupiter, Earth, Void... were so nice places to do missions, until they fill them with such annoying effects and remove clear fields.

Edited by spyros78
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