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Why Are People Tolerating The Fact That Prime Variants Are Direct Upgrades To Their Counterparts?


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If the OP has gotten "emotional" enough to say that everyone who disagrees with him is irrelevant and immature, I don't think it's a far cry to interpret his post that way.


People phrase their words to serve a purpose. If OP was outraged that the Latron Prime erased all of the time and effort he put into improving his latron, he would have said that, but again: he didn't. He said it made all the platinum that he wasted meaningless. This isn't baseless conjecture, that is what he said.


His post might have made a valid point (one that I would have still disagreed with, but on different grounds) if he had phrased his words a little bit more carefully. But sadly, this is the internet, and the only way to get your meaning across is through your words and not much else, so I interpreted his words the most obvious and logical way.

Wow I didn't see that edit he did -_- real mature topic from the op

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One thing i should say, whether you agree on or not.


Usually, exclusives "should" be better than its previous versions (unless there is no previous version) agreed?


The one thing i didn't like is the forma. The difference i saw between the lato and lato prime was not the dps, but its polarities.

same with the skana vs skana prime. i used the lato prime alot until forma came out. i said "forget this...." and left it alone.


Now am i saying practically people will forma twice their lato? maybe... but i know that it is very unlikely. i didn't like the chance of that happening though. it made me feel that polarities dont have value anymore due to the existence to forma.


dont think im QQ, as im already over it. but its just my opinion i believe i should share

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No, there was a Grineer/Orokin pistol that some people might've thought it could be a Kraken Prime



I remember that, Vor is obsessed with orokin technology so he pimped out his Kraken so no issues with lore. That doesn't make it a prime though.


Edit: Also, I think DE will make it into a weapon skin, like they did with Brokk.

Edited by Rhorge
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I agree for the Latron Prime. Not so much for anything else (because the founder weapons are hopefully a done deal and Reaper Prime doesn't have a real counterpart), though ever since they buffed access to the void, getting normal Frost seems under-incentivized.


Latron Prime however sticks out like a sore thumb. It's a straight-up progression element in a system that shouldn't have one. I like the Latron more than the Prime and considered getting it, but since I can easily get the Prime and it's straight-up better I feel like I'm gimping myself. I SHOULD NOT BE FEELING TORN ABOUT THIS.





If that would be true, he would be complaining about clan weapons. You're horribly missing his point and making unfounded assumptions.


You must have a tremendous weakness to common sense.

Common sense huh? It's been said a dozen times over that Prime weapons are suppose to be a stronger version of the regular model. Not just some skin, common sense would be to make it stronger than the original model. I have a tremendous weakness to reading stupidity, not common sense. Lazy players/jealous players always trying to ruin a good weapon. All this stupid crap about wanting to nerf good weapons so they don't make the bad weapons feel bad. You make the bad weapons not bad so the good weapons so they don't feel bad. Make sense? These forums have so many posts that just want to ruin weapons. I'm not going to be ignorant and say the prime weapons are hard to earn. The latron prime does require more work than the regular latron however. To be honest too, the regular latron isn't even BAD. It's like some people on here just don't want any type of sense of progress. I would just like it if people even thought for a second how some of their posts sound. I would absolutely hate it if every single weapon EVERY SINGLE WEAPON in the game was not some form of a upgrade to another. That is ungodly boring, why I was overjoyed to hear about clan weapons. So no, don't even try to sound like a smart &#!. 

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You make the bad weapons not bad so the good weapons so they don't feel bad. Make sense? 

No, actually. Not a lick of sense. Might wanna edit that.


People have different ideas of how to approach weapon variety. A weapon-based progression system is not "common sense", it's just a specific opinion. I guess we can agree to disagree.

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No, actually. Not a lick of sense. Might wanna edit that.


People have different ideas of how to approach weapon variety. A weapon-based progression system is not "common sense", it's just a specific opinion. I guess we can agree to disagree.

Either you're just  really trying to be an &#! about it. or you're just not trying to use your intelligence. I guess we're gonna have to. I don't wanna talk to a wall ~_~;

Edited by TheDoctah
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Let's say you have a Latron Prime and you've put a potato on it, as well as used a few forma to add polarities. They then introduce a Latron Double Prime which has 51 damage and 15% chance to crit. How overjoyed you must be!


The existence of a superior weapon does nothing to negate the weapon I already have.


I have a potatoed vanilla Latron. When I finally assemble my prime, I'll have lost nothing, I'll have gained a Latron Prime.

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Either you're just  really trying to be an &#! about it. or you're just not trying to use your intelligence. I guess we're gonna have to. I don't wanna talk to a wall ~_~;

Sweet moves there bro, insulting people who disagree with you. Smooth operator. I want something else from the game therefore I must be dumb.

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Sweet moves there bro, insulting people who disagree with you. Smooth operator. I want something else from the game therefore I must be dumb.

That's not being insulting, that's just being truthful. xD I didn't call you dumb, as I said you have intelligence, you're not using them. lol As for you wanting something different, I don't think you're dumb for that. That would make everyone else dumb as well then cause everyone wants something different. I just don't believe in nerfing every weapon in the game is the way to go about it. 

Edited by TheDoctah
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They are not difficult to obtain, they are not earned through skill, achievement or hard work, and they have no downsides whatsoever.

Excuse me? Prior to the great key drop buff they were intensely difficult to obtain. Even now they are still massively harder to obtain than the non-prime weapons. Latron? You've just gotta buy the BP and farm some mats. Latron Prime? You've gotta run a minimum of four void runs, with one of them being T3 to get all the components. But four is insanely optimistic since the void drop table is such you've only got a ~12% chance at the component you want for receivers.

Also, farming defense for T3 keys is a lot harder work than farming base systems for mats.

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I agree with Cpl_Facehugeer it by no means easy to get basically dumb luck. I ran tier two at least 130+ times and got 2 receiver.  Out of 40+?( I stopped caring after 20) tier 3 runs I got 3 receivers. Many people ran void far more than me and got zero it is by no means easy to get a Latron prime Its just dumb luck.  I do not have bad luck please do not stone me.....

Edited by LazyKnight
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Sidegrades were eventually the reason why I stopped playing Guild Wars 2. No sense of progression + lack of rewards outside of visual effects. Gear should not be seen as a reward only, but a stepping stone for you to take on harder content. To have a carrot on a stick you need both the carrot and the stick.


Also, I like the Skin of Vanilla Excalibur better than the Prime one. Darned Stripes.

Edited by Baigan
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This is the nature of loot based games. Every so often better loot is introduced (usually along with content that requires it) as something for players (maybe not the OP) to continue to play. If you expect a top tier gun to remain unbeatable for the life time of this game, you are surely to get disappointed.


Personally speaking, collecting guns (and Warframes) and pimping them is the reason I keep playing. Eventually they will become obsolete and be replaced by better ones (and the cycle repeats itself). Can't speak for every other player, but judging from my Clan (~1000 members), that is the reason why most, if not all, players continue to login every day.

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I remember that, Vor is obsessed with orokin technology so he pimped out his Kraken so no issues with lore. That doesn't make it a prime though.


Edit: Also, I think DE will make it into a weapon skin, like they did with Brokk.

Oh please, semantics! It is essentially----for the sake of consitancy and context----a prime version of the weapon. A "Kraken +" if you will.

Will we obtain it in the void? Maybe the Orokin defense system modified the weapons of the corrupted? Probably not though. Grineer have an obsession with Orokin tech and will have probably integrated it into their own.  I imagine we'll get it from Grineer based loot table.

But that is neither here nor there. How we get it doesn't matter. What matters... is that in this context, the weapon is still a "prime" version for all intents and purposes.

Now, I'll admit calling it a prime is an assumption. Presumably, it could come down to just being a skin----however I highly doubt this because it would be a missed opertunity at more "Prime" style progression.

I agree with MrTetsuo. Building. Collecting. Grinding. That is the essence of the game. That sensation of progression you get from leveling up a gun, warframe, or mod. That's a large part of what keeps us coming back.

Edited by Rudest
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I remember seeing a post on Reddit not too long ago, in which someone suggested DE make original frames a component in crafting primes, to which DE simply replied with ":)". Of course this is far from a confirmation, but it isn't a denial so it's entirely possible that DE is looking into such a system with frames and weapons. This would render the current debate pretty much moot. 

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This is how things go in a progression game. Do you really want to keep using the same gun for years just because you invested in it? New wepons will come out, trumping the old. Its how it is in EVERY progression game. Every single one.

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I think the better question is:  "If you're lazy and rich enough to waste your money on potatoes and forma which are actually rather easy (Read: Lucky) to obtain in game, then why do you even care that the Prime variants are better?"


Is it possibly because you can't just pay for them?  Like, if they just stuck Prime variants in the store for 10-15 bucks or whatever outrageous price they charge for the Warframes and stuff right now, but gave you a discount if you already own the predecessor, would you just waste more of your money on them and be happy? 


Cause if I were DE, I'd totally do that, and bank on it.


No, but seriously, this is basically how every MMO endgame grind works, old stuff becomes outdated and you eventually replace it, or keep it for nostalgia's sake.  My advice would be to save your money for permanent purchases such as color pallets, cute sentinel costumes, and extra weapon and warframe slots.  Oh and maybe orokin reactors every once in awhile, in case you're like me, and have like 7 warframes now.  You can never really go wrong with potatoing a warframe.

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What a whiny post. Just from the name alone "PRIME!!" if they weren't any better than the original versions then I personally would be disappointed.


I've spent money on weapons like kunai after that I got despair but I'm not crying asking for my plat back for kunai, why? Why would I?

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Because it means you can level up your favorite rifle/pistol/sword/warframe again and still get mastery for it. I leveled up my Latron quite a far ways, then I got the Latron Prime, and I'm enjoying leveling it up again just to get more Mastery while my old Latron fades away. I enjoy maxing out my weapons, no matter what they are. Taking it from brand new to battle tested and worn is fun for me. That's why I tolerate it.


I will buy every weapon I will enjoy, and then get the prime version just so I can level it up some more.

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While I did buy a founders pack, the $50 one, I haven't bought a single weapon with platinum.  I only used the keys. I farmed for my Latron Prime and Frost Prime and it took quite a few keys until I got the receiver and the Frost prime blue print.  I didn't read all the responses here so I may not be the first to say this.  Stop *@##$ing.

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I am also a founder who has not spent money on weapons/warframes, but at the same time I understand where this topic is coming from. The people who spend platinum are basically funding the game for everyone, the game should not discourage platinum purchases. The idea of some rare, stronger variant of a thing you have to get in a special place sounds like a good idea, but it should not have to make people actively regret or be wary of supporting the game. Prime stuff could have just been skins, even with the same buffs, and in-game support for that seems to already exist! And at one point the developers were looking into giving some benefit to people who already had Frost when Frost Prime came out, but absolutely nothing happened, which is unfortunate.


And it doesn't matter if the guy bought things with platinum. Hard work? Don't make me laugh, the game is about time sinks and RNG, not to mention virtually devoid of challenge or strategy. If anything, hard work is where platinum comes from. Platinum is how the developers stay in business, and people are actually saying using it should be discouraged?! I don't buy items with platinum so I spend time to get them, but if I spent forma/catalysts/reactors/etc. on an item that was rendered obsolete, I'd be upset because my time has an actual, tangible value in reality, much like money. Frost Prime doesn't!

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