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I got stuck on a grineer ship!


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Ok. So I was walking on a grineer ship and I walked into a three-way room and a lockdown had begun and there was no console to hack. There were windows there though and I know that there'll be an update soon where we can shoot Corpus windows and deploy into archwing. DE should implement this into grineer ships as well. I heard that there's a corridor on a grineer ship tileset with no console in it and I think they should add a vent as an escape route.

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12 minutes ago, (XB1)LAZYNOOB2015 said:

Ok. So I was walking on a grineer ship and I walked into a three-way room and a lockdown had begun and there was no console to hack. There were windows there though and I know that there'll be an update soon where we can shoot Corpus windows and deploy into archwing. DE should implement this into grineer ships as well. I heard that there's a corridor on a grineer ship tileset with no console in it and I think they should add a vent as an escape route.

You should have taken a screenshot so it's easier to tell what room you were in. Also I haven't heard any plans about letting you use archwing in corpus missions just because you can shoot out windows. They are planning on introducing hybrid warframe/archwing(instead of sharkwing) missions. At least TWW will have the feature (in a Grineer map) so I expect them to add hybrid missions to other places as well (meaning both grineer and corpus).

Edited by AXCrusnik
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15 minutes ago, (XB1)LAZYNOOB2015 said:

Ok. So I was walking on a grineer ship and I walked into a three-way room and a lockdown had begun and there was no console to hack. There were windows there though and I know that there'll be an update soon where we can shoot Corpus windows and deploy into archwing. DE should implement this into grineer ships as well. I heard that there's a corridor on a grineer ship tileset with no console in it and I think they should add a vent as an escape route.

It's a random bug that happens, after each major update. 

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