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[PC] Broken Trading of Syndicate Weapons


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Having the same issue when trying to trade Telos Boltace. We tried switching Dojos and relogging, but neither worked as well. Just picked up the weapon, maybe 4 days ago too, so the only thing I can assume is that the item registration messed up with the most recent patch.


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Tried to trade a Rakta Dark Dagger with someone, who lagged out of his dojo, cancelling the trade. Caused my game going: 'would you like to save this trade'. Traded again and keep getting the message: [The trade failed: One or more items in your pending trade no longer matches said item in your account.] , it prevents me from selling this item, any item.

Tried logging back in but it doesn't fix it. I can't trade anything Special Weapons at this point in time.


Added pictures relating to weapon trade and Orokin Lab troubleunrelated to original post:





On another note, Orokin Lab access to the Dragon Key blueprints is disabled, locking out some people from acquiring them at all.




Edited by Altair_Flame
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So I am trying to trade my unranked prisma skana with a guy, and whenever I we both accept the trade a message appears saying: 



To try and fix i have done:

- relog

- close and open the game.

- use steam and non steam launcher.

- and maroo's bazzar 


Anyone know whats going on?  and/or how i can fix this?

Edited by KillerSiri
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Same here, man. Glad im not the only one. This time, I trade trading a Synoid Simulor. Got that same message as well.

To be exact:

"Trade Failed: One or more items in your buddy's pending trade no longer matche said items in their account"

Got same message from two different people, same item.

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so i tried to give my friend a mara detron for a birthday gift and the game wont let me trade it ( i just equip it once no affinity has been put in to it) and it says this  " The trade failed: One or more items in your pending trade no longer longer matches said item in your account " please help me 

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