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Some Of My Created Warframe And Weapons


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Please not comment how I draw I am not a artist here close enough as I could.


In addition to my language is not English you may find mistakes






Health 100

Power 150

Armor 40

Shield Capacity 110

Sprint Speed ​​0.9

Polarity: Still not invent.


On the mouth is a laser gun;

Dragon is resistant to fire;

warfram looks like dargon or lizardr;

It has four "eyes" on the face;




1) holographic claws: Create a short period of time three times longer and larger holographic hands with claws has 4 fingers. Able to rip and Knock down enemy with them and fly through the whole map. If the enemy with a stun, this pick up enemy and it tore through the sides or throw to another enemy with.

For a long hands Toxic Ancient can not touch you.


2) Element power up: short time  increase elemental damage from 40-100% (random) for you and your friends.


3) Elemental Blast: Random Ice (white), fire (red), electricity (blue). Unleash energy  from the mouth Laser the  enemy who do a lot of damage.


4) Nova Blast: This is pure energy (yellow) that goes through the whole map and can through things get through it destroys everything is organic, what is inorganic.


Beekeeper / Honey man




Health 110

power 100

Armor 45

Shield Capacity 120

Sprint Speed ​​1:05

Polarity: Still not invent.


Beekeeper on the forearm are nano spores it release nano-robotic bees.




1) Sting: a temporal paralyzuoja enemy or enemy swells up and explodes only works on one enemy.


2) Sweet Bomb: throws yellow bomb on the ground that yellow blanket enemy masses that does critical damage. If you drop on its own that restores health or armor.


3) Wax Armor: enclosu a player yellow wax combs to temporarily reduce damage but where the enemy is shooting at you bullets is absorber to wax and complement your ammo.


4) Not the bees: release nano-robotic swarm of bees who paralyzed enemy or eats away, or the injection eggs from which emerges another swarm of bees.




Primary Weapon

(name not invent)

Hunting Shotgun with 2 bullets (Stock Ammo does not work).

Base Damage 170

Base Firing Rate of 3.5

Accuracy 9.5

Base Clip Size 2

Ammo Base Size 120

Base Reload Speed ​​1:50

Base Critical Chance 2.0%

Base Critical Damage 150%




It was used during the first Tenno, and from the old Earth although many a century has passed, and many changes have been but weapon maintains its shape and his  name. Tenno considered as the most reliable weapon in any situation. (Ak-47 with the Tenno style)


Mastery Level 4

Base Damage 28

Firing Rate Base 9.8

Accuracy 20

Base Clip Size 30

Ammo Base Size 560

Base Reload Speed ​​2.0

Base Critical Chance 6%

Base Critical Damage 150%

Polarity: 1xV




Is Tenno smg, who has the ability steals enemy  health and armor, and gives the player.

Fires a small needle

(MP5 + Tenno style)


Mastery Level 4

Base Damage 12

Firing Rate Base 18

Accuracy 25

Base Clip Size 40

Ammo Base Size 550

Base Reload Speed ​​2.1

Base Critical Chance 4%

Base Critical Damage by 140%

Polarity none


Side Arm


El Diablo (only alert mission)

Sawn off shotgun that instead of firing birdshot pellets shooting five heavy bolts from one bullet.

Its end is pre-heated from  Heated Charge 45% implanted.

(Stock Ammo does not work).

When aiming with El Diablo relied on on his left forearm It is aimed to better.

Base Damage 120

Base Firing Rate of 3.0

Accuracy 4.0

Base Clip Size 2

Ammo Base Size 220

Base Reload Speed ​​0.80

Base Critical Chance 2.7%

Base Critical Damage 160%

Polarity none

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I have to admit these are fairly... silly. I understand, you're new and you want to share the ideas you think are "cool". That's only natural.

Don't let the inevitable tide of haters get you down.

For future reference this belongs in the Fan Zone though.

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