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[Warframe Concept] Teru the sentient hunter


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Physical Detail

Found an AMAZING artist @Darken217 and this is what he's drawn so far atm.





What the front part of Teru's helmet is looking like at the moment and also Kisa's artificial eye.


And this is the Operator(Kisa) look so far atm!


Kisa's(Original Operator) body update



Being part sentient himself, Teru can topple even the biggest sentients with ease thanks to his combination of sentient powers and manipulation of Wires.


Leaving stats out since I'm not an expert, and these are just ideas I have for my warframe concept. 

Sentient (Passive)

Has adaptability like other sentients and can regain his shields back sooner.

Sacrificial Aid (Death Passive)

Upon death, if an ally walks over Teru only the first ally there would absorb energy from his core. When that happens 50% of that allies health, shield and energy is replenished. If Teru runs out of revivals then the first ally at his body will have 100% of their health, shield and energy replenished.


Key1.Wire Proficiency

Teru's uses wires to his advantage in battle.

  1. Can grab an enemy with his wires and uses what he picks up as a shield. 
  2. Pierce/Weaken the enemy and then throw them into other enemies or into other objects.
  3. Enemies that get pierced by Teru's wires will be shocked and paralyzed for a certain amount of time. 

(Still working on this ability with wording it.)

Key2.Sentient Armor

Using power from his core, Teru casts an aura around his to block and absorb incoming damage.

  • Teru removes his mask to expose his core that forms a protective armor around him(Shield mods will make it stronger). The less shields Teru has the weaker this armor will be.
  • Each damage that Teru's armor absorbs will be converted to replenishing his shields. If the shields are at max capacity, over shields will be added.
  • Damage from certain weapons (aka Missiles, Rockets, and others such as that ) will only block some of the damage and slightly shorten status effects from them.

Key3.Seismic Restraint

Using his own shields, Teru punches the ground sending out wires that instantly grab and hold enemies in place.

  • When activated, Teru will be shield-less and more vulnerable to damage. 
  • Enemies in a big area will be rooted to the ground by wires made of Teru's own shields (the amount of shields will affect the range of this ability not mods). Enemies in a small area around the punch zone will be knocked down and have their armor slowly eroded while restrained. Though if the enemies take damage while the ability is in effect, that will dispel the wires on the specific enemy that took damage and they will be able to move again.
  • The punch zone will create a short burst of energy that will replenish some of any nearby allies energy.

Key4. Strings of Fate

A link that communally splits the damage.

  • Teru uses his threads to tie the future of his allies together. Any frame that is with in range share all heath and energy regeneration. All base armour stats are added and shared between frames. Any damage received to any frame will be dealt to Teru's shield until they are depleted after which damage shall be evenly disrupted between all connected frames.
  • (Side note: had a clan mate help in coming up with this ability idea.)


Facts about the frame

  • Spoiler
    • Teru is short for Ēteru which means aether, ether in Japanese with aether being another term for void in godai. Which his wires are made out of an Aether/void metallic material. 
    • The warframe is only part sentient. 
    • He became part sentient after being damaged in the old war. 
    • The frame is Teru(male) and the Original Operator is Kisa(female)
    • The glow from his helmet shows which damage he's more resistant to at that moment. 
    • More of an agile frame, this makes up for his lack of being a tank and unable to take hits well. 


Teru and Kisa's Lore


Lore Facts

  • Both Operator and Warframe were damaged while the warframe was on the battlefield. The squad he was a part of ended up being massacred, with all dax soldiers dead with just a few other frames surviving and managing to get Teru to safety. 
  • To save the warframe after being critically damaged during The Old War, Archimedeans used Sentient parts to try and repair what they could. 
  • When the warframe became damaged, it also affected the original operator, causing Kisa's to lose her right eye. (idea I got thanks to The War Within)
  • The whereabouts of the original operator are unknown since The Collapse and is one of the Operators that didn't enter cryosleep.
  • The original operator was one of the Tenno that helped keep the rest safe during the whole Zariman Ten Zero incident



  • Starts out with Ordis telling the Operator that he's picked up a weird signal that is popping up on multiple planets and is confused by how this is possible. To get a better idea of what they're dealing with, the operator goes to the last planet that Ordis had detected the strange signal from. 
  • After being able to analyze the signals Ordis still doesn't have a clue what it could be or where it had come from and needing the Lotus to take a better look at what it could be. Which the lotus is still needing some more samples of what is left to try and predict on where it might pop up at again. 
  • The Lotus is able to find where it could pop up at again and has the Tenno rush to the planet before they miss their chance to find out what it is. What they find isn't what they could ever expect. 

Short story

Had @Stindu help with editing my short story and fix any grammar mistakes.


This is just a small portion to the bigger part of the Operators lore and explains how she started Tessenjutsu. Which takes place years before the Zimmerman 10-0 void accident.


Teru's operator became interested in Tessenjutsu after seeing a man practicing the style. This style of fighting was foreign to her, and she couldn't believe anyone would fight with fans. She had seen countless Dax soldiers training and sparring in various martial arts, but this was so different that she just couldn't look away. She found herself drawn to the man. Wanting to get a closer look, but not wanting to be seen, she pulls out her cloaking device and makes her way down the hill. Activating the device, her thoughts drift to her mother and father. Shaking her head, she returns her attention to the present. She can't afford any distractions while stalking a trained warrior. Confident in her invisibility, she moves closer and settles herself on a rock close to the man. She is fascinated by the way the forms shift from the graceful movement of open fans to strong, sharp jabs with the fans closed. Curious as to why a young invisible girl would be watching him, but sensing no malice, he pretends not to notice the intrusion. The man moves smoothly through his forms, obviously a master of his chosen style, the fans almost seem alive in his hands. He finishes his forms and returns the fans to their sheathes on his belt. He moves to a nearby tree and pulls a towel from the lower branches. Wiping himself down, he begins walking casually in the direction of the invisible girl. The girl feels a moment of panic when she realizes he is walking in her direction, but quickly pushes it down. No sense in giving herself away by panicking. She holds her breath and waits for him to pass her by, but he doesn't. He stops beside her and says "Did you enjoy the show?" Caught completely off guard by the words obviously spoken to her, she jumps so hard she falls off the rock she was sitting on. Jumping to her feet, face flushed with embarrassment "What style is that? I've never seen anyone fight with fans before. Can you even fight with fans? How did you know I was there? No one has ever seen through my cloak before?" The words are spoken so quickly that they tumble over one another. "I can hear the beat of the butterfly's wings." he replies with a trace of a grin. Her eyes widen and she gasps. Unable to contain himself, the grin turns into full blown laughter as he points to a set of footprints clearly made by small feet leading down from the top of the hill. He stops laughing and adopts a serious tone "Next time do a better job of concealing your presence. If I was an enemy you would have been dead before you even had a chance to react." Softening his tone slightly he continues, "To answer your second question, the style is called Tessenjutsu. And, yes, you can in fact fight with fans. It is rare, a lost art I guess you could call it. There are few students in our ranks, and even fewer masters. Tessenjutsu requires skills and dedication that most warriors lack." Still bristling from his rebuke, the anger evident in her tone "If no one wants to master it, it must not be very practical. Is it even any good?" Sighing, the warrior starts to move past her "For a brat like you, probably not." Red in the face, and truly angry now, she practically shouts "I am not a brat, and I didn't say I think it's bad!" Shaking his head, he continues walking. She falls into step behind him, "I can fight. Spar with me and I'll show you I have what it takes to learn Tessenjutsu!" He stops, and turns to face her. He can see determination written in every inch of her stance, but it's her eyes that hold his attention. He sees something there that reminds him of himself. A smile touches his lips, and he decides to give her a chance. "Are you sure about this little one? I'd hate to hurt a child." Her only reply is to drop into her stance, shifting one leg forward and raising her fists.

Tossing the towel away, he drops into his own stance, " Very well child, show me your resolve." Without hesitation she rushes in throwing two quick jabs followed by a snap kick to the midsection. He dodges both punches, side steps the kick, and  then sends her flying with a kick to her chest. Coughing, she rolls over onto all fours and struggles to her feet. Smiling, he says "Oh, you're getting back up?" She moves back in, leading with a front kick. He easily side steps her kick again, and as she stumbles past him he pivots on his back foot and drives his elbow into her cheek. She stumbles a few steps hunched over, but she doesn't fall. Straightening up, she spits some blood on the ground and drops back into her stance. She comes at him again and again, taking several hits while not scoring any hits of her own. He is careful to pull his punches so he doesn't seriously hurt her, but still her breathing is ragged and her vision is starting to blur. She knows she is nearing her limit. Her stubbornness is the only thing keeping her standing. Gathering herself for one last assault, she starts circling looking for an opening. "Are you sure you can continue?" even he is surprised at the note of concern in his own voice "You've shown me your resolve. You have nothing more to prove to me this day." Her lips draw up into an almost feral smile. Blood flows freely from her nose and her mouth, and she stops her circling. "I have one last thing to prove to you today." she says as she charges. She throws a couple of quick punches, and he counters with a punch of his own. His eyes widen in surprise as she ducks the punch and steps in. With her last burst of energy she catches his wrist with her left hand and pulls him slightly off balance. Using her momentum she drives her fist hard into his nose, snapping his head back. She feels the cartilage smash under the force, and knows that his nose is broken. She hadn't meant to hit him that hard, but she was lost in the moment. Reality comes rushing back in, and her fatigue hits her as hard as any of his blows. She sees him moving towards her, but she can't muster the strength to raise her arms to block his counter attack. All she can do is close her eyes and let the blackness engulf her. Her legs give out, but she never hits the ground. She feels strong arm catch her, supporting her weight. Slowly he eases her to the ground, cradling her head and shoulders in his arms. She smiles weakly through the pain and looks him in the eyes, "Now I've shown you my resolve." He laughs and replies "That was a nice punch. I guess you do know something about fighting. I will train you, but rest first my pupil. Pupil.......?" He lets the question hang in the air. She takes a deep breath, her eyelids fluttering, "My name is K..k..Kisa." The smile on her face never fades, not even as she loses consciousness. 

Edited by KisaPrime
fixing minor details
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So I was on the league of legends forums for years working on fan concepts, so let me give you a bit of a review.

Now her passive is a bit much. Since most frames have limited passives to a specific arc (Mag is pulling in items, Oberon is making animals friends, etc) Focus her passive into a single theme. 

Passive: Generates 1 Lantern each time an ability is cast, and regenerates 1 energy per second per Lantern. Lasts 10 seconds. (Or something along these lines)


Her theme and kit seem to hold some water, but the synergy is a bit off.

1: Throws her Tessen in a straight skill shot, dealing damage and disarming enemies.

2: (Tap): Creates a Lantern which seeks out an ally (or self), and makes them invisible for a very short time. (Hold): Gathers all her Lanterns to inflict Confusion on all enemies within a large range, and inflicts finisher damage after the duration for each Lantern used.

3: Dashes forward charming all enemies hit. Charmed enemies will walk towards her in a line for a few seconds, and attack any in their path.

4: Empowers herself with fire, and trades out her weapons for a pair of flaming Tessen. Charge attacks send them straight out, and then curving back. Affected by melee mods.




1: Causes the Tessen to sit at the end of it's range for a few seconds dealing damage, and disarming opponents that come within range.

2: Lanterns will return after affecting allies.

3: Creates a field where she dashes applying the same effect to enemies that cross it.

4: Will revive once every 45 seconds, and deal moderate damage and a 100% Blast proc.




The above kit and augments make more sense in both Theme and in Synergy. Though I'm not saying you MUST use it. It's simply my take on your creation. Feel free to use it however you wish.

Edited by EibonEthos
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20 minutes ago, EibonEthos said:


So I was on the league of legends forums for years working on fan concepts, so let me give you a bit of a review.

Now her passive is a bit much. Since most frames have limited passives to a specific arc (Mag is pulling in items, Oberon is making animals friends, etc) Focus her passive into a single theme. 

Passive: Generates 1 Lantern each time an ability is cast, and regenerates 1 energy per second per Lantern. Lasts 10 seconds. (Or something along these lines)


Her theme and kit seem to hold some water, but the synergy is a bit off.

1: Throws her Tessen in a straight skill shot, dealing damage and disarming enemies.

2: (Tap): Creates a Lantern which seeks out an ally (or self), and makes them invisible for a very short time. (Hold): Gathers all her Lanterns to inflict Confusion on all enemies within a large range, and inflicts finisher damage after the duration for each Lantern used.

3: Dashes forward charming all enemies hit. Charmed enemies will walk towards her in a line for a few seconds, and attack any in their path.

4: Empowers herself with fire, and trades out her weapons for a pair of flaming Tessen. Charge attacks send them straight out, and then curving back. Affected by melee mods.




1: Causes the Tessen to sit at the end of it's range for a few seconds dealing damage, and disarming opponents that come within range.

2: Lanterns will return after affecting allies.

3: Creates a field where she dashes applying the same effect to enemies that cross it.

4: Will revive once every 45 seconds, and deal moderate damage and a 100% Blast proc.




The above kit and augments make more sense in both Theme and in Synergy. Though I'm not saying you MUST use it. It's simply my take on your creation. Feel free to use it however you wish.

Some of those ideas actually help me out with parts I couldn't figure out how to make them work well. Even more about the passive though I wouldn't want the Fox Lanterns to disappear. So maybe after using them they become dim and then need to kind of recharge before doing anything else again. 

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Well it's more about the unique aspect of her building up the Lanterns to provide energy sustain, and using her abilities to make her enemies line up and take everything. The lanterns give her openings or escapes in her kit. You could even tie in the Lanterns to the ultimate as a way of empowering it if she has 10+. 


4: If 10+ Lanterns they all ignite and spin around her dealing fire damage to enemies within range.

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13 minutes ago, EibonEthos said:

Well it's more about the unique aspect of her building up the Lanterns to provide energy sustain, and using her abilities to make her enemies line up and take everything. The lanterns give her openings or escapes in her kit. You could even tie in the Lanterns to the ultimate as a way of empowering it if she has 10+. 


4: If 10+ Lanterns they all ignite and spin around her dealing fire damage to enemies within range.

True and I know I'm going more towards a Tessenjutsu like build, so paralyzing/disarming and then restrain to land a devastating blow. 

Having fire act like that I would worry if people might just think it's like Ember 4th. Though if it's 8 Fox Lanterns, during her 4th skill they could join with her and make up as her 9 tails. Which with everything I've read, watched, etc about Tessenjutsu they seem to normally just use the tessen that's solid wood. So then that could work with having the dual fans being energy made out of fire from her tails. 

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Well the thing about Katsune is that they tend to steal the souls of men to become human. Which is where the charm them into a line bit comes in. I have no grounding on Tessenjutsu, so it's your call. It would seem like Ember's 4 but the idea is orbits rather then a massive aoe as per Ember.

Edit: Ok I now understand. I would edit your idea of the frame to be more metal fan and/or wood to fit the mythos, and play off the Tengu rather then a Fox spirit.

Edited by EibonEthos
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I do know I wanted to focus her more on Tessenjutsu styles more than being a kitsune. Mainly since that goes with the mini lore I put at the end of it all. Though it's fine if she uses just a little bit of her Kitsune powers to give an extra push but I do want her 4th skill to be a going all out. meaning she's not happy and will use every ouch of power she has to obliterate every enemy in her path. 

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9 minutes ago, EibonEthos said:

Well just consider the origin of the tessen style that's my last two bits. Hope to see you continue working on her.

I've been looking up anything about tessenjutsu for over a week. Though I haven't actually checked the mans name that created the technique, just read that he wanted to create an art that would defeat enemies without killing them. That some of what tessenjutsu does could cave in a persons skull, and had men deflecting swords and spears. 

You have no idea how helpful you have been and I would be doing an anime crying yet thank you so much expression. :D 

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On 11/13/2016 at 10:47 PM, mustache_kitteh said:

Name: Kitsa

I'm a big proponent of trying to come up with mysterious names, or thematic names that aren't too on the nose.

Kitsa/Kitsune feels too on the nose to me.

I would suggest re-naming her when you get a thematic inspiration to draw from.

On 11/13/2016 at 10:47 PM, mustache_kitteh said:

Fighting style: Tessenjutsu(Iron Fan Technique)


On 11/13/2016 at 10:47 PM, mustache_kitteh said:

Not only was I thinking about a concept for a Tessenjutsu master frame but it would also be a Kitsune. I felt like some of the powers a kitsune has would make it easier to code the techniques used in Tessenjutsu. Tessenjutsu is the Japanese martial art that uses War Fans called Tessen. For those of you who have no idea what a Tessen looks like here is an example.

By nature this art is defensive due to disarming and restraining techniques but don't let that part fool you because it can be a powerful offensive art as well. By using uchi-waza (hitting techniques), tsuki-waza (thrusting techniques), paralyzing(pressure point technique), kansetsu-waza (joint-locking techniques) and shime-waza (strangulation techniques). I'll post the videos showing how someone with a Tessen would use it in a fight. 

I'm unfamiliar with this fighting style, but having read this (some other info), and watched the videos (and a few others), it seems like a legitimate CQC system with a cool weapon. 

I think the presentation suffers from the academic setting: the purpose of the videos is to demonstrate and teach (as most videos are), not utilize the martial art in a combat setting. Most demonstrations suffer from this.

That said, I do feel the system (as demonstrated) is a little too similar to Aikido in form and function: both are aimed at not killing opponents and defending not only one's self, but preventing serious injury to the attacker. We Tenno aren't really here for that--preventing injury to our opponents. Not in the least.

What I'd offer is that you and DE/Warframe could draw heavily on Tessenjutsu, include the Tessen/War Fans, but shift the focus of the art toward a valid combat system for Warframe. (Which includes killing, doing serious harm and injury to attackers.)

That's just my suggestion (on shifting it toward offense as opposed to defense), but you're not obligated to take it to heart if it changes your vision for Kitsa and the use of Tessenjutsu in your concept.

It's your concept after all. (Maybe there is a place for a defensive fighter. Who knows.)

Either way, I'm in favor of 'frames with unique CQC systems (and the game could use them more as a whole).

On 11/13/2016 at 10:47 PM, mustache_kitteh said:

(Passive): At the start of each mission, Kitsa has 3 or so small blue balls(Fox Lanterns) of either fire or light spinning around her. The Lanterns allow her to regenerate energy by a rate of 1.0, though this ability wont regenerate while she's knocked down or her shields are low(120 and below). Each time Kitsa performs abilities that use her Tessen she's able to deflect 10% of incoming melee damage and 5% of projectile damage. 

Neither of the passive elements are bad, but I do wonder if you should focus on one or two instead of all three, and then buff the ones you've focused on a bit.

On 11/13/2016 at 10:47 PM, mustache_kitteh said:

Ability 1 


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 Kitsa hits vital points in the enemies arms, causing them to become paralyzed and drop any weapons they were holding.

Energy: 25

Strength: N/A

Duration: 7 / 9 / 11 / 14s

Range: N/A

Info: For the duration of the ability they wont be able to pick up any other weapon. While paralyzed enemies shields will be reduced the most and some armor will be reduced, Power Strength mods will determine how much.


Overall, I like this. I imagine you'd want to get in close, via slide or roll, then disarm and get out of melee range of the enemy. A bombard for instance. The shield and armor reduction might help justify using the ability over just getting in and meleeing the enemy until dead.


On 11/13/2016 at 10:47 PM, mustache_kitteh said:

Ability 2

Fox Lantern

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Sends out Fox Lanterns to protect other allies around Kitsa.

Energy: 75

strength: N/A

Duration: 30s

Range: 15 / 20 / 22 / 25m

Info: Once the lanterns start to circle around other allies they will absorb any incoming damage and heal 5% of your health and 5% energy. (This skill is still in a working progress and I might change it if I think of something better.)


Seems fine. Similar to Nezha and Nova defensive mechanics. The health and energy restore is 5% per second? Or just a flat 5% for the 30 seconds?

On 11/13/2016 at 10:47 PM, mustache_kitteh said:

Ability 3


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As Kitsa dashes towards the enemy she quickly gets them in a joint lock and lands a powerful blow doing puncture damage. 

Energy: 75

Strength: 100 / 250 / 350 / 500 Damage

Duration: N/A

Range: 6 / 8 / 10 / 12m

Info: Enemies that don't die instantly get the debuff knockdown and their armor reduced a little. 


Well, this would give her two abilities that reduce armor. I think you could remove the armor reduction and then this would be used in a melee combo: Cast 1, cast 3, when landed in succession successfully, it could refund all or half of the the energy used to cast 3.

On 11/13/2016 at 10:47 PM, mustache_kitteh said:

Ability 4

Tessen Flame

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Kitsa is out for revenge as she goes full power as a Kitsune, and dual wields her two Tessen. With each move she channels her fire through each slice with her Tessen. This will cause Heat and Slash damage with each attack. (This skill would be a toggle.)

Energy: 100

Strength: 250 / 300 / 350 / 400 (Damage)

Duration: N/A

Range: 8 / 12 / 15 / 20m

Info: While active this skill will consume 2.5 energy until either Kitsa runs out of energy or you press 4. The heat status chance is 100% but bleedout chance is 45%.As Kitsa releases her full power she all 9 of her tails come out and she grows claws to look more like a fox. Unlike Valkyr's anger issues by being an experiment, Kitsa's issues is more to do with having something she cared deeply about being taken away. That's also something I thought of for her own lore but will keep that a secret. 

Since it's a toggle, you should probably get rid of the casting energy cost or reduce it.

I have no strong objections (or strong suggestions to improve) to this ability.

It feels like a heated version of Valkyr mostly, which could be an issue.

Now, as for your lore, I think it's way off base in tone, the role of the warframe, and in behavior.

  • If Kitsa was a mischief maker, she can't have started out that way, as a trickster. If she was a warframe, then she would need a purpose, as dictated by the Orokin.
  • You'll need to establish what her purpose or role was in the Orokin's grand scheme of things, and decide when she meets this Tessen master. Before, after, during the war?
  • How did Kitsa turn invisible? I didn't see anything about cloaking in her kit. Maybe I missed it.
  • Warframe's cannot talk, or do not talk.
  • Have you finished the Second Dream and War Within quests? I will refrain from explaining more on the lore since I don't know if you've progressed through those important quests yet.

Overall, what I like most about Kitsa is the unique CQC system. The kitsune element of her concept might not be kitsune enough for those who are wanting that kind of concept, though.

As one who isn't crazy about the concept/theme of kitsunes, it doesn't feel as perfectly balanced as it could be (thematically, between Tessen master and kitsune).

It is a good start, and unique due to the Tessens.

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6 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

I'm a big proponent of trying to come up with mysterious names, or thematic names that aren't too on the nose.

Kitsa/Kitsune feels too on the nose to me.

I would suggest re-naming her when you get a thematic inspiration to draw from.


I'm unfamiliar with this fighting style, but having read this (some other info), and watched the videos (and a few others), it seems like a legitimate CQC system with a cool weapon. 

I think the presentation suffers from the academic setting: the purpose of the videos is to demonstrate and teach (as most videos are), not utilize the martial art in a combat setting. Most demonstrations suffer from this.

That said, I do feel the system (as demonstrated) is a little too similar to Aikido in form and function: both are aimed at not killing opponents and defending not only one's self, but preventing serious injury to the attacker. We Tenno aren't really here for that--preventing injury to our opponents. Not in the least.

What I'd offer is that you and DE/Warframe could draw heavily on Tessenjutsu, include the Tessen/War Fans, but shift the focus of the art toward a valid combat system for Warframe. (Which includes killing, doing serious harm and injury to attackers.)

That's just my suggestion (on shifting it toward offense as opposed to defense), but you're not obligated to take it to heart if it changes your vision for Kitsa and the use of Tessenjutsu in your concept.

It's your concept after all. (Maybe there is a place for a defensive fighter. Who knows.)

Either way, I'm in favor of 'frames with unique CQC systems (and the game could use them more as a whole).

Neither of the passive elements are bad, but I do wonder if you should focus on one or two instead of all three, and then buff the ones you've focused on a bit.

Overall, I like this. I imagine you'd want to get in close, via slide or roll, then disarm and get out of melee range of the enemy. A bombard for instance. The shield and armor reduction might help justify using the ability over just getting in and meleeing the enemy until dead.


Seems fine. Similar to Nezha and Nova defensive mechanics. The health and energy restore is 5% per second? Or just a flat 5% for the 30 seconds?

Well, this would give her two abilities that reduce armor. I think you could remove the armor reduction and then this would be used in a melee combo: Cast 1, cast 3, when landed in succession successfully, it could refund all or half of the the energy used to cast 3.

Since it's a toggle, you should probably get rid of the casting energy cost or reduce it.

I have no strong objections (or strong suggestions to improve) to this ability.

It feels like a heated version of Valkyr mostly, which could be an issue.

Now, as for your lore, I think it's way off base in tone, the role of the warframe, and in behavior.

  • If Kitsa was a mischief maker, she can't have started out that way, as a trickster. If she was a warframe, then she would need a purpose, as dictated by the Orokin.
  • You'll need to establish what her purpose or role was in the Orokin's grand scheme of things, and decide when she meets this Tessen master. Before, after, during the war?
  • How did Kitsa turn invisible? I didn't see anything about cloaking in her kit. Maybe I missed it.
  • Warframe's cannot talk, or do not talk.
  • Have you finished the Second Dream and War Within quests? I will refrain from explaining more on the lore since I don't know if you've progressed through those important quests yet.

Overall, what I like most about Kitsa is the unique CQC system. The kitsune element of her concept might not be kitsune enough for those who are wanting that kind of concept, though.

As one who isn't crazy about the concept/theme of kitsunes, it doesn't feel as perfectly balanced as it could be (thematically, between Tessen master and kitsune).

It is a good start, and unique due to the Tessens.

How I came up with her name wasn't actually due to her being a Kitsune. I wanted to name her Kisa but then saw that the name Kisa means kitten and well a Kitsune isn't a cat but a fox. That's why I added the t so that it wouldn't mean that she's a cat, so originally she was going to be called Kisa. :D 

God I have search and searched for videos showing them in a serious fight but so far I haven't had any luck. ;'( Though from this book I found that gives more detail about Tessenjutsu says that it's closer to gōhōjutsu and nashijutsu. The book is called, "Classical Weaponry of Japan: Special Weapons and Tactics of the Martial Arts." Though yeah I can see how it could be like since it's apart of jujutsu too, though I don't know why I'm having a hard time finding the name of the man who came up with it. Though I could be getting the style that I keep finding wrong and it not just be Tessenjutsu but actually a different branch from that called Ryu Tessenjutsu.

I do think it would be awesome to see Kitsa actually fight from how they describe Tessenjutsu but I worry if DE couldn't do that because of the movements. Though sadly any videos that show more of it in a faster way, it keeps saying youtube wont emed it or something. Still I was able to find and post a better video explaining the movements. I already read that the Tessen were not light at all, so one blow to the head with them could cave in a persons skull. 

Changing from Defensive to offensive is what I'm going for with Kitsa since that is kind of the root of how Tessenjutsu is done. Again from all that I read first the tessen was used to weaken the enemy by thrusting or paralyzing so they could restrain the enemy. Then while the enemy is defenseless they would strike a blow to the opponents head or choke them with the Tessen. Even with it's defensive nature it still sounds extremely brutal to be hit that way. 


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8 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

I'm a big proponent of trying to come up with mysterious names, or thematic names that aren't too on the nose.

Kitsa/Kitsune feels too on the nose to me.

I would suggest re-naming her when you get a thematic inspiration to draw from.


I'm unfamiliar with this fighting style, but having read this (some other info), and watched the videos (and a few others), it seems like a legitimate CQC system with a cool weapon. 

I think the presentation suffers from the academic setting: the purpose of the videos is to demonstrate and teach (as most videos are), not utilize the martial art in a combat setting. Most demonstrations suffer from this.

That said, I do feel the system (as demonstrated) is a little too similar to Aikido in form and function: both are aimed at not killing opponents and defending not only one's self, but preventing serious injury to the attacker. We Tenno aren't really here for that--preventing injury to our opponents. Not in the least.

What I'd offer is that you and DE/Warframe could draw heavily on Tessenjutsu, include the Tessen/War Fans, but shift the focus of the art toward a valid combat system for Warframe. (Which includes killing, doing serious harm and injury to attackers.)

That's just my suggestion (on shifting it toward offense as opposed to defense), but you're not obligated to take it to heart if it changes your vision for Kitsa and the use of Tessenjutsu in your concept.

It's your concept after all. (Maybe there is a place for a defensive fighter. Who knows.)

Either way, I'm in favor of 'frames with unique CQC systems (and the game could use them more as a whole).

Neither of the passive elements are bad, but I do wonder if you should focus on one or two instead of all three, and then buff the ones you've focused on a bit.

Overall, I like this. I imagine you'd want to get in close, via slide or roll, then disarm and get out of melee range of the enemy. A bombard for instance. The shield and armor reduction might help justify using the ability over just getting in and meleeing the enemy until dead.


Seems fine. Similar to Nezha and Nova defensive mechanics. The health and energy restore is 5% per second? Or just a flat 5% for the 30 seconds?

Well, this would give her two abilities that reduce armor. I think you could remove the armor reduction and then this would be used in a melee combo: Cast 1, cast 3, when landed in succession successfully, it could refund all or half of the the energy used to cast 3.

Since it's a toggle, you should probably get rid of the casting energy cost or reduce it.

I have no strong objections (or strong suggestions to improve) to this ability.

It feels like a heated version of Valkyr mostly, which could be an issue.

Now, as for your lore, I think it's way off base in tone, the role of the warframe, and in behavior.

  • If Kitsa was a mischief maker, she can't have started out that way, as a trickster. If she was a warframe, then she would need a purpose, as dictated by the Orokin.
  • You'll need to establish what her purpose or role was in the Orokin's grand scheme of things, and decide when she meets this Tessen master. Before, after, during the war?
  • How did Kitsa turn invisible? I didn't see anything about cloaking in her kit. Maybe I missed it.
  • Warframe's cannot talk, or do not talk.
  • Have you finished the Second Dream and War Within quests? I will refrain from explaining more on the lore since I don't know if you've progressed through those important quests yet.

Overall, what I like most about Kitsa is the unique CQC system. The kitsune element of her concept might not be kitsune enough for those who are wanting that kind of concept, though.

As one who isn't crazy about the concept/theme of kitsunes, it doesn't feel as perfectly balanced as it could be (thematically, between Tessen master and kitsune).

It is a good start, and unique due to the Tessens.

On my lore part it would actually takes place before the void jump accident, so this part takes place with her still as a human. How she would go invisible would be thanks to a certain gadget, in away that would hint that her parents were orokin archimedians. You know how when you do a capture the target can go invisible for a couple of seconds when activating something? I was thinking along those lines unless there is something else that explains how it's something only they get to have. They would have met up a year before leaving on the Zariman Ten Zero, to give enough time for her to be trained. 

I had my own theory that some of the warframe suits could have been made as a mirror image of that persons personality and complete being. 

I have completed every quest in warframe ex for the one to get Atlas. 

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9 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

I'm a big proponent of trying to come up with mysterious names, or thematic names that aren't too on the nose.

Kitsa/Kitsune feels too on the nose to me.

I would suggest re-naming her when you get a thematic inspiration to draw from.


I'm unfamiliar with this fighting style, but having read this (some other info), and watched the videos (and a few others), it seems like a legitimate CQC system with a cool weapon. 

I think the presentation suffers from the academic setting: the purpose of the videos is to demonstrate and teach (as most videos are), not utilize the martial art in a combat setting. Most demonstrations suffer from this.

That said, I do feel the system (as demonstrated) is a little too similar to Aikido in form and function: both are aimed at not killing opponents and defending not only one's self, but preventing serious injury to the attacker. We Tenno aren't really here for that--preventing injury to our opponents. Not in the least.

What I'd offer is that you and DE/Warframe could draw heavily on Tessenjutsu, include the Tessen/War Fans, but shift the focus of the art toward a valid combat system for Warframe. (Which includes killing, doing serious harm and injury to attackers.)

That's just my suggestion (on shifting it toward offense as opposed to defense), but you're not obligated to take it to heart if it changes your vision for Kitsa and the use of Tessenjutsu in your concept.

It's your concept after all. (Maybe there is a place for a defensive fighter. Who knows.)

Either way, I'm in favor of 'frames with unique CQC systems (and the game could use them more as a whole).

Neither of the passive elements are bad, but I do wonder if you should focus on one or two instead of all three, and then buff the ones you've focused on a bit.

Overall, I like this. I imagine you'd want to get in close, via slide or roll, then disarm and get out of melee range of the enemy. A bombard for instance. The shield and armor reduction might help justify using the ability over just getting in and meleeing the enemy until dead.


Seems fine. Similar to Nezha and Nova defensive mechanics. The health and energy restore is 5% per second? Or just a flat 5% for the 30 seconds?

Well, this would give her two abilities that reduce armor. I think you could remove the armor reduction and then this would be used in a melee combo: Cast 1, cast 3, when landed in succession successfully, it could refund all or half of the the energy used to cast 3.

Since it's a toggle, you should probably get rid of the casting energy cost or reduce it.

I have no strong objections (or strong suggestions to improve) to this ability.

It feels like a heated version of Valkyr mostly, which could be an issue.

Now, as for your lore, I think it's way off base in tone, the role of the warframe, and in behavior.

  • If Kitsa was a mischief maker, she can't have started out that way, as a trickster. If she was a warframe, then she would need a purpose, as dictated by the Orokin.
  • You'll need to establish what her purpose or role was in the Orokin's grand scheme of things, and decide when she meets this Tessen master. Before, after, during the war?
  • How did Kitsa turn invisible? I didn't see anything about cloaking in her kit. Maybe I missed it.
  • Warframe's cannot talk, or do not talk.
  • Have you finished the Second Dream and War Within quests? I will refrain from explaining more on the lore since I don't know if you've progressed through those important quests yet.

Overall, what I like most about Kitsa is the unique CQC system. The kitsune element of her concept might not be kitsune enough for those who are wanting that kind of concept, though.

As one who isn't crazy about the concept/theme of kitsunes, it doesn't feel as perfectly balanced as it could be (thematically, between Tessen master and kitsune).

It is a good start, and unique due to the Tessens.

The order of abilities and what they say that you show are of what I had earlier that day. Now I've rewritten them all to fit the new concepts I thought of for them and from the help of you and the other dude have helped me with.

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16 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

How I came up with her name wasn't actually due to her being a Kitsune. I wanted to name her Kisa but then saw that the name Kisa means kitten and well a Kitsune isn't a cat but a fox. That's why I added the t so that it wouldn't mean that she's a cat, so originally she was going to be called Kisa. :D 

Ah, okay. Understood.


God I have search and searched for videos showing them in a serious fight but so far I haven't had any luck. ;'( Though from this book I found that gives more detail about Tessenjutsu says that it's closer to gōhōjutsu and nashijutsu. The book is called, "Classical Weaponry of Japan: Special Weapons and Tactics of the Martial Arts." Though yeah I can see how it could be like since it's apart of jujutsu too, though I don't know why I'm having a hard time finding the name of the man who came up with it. Though I could be getting the style that I keep finding wrong and it not just be Tessenjutsu but actually a different branch from that called Ryu Tessenjutsu.

Good luck with the book. Hope it helps. (Does seem hard to find more detailed videos on it. Could be because it's not as well-practiced/has fallen out of use.)


I do think it would be awesome to see Kitsa actually fight from how they describe Tessenjutsu but I worry if DE couldn't do that because of the movements. Though sadly any videos that show more of it in a faster way, it keeps saying youtube wont emed it or something. Still I was able to find and post a better video explaining the movements. I already read that the Tessen were not light at all, so one blow to the head with them could cave in a persons skull. 

A few videos with somewhat faster demos were these (once you get past the intro of each video):





Changing from Defensive to offensive is what I'm going for with Kitsa since that is kind of the root of how Tessenjutsu is done. Again from all that I read first the tessen was used to weaken the enemy by thrusting or paralyzing so they could restrain the enemy. Then while the enemy is defenseless they would strike a blow to the opponents head or choke them with the Tessen. Even with it's defensive nature it still sounds extremely brutal to be hit that way. 


16 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

On my lore part it would actually takes place before the void jump accident, so this part takes place with her still as a human. How she would go invisible would be thanks to a certain gadget, in away that would hint that her parents were orokin archimedians. You know how when you do a capture the target can go invisible for a couple of seconds when activating something? I was thinking along those lines unless there is something else that explains how it's something only they get to have. They would have met up a year before leaving on the Zariman Ten Zero, to give enough time for her to be trained. 

I had my own theory that some of the warframe suits could have been made as a mirror image of that persons personality and complete being. 

I have completed every quest in warframe ex for the one to get Atlas. 

I think that would help a great deal with the dialogue and explanation of her training, but not immediately explain why Ballas (or whoever designed her warframe) would base it on her, complete with skills based on her Tessen training.

15 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

The order of abilities and what they say that you show are of what I had earlier that day. Now I've rewritten them all to fit the new concepts I thought of for them and from the help of you and the other dude have helped me with.

Will re-read and comment soon, then. Or hopefully soon. Can't guarantee anything atm.

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6 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Good luck with the book. Hope it helps. (Does seem hard to find more detailed videos on it. Could be because it's not as well-practiced/has fallen out of use.)

The issue with finding info about Tessenjutsu is due to how only a select few get to learn it since it's a very high skill. Which is why in my mini lore I had the stranger telling her that not anyone can learn it and only a select few can. Plus a lot of that I read says most are still trying to figure out exactly how they carried out this skill in feudal Japan. Then a lot of what I looked up showing pictures to give examples for a Tessen are all basically wrong and just showing the Gunsen version, which google keeps wanting to translate that to, "Gun." XD 

6 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Ah, okay. Understood.

Well I guess naming her Kisa would be funny since then it would be like Kisa the Kitten Fox for anyone to look up what it means. 

6 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

A few videos with somewhat faster demos were these (once you get past the intro of each video):

I did find some that did the best job of showing it and I had them replace some of the videos I did have up. I like the fact that in the video of these 2 men it even shows the pain they are in just by the little bit of doing it. So they're patting or stomping to show it's enough and that it's starting to hurt. Though one of the videos wouldn't post saying youtube couldn't embed it or something. Though after watching this it helped me to understand just how much the one holding the Tessen has to hold back since each blow with it will hit hard enough to cause a good bit of damage. Plus if you notice the places where the dude grabs to do like a strike to the head that is a pressure point that he's holding. 




6 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

I think that would help a great deal with the dialogue and explanation of her training, but not immediately explain why Ballas (or whoever designed her warframe) would base it on her, complete with skills based on her Tessen training.

Warframe never explains how the orokin decide what abilities one warframe will have or not, at least I haven't found anything about that. So I was hoping it would be based off of either the archimedean who came up with it or based on the Tenno's talents. I'm sure the Orokin would have found out about her knowing about how to do tessenjutsu which would intrigue them since only a small rare few knew the art. They probably would have wanted to use that to their advantage to win the war and want a warframe that would amplify it. 

7 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Will re-read and comment soon, then. Or hopefully soon. Can't guarantee anything atm.

It's cool, with my drawing and abilities they're still a little bit of a mess. I'm going to have to start watching videos on how to draw hands, feet, and a head better since when i try to do that it ends in an awful train wreck. :D 


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14 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

Warframe never explains how the orokin decide what abilities one warframe will have or not, at least I haven't found anything about that.

The Official Prime Access trailers for Saryn, Vauban and Nekros do give us insights into the purposes (and creations) of warframes. They're the only three that have trailers as narrated by Ballas, but I'm told DE may revisit older warframes and give them the same treatment.

Saryn is especially clear/the best example of Ballas explaining a warframe's purpose, specifically her purpose:




14 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

So I was hoping it would be based off of either the archimedean who came up with it or based on the Tenno's talents. I'm sure the Orokin would have found out about her knowing about how to do tessenjutsu which would intrigue them since only a small rare few knew the art. They probably would have wanted to use that to their advantage to win the war and want a warframe that would amplify it.

Okay. I'm not sold on it, but I hope you can make it work.

As for her teacher:


Ordan Karris, before he wanted to slaughter Orokin, was a mercenary for years and years, we don't know how long. I'm not sure if he knew a peaceful time as an adult where he could have encountered and trained her, especially if it was a year before the Z10-0 left for the Void. He likely would've been a merc at that time, I think.

The newer videos of Tessenjutsu are leaving me feeling like you'd really need to improvise upon the real world movements to make Tessen viable, but I believe that about any/every CQC system.

On the reworked abilities:

Ability 1 is pretty complex (movement-wise). You might want to scale it back/down.

Ability 2 is a little too similar to her #1, and serves the same purpose. (Yes, I know it's a WIP.)

Ability 3, not sure how her rubbing her tails together will work visually, and I don't see why the ability needs four different procs / damage types.

Ability 4 is fine, but I would be curious as to why you swapped heat for electricity.



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9 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

The Official Prime Access trailers for Saryn, Vauban and Nekros do give us insights into the purposes (and creations) of warframes. They're the only three that have trailers as narrated by Ballas, but I'm told DE may revisit older warframes and give them the same treatment.

Saryn is especially clear/the best example of Ballas explaining a warframe's purpose, specifically her purpose:

That is true. 

My hope would be that since this is a rare technique to be taught to others they would find purpose enough to make a warframe around that. It could also explain why she's not fully just about tessenjutsu but also the abilities of a Kitsune. Since Orokin are all about things that will benefit them the most and that looks flawless. Fans are looked at as more elegant to add to a persons appearance and turning that into a weapon I would think they would be greatly intrigued by it.  

9 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Okay. I'm not sold on it, but I hope you can make it work.

As for her teacher:

I felt like I could make it work since it's not like he was killing 24/7 and had to take some breaks, at least the lore doesn't say he kills 24/7. He wasn't just a mercenary, on ordis page it also says, " once a warrior named Ordan Karris, serving the Orokin as a mercenary. " So he was also a warrior too and from the dialogue he has a warriors heart and mind too, which he feels strongly about. Also the fact that she was willing to get beaten up to the point of dying just to prove to him that she's worthy of being taught it is what convinces him to train her. 

I am a bit confused about his reasons on why he wanted to be acknowledged by the Orokin ex for the fact that he had a terminal illness. Then when it says, " Further angered by the Orokin's offer," What was the first thing that they did that angered him? 

Since they didn't give some clear cut answers or due to how I understood it all, I felt like it could have been possible for him to meet her randomly before the void jump accident. I felt like later knowing that his only student ended up being sent onto a ship with other children that they weren't supposed to be on and that it was sabotaged. Would add to his hatred towards the Orokin and even when the kids did come back the Orokin tried to make sure that barely anyone knew about it. Which we know that due to Rhino's codex with one of the scientists saying they were just a myth or something they have never heard of to begin with. 

10 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

The newer videos of Tessenjutsu are leaving me feeling like you'd really need to improvise upon the real world movements to make Tessen viable, but I believe that about any/every CQC system.

That's why I made it so she's a Kitsune too, figured that might help make it easier.

11 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Ability 1 is pretty complex (movement-wise). You might want to scale it back/down.

Ability 2 is a little too similar to her #1, and serves the same purpose. (Yes, I know it's a WIP.)

Ability 3, not sure how her rubbing her tails together will work visually, and I don't see why the ability needs four different procs / damage types.

Ability 4 is fine, but I would be curious as to why you swapped heat for electricity.


With Abilities 1, 2, and 3 I still haven't figured out the best thing I want for her yet, so for a bit you will probably see different changes to them.

The rubbing tail part was just because of when I read about the Kitsune abilities it said that it would rub it's tails together to either create fire or lightning. Though I guess they wouldn't have to show that animation or I'll just delete that part all together. The reason why it has so many abilities added to ball lighting is due to when I read about what it is and does. From what I understood that ball lightning after either 1 second or 10 seconds in real life would explode which is why in the skill it gives off electrical and blast damage for like a split second. Then with the gas part is because with ball lightning after it explodes you can smell sulfur. Which I went to go read what are the dangers of sulfur and it listed how inhaling it is very toxic, touching skin is corrosive, and eye contact is corrosive. 

Ability 4 was swapped out because of how many frames we already have that use fire a good bit. With Kitsune's there are 2 main types that you hear about, one fire and the other Electric. Then that got me thinking about how many frames actually does a good bit of Electric base skills and I could only think of volt. Sure Vauban has 1 skill that does more electric based and chroma could but nobody ever uses that element on him. So I wanted to add another Electric frame so Volt wouldn't be so lonely being the only one that does a lot of electric damage. Plus reading what Electric damage does, that fits into the nature of Tessenjutsu when it comes to shock/paralyze. 

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18 hours ago, Rhekemi said:


The Official Prime Access trailers for Saryn, Vauban and Nekros do give us insights into the purposes (and creations) of warframes. They're the only three that have trailers as narrated by Ballas, but I'm told DE may revisit older warframes and give them the same treatment.

Saryn is especially clear/the best example of Ballas explaining a warframe's purpose, specifically her purpose:

  Reveal hidden contents



Okay. I'm not sold on it, but I hope you can make it work.

As for her teacher:

  Reveal hidden contents

Ordan Karris, before he wanted to slaughter Orokin, was a mercenary for years and years, we don't know how long. I'm not sure if he knew a peaceful time as an adult where he could have encountered and trained her, especially if it was a year before the Z10-0 left for the Void. He likely would've been a merc at that time, I think.

The newer videos of Tessenjutsu are leaving me feeling like you'd really need to improvise upon the real world movements to make Tessen viable, but I believe that about any/every CQC system.

On the reworked abilities:

Ability 1 is pretty complex (movement-wise). You might want to scale it back/down.

Ability 2 is a little too similar to her #1, and serves the same purpose. (Yes, I know it's a WIP.)

Ability 3, not sure how her rubbing her tails together will work visually, and I don't see why the ability needs four different procs / damage types.

Ability 4 is fine, but I would be curious as to why you swapped heat for electricity.



Now I've changed and edited the other abilities ex for the 4th one. Though now I have no idea what I want the 2nd ability to be and might take a bit to come up with something. I've also edited some of the mini lore I have about her and changed her name to what I wanted it to be in the first place. 

Edited by mustache_kitteh
forgot something
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Maybe you could swing it (with Ordan). Still a very tough sell, if I'm being honest.

If I had to suggest something? Ordan Karris was a merc, so he'll do what he's paid to do. If Kisa's parents were archimedeans, then they weren't poor. Maybe one of the times he was on leave (away from whatever station he would normally be fighting at, or whichever theater), they arranged for him to teach her Tessenjutsu as a way to straighten her out (discipline, defensive martial art form). So she didn't just happen upon him. Her parents made sure she would (without telling her). But Ordan took a liking to her and actually trained her, not for the money, but because he saw something in her.

I'd also make it that she gets this training several years before the Zariman. (Some kids start martial arts training very, very young. All the Zariman kids are teens.) Maybe 10, or 12. That way she can get some regular training until just a year or two before the Zariman. Then Ordan just stops showing up to train her altogether and she trains herself/continues practicing on her own.

Another hitch might be that an archimedean parent would probably have something to say about their kid being put on the Zariman (and the Zariman parents were actually on the ship...we know what happened to them). I always assumed the kids (and parents) were of lower station.

If you can figure out a way to do it, that'd be cool, and you could keep her parents being of that station. (Maybe they don't hold those titles anymore, having fallen out of favor with Ballas, the executors and the higher station Orokin for whatever reason--as long as it wasn't a reason that warranted their death like Margulis or something.)

As for why he what angered him the first time (Ordan), I think it was all the battles they'd had him wage, including that he almost had to kill that kid/spy in his lore. I think he just flat out hated the Orokin, btw. 

Didn't know kitsunes created fire and lightning that way.

I get the actual, real world mechanics for the ball lightning, it just translated into several different elemental skills in one ability. I think blast and electric (as you've made it now) is good. Just make the proc chance really good and the damage sufficient.

I see your point on choosing electricity, and it goes with her theme. I agree we don't have any other electricity based warframes (other than Volt, really), so go for it.

Ability 1: Still very complex animation. I think it should keep the first half (dodge, disable/paralyze and disarm timer, swift attack), but the follow up attack shouldn't be so long. 3% is too low, imo.

Ability 2: It's got a good deal of Gotta Go Fast in it, but the animation time (for her to tie her fans to her ankles) might eat some time. And honest question, do the fans add anything to her gliding? Or is she just being silly? Should probably increase the % of attacks she can dodge while active, and while using 1 while 2 is active.

Ability 3: I would make this castable while 2 is active. Added speed, and boosts attack power.

Ability 4: Still about the same, so no real comments.

I still think the abilities are nowhere near as great as you could make them, but I don't feel comfortable with the theme to suggest much. I also don't feel comfortable suggesting anything that would step on your vision for Kisa. (Btw, should her actual name be the same as her warframe's?) Mostly trying to help without messing with what you want to achieve.

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12 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Maybe you could swing it (with Ordan). Still a very tough sell, if I'm being honest.

If I had to suggest something? Ordan Karris was a merc, so he'll do what he's paid to do. If Kisa's parents were archimedeans, then they weren't poor. Maybe one of the times he was on leave (away from whatever station he would normally be fighting at, or whichever theater), they arranged for him to teach her Tessenjutsu as a way to straighten her out (discipline, defensive martial art form). So she didn't just happen upon him. Her parents made sure she would (without telling her). But Ordan took a liking to her and actually trained her, not for the money, but because he saw something in her.

I'd also make it that she gets this training several years before the Zariman. (Some kids start martial arts training very, very young. All the Zariman kids are teens.) Maybe 10, or 12. That way she can get some regular training until just a year or two before the Zariman. Then Ordan just stops showing up to train her altogether and she trains herself/continues practicing on her own.

Another hitch might be that an archimedean parent would probably have something to say about their kid being put on the Zariman (and the Zariman parents were actually on the ship...we know what happened to them). I always assumed the kids (and parents) were of lower station.

If you can figure out a way to do it, that'd be cool, and you could keep her parents being of that station. (Maybe they don't hold those titles anymore, having fallen out of favor with Ballas, the executors and the higher station Orokin for whatever reason--as long as it wasn't a reason that warranted their death like Margulis or something.)

As for why he what angered him the first time (Ordan), I think it was all the battles they'd had him wage, including that he almost had to kill that kid/spy in his lore. I think he just flat out hated the Orokin, btw. 

Didn't know kitsunes created fire and lightning that way.

I get the actual, real world mechanics for the ball lightning, it just translated into several different elemental skills in one ability. I think blast and electric (as you've made it now) is good. Just make the proc chance really good and the damage sufficient.

I see your point on choosing electricity, and it goes with her theme. I agree we don't have any other electricity based warframes (other than Volt, really), so go for it.

Ability 1: Still very complex animation. I think it should keep the first half (dodge, disable/paralyze and disarm timer, swift attack), but the follow up attack shouldn't be so long. 3% is too low, imo.

Ability 2: It's got a good deal of Gotta Go Fast in it, but the animation time (for her to tie her fans to her ankles) might eat some time. And honest question, do the fans add anything to her gliding? Or is she just being silly? Should probably increase the % of attacks she can dodge while active, and while using 1 while 2 is active.

Ability 3: I would make this castable while 2 is active. Added speed, and boosts attack power.

Ability 4: Still about the same, so no real comments.

I still think the abilities are nowhere near as great as you could make them, but I don't feel comfortable with the theme to suggest much. I also don't feel comfortable suggesting anything that would step on your vision for Kisa. (Btw, should her actual name be the same as her warframe's?) Mostly trying to help without messing with what you want to achieve.

With her parents I had the idea of that the Orokin had killed them for doing something wrong or not getting something they wanted done when she was young. You kind see that they kill by putting them in this kind of place where they pass down judgement, I forgot which codex talks about that. Then when I was reading more about Kitsunes that also talked about how they could literally pop up randomly any where at any place.

Though the kids were never supposed to be on the ship and it was sabotaged, as we kind of learn about that in the war within.

I kind of wonder if Ordan was apart of the massacre of the people on mars. You know that you hear about when you're trying to get Inaros and baro ki'teer mother is killed. Then the little kid spy who looked sick and starved would have been baro ki'teer when he was a kid and didn't have anyone. God if that's the case this is extremely depressing. 

From what I read, Kitsune can create fire and lightning by either rubbing their tails together or through their mouth kind of. 

Ability 1: True, I need to figure out how to make it sound less complicated and to be more simple. I know I'm going to add invisibility for when she jumps back after failing to kill the enemy since that would suck if she jumped back into a huge mob of enemies and dies instantly. Though dying like that would be pretty funny. I'm also changing the 3% to 100% since the dash will be fast enough that it wouldn't be too broken.

Ability 2: It's for silliness and her Tessen are made out of metal and since she has the power of electricity, she could make them stick on like a magnet kind of. By doing that then the animation wouldn't be too slow to pull off and your comment gave me an idea. As in while she's gliding and if she meets some enemies that are in the way, she would do round house like kicks and he Tessen kind of cut them while moving them out of the way so she can keep gliding. Not sure how good of an idea that is but it sounds hilarious when I think about it. XD

Ability 3: Since the Tessen aren't what is making her glide around that could be possible and I can see how that would work. I'll think more on that later. 

Ability 4: I still haven't thought of a way to improve that one or how I would change it.

yeah I'm not fully satisfied with the abilities yet so they're not close to being finished. I'm just having some issues thinking of ways to greatly improve them and atm just been researching as much as I can to help with it.

It's cool and no need to worry about if it will step on my image of Kisa, any kind suggestion is welcomed and see for myself if it doesn't fit how I want her to be or not. To be honest the core basic theme of her is to use Japanese war fans to fight with and is a thunder Kitsune, and she may be a trickster but she's still a warrior too kind of thing. Guess you can say she's a unconventional warrior. :laugh:

With her name I was wondering about that too since somethings I've read about Kitsune is that they would never give out their real names. That if they did then the person would have power over them so they would always give out a fake name. Though that might take me a bit to come up with her true name. 


Edited by mustache_kitteh
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14 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

With her parents I had the idea of that the Orokin had killed them for doing something wrong or not getting something they wanted done when she was young. You kind see that they kill by putting them in this kind of place where they pass down judgement, I forgot which codex talks about that. Then when I was reading more about Kitsunes that also talked about how they could literally pop up randomly any where at any place.

Crewman entry, I believe. He comes in just as they execute Margulis.

14 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

Though the kids were never supposed to be on the ship and it was sabotaged, as we kind of learn about that in the war within.

I didn't get that from TWW. They were supposed to be on the ship. Parents went mad due to the Void exposure, but the kids didn't.

14 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

I kind of wonder if Ordan was apart of the massacre of the people on mars. You know that you hear about when you're trying to get Inaros and baro ki'teer mother is killed. Then the little kid spy who looked sick and starved would have been baro ki'teer when he was a kid and didn't have anyone. God if that's the case this is extremely depressing. 

No idea. It did happen a long time ago. All we know is the Orokin killed them, as well as kidnapped people. (Likely for experimentation, using their bodies for continuity, as we learn from TWW.)

14 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

Ability 1: True, I need to figure out how to make it sound less complicated and to be more simple. I know I'm going to add invisibility for when she jumps back after failing to kill the enemy since that would suck if she jumped back into a huge mob of enemies and dies instantly. Though dying like that would be pretty funny. I'm also changing the 3% to 100% since the dash will be fast enough that it wouldn't be too broken.

Still overstuffed. 100% + momentary invisibility.

14 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

Ability 2: It's for silliness and her Tessen are made out of metal and since she has the power of electricity, she could make them stick on like a magnet kind of. By doing that then the animation wouldn't be too slow to pull off and your comment gave me an idea. As in while she's gliding and if she meets some enemies that are in the way, she would do round house like kicks and he Tessen kind of cut them while moving them out of the way so she can keep gliding. Not sure how good of an idea that is but it sounds hilarious when I think about it. XD

I'm not really good ideas for with silly 'frames (just seems pretty hard to pull off), but if you can make it work, more power to you.

14 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

yeah I'm not fully satisfied with the abilities yet so they're not close to being finished. I'm just having some issues thinking of ways to greatly improve them and atm just been researching as much as I can to help with it.

I would offer really looking at WF's gameplay (via wiki) to inform your own designs, as well.

14 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

It's cool and no need to worry about if it will step on my image of Kisa, any kind suggestion is welcomed and see for myself if it doesn't fit how I want her to be or not. To be honest the core basic theme of her is to use Japanese war fans to fight with and is a thunder Kitsune, and she may be a trickster but she's still a warrior too kind of thing. Guess you can say she's a unconventional warrior. :laugh:

With her name I was wondering about that too since somethings I've read about Kitsune is that they would never give out their real names. That if they did then the person would have power over them so they would always give out a fake name. Though that might take me a bit to come up with her true name. 

Okay. If I get around to solid ideas, I'll share them. No guarantees atm.

With regards to her name, just separate Tenno/operator from warframe in your creative vision and build them as separate beings (and use name websites, real and fake / name generators if you're having trouble).

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6 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Crewman entry, I believe. He comes in just as they execute Margulis.

That's the one! So it seems a female was executed before they were going to try and do that to Margulis, but yeah I was going to go with them doing that to her parents. Since it kind of seemed like they did that kind of experiments often to the Archamedians. 


7 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

I didn't get that from TWW. They were supposed to be on the ship. Parents went mad due to the Void exposure, but the kids didn't.

Really? In the dialogue it says, "the biomes had been sabotaged. The food stock dwindled. " Though maybe that just means the people that were going insane were messing things up. Though the main thing that made me think it was is in Ember primes Codex, "The old woman gestured for the officer to take Kaleen away. The meeting was over. When Kaleen reached the doors she twisted out of his grip and shot back, 'Why would you do that?Why did you put children on military ship?' 'We didn't. That would violate procedure.'"


7 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Still overstuffed. 100% + momentary invisibility.

So the 100% and momentary invisibility is making it still be too much? 

I also went over all the other warframe abilities and didn't realize how much 1 skill could do, like with frosts globe. With some of the skills having like 4-5 different uses it makes it a little tricky to know what's too much and what isn't. 

7 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

I'm not really good ideas for with silly 'frames (just seems pretty hard to pull off), but if you can make it work, more power to you.

The Tessen part is just to give a silly physical look and does kind of workout with her kicking/knocking enemies out of her way while gliding. Though in the end just might put it as knocking since kicking might be too tricky to implement while gliding. 

7 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

I would offer really looking at WF's gameplay (via wiki) to inform your own designs, as well.

When watching the customizing a song with the new bard frame the will come, I'm not sure what would actually be too much when it comes to the abilities. 


8 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

I would offer really looking at WF's gameplay (via wiki) to inform your own designs, as well.

I'll be doing that today and reading each ability with the frames we have.

8 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

With regards to her name, just separate Tenno/operator from warframe in your creative vision and build them as separate beings (and use name websites, real and fake / name generators if you're having trouble).

I know I had first learned about the name, "Kisa," while watching an anime called, "Fruit baskets." Though it seems that name is actually Russian, still I just loved the way it sounded. 

Well i'm going to be doing even more research today. XD


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