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Infested Hives.


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So, along with infested taking over ships (and soon asteroid bases) I figure that the infested need their own enviornment like the Corpus and Grineer. Infested hives would be cool, possibly having a theme similar to this (probably with red instead of green)...


(from Jak II and 3)

Just a suggestion, but it would be fun and creepy to meet the Infested in their home turf.

These hives should replace the majority or even all of the ship missions found on jupiter.

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i think the green makes it feal plant like when its a tech plague. sence infected maps are grayish black with reds and orange, yours seems a bit odd. sence im not very good at editing photos maby showing what it would looke like in those colors

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I'm not feeling it, with what the Technocyte plague has been established to be. If its native form is just a cloud of nano spores there is no reason to believe it should be able to create entire biological structures like that out of its own microscopic biomass. None to believe that it's capable of creating airtight hulls out of its own biomass either. It's a disease. It does not have a native environment distinct from its host.

Besides, the ghost-ship environments it creates at present seem a lot more atmospheric than yet another generic slimy alien hive. That's been done to death by plenty of other IPs.

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I'm not feeling it, with what the Technocyte plague has been established to be. If its native form is just a cloud of nano spores there is no reason to believe it should be able to create entire biological structures like that out of its own microscopic biomass. None to believe that it's capable of creating airtight hulls out of its own biomass either. It's a disease. It does not have a native environment distinct from its host.

There is also no reason to believe that it can't do those things, either. Diseases and Viruses evolve, and after hundereds of years, who knows how much the disease/virus has evolved? You shouldn't restrict a game's potential just because it isn't mentioned directly in any sort of lore, that's just being pessimistic.

Besides, the ghost-ship environments it creates at present seem a lot more atmospheric than yet another generic slimy alien hive. That's been done to death by plenty of other IPs.

So, along with infested taking over ships (and soon asteroid bases) I figure that the infested need their own enviornment like the Corpus and Grineer.

These hives should replace the majority or even all of the ship missions found on jupiter.

Read carefully, I never said to do away with the infected ships/bases, I just said to fill Jupiter (and any other future Infested planet) with the hives.

Give me some examples of other "generic slimy alien hive"s. I have yet to see a large abundance of games that have this.

Edited by FrydHamstr
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There is also no reason to believe that it can't do those things, either. Diseases and Viruses evolve, and after hundereds of years, who knows how much the disease/virus has evolved? You shouldn't restrict a game's potential just because it isn't mentioned directly in any sort of lore, that's just being pessimistic.

It's totally inconsistent with the behavior of any realistic model. There is nothing pessimistic about that. I actually prefer the "harder" science fiction tone that maintains. Who's to say that in THE FUTURE Barney costumes have not evolved to repel bullets? Clearly, we need us a Barney costume warframe. Who's to say that in THE FUTURE we cannot light up a room with a deadly psychedelic disco ball that causes sudden brain death in all who witness its strobing? Yeah, cool, we totally have to put that in or we'd be restricting this game's potential.

While we're on hard science fiction aesthetics, the general overuse in so many other settings of nanites being represented as far faster and more efficient builders than conventional manufacturing methods annoys me too. Keep it out of Warframe.

Read carefully, I never said to do away with the infected ships/bases, I just said to fill Jupiter (and any other future Infested planet) with the hives.

Uh. You are aware that Jupiter is a gas giant?

Just so we're on the same page about that. If you're suggesting that Jupiter missions should be on giant floating tumor-ships instead of infested wrecks this is still a bad idea for the reasons discussed above, mind. Soft organic tissue surviving in vacuum is likewise the kind of comic-book imagery that just doesn't belong in hard sci fi. It's inappropriate in the context of Warframe's present grittiness.

Give me some examples of other "generic slimy alien hive"s. I have yet to see a large abundance of games that have this.


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In addition to warhammer 40k tyranids, aliens, natural selection 1 & 2, dark seed series, was touched on in the species movies, and hell I think even World of Warcraft had some kind of alien-like bug hive molded in similiar fashion. The list goes on as far as generic slimy alien hive's go, partially with Alien to blame for the styling they typically go with or at least influence they draw on. I think an infested 'hive' per say would be terrible unless it's some sort of subversion of a grineer or corpus base, but that would be less of a hive and more just a general uncontrolled conversion of the enviroment much like we get in the current infested ghost ships which are essentially the infested 'home turf' as you put it since the technocyte virus has shown to be, thus far, a human vectored virus.

More interesting would be to see something along the line of grineer or corpus habitation vessels, space borne cities more or less for long-term space travel, that have been ravaged by the technocyte virus and hit people with the stark realization of how indiscriminate viruses are in their targets. Wandering in near darkness through deserted apartment blocks, barracks, etc with just little glimpses of each factions society in terms of propaganda, assorted forms of media, what-have-you and the partially converted residents that you'd ultimately have to murder to achieve your goal onboard the ship.

Edit: Furthermore theres some pretty dark imagery you could play with in that sort of design, like piles of burning civilian bodies from the residents littering sections of the ship from trying to self-purge the infected elements much like back during the Black Plague. Also like quarantine warnings, or signs telling civilians to report suspicious behaviour in their neighbors to root out the infected.

Edited by BallisticPigeon
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It's totally inconsistent with the behavior of any realistic model. There is nothing pessimistic about that. I actually prefer the "harder" science fiction tone that maintains. Who's to say that in THE FUTURE Barney costumes have not evolved to repel bullets? Clearly, we need us a Barney costume warframe. Who's to say that in THE FUTURE we cannot light up a room with a deadly psychedelic disco ball that causes sudden brain death in all who witness its strobing? Yeah, cool, we totally have to put that in or we'd be restricting this game's potential.

Okay, yeah, my ideas were TOTALLY that rediculous.

Umm, that's one example? Ooh it must be used everywhere?

In addition to warhammer 40k tyranids, aliens, natural selection 1 & 2, dark seed series, was touched on in the species movies, and hell I think even World of Warcraft had some kind of alien-like bug hive molded in similiar fashion.

That's more like it.

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The fact that you are immediately jumping to the assumption that the "biological" faction needs to have giant biostructures is in itself a testament to how overused it is.

Seconding the "plague town" idea. The devs have stated that the map generation procedures in this game are never going to allow for fully open-air levels but seeing some larger-scale environments like that would be awesome in general, and seeing the devastation the Technocyte plague can work on them would be all kinds of visceral. Some new Infested models to show their effects on Grineer and set the Ancients apart as more than upscaled drones, too (it's kind of silly when elements like the single mostly intact Corpus spacesuit boot just get bigger too). More of this. Less turning the Infested into generic Zergtyrannidxenomorphs.

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Some new Infested models to show their effects on Grineer

Would be cool to see Crewmen and Grineer during the "change" into the Infested, half-infested and half-grineer/etc. Maybe have the MOAs (and any other future robots) covered in that wierd worm-like stuff that grows on the ground and walls of the ships (since you obviously can't infect a machine with a biological disease).



Edited by FrydHamstr
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Early stage corpus and grineer infected would be rather nice to see, yes, and would offer the devs room for more interesting attack options for the Infested. As far as the MOAs go, I think something cool could be done with those, the nanomachines have been shown to partially mess with in-organic objects per the tendril patches with lights in them. Perhaps damaged repurposed MOAs and ospreys with pieces of corpus or grineer victims sort of affixed with technocyte masses and kept functional by the virus, per the nanomachines trying to make use of leftover 'parts' from subversion of the ships crew. Suddenly you could have battledamaged robots with weakened weapons system and roughly grafted bodyparts that swat you away if you go to melee them or hell just picture ospreys with arms hanging off their undersides that'll swipe at you when they pass overhead.

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I personally wouldn't be in favor of giving Infested any common spawns with ranged weapons. At that point it makes them too similar to Corpus with their crewmen firing over the heads of MOA rushes. A rare heavy with guns would actually be interesting though - staying in cover from that while you thin the horde of drones until you can engage it directly would add a new dimension without making Infested play too much like Corpus. On the other hand it would probably get frustrating if something like that was dumping on you while you tried to kite other ancients, so it would really require they program some assurance that certain combinations of Infested heavies not spawn together. Frankly, the present spawn behavior of Ancients could already use some tweaking that way.

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