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Who Here Plays Warframe For Fun?


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I don't play currently. I'm mastery rank 9 with only a bunch of melee weapons to level. I'm in a small clan and we aren't starting our dojo until the prices are lowered. The gameplay isn't bad, but it isn't much fun by itself. Without small goals the game got boring and the grind hit me like a brick wall.

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If you're not having fun while gaming then you're defeating the purpose of gaming. Video Games are supposed to be a fun form of entertainment. That's what they were created for. The entire time I've been playing this game I've been having fun... but I'm reaching the point of boredom.


So far, I still have a few things left to do in this game at the state that it's in. The problem I have is that I'm nearing the end... I've completed all missions, I need only a few warframes left to go and I have all my favorite weapons leveled up with forma and potato's. There's nothing else to really do. Once I reach that point I'll have to give Warframe a break until new content (with new game modes) comes out. I give it about 2 weeks until I move on to a different game and wait for Warframe to add more to do. I'll burn through Anti-Matter quickly I'm sure and the Void Defense will become boring after a few days. We need more to do in this game instead of defense missions.

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If you're not having fun while gaming then you're defeating the purpose of gaming. Video Games are supposed to be a fun form of entertainment. That's what they were created for. The entire time I've been playing this game I've been having fun... but I'm reaching the point of boredom.


So far, I still have a few things left to do in this game at the state that it's in. The problem I have is that I'm nearing the end... I've completed all missions, I need only a few warframes left to go and I have all my favorite weapons leveled up with forma and potato's. There's nothing else to really do. Once I reach that point I'll have to give Warframe a break until new content (with new game modes) comes out. I give it about 2 weeks until I move on to a different game and wait for Warframe to add more to do. I'll burn through Anti-Matter quickly I'm sure and the Void Defense will become boring after a few days. We need more to do in this game instead of defense missions.


I feel the exact same way, I like the game but the content [gametypes] is lacking. I've stopped playing as much to avoid burning myself out on content that isn't worth replaying.

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Well playing underpowered frames or weapons due to poor design or overnerf ain't that fun :$

Why not? They just require more skill, but honestly no frame is "underpowered" on earth, mars, mercury, or venus. Hell even on Saturn, Jupiter, and half of Uranus.

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Why not? They just require more skill, but honestly no frame is "underpowered" on earth, mars, mercury, or venus. Hell even on Saturn, Jupiter, and half of Uranus.


No one cares about any of those planets outside of speed running bosses for mats and BPs. There's a difference between requiring more skill and being limited by poor design.

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What is fun?


There is no reason to not rush through content. You need a ton of everything to craft anything. The drop rates of everything are low, so the best way to get, for example, a frame blueprint is to rush through the level and kill the boss repeatedly. 


Having a choice of balanced weapons and frames to choose from is fun to me. 

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I do play for fun.  The game woth always let me play for fun though.

Part of the fun is progression, so moving through warframes, weapons and the like.


For me though some things break the fun.  Excessive farming being one of the major ones.  Unfortunatly the RNG can sometimes be nice and other times heartless, it's all part of the game.


I think in some ways DE moved away from the fun (for those that dont realy enjoy allot of farming), specifically making most weapons based on resources, rather than the good pool they had that you could get on credits. 

Having reset, I find im having to constantly be farming to progress through weapons (less fun for me), because you move through those bought with credits too fast (and likewise have heaps of credits spare as a concequence of not using them).  Previously however there was a good pool of credit based weapons that by the time you got through them you had a decent level of resources to keep ahead of the progression curve with only a smaller ammount of farming here and there.



A big part of fun though is hard to quantify across all players.  Aspects like difficulity and thus fun have a huge disparity.  Some people like very hard and punishing games (as I see them) like dark souls and similar where a single mistake means you die or fail.   Others like it so that unless you go to sleep, you will basically win or succeed.  While some others like that if you can mostly succeed with good tactics and have a little room for forgvieness, but not so easy that if you make an error you dont need to fall back and take stock of the situation, rethinking your tactics rather than just being killed.


Then warframe has the factor it doesnt seem to scale as well, single player I have found is often the hardest, with two player getting slightly easier but still challenging (you get the occasional times you get bogged down in enemies) while 3 or 4 players, it's quite easy (rarely ever getting bogged down with enemies and even sometimes having so few enemies that one or two players cant handle them alone).


How these difficulities work out is different as well when you consider the warframe, weapons and mod loadouts of the players as well.

Someone with maxed out mods, warframes and weapons will find it allot easier than someone with mid level or begining gear will.


Unfortunatly all of that is in one big smelting pot and trying to be what each individual finds is a fun level.

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Godplank, on 02 Jul 2013 - 9:31 PM, said:

No one cares about any of those planets outside of speed running bosses for mats and BPs. There's a difference between requiring more skill and being limited by poor design.

So, no one just plays a random level for the hell of it? No goal of what they want out of it. That is my point. The game itself can be fun on its own, without the need to have a strict goal at the end.

Granted, the absence of any end-goal is kind of why I play that way but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the game as is in its beta stage.

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So, no one just plays a random level for the hell of it? No goal of what they want out of it. That is my point. The game itself can be fun on its own, without the need to have a strict goal at the end.

Granted, the absence of any end-goal is kind of why I play that way but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the game as is in its beta stage.


No, they don't. The people you find on those planets are either trying to progress to higher level planets or farming specific maps for mats, very few people just randomly decide to run a lowbie mission for the hell of it.

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