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Supra Aiming Glich


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Heyo, our clan and I have recently started using the Supra and we have noticed something that is nothing short of a plain glitch wich makes that Supra a pretty hard weapon to use, when you are aiming, and up close to an ennemy (melee range) the bullets will no longer fire ahead, but go for the upper right corner of the screen they just complety change direction making it impossible to hit the target you are aiming at from so close that it will take up your entire screen. This cannot possibly be intended and makes the weapon unusable at very close ranges, alot of people have apparently noticed this and its definetly an issue that should be adressed.



Please foward this issue that it might be adressed.


Have a nice day

Edited by Vetkin
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this has been said many time over. this applies to all non-hitscan weapons, just much more severely for the supra. it's not technically intended, but it's just a system in the game in the aiming to re-adjust so shots are more accurate for most ranges, but it has the side effects when your at point blank.

Edited by leonvision
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this has been said many time over. this applies to all non-hitscan weapons, just much more severely for the supra. it's not technically intended, but it's just a system in the game in the aiming to re-adjust so shots are more accurate for most ranges, but it has the side effects when your at point blank.

Yes, it affects the acrid almost as bad too, I suspect it's slighly faster projectile speed makes it a less noticeable bug.

My boltor hits the ceiling a lot too.

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