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Radiant Secrets (Semi-Open IC RP)


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On 1/26/2017 at 1:57 PM, Rakawan said:


The data pad indicates that you two will be working together. 

The room you boy are directed to houses several tables and... behind an energy field, a pyramidic pedastal about five feet tall. It seems to shimmer as you approach the field, perhaps reacting to the void energy Tenno produce. However the field containing it must be turned off to further investigate it. Perhaps one of the consoles outside the field has instructions.

    The Operator cracks it's knuckles and gives the Chroma a hearty slap on the shoulder as the Chroma wanders over to the closest terminal.


"Okay, business begins I suppose, let's see what the golden oldies had on this little gem, eh?"

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15 hours ago, Unus said:

    The Operator cracks it's knuckles and gives the Chroma a hearty slap on the shoulder as the Chroma wanders over to the closest terminal.


"Okay, business begins I suppose, let's see what the golden oldies had on this little gem, eh?"

The Orokin records list it as a class F oddity, dangerous and useless. 

Tenno records state that it seems to react to void energy, and Tenno presence. Many have stated that standing within the field invokes a feeling similar to standing close to a void portal.

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On 1/27/2017 at 8:54 AM, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

She grabs hers from her pocket, hands it off then goes back to oohing and awwing 

"I've always wanted to see a tower up close." 

Ares is equally in awe.

"It looks like not a day has passed." He says. "That is odd..."

He is staring at an Ayatan sculpture.

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On 1/28/2017 at 4:50 PM, Rakawan said:

Ares is equally in awe.

"It looks like not a day has passed." He says. "That is odd..."

He is staring at an Ayatan sculpture.


Samantha: "It's probably been kept up by the Arbiter and his team."


The data pad indicates that you two will be working together. 

The room you boy are directed to houses several tables and... behind an energy field, a pyramidic pedastal about five feet tall. It seems to shimmer as you approach the field, perhaps reacting to the void energy Tenno produce. However the field containing it must be turned off to further investigate it. Perhaps one of the consoles outside the field has instructions.


Cyris: He walks over to a console and looks at all of the data concerning the pedestal and the field

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

Samantha: "It's probably been kept up by the Arbiter and his team."

"Not that." Ares says. "I.... I remember that statue. Give me a moment."

He ignores the strange looks of the guards and walks over to the statue.

"Well." The Excalibur says. "I was going to head inside, but its not everyday you seem him talk about the past."

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

Cyris: He walks over to a console and looks at all of the data concerning the pedestal and the field

The Data shows that the item was classified as both useless and dangerous by Orokin scientists. The field appears to be meant to contain the device during experiments. It is said to react to void energy and tenno presence.

The field has a two part system. It will only open long enough for one person to enter or leave. There is a second field around the artifact that will only open when a console inside the first field is activated. The console will only work if there is someone outside the first field, and at the controls.


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On 1/26/2017 at 2:24 PM, -Platinum- said:

*He Nods* "Right away, unsure how long I've been gone, but I request one thing, when is the wedding starting?"

"In one hour, sir." The Cephalon says. "So long as your business concludes in fifteen minutes we will return on time."

Edited by Rakawan
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44 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"In one hour, sir." The Cephalon says. "So long as your business concludes in fifteen minutes we will return on time."

*He Nods*  "Copy that, I will be only a few mins, ETA: 5, I just need to exchange the delivery Oh and one last thing, may I see the guest list?, so I know who is on their way?"

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4 hours ago, -Platinum- said:

*He Nods*  "Copy that, I will be only a few mins, ETA: 5, I just need to exchange the delivery Oh and one last thing, may I see the guest list?, so I know who is on their way?"

"Guest list is restricted for security reasons." The Cephalon says, as the ship docks. "Have a nice trip, sir."

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On 1/28/2017 at 2:13 AM, Unus said:

    The Operator cracks it's knuckles and gives the Chroma a hearty slap on the shoulder as the Chroma wanders over to the closest terminal.


"Okay, business begins I suppose, let's see what the golden oldies had on this little gem, eh?"


"Okay so one of us needs to stay out here and the other needs to go in. So who goes in?"


22 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Not that." Ares says. "I.... I remember that statue. Give me a moment."

He ignores the strange looks of the guards and walks over to the statue.

"Well." The Excalibur says. "I was going to head inside, but its not everyday you seem him talk about the past."


"Bu. But the wedding! Oi! Ares, we don't have time." She sighs then leans on the closest wall

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"Okay so one of us needs to stay out here and the other needs to go in. So who goes in?"


"Bu. But the wedding! Oi! Ares, we don't have time." She sighs then leans on the closest wall

Ares traces a limb of the Ayatan and then starts.

"Of course." He says. "This will be here afterwards."

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On 1/30/2017 at 10:10 AM, Rakawan said:

The Data shows that the item was classified as both useless and dangerous by Orokin scientists. The field appears to be meant to contain the device during experiments. It is said to react to void energy and tenno presence.

The field has a two part system. It will only open long enough for one person to enter or leave. There is a second field around the artifact that will only open when a console inside the first field is activated. The console will only work if there is someone outside the first field, and at the controls.


   The Operator begins strokeing a none-existent beard.

"So it seems we will need to go at this from a multiangled perspective?"

The Chroma and Operator look to the other panel as one.

"Do you wish to pull outer duty, or is it me you want in there?"



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12 hours ago, Unus said:

   The Operator begins strokeing a none-existent beard.

"So it seems we will need to go at this from a multiangled perspective?"

The Chroma and Operator look to the other panel as one.

"Do you wish to pull outer duty, or is it me you want in there?"




"I can go in just tell me when you're ready." He walks up to the feild and waits

22 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Ares traces a limb of the Ayatan and then starts.

"Of course." He says. "This will be here afterwards."


She grabs his arm and pulls him to the entrance "Come on let's go." She pulls him a bit farther then lets go and starts walking in 

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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"I can go in just tell me when you're ready." He walks up to the feild and waits

She grabs his arm and pulls him to the entrance "Come on let's go." She pulls him a bit farther then lets go and starts walking in 

   "Alright, just let me see. . .( click click click) andddd. . ."



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10 hours ago, (XB1)Vatasblubber said:

"I can go in just tell me when you're ready." He walks up to the feild and waits

She grabs his arm and pulls him to the entrance "Come on let's go." She pulls him a bit farther then lets go and starts walking in 

    "Right, good, think it's time to make a push to the center then. With luck, this isn't a wastehole for dropping "trash" inta voidspace."


The Operator stands by for the next advance, stopping a moment to stare at the screen before standing at attention from it's harnessed position.


The Chroma seems calmer now, although it seems to be irritated by something.



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16 hours ago, Unus said:

    "Right, good, think it's time to make a push to the center then. With luck, this isn't a wastehole for dropping "trash" inta voidspace."


The Operator stands by for the next advance, stopping a moment to stare at the screen before standing at attention from it's harnessed position.


The Chroma seems calmer now, although it seems to be irritated by something.




He briskly walks through the field to the panel. He then presses some buttons on the panel to see what to do next

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On 2/2/2017 at 8:29 AM, (XB1)Vatasblubber said:

He briskly walks through the field to the panel. He then presses some buttons on the panel to see what to do next


On 2/1/2017 at 3:41 PM, Unus said:

    "Right, good, think it's time to make a push to the center then. With luck, this isn't a wastehole for dropping "trash" inta voidspace."


The Operator stands by for the next advance, stopping a moment to stare at the screen before standing at attention from it's harnessed position.


The Chroma seems calmer now, although it seems to be irritated by something.



With one person already inside the first field it does not allow Cyris to enter. However the internal console does activate, allowing Hund to bring down the second field. The device seems noticeably more agitated.

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   " Hmmmmmmmm"

The Operator's non-existent beard strokeing has become furious.

  "Whatever it is, it seems to be growing a bit more. . interesting, with each step. . ."

The Operator grabs it's own hand, stopping it mid-stroke and pushes it down to it's side.

" . . . as we proceed, let's proceed with caution, shall we? Whatever this is, it seems that Tenno excite it. What kind of excitement, I can't say, but it's certainly interesting."

The Operator performs an exaggerated flourish with it's finger before jamming a finger down onto the enter key.


The Chroma seems enthralled by the light, mesmerized by the shifting glow.

"Pweeeetttyyyy. . ."


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On 2/6/2017 at 0:35 PM, Unus said:

   " Hmmmmmmmm"

The Operator's non-existent beard strokeing has become furious.

  "Whatever it is, it seems to be growing a bit more. . interesting, with each step. . ."

The Operator grabs it's own hand, stopping it mid-stroke and pushes it down to it's side.

" . . . as we proceed, let's proceed with caution, shall we? Whatever this is, it seems that Tenno excite it. What kind of excitement, I can't say, but it's certainly interesting."

The Operator performs an exaggerated flourish with it's finger before jamming a finger down onto the enter key.


The Chroma seems enthralled by the light, mesmerized by the shifting glow.

"Pweeeetttyyyy. . ."


The second field opens and the device begins spinning wildly, sending bolts of void energy lashing out like a warframe after reactanct exposure.

The orb begins spinning faster and faster. Portions of it begin to expand outwards. The tiles generate a field between them, causing the expanding orb to look like a pulsing one. 

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16 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The second field opens and the device begins spinning wildly, sending bolts of void energy lashing out like a warframe after reactanct exposure.

The orb begins spinning faster and faster. Portions of it begin to expand outwards. The tiles generate a field between them, causing the expanding orb to look like a pulsing one. 


"Very interesting behavior. What is it?" He goes to the console and looks through all the files 

On 2/5/2017 at 11:02 AM, Rakawan said:

Ares follows you.

"So now that I've pulled you here. Where are we going?" She looks around confused and lost

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