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Radiant Secrets (Semi-Open IC RP)


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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

Cyris: "Thank you" He tries to discern who the other person is but quickly gives up and follows Ares' gesture outside

Samantha: She is breathing deeply trying to keep calm and hold herself together 

He leads to to a secluded side room and then moves to stand by the door, but still within arms reach of Cyris.

"Whenever you are ready, kitsune." He says to Samantha.

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On 2/17/2017 at 0:10 PM, Rakawan said:

He leads to to a secluded side room and then moves to stand by the door, but still within arms reach of Cyris.

"Whenever you are ready, kitsune." He says to Samantha.


Samantha: She nods then exhales "Hello Cyris" she steps forward

Cyris: "Sam! Are you okay? Why are you here? Are you in trouble?!"

She rolls her eyes "Not even a hello! We haven't seen each other in over 10 years and you don't even say hello!!"


"No! I'm going to talk you're going to listen!" She clenches her fists "You left me there, left me there with those, monks! You promised you would come back but did you! NO! You never did!"

"Actually they were pilgrims."

"Really! Really! Why can't you just be a normal person for once!"

Cyris flinches and puts his head down slightly

"You're always Scientist who can't expect that we're flawed, one little thing is off and you immediately have to fix it!"

"Sam." He says in an apologetic way

"No that doesn't work. Not anymore!" She turns to Ares "Let's go there no reason to keep the wedding from starting." She walks out and waits

Cyris sits down and stares at his feet

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4 hours ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

Samantha: She nods then exhales "Hello Cyris" she steps forward

Cyris: "Sam! Are you okay? Why are you here? Are you in trouble?!"

She rolls her eyes "Not even a hello! We haven't seen each other in over 10 years and you don't even say hello!!"


"No! I'm going to talk you're going to listen!" She clenches her fists "You left me there, left me there with those, monks! You promised you would come back but did you! NO! You never did!"

"Actually they were pilgrims."

"Really! Really! Why can't you just be a normal person for once!"

Cyris flinches and puts his head down slightly

"You're always Scientist who can't expect that we're flawed, one little thing is off and you immediately have to fix it!"

"Sam." He says in an apologetic way

"No that doesn't work. Not anymore!" She turns to Ares "Let's go there no reason to keep the wedding from starting." She walks out and waits

Cyris sits down and stares at his feet

Ares grabs her arm as she tries to leave.

"Hear him out." He says. "You can hate him, you can deny his words and dismiss his excuses, but at least hear the first."

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19 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Ares grabs her arm as she tries to leave.

"Hear him out." He says. "You can hate him, you can deny his words and dismiss his excuses, but at least hear the first."


Samantha: "Fine." She walks back to him "I'll hear you out."

Cyris: He stands up and smiles "Okay" He walks to her and the enters a long embrace "I'm sorry I should have come back... I should have." He begins to cry

She awkwardly stands in his embrace "Yes you should have. You could have at least contacted me." She tries to pull away but he doesn't let her

"I couldn't. I was hired into a job that paid room and board. I had no way to pay for a ship let alone 5 minutes of a com station." He sighs "But that's no excuse I should have found a way." He lets her go

She stands there runs into another embrace and begins bawling in his arms "It's okay... its... It's." She continues crying

"Calm down its fine. Calm down Shh Shh." He hugs her then pulls out

She calms down and leaves his arms "Okay" She says while exhaling, wiping her face, and turning to look at Ares then back to Cyris "Can he come with us. Will you?"

"If I'm welcome."

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

Samantha: "Fine." She walks back to him "I'll hear you out."

Cyris: He stands up and smiles "Okay" He walks to her and the enters a long embrace "I'm sorry I should have come back... I should have." He begins to cry

She awkwardly stands in his embrace "Yes you should have. You could have at least contacted me." She tries to pull away but he doesn't let her

"I couldn't. I was hired into a job that paid room and board. I had no way to pay for a ship let alone 5 minutes of a com station." He sighs "But that's no excuse I should have found a way." He lets her go

She stands there runs into another embrace and begins bawling in his arms "It's okay... its... It's." She continues crying

"Calm down its fine. Calm down Shh Shh." He hugs her then pulls out

She calms down and leaves his arms "Okay" She says while exhaling, wiping her face, and turning to look at Ares then back to Cyris "Can he come with us. Will you?"

"If I'm welcome."

"Fine with me." Ares says, slapping him on the shoulder. When he removes his hand a small tracking beacon remains affixed to Cyris' robes. "Long as you agree to leave that little gadget alone."

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8 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Fine with me." Ares says, slapping him on the shoulder. When he removes his hand a small tracking beacon remains affixed to Cyris' robes. "Long as you agree to leave that little gadget alone."


Cyris: "Afraid I'll run off? Don't worry I won't touch it."

Samatha: She turns him so that his back is to Ares "One last hug." During the embrace, she grabs his com tablet and pockets it "Okay to the wedding."  She smiles and grabs Ares' hand "Shall we?"

He gets ready and walks to the door


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14 hours ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

Cyris: "Afraid I'll run off? Don't worry I won't touch it."

Samatha: She turns him so that his back is to Ares "One last hug." During the embrace, she grabs his com tablet and pockets it "Okay to the wedding."  She smiles and grabs Ares' hand "Shall we?"

He gets ready and walks to the door


Ares grips her hand and nods.

On the way out you see the bride entering the chapel room. It appears he wedding is already underway. 

Felicity wears an ornate and pristine robe, decorated with gold and bearing both Orokin and Tenno symbols.

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2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Ares grips her hand and nods.

On the way out you see the bride entering the chapel room. It appears he wedding is already underway. 

Felicity wears an ornate and pristine robe, decorated with gold and bearing both Orokin and Tenno symbols.


They try to sneak in and find a seat or stand at the back of the room

She squeezes Ares affectionately placing the tablet in his hand

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22 hours ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

They try to sneak in and find a seat or stand at the back of the room

She squeezes Ares affectionately placing the tablet in his hand

He slips the tablet into storage.

"Do you, Ryoko, Arbiter of Miraalan, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, and promise to turn over to her all the key....."

"She already has them." Ryoko says with a smile. "And I do."

"Do you, Felicity, last of the Orokin, promise to take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, and promise to love and support him in all his endeavors."

"I do." She says. "Even the really stupid endeavors."

Ryoko mumbles something under his breath that the preacher ignores.

"Then by the power invested in me by the Council I pronounce you husband and wife." He says. "Those opposed may now lay forth their challenges."

No one moves as Ryoko's hand drifts to his Nikana, and a Dakra materializes on Felicity's back.

"Welp." Ares says, rising. "I guess I have to start things off."


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2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

He slips the tablet into storage.

"Do you, Ryoko, Arbiter of Miraalan, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, and promise to turn over to her all the key....."

"She already has them." Ryoko says with a smile. "And I do."

"Do you, Felicity, last of the Orokin, promise to take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, and promise to love and support him in all his endeavors."

"I do." She says. "Even the really stupid endeavors."

Ryoko mumbles something under his breath that the preacher ignores.

"Then by the power invested in me by the Council I pronounce you husband and wife." He says. "Those opposed may now lay forth their challenges."

No one moves as Ryoko's hand drifts to his Nikana, and a Dakra materializes on Felicity's back.

"Welp." Ares says, rising. "I guess I have to start things off."



"Wait are they going to... never mind." She smirks awkwardly

"Don't go there." He quickly glances at her

"I stopped." She grumbles

They stop talking and wait

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"Wait are they going to... never mind." She smirks awkwardly

"Don't go there." He quickly glances at her

"I stopped." She grumbles

They stop talking and wait

He steps towards the altar.

"The Arbiter is a capable warrior." He says. "I challenge you, Felicity, to prove you are worthy to stand by his side."

Both bow and the floor clears as they draw.

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22 hours ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"Must be an Orokin thing."

"Must be."

They watch intensely

Both draw their weapons. A klaxon sounds. 

"Grineer Fomorian on course for for Reliquary tower." A voice says. "Security protocols now active."

Ryoko claps his hands to get everyone's attention.

"It appears the Grineer wish to crash my wedding." He says, with a note of amusement. "While I had hoped to entertain you all a bit longer, sadly I must attend to this. Security please escort the guests to eh evacuation portals. Thank you all for coming."

What appear to be Corpus crewman, with visors instead of helmets, begin showing people to the door. Ceramic plate armor, bearing the Tenno symbol, covers their suits. 

Ares sheathes his blade.

"It appears I will have to judge your skill in another way." He says. "I withdraw my challenge, for now."

Felicity nods and hurries into a side room.

Light flares around Ryoko, settling into the shape of a Frost Prime.

"Those of you that remain, to your posts." He says. "We have work to do."

He looks to the Felicity who has reemerged wearing a Banshee Prime. 

"I leave the defense of our tower to you, love." He says, then turns to a Corpus standing by him. "Shall we begin negotiations, Gareth?"

Felicity approaches Cyris.

"How much work have you done with Corpus proxies?" She asks.

Edited by Rakawan
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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

Both draw their weapons. A klaxon sounds. 

"Grineer Fomorian on course for for Reliquary tower." A voice says. "Security protocols now active."

Ryoko claps his hands to get everyone's attention.

"It appears the Grineer wish to crash my wedding." He says, with a note of amusement. "While I had hoped to entertain you all a bit longer, sadly I must attend to this. Security please escort the guests to eh evacuation portals. Thank you all for coming."

What appear to be Corpus crewman, with visors instead of helmets, begin showing people to the door. Ceramic plate armor, bearing the Tenno symbol, covers their suits. 

Ares sheathes his blade.

"It appears I will have to judge your skill in another way." He says. "I withdraw my challenge, for now."

Felicity nods and hurries into a side room.

Light flares around Ryoko, settling into the shape of a Frost Prime.

"Those of you that remain, to your posts." He says. "We have work to do."

He looks to the Felicity who has reemerged wearing a Banshee Prime. 

"I leave the defense of our tower to you, love." He says, then turns to a Corpus standing by him. "Shall we begin negotiations, Gareth?"

Felicity approaches Cyris.

"How much work have you done with Corpus proxies?" She asks.


"A bit but I don't know how they will fare in a large battle." 

"Cyris is your ship here?"

"Yes, Why?"

"Because my frame is in there."

"Wha... I don't want to know."

"I'll be right back" She begins walking

"You need the key." He yells

"No, I don't."

"Oi, anyways they may work for a little but they won't last very long on their own. I haven't had much time to work on them." He paces "I'll see if I can get them ready."

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"A bit but I don't know how they will fare in a large battle." 

"Cyris is your ship here?"

"Yes, Why?"

"Because my frame is in there."

"Wha... I don't want to know."

"I'll be right back" She begins walking

"You need the key." He yells

"No, I don't."

"Oi, anyways they may work for a little but they won't last very long on their own. I haven't had much time to work on them." He paces "I'll see if I can get them ready."

"Link them to central command." She says. "We have several on site for such an occurrence." 

Ryoko tosses her a box and she throws one to him. She retrieves a pair of Lex Primes from it. Ryoko withdraws a Euphona Prime from his.

"We also have several human and Tenno guards on hand to assist them." She says. "If you will follow me."

A teleport pad appears in the middle of the room. 

Ares follows Samantha to the ship.

"I will likely be ordered to target the enemy commander." He says. "What are your plans?"

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"Link them to central command." She says. "We have several on site for such an occurrence." 

Ryoko tosses her a box and she throws one to him. She retrieves a pair of Lex Primes from it. Ryoko withdraws a Euphona Prime from his.

"We also have several human and Tenno guards on hand to assist them." She says. "If you will follow me."

A teleport pad appears in the middle of the room. 

Ares follows Samantha to the ship.

"I will likely be ordered to target the enemy commander." He says. "What are your plans?"


Cyris follows Felicity 

"Unless he's cleared out his ship which I doubt he has, he has a heavily modded limbo on board. I intend to get in the frame and assist you." They arrive at the ship. She types something into the panel and it opens. She enters and walks out a few minutes later in a gold and platinum Limbo yelling "Shut up Vale! I don't care that it's not mine." She walks up to Ares "Ready?"

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"Unless he's cleared out his ship which I doubt he has, he has a heavily modded limbo on board. I intend to get in the frame and assist you." They arrive at the ship. She types something into the panel and it opens. She enters and walks out a few minutes later in a gold and platinum Limbo yelling "Shut up Vale! I don't care that it's not mine." She walks up to Ares "Ready?"

"Of course." He says, as a strange Orokin style fighter craft lands in the bay.

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

Cyris follows Felicity 

The pad leads to a command center. Several people sit at terminals.

"Perimeter defenses active." One of the technicians says. "Proxy units booting up."

The screen show several Fusion Moa's and two Jackals, as well as a proxy that Index competitors might find familiar.

The strange soldiers from before retrieve bratons, latos, and skana from the armory and don hooded helmets.

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On 2/17/2017 at 0:08 PM, Rakawan said:

With no operator outside the field the safety measure initiate and the force field around the artifact extends, shoving both of you back outside the safety lines. A second field replaces it surrounding the artifact. The two layers resist any attempt to reach the orb.

Felicity's signal lists as busy, not a surprise considering she was getting married today.



Slowly, drowsily, the Operator manages to wake from it's concussed stupor, holding it's bruised jaw and taking in the suddenly distressed atmosphere surrounding it.


Close by, the Chroma lays back-to-the-floor, it's head smoking and sputtering from the sudden shove. The Operator doesn't notice.

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21 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The pad leads to a command center. Several people sit at terminals.

"Perimeter defenses active." One of the technicians says. "Proxy units booting up."

The screen show several Fusion Moa's and two Jackals, as well as a proxy that Index competitors might find familiar.

The strange soldiers from before retrieve bratons, latos, and skana from the armory and don hooded helmets.


He motions to a console "Shall I?" 

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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

He motions to a console "Shall I?" 

Felicity nods.

The Proxies move to secure the lower tower areas near the tunnels.

"Fomorian nearly within range of primary defenses." A technician says.

"I will join the infiltration teams." Felicity says. "Cyris, you are in charge of the perimeter defense. Link your proxies."

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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

She examines the ship "Is this our ride?" As she asks she pre-notches an arrow in her daikyu, loads her Axlex Prime, and examines her Orthos Prime.

"Aye." He says, stepping board.

The inside is comfortable, very spacious for a fightercraft.

"Pilot or gunner?" He asks.

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57 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Aye." He says, stepping board.

The inside is comfortable, very spacious for a fightercraft.

"Pilot or gunner?" He asks.


"Pilot, of course." She hops in the pilot seat "Tell me when you're ready." She examines the controls "Vale system link."

"Link established ready for take-off."


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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

Felicity nods.

The Proxies move to secure the lower tower areas near the tunnels.

"Fomorian nearly within range of primary defenses." A technician says.

"I will join the infiltration teams." Felicity says. "Cyris, you are in charge of the perimeter defense. Link your proxies."


He walks to a console and links his proxies "Ok Wolf Pack linked." He examines the system and familiarises himself with it

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