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Trading/Recruiting chat filter by linked items


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So, before this we had the well known TYPING IN ALL CAPS WILL MAKE PEOPLE BUY FROM ME MORE, and the ///////SYMBOLS GALORE\\\\\\\\ people.

So now that it is much cleaner than before, I thought that since people are almost always linking items with the blue [_____] tag thing, would it be good if on the chat tabs of the trading/recruiting channels we had a filter option to filter only chats that include a specific tag?

So say if Tenno A wants to look for people buying/selling Dual Kama Blades, Tenno A just has to filter for people who link [Dual Kama Blades] in their post.

People looking to join/invite for Axi runs can select for filtering only [Axi __] link in their post.

Of course, there would be a problem with linked riven mods because there are so many, so maybe instead of filtering a specific riven mod, make it filter any riven mod instead.

I know it won't reduce the amount of people trying to sell stuff, but at least it makes it much easier for people specifically looking for few items in particular. Staring at constantly shifting blue text really strains eyes yeah. 

I think this is a better idea than that Spiral Knights auction house style thing (people who played it will know exactly what I mean) and it makes it easier to search and find a specific buyer/seller/host/etc without having to search through heaps of posts in the channels.


Sorry if this is in the wrong category, please move it to the more appropriate one if there is.

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