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Cap the Cumulative Login System's Unique Rewards


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The system is fine. Getting offended for not getting a chance at "having all the Pokemons" is asinine.

An extra weapon every so often from the Login Rewards regardless of how powerful they may be, won't make the game better. In fact, if an OP weapon was given out, it would make the game worse, causing the same problems as weapons that had to be changed, like Gammacors, Simulors, Tonkor etc etc, so they would just eventually just be turned into "just another weapon" in no time.

Login rewards are simply "an extra thing the game has", and if you are seriously losing sleep over the fact that you have fallen 30+ days behind "the imaginary line" and missed out on a Mod or a weapon in a game, you have bigger problems in your RL to worry about, in fact, ignoring that line should be like giving up smoking, so the sooner you detox from that Skinner Box mechanic, and start falling back by large amounts, the better you will feel, fall back enough, and you will stop caring altogheter, which is how it should damn be in the first place.

Almost every excuse as to why it should be stopped is purely in people's heads. It's a game for goodness sake, get your priorities in order.


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No, it shouldn't have a cap, sure maybe some of the rewards are good, but that only incentives the logging in, it only takes me five minutes to log in every day and claim that bonus, so I think it's fairly easy if anything it incentives returning to the game. Nobody is "barred" from any rewards, and there is now way to lose the number of days you have accumulated, so it's a fair and balanced system for the players both far ahead and newly starting.

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On 12/22/2016 at 2:10 PM, Drasiel said:

I just.... What. This mentality is completely mind boggling to me. You are viewing the log in rewards as a race with the other players when they are more like a hiking trail that people take at their own pace. 

You can catch up with people because at some point everyone needs a break and no matter how "far ahead"  someone is it won't affect your rewards. Regardless of all that, I think the biggest issue you are having with the login rewards is the attitude you have towards them.

I have to second this. I don't see this as a race with others so much as a trail I'm moving along. I don't feel punished for not logging in so far as daily awards (they don't decrease, only increase)--I do lose out on events though, which is sometimes disappointing, or for special dates like anniversary and I miss some fun gear...not game breaking, but fun. That gets annoying. However, the daily login rewards and the stacking system is something I like about Warframe. I came to this game after a run in Neverwinter and found that Neverwinter actually does punish players for taking breaks/not logging in daily. That's not cool. Being an adult means sometimes I don't get to play my games on the daily--I have responsibilities. I shouldn't be punished for having a life outside of a game, I should be rewarded for when I choose to spend my time on/with a company's product. Warframe rewards me.

As far as the perspective of always being behind other players that have been playing longer...you could expand that to them having better mods, "better gear", better skills in various aspects--you could spin yourself into a pit, if you wanted to. However, what is the purpose of comparing yourself to others? It's rather self-defeating. (I mean, I could dwell on never having access to Excalibur Prime, because I wasn't around at the founding, but I can--at least--eventually get the daily login rewards.)

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On 12/23/2016 at 2:52 AM, LordOfScrugging said:

that's a slap to those who dedicate the time to log in every day. This is something to reward dedication, not a matter of "being equal" if you want the items first, you need to be dedicated. you will eventually get the items, but not first.


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