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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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I'm very sorry for not posting a story in a while guys, swim season is REAAALLLY picking up right now. I'll try to churn out not-complete-poop when I can. In the meantime, have this song. It reminds me so much of warframe for some odd reason. Perhaps it's the whole notion of lost humanity and the oppresiveness of a single entity (in the song's case, single) Anyway, enjoy it if you wish. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cB9OpxrIi74



Edit:Wrath..........what. I don't even, dude/gurl

Edited by Ajkrumen
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Fenrik couldn't suppress a small shiver at Crowley's words but he wouldn't, couldn't back down now. He'd made it this far and He'd make darn sure he went all the way through. If his eyes were visible Crowley would see a steely, determined glint in them though the elder Nekros could probably feel Fenrik's determination anyway. The young Nekros clenched his fists in anticipation as he stared at the Grand-Master of the Dead "When do we start?" was all he asked.

Edited by KittyShark
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ok, electricity is back so best to try something else.



-White light-


His white robe glistened in the rays of the sun. His red, long hair tied into a ponytail at his fiance's request. An icy-blue Nekros stood on a pedestal behind him, holding a large book. He could not stand still from nervousness. She arrived. Her beautiful white dress shone in the light and provided contrast to her dark hair, decorated to look like the night sky. A smile spread across both of their lips.


-White light-


Doctors office. They were happy. The news arrived, She was pregnant. She started crying from joy, He stood there with a radiant smile on his lips. No matter the gender of the child. They would make sure it would have a happy childhood.


-White light-


She had collapsed in the middle of the day. He had rushed her to the hospital. The doctors tried to save both mother and child, but the daughter of the pair had died. He held her close as she cried, his mind filled with sadness.




They refused to leave the house, Sadness filling it like a thick fog. They went through their days like zombies.




Hospital again. The test results were back. It was in the final stages, She had a year to live. He vowed to make that year the best year of her life, to keep her happy until the end, to make sure she wouldn't take her final breath filled with sadness.


-White light-


Hospital room. They talked, made preparations for his future as well as for her funeral. Today was her final day. The hours passed. She told him that she felt it coming. He embraced her and held her in his arms until the last of her life slipped away. He put her back into the bed and looked at her peaceful face. Tears streamed down his face. He walked out of the room, his apprentices came to his sides. He notified a nurse and walked out.




Kris jolted up from his sleep, tears streaming down his face. He had to get out of the Snub. He ran out, heading to the most peaceful place in all of the dojo, the Memorial Hall.

Edited by FatViking
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Hope you like my story about Rhino, well enjoy reading it.




Rhino was on a mission to assassinate Alad V, he was alone but thinks he could do it when he arrived at the Dropping Point Alad V knew that Rhino would drop from that point and order his men to hide and wait for him to drop Rhino dropped from the ship and notices no one was on the area or on the platforms as he notices some movements he quickly uses his Iron Skin as well as High Jump(Correct me if I am wrong) as he uses his jump he notices a lot of MOA, Crewmen and some drones around the vicinity of the Drop ship as they're preparing for an attack. But Rhino here will do it on a smarter way he plans as where he would attack and how he would use his taunt, moments later all of them move from the Drop Point hiding as they wait for Rhino to come and drop but they didn't notice that Rhino dropped a minutes/hours later on as they are busy preparing for the capture of Rhino. Rhino with haste jumps to the center and kills everything around his vicinity and everyone starts to attack Rhino but all of their attacks were useless as Rhino doesn't take any damages or anything, he quickly uses his Taunt and kills everyone as he rushes through the doors. As he was closing to Alad V a skillful Sniper and a Shockwave MOA appears and he flies away but then he recovers as quickly do a parkour moves to kill both of the Sniper and the Shockwave MOA and it was a success.


Now he reaches Alad V's room and there he saw Alad V with a new prototype as it looks like the Jackal or any other Corpus Robot and he thinks that it's just a ordinary robot he quickly rushes through Alad V with haste but then the new prototype named Zanuka stopped him and Rhino was surprised as he thought it was just a ordinary prototype, Alad V talks about it and said it has some Tenno skins or DNA Rhino was surprised again about what he said and of course with full rage. He uses his Scindo to destroy the Zanuka but the Zanuka quickly dodges and jumps around then goes back to Alad V. Alad V said "Oh poor Rhino, you're so slow. Why don't you just surrender and you'll be treated well as one of my TEST SUBJECTS.* Rhino refuses and quickly uses his Iron Skin, then uses his High Jump and uses his Taunt and all of it was successfully stunned both of them. Rhino quickly tore the body parts of Zanuka and slashes it into half with his Scindo, after that he grabs Alad V's head and removes his head with his bare hands. His mission was a success and he founds out that there's a Tenno locked up on his Lab and it was a Tenno, a Female Tenno named Valkyr he saves her and quickly notifies Lotus and request for extraction.

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High Jump? Excalibur has Super Jump.  Rhino doesn't have an ability for vertical movement, but it'd be fine if he just regular jumped.

Good start though, needs moar meat!

Ohh lol.. Yeah you're right.  But still thank you for reading my short story about it even though there's some mistakes on it..

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