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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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you are not thinking about consequences of angering Berserker, are you?

because if you aren't....you done f*cked up.


Edit: also, Berserker never runs (nitpicking), after all...He is a motherf*cking Berserker. 

It's not a retreat! It's a tactical withdrawal!


*steps back onto shadows to continue stalking*

Edited by OmegaMK1
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aaaah but you forget. they have a Master of the Mind with them, Time to f*ck with Beserker's head!



Ghost sighed in relief as more and more people joined the fray, She hadn't been sure they would get here in time. She hefted her Lanka and readied the highest non-lethal charge she could as waited, completed silent and cloaked by her psychic field, neither ally nor foe could sense her in this state. Her extremely capable mind was already multitasking heavily, keeping her cloaked, readying for the perfect shot and manipulating Beserker's senses. Now he would find that each attack he made seemed just off the mark where as the other tenno seemed just out of reach to hit him but attacks still landed. It was sucking her energy reserves dry but she had plenty to spare, she could keep this up for a while longer. As she monitored the fight and manipulated it to the best of her abilities several ideas came to mind that could work in defeating him. All back up plans at best and all of them super risky, mostly due to their danger to her own health. "Look at you, struggling against Aequitas. You think you're so strong, so high and mighty. You are nothing but a beast. Lower in the food chain than you dare to admit. And just like any other beast, it's time you were caged!" Ghost started pushing buttons in his psyche, trying to distract him mentally as her thoughts echoed around his mind.

"WHERE ARE YOU? STOP HIDING YOU COWARDLY WEAKLING!" He screamed in rage, tired of Ghost's mind games even has he fought the rest of the Tenno to a stand still. "Why I'm right here, in your head, the area you are weakest in." Her words proved to be just enough of a distracted for Khimera to land a devastating lighting imbued punch to Beserker's sternum, knocking him off his feet. However Knimera was far from finished as he flowed with it, using speed to keep up with the now airborne excalibur and unleashed a combo of destruction. Fists, feet, elbows and knees were used to deadly precision and the lightning that arced and surged from each hit would hurt, metal skin or not as that would only conduct it further. Khimea finished the combo with a axe kick straight to Beserker's temple, smashing him into the floor hard enough to crater it. Beserker however stood up a few seconds later, hurt but definitely not down yet. He stumbled and nearly fell again when Ghost landed her charged Lanka shot to his head, stunning him for a couple seconds as the electricity arced through his nerves. She could only hope that they could down him soon. as she had fired her last shot in her sniper. She took a kneeling stance, Pangolin sword drawn and concentrated, seeing through her mind's eye as she went to fully concentrate on disrupting Beserker's awareness and fighting capabilities.



yay op mind fawking xD this is why Nyx would be my preferred warframe because honestly, a little imagination with it and there's almost no limit to what you can do to someone's mind. 

Edited by KittyShark
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Okay, normally I would agonize over perfecting this more before posting, but as fast as this has been moving I feel like I ought to post it fast... so here. I hope it's ok.


Edit: Also, I might be wrong on where exactly this fight is taking place, but considering Ajkrumen's statue is involved I assumed it's where the last place I was told that statue was, which would be the Memorial Hall. If I'm wrong, someone tell me so I can edit. Thanks ^-^'




The fight in the dojo was becoming utter chaos. As she had predicted, Acantha had lasted no time at all against the rampaging Tenno. He’d jumped over her guard as if it hadn’t existed before grabbing hold of her and using her as a living shield against X’s furious blows. Although she could see the warrior try to turn his strikes before they hit her, she still took the brunt of his attack before he could pull back. His hesitation in trying to find an opening without hitting her was all the opportunity the Berserker needed to reach out with his other hand and throw the elder Tenno against the wall, pinning him against another warrior she swore hadn’t been there a second earlier.


''What should I do with you? Knock you out? KILL YOU? FEAST ON YOUR FLESH?'' He asked her manically. As he smiled, he revealed to her a set of glistening, unnatural silver fangs.


“Let go of me!” She screamed, practically snarling in frustration as she struggled vainly against his unnaturally strong grip.


''WILL YOU RUN? Will you make me HUNT you? IF SO...then sure.''


Compared to what he’d done to the others, the Berserker did little more than drop her to the floor, but she still slid across the ground with enough violence to lose hold of her Orthos and end up out in the hallway. Before she could hit the opposite wall of the corridor, she used the momentum of his throw to flip lithely to her feet, grab her Dread, which had been knocked from its magnetic holster during the violence, nock an arrow, aim, and fire. As she watched the bolt impact the creature’s shoulder, she looked to her left in time to see another Tenno in an Excalibur warframe arrive at the fight.


“About time,” she was grinning a wolf’s predatory smile under her helmet as she sent another hail of arrows towards her target.


More and more Tenno were flocking to the battle like moths to a flame, and she couldn’t see every blow, shot, or energy blast aimed at the creature. Sometimes the Berserker would be knocked back, or up in the air by a Bounce from a Vauban, or knocked over by the concentrated fire of a shotgun blast, but he always regained his footing and returned the damage twice over. Countless blows from numberless attacks rained down on the creature, and all it accomplished was to make it angrier and, perhaps, slow it down.


Concentrating on her aim, she didn’t truly see the series of events that led up to it, but as the battle raged on the current of the fight shifted, moving the battle into the Memorial Hall. When she saw the chaos that the creature had wreaked there in just the few seconds he had been in that sacred space, she felt her blood begin to boil. The damage to the hall was immense. Bullet holes filled the list of names at the end of the room, a wall was broken, pillars were already filled with chips and gouges from missed shots and ricochets off of his metallic skin, and in general the hall was filled with chaos and ruin. However, what got to her most was how the infernal beast had not only broken and knocked the statue of Ajkrumen off of its plinth, but the statue’s broken arms were pinning a Rhino to the floor, leaving him easy prey.


“Bastard!” she screamed at him, enraged, “Desecrator!”


With increasing speed she fired arrow after arrow at the Berserker, heedless of the limited effect they were having against his armored hide.  As she continued her deadly rain of projectiles, she felt the wind of a slash dash as the Excalibur she’d seen recently join the fight used it to cover the length of the room in less than a second. She watched as he used the last of his momentum to free the trapped Rhino from his cage of stone, grabbing one of his arms and yanking him out into the open. She was pleased to see that, while her arrows weren’t doing much damage, they were proving enough of a hindrance to the rampaging Tenno that he had been unable to take advantage of the vulnerable warrior.


She made her way over to stand at the Rhino and Excalibur’s side, firing all the while, never letting up on the ceaseless rain of death that was helping to hold the creature at bay. She and the others who were fighting forming a wall of Tenno and bristling weapons and energy, a living fortification that the Berserker seemed eager to smash himself against.


"BRING A THOUSAND OF THE WEAKLINGS, I DON’T CARE! NOTHING BUT FRESH MEAT!" the monster bellowed, as he charged at the group.


Suddenly he stopped and whirled around, his back to the semi-circular wall of Tenno that Acantha helped to make up. He seemed almost to sniff, like he’d caught the scent of some other prey, and turned to face a wasp colored Volt.




“Oh, this is going to be soo much fun.” She thought she could hear the volt grinning manically as he said the words, his warframe criss-crossed with dancing electrical arcs.

Edited by Jeahanne
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ok, time for another Berserker POV.



There was an intruder in his mind, disrupting him, trying to give the wasp a chance for weakening blows. He had to rid himself of this intruder as it was becoming distracting and seriously taking all the fun out of this hunt. remembering several THOUSAND other Tenno who had tried to pull this stunt, Berserker focused his anger inward, into his mind and focused on the distraction. Even Ghost, a master of the mind, did not expect such intelligence from a beast, yet she had only gone to the surface of what made Berserker himself. One of the things that made Berserker the ultimate hunter, was his cunning and ability to remember what had been used against him in battles past. His anger, all focused on a single target within his mind resulted in a scream as Ghost grabbed her head, the pain from the searing anger and hate wall now protecting Berserkers mind too much for her to handle.


Rid of the intruder, Berserker now focused on the wasp. ''Tell me, poor wasp. WHY do you ALLOW such weak tactics?'' He said as he attacked the Volt, increasing both the speed and strength in his attacks as he grew angrier. ''THIS IS A HUNT! Not some CIRCUS! TACTICS, STRENGTH, CUNNING ARE ALL THAT MATTER IN A HUNT!'' Khimera evaded his attacks as no chance for a counter attack presented itself, the beast having realised all of his own weak spots and openings. ''LITTLE WASP!'' Berserker started yet once more to increase the speed of his attacks, as something exploded on his back.


''My name is not little wasp, ITS KHIMERA!'' Khimera shouted as he evaded a punch, finally finding an opening and punching there with a fist super-charged by electricity.


''BaD MOvE.''




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"This can't go on much longer....If it does, We're all going to die." The thought came rushing through Aigloblam's head. A nanosecond after the thought finished, a silvery clawed hand knocked the Excalibur across the room, slamming him into the wall beside the door.


A groggy voice came from behind him "Whoa...that hurt". Turning, Aigloblam saw Igilblix rising to his feet. Unlike himself, the Rhino had all his combat gear still on, covered in Infested blood, but still on. The two had been fighting as brothers for so long that Aigloblam's plan became apparent as soon as his eyes lighted upon the Rhino's Galatine.

"Still up for the stupid X-Men move you always talked about?" Aigloblam asked, knowing the love for ancient comics that his brother had. A deep chuckle rolled out of Igilblix's throat like distant thunder. "Always"


Igilblix tossed his Galatine to Aigloblam, who caught it and Jumped straight up, cocking his body sideways in mid air. At the apex of his jump, a whoosh of air sprang up as the Rhino charged directly toward Aigloblam. Aigloblam planted his feet on the huge tenno's chest and instantly his supercharged leg actuators exploded with power. With the combined force of the Super Jump, the Slash Dash, and the Rhino Charge, Aigloblam rocketed through the air, the Galatine headed straight for the back of the raging behemoth.


With a shower of sparks, the blade plunged into Berserker's back, grinding its way through the silvery battle plate growing on the thing's skin. The blade, the only one in the tenno arsenal long enough to get the job done, pierced all the way through, emerging from the creature's chest. It gave a howl of pain, But still stood. Aigloblam couldn't believe it, There had been enough force in that blow to blast Phorid in two.


"NOT BAD, AND NOT ENOUGH!" Berserker bellowed, as he began to reach his enormous arms upward, ready to splatter the idiot against the floor.


Still holding on to the Galatine hilt, Aigloblam swung around and planted both feet on the beast's shoulders. He grabbed the blade, heedless of its biting sharpness that sliced into his palms and fingers. With more power than he had ever used before in his lengthy life, He tried to use his Super Jump ability. With his arms binding him to the creature and sword, all the power went into the blade of the Galatine. With a creaking groan, the blade bent into a U shape, locking it inside the beast's body. Aigloblam locked his arms around the creatures neck, and his legendarily strong legs around the blade and hilt of the sword.

Close to Berserker's ear he said in a calm voice "Kris, Im sorry." and then in stronger tone "IF I GO, YOUR HEAD COMES WITH ME. YOUR MOVE CHUCKLES".


Aigloblam hoped dearly that someone could do something, because this could just as easily kill himself as stop Berserker. He looked from his high perch onto the other tenno, signaling that whatever they were going to do, It had to be quick.


At the door, Zel gasped and whispered "please no..."

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If I have some inspiration, I'll participate, but please don't hold your breath. Real sorry for not posting in a while guys, I feel like I'm neglecting my friends. :c 

You're all good chief. Life seldom lets us indulge in fantasy like this. Viking just gave us all a reason to get together on something again. Its something i've been waiting for ...well for quite a while.

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W00T? I feel so gud naow, like, ermahgerd.


Edit: also, I was mainly going to start the hunt somewhere else but it kinda made sense doing it in the dojo as i wanted to have a huge group scene. so, you are all welcome ;3 


Edit 2: Aslo, if i would have had the hunt somewhere else, i would have to write it all alone xD

Edited by FatViking
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W00T? I feel so gud naow, like, ermahgerd.

I also really like how everyone is trying hard to reinforce the idea that Berserker isn't like anything they have ever faced. Of course we'll beat/kill him, but the real challenge is how many of us are left after it happens. Sure Zel could nuke him....but she'd kill herself and everyone else in the process. The kind of power it would take for any one Tenno to take him down is just not something that can be done. So our challenges are :

1. Stop Berserker by any means necessary.

2. Keep as many of us alive while that happens.

3. Save Kris in the process.

None of these are anything less than EPIC tasks.

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So... yeah... decided to post...


While wandering around space on his snub, Rhino received an emergency broadcast from a nearby dojo. ‘To all residents of this ship. Berserker is awake and hunting. Initiates are to move behind the barriers or lock themselves in their rooms. Safety Mode is active. Available Council Members and Tenno... prepare for Infested-Style Counter-Hunt measures. Research Labs and Foundry are in lock-down. Take what weapons you have with you and fight. End Transmission.’

“So what are we going to do?” Rhino’s dethcube spoke. “Isn’t it obvious?” the Rhino answered, with a slight grin.”I think it’s more than obvious!” his left hand continued, followed by the right hand, “Who would ask such a stupid question?”


“WE ARE GOING TO CRASH THAT PARTEEEEEH!” The Rhino along his both hands yelled, pressing the snubs throttle to the maximum.


Uhm... yeah...

Edited by OmegaMK1
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