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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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The Galatine is the only way i could think to turn his strength against him. Its not damaging him much, but if he tries to remove it, His head is going to come off with it. Past that though, i'll leave it in someone elses hands, If he lets go, he dies, If he holds on, he only has a moderate chance of dying. Either way, Aigloblam is totally, absolutely, and in all ways STUCK...

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Thank you both.


As he got closer, he noticed that the snub bay was closed. “Ah well, I’ll have to apologize later! A few million creds will do for sure!”  Pressing the throttle up again he went directly for the doors. A few moments before he hit them, he remembered.”Goddamnit, I don’t even have ten creds! Pull up! Pull up!” He screamed at his snub, while he pulled the lever as hard as possible.”I’ll have to go with the less impressive way then! Dethcube! Get those gates open and then get the snub in!” He roared as he stood up, and walked to the small armory.  Taking his two gorgons he attached them to his back, on their magnetic holsters, then he took his scindos doing the same thing as the two light machine guns.


Once the sentinel hacked the bay doors open, it drove the snub smoothly into the landing pad. It had no idea why his master just wanted to crash directly onto things instead of landing. He had make the Lotus build him about dozens of snubs, wasting millions of credits.


Sorry if it's to crappy, its the first time i write anything, but i just felt like it :3

Edited by OmegaMK1
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Guillermo cussed to himself in his hand on repeat as he grabbed his Latron Prime and the Galatine that Alex left to him in his will as he sprinted towards the source of the commotion.


"God, Lex - I wish you were here right now," Guy muttered to himself as he dashed towards the danger zone.




Guillermo has joined the brawl! (Feel free to use him as an assist character. I'm not gonna write directly, myself, as I don't want to crowd the thread.)

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Ill stop writing for now cause as both my imagination and inspiration go away and come back all the time, im locked to write short texts and will end up covering too much space on posts.

Edited by OmegaMK1
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Seriously? Eff my schedule today...10 to 6 and I missed a LOT of stuff. It's gonna be hard replying to Kitty on Faust and Fenrik's training with all the pages since that point. Geez...sifting is gonna suuuuck. Regardless, Khimera is ever so happy you brought him in before the fight could end. In order to preserve my sanity I will not be posting for previous actions and the like.




What a dizzying display it had been, watching the Dojo minimap as he'd gone through the halls. It really had taken no time at all for Berserker to make it to Khimera's location and then the electrified beat-down had begun. Even with the exhilaration of the Hunt pumping adrenaline through his veins and his sped-up movements and charged strikes all seemed for naught. The metallic exoskeleton on Berserker seemed impenetrable and indestructible, at least until an Excalibur-Rhino combo managed to pierce it with a Galatine. Impressive, but not enough even the beast screamed it would not be enough. At this point there would be no stopping Berserker...he would become as powerful as one of the Collective's Hive-Makers. A shudder went down the wasp-colored Volt's spine as he recalled the one he'd fought long ago with Crowley and Nova-Quinn. They had won only by  miracle's grace and the arrogance of the creature. This being was by no means an arrogant, ignoble thing. Berserker was slaughter incarnate, a madness to be expunged from a weary and sad soul.


Khimera felt sympathy and kinship with Kris, as he did with several other Tenno who were 'broken' much like he was. Still, it did not stop Khi from hoping to see his beloved again one day even if others he related to had lost their soul-mates forever. Sympathy was pushed aside as the Volt saw Berserker's new protrusion removed by the Excalibur that had put it there. The time for games was over...the time for hiding his face...over. Before him was the Madness of Death and if he was to cower and hide away his face because of some silly self-promise that never meant a thing...he should left Berserker kill him.


"Hey Meat!" Khimera shouted, making Berserker's head snap back to look at him, the black and yellow Tenno bringing his hands up to his helmet. "Aren't you tired of the faceless lambs?" There was a soft hiss as Khi's helmet disengaged and he lifted it up, showing his face. It was paler now, perhaps because of his near-constant use of his helmet, though his stark white hair now fell down to his shoulders instead of its previous shortness. Again, he'd not had time for trivialities. Tilting his head up Khimera began to grin as he tossed the Storm helmet to the Excalibur who'd managed to pierce the thick exoskeleton. "Take care of that or I'll murder you after I finish the Prey." Cold blue eyes slanted a glare at the monster that had overwhelmed Kris' being. "Now then...Parasite...you won't lay a single finger upon me." Air began to warp around the Volt as the electrical charge building up made the air heavy and hard for outsiders to breathe, sheer presence by any other name suffocating and expelling other Tenno from the fight. No one could dare to quench his bloodlust like this monster.


Protocol Indra Activated


In the blink of an eye Khimera was up close with Berserker, his glowing blue eyes glaring into the crimson one of his opponent. "I'lL BuRn yOUr BLoOd!" The vicious roar was surprisingly not Berserker's but Khimera's as he sent a shocking blow to the beast's gut, only temporarily stunning him and forcing the air from his lungs until an overwhelming pulse of electricity colored a pale, wrathful blue flashing bright between the opponents sending Berserker flying hard enough into a wall he left a dent.


Unfortunately while it managed to crack the exoskeleton Berserker only saw it as a challenge to his power, roughly shredding away surrounding wall and roaring out satisfaction. "GOOD MEAT! GOOD PREY TO KILL!" The rush forward was almost as swift as Khimera's had been, rending claws flickering in the light like a dozen razor blades cutting through the air. Much to Berserker's frustration the Wasp moved just narrowly out of the way of each swing, and though no counterattack could be launched in this way there was also no hitting his target. Or so he thought.


Even faster than the next strike in the flurry of blade-like claws could be made Khimera moved away, leaving pale blue afterimages of himself for his effort, though from the brief grimace on his face it was clear to force his body to move that fast was painful. Even Tenno bodies had limits and it seemed Protocol Indra brought Khimera to his and perhaps beyond. "Scatter, Seeds of Lightning." Waving his arms out the Volt spread a veritable minefield of small, sparking diamonds at his foe. It would take more than one to deal any decent amount of damage, but he only needed time to set up further attacks. Looking back at the other Tenno who had been fighting before him, Khi felt a strange mix of feelings towards their presence. "Don't touch them!" He shouted, lifting his arm and snapping it down, sending bounding serpents of blue lightning across the floor to force Berserker to move into the Seeds. "Touch them and you WILL die! My power knows not friend or foe, no better than the Parasite!"


Snarling in fury that his Prey was playing hard to get, Berserker saw no danger in such small lights, what could they possibly do to his exoskeleton? Instinct told him they were something to be cautious of, but instinct also forced him to move away from the snakey lightning-lights dancing toward his feet. They would ensnare him, stun him, lock him in place for them to trap him, to make him meat! No, he was not meat! They were meat! Meat to be devoured! Arms spread wide, reckless abandon seemed to take the creature as he leapt out of the field of deadly stars and electrified arcs, coming down at the Wasp that taunted him so. Not a Parasite! Not Prey! Not Meat! Hunter! Berserker!


Holding up his hand Khimera gazed sideways at the beast leaping at his person, a blood-lust grin spreading over his face for the others to see. "RuIn YoUR BonEz tO aShES!" Snapping his fingers the Volt triggered Protocol Indra's first power extension, all the Seeds that had attached to Berserker lancing through his strong armor through flesh and bone, searing spears of pure electrical energy that would not be hindered by something so petty as thick armored shells. Berserker dropped to the ground and writhed in pain even as the Volt's grin twisted into a disappointed frown. "NoT EnoUgH." Khi murmured, sweeping his hand across his vision, sending Berserker flying back again with a wave of lightning spires that even pierced the Dojo floor and ceiling. Two monsters now fought in Aequitas, but which was the more terrifying? The parasitic madness of slaughtering death or the cruel, calculated bloodlust of electrified wrath?"

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heres a little surprise.



Berserker could almost feel it, the bloodlust coming from the wasp was near his own in intensity as lightning continued to pierce him. He had not known pain for quite some time, and all it did was making him angrier as he was sent flying all over the place. His facade of just being a brute was still working though as he searched for a way out of the trouble he was in, his metallic skin crawling with the energy he was collecting on every hit and storing it in his own nerves. Landing on a wall, he managed to cling to it as he thought about how to reach the wasp without getting hit by his raging lightning spewing from the spires. 


''LITTLE WASP! Tell me, WHERE did YOU acquire thine STING?'' Berserker shouted at Khimera.


''NoNE oF yOUr BuiSSnESs.'' Khimera shouted back as he sent more lightning towards Berserker. Jumping out of the way, Berserker shouted: ''Nice trick, WANT TO SEE MINE, LITTLE WASP?'' and the moment the final word left his mout, Berserkers body started shifting, becoming thinner and harder to hit as the Galatine that had been lodged in his chest broke, allowing him to remove it harmlessly and toss the remains at Khimera. Khimera easily dodged the broken blade but wasn't so lucky as Berserker landed on him just a fraction of a second later. Hoisting Khimera up in the air, Berserker threw him across the room and watched as the poor yellow Volt landed on the wall, knocked out as he slid to the floor.


Turning his attention to the others in the room, Berserker decided against finishing Khimera off as there was plenty enough prey in the room to entertain him for a bit longer. With a savage roar, Berserker charged at the others.


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Zel was pushed off her feet by Aigloblam as he fairly flew through the exit, a new plan bubbling in his mind. Khimera had amazing power, enough to finally give this juggernaut a taste of his own brutality, But would it be enough?


"Where are you going?!" shouted Zel, even though Aigloblam was already around the next corner. An echoing shout came back "More Power! Stay There!".


Aigloblam kept running, all the way back to the engineering bay. With a ripping sound and tinkle of metal fragments, he jerked the Orokin Reactor out of its pedestal. These pieces of Orokin tech powered the Dojo's opening to the void, and since this one wasn't bound to a warframe, its raw energy could hopefully be tapped. He grabbed a bundle of wires and speeded his way back to the Hall.


"Stay still, and get ready to let loose. This is going to be big." he said to Zel, as he opened the rear access panel of her suit. He began to patch in the Reactor, directly into the one Zel already had embedded. They ignored the blasts of white hot electricity shooting through the room, making shadows of both monsters flash over the walls.


When the job was done, he said "Power up, dont hold back. We can't take any chances with this". Zel closed her eyes and began to channel power from her newly wired suit. It started slow, but very soon she felt like she could move mountains with her very breath. In what would normally be a painful place, standing so close to an agitated Ember, Aigloblam felt not even a prickle of heat. He had bypassed her heating core, this little body and suit were now enveloped in pure orokin power. Her eyes glowed pure white, and the reflections off of her polished suit were blinding. Aigloblam pointed to Khimera, who had now become a ferocious ball of wrath. Incredibly, he was holding his own. More lightning flashed as Aigloblam told her "Hit him with everything you have. I dont care if it kills us or not, Because if it doesnt work, we're all dead".


Zel's eyes narrowed and with a primal scream she fired a bolt of pure energy toward Khimera, hitting him squarely in the small of his back. The impact knocked the warrior to his knees. Seizing this assumed vulnerable second, Berserker brought down his full fury onto Khimera, a hit powerful enough to turn a Veteran Rhino into a greasy smear on the floor. But Khimera didn't budge. The fist was deflected scant millimeters from his armor. Berserker was thrown far back, the silvery metal over his fist pock marked with electrical burns.



Khimera stood up slowly. His whole suit bathed in shimmering fields of power. He spread his arms and roared back with the fury of countless years of pain. "COME, MONSTER! WE WILL SEE WHO IS THE PREY NOW!"


No Tenno drew breath, and even the blank staring eyes of Ajkrumen's statue knew that one way or another, a monster would meet its death here.

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TWO GORGONS!?!? you literally made me laugh out loud.

Two gorgons, two scindos. No sidearm though. Gorgons take place of primary and melee, and the scindos take the place of where double sidearms would be.


The door where the fight was going on snapped open, showing a white and red Rhino, holding a Gorgon in each hand.”HELLO THERE LADY!” He shouted, making both the creature and the volt turn their heads to him.”Not you!” he screamed at the wasp.”The silvery thingie right in front of you is the one I’m talking to!” He opened fire, both weapons shooting where he was aiming for… kinda. The ‘Berserker’ as they called it, received hundreds of shots, which covered it in a light gray mist.”Ha! Nailed it!” He shouted, just to see that the monster was not even hurt when the mist faded away.”How did that not work?! Those were AP rounds!”  Crap. I’m so f#cked right now…

Edited by OmegaMK1
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I will reply with Khimera wrecking S#&$ in a minute (if not for interventions he would have gotten up anyway. Protocol Indra is still active) if I still feel that way after my drawing times.

Yeah he would have gotten up, I'm sure of that. I just felt like i needed to do SOMETHING or else my attempt at a heroic entrance was totally useless. lol

So lets see what Khi does with the powers of old supercharging him :)

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ok ok ok i had literally the funniest idea of how berserker would react to getting ''pumped full'' of lead as just being him staring at the guy with a facial expression that just said: ''Seriously dude? can't you see I am a little bit busy? seriously? did you just have to empty 2 gorgons at me? WHERE THE F*CK ARE YOUR MANNERS?''


Edit: Because secretly, Berserker is a sophisticated gentleman. He only acts a brute.

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