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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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I doubt my characters need much explanation but i'll post them anyway.


Khimera, Volt, currently in surgery/recovery and in need of a replacement Warframe.


Crowley, Nekros, currently beating the tar out of training Fenrik and Faust.


Nova-Quinn, Nova, current status unknown. Not in the dojo otherwise she'd have just blown Berzerker and the Dojo to bits.

Scarlet, Nova, Nova-Quinn's 'true' personality brought out in lucid moments. Generally unforgiving to any perceived foe or obstruction.


Issachar Valbaern, Saryn, Currently aiding in repairs to prevent herself from hunting down Kris and slowly poisoning him to death.


Sandalphon, Excalibur Prime, registration manager and only Tenno to wield a Galatine one-handed to any effectiveness so far.


Unnamed Nyx and Valkyr, Random one-off characters for a little story I'm putting up now.


Canis, Rhino, Khimera's husband currently MIA an to some presumed DIA as of the Collapse.



Now prepare for references and another artifact!



Phobos, a desert wasteland and home of the Grineer. Even experienced Tenno of Grand-Master level dared not go to this place alone. Open combat would be suicide if they did. In particular the Eviscerators and Hellions were the greatest danger, not to mention the annoying Desert Skates that both sides had to deal with. Even in the facilities present on the inhospitable world there were almost no places to hide, no places to perform the stealthier moves that Tenno are known for. Thankfully, the duo at Grildrig weren't put together on the mission to be stealthy. They just had to capture a few targets and eliminate the escorts. No sweat, right?


"I was getting so lonely down here, It's good to hear someone else's voice." Came a cool, mechanically noted tone of voice that caused a group of previously chatting Grineer to turn in surprised to see a orange-yellow and black Valkyr with a Bastet helmet standing off to the side in the cavern with a Sobek and Braton Vandal in her hands. "I'm kidding of course, god I hate you." In a moment's notice two of the escort were blown away by a chain of Sobek blasts and a spray of Braton bullets. The Hellions got into positions to fire at the Valkyr, several Arid Lancers moving behind their stronger brethren to release cover fire from their Hinds. Narrowly stepping out of the way of the rockets the tiger-color Tenno made no unnecessary movements even as she selected another set of quotes from her soundboard. "Do you know who I am?!" This time a male's voice as the Valkyr unloaded her Braton Vandal's clip into the Hellions first, sweeping her spray of bullets across the barrier of bodies even as the capture target lobbed Nervos her way. "I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down!" Tossing away her Braton Vandal she moved forward, blasting away the heads of the two remaining Hellions with her Sobek, turning the shotgun's fury on the unfortunate Lancers next. "WITH THE LEMONS!" Surprisingly yet another primary weapon was pulled from the Valkyr's back, a Penta Grenade Launcher colored to match its owner. Dropping her Sobek the Valkyr took aim even as a brave Arid Lancer chose to continue firing while blocking normal fire against the capture target. "Target acquired." A higher-pitched mechanical voice came from the Valkyr, almost too soft to hear over the Grineer's comm-links. "Dispensing product." A single loud THUNK came from the Penta as the stick-grenade was shot in a beautiful arc, and just inches from the Lancer's head the Valkyr detonated it, obliterating the last of the escort and downing the capture target.


The ringing in his ears was unbearable, his vision was cloudy from the explosion so close. The capture target, one of the few Grineer scientists kept on Phobos for safe-keeping, was desperately trying to claw his way to somewhere safe. How could this be? He'd been told the escort could kill even Tenno aggressors! Lies...they must have lied to him, they wanted him dead so fools like Sargus Ruk could keep doing as they please. "Ahh!" Screaming in pain as a clawed foot came down on his hand the scientist looked up in fear at the Valkyr, an angel of death, a predator even here on Phobos. Even worse as the cool, soft mechanical words that came through his comm-link next.


"There you are." Holding her hand out the Valkyr digitized the capture target, ignoring all screams of terror and pain the process brought on. It hardly matched the pain she had gone through. The Corpus bastards had managed to tear out her voice-box before her rescue, so now she was forced to speak using what she'd been told were 'soundboards' with quotes from various things. She'd found she liked this one most though, it was always pleasing to scare the ever-living crap out of Grineer and Corpus alike with it.


"Good job Tenno, one capture target remaining. Rejoin your team-mate at extract or go to her aid. I've marked both on your map." Lotus chimed in, her face appearing on the Valkyr's HUD briefly before it vanished, two waypoints left on her map instead.


"Yes sir, Mr. Johnson." The same voice as when she'd first spoken to attract the escort's attention. Returning to where she'd dropped her weapons before the tiger-colored Valkyr retrieved them. She'd been given special permission to use only Primary Guns this mission, it was just so much more...fun...to blow things apart before resorting to the energy claws.




Finding refuge behind a large pipe a green-themed Nyx panted while she let her shields recover from an assault by Lancer Hinds. Even worse there was a Heavy Gunner with the escort this time. At least she'd prevented them from getting anywhere near an escape point for the capture target, though she could only surmise the extra firepower was due to her partner finishing her side of the work. Normally an escort was as nothing to a Nyx's mental prowess but this particular Nyx had taken measures to lock-down her Ultimate power as well as Absorb. She hated flashier Tenno and those that relied almost solely on their ultimate abilities in order to complete their missions. Even worse were the Tenno that colored themselves in the brightest most noticeable damn colors in the palettes. Just thinking about it made the Nyx grimace behind her helmet.


Sadly, the Nyx's train of thought was broken by a few shots from a Hind as an Arid Lancer had been brave enough to move around the pipe and take a chance. Ignoring the twin voices in her head pining for her to kill the Nyx glared at the Lancer, forcing his feeble mind into position. A brief teal glow engulfed his upper body before the Lancer jerkily snapped around, firing his Hind on his allies. It didn't take long for the rest of the Escort to take him down, but it had been a nice anger-vent for the Nyx. Glaring down at her dual pistols she entered into a brief mental conversation with them, arguing with the two voices of the artifact pistols.


"Bone, Marrow, silence! I'll starve you if you persist."


"You can't do that!" "We'll make you shoot yourself."


"Not with the way you two argue. Shut up and be a good pair of guns." The Nyx had the final word this time though the pair of sentient weapons continued to argue with each other even as their wielder dove and rolled from cover, taking aim at the Heavy Gunner first. Four shots rang out louder than the dull roar of the Hinds, black bullets that seemed to absorb light itself piercing Grineer armor with unnatural ease. First the eyes were shot out, then one through heart and left lung, the other through the right lung. The slow of time around the moment for the Nyx ceased as the heavy unit fell and she began to strafe back and forth, firing the dual pistols with abandon, her bullets always finding their mark. It wasn't any trickery or psychic manipulation on the Tenno's part, it was the pistols veering their bullets on the right path even as the smarter Grineer tried to move away from the Nyx's line of fire. It wasn't like she could fire around corners, but it was helpful for targets that moved at the last second. "Just die!" She raged, sliding forward firing rounds in a circle sending the few surviving Grineer sprawling. Kicking over a Trooper that sought to get up the green Nyx aimed the red gun, Marrow, point-blank at the dazed Grineer's head and fired. The process was easily repeated with two more foes, though the capture target was already running away on a bridge across a canyon chasm.


"Kill!" "Kill prey!" "Kill now!" "Death feeds us!" The dual pistols hissed in the Nyx's mind, though she had no intent of letting them have their way. Waving her arms out in a cross pattern she projected mental arrows that blasted into the capture target's back, leaving him down and in an intense amount of anguish. "Should kill." "Should let us eat him." "Still hungry."


"SHUT UP!" The Nyx snarled, firing bullets into the nearby corpses of the Grineer, happy to find a few of them had still been marginally alive even after her original attacks. "God...you make me wanna give you to a scrap yard." Grumbling, the green Nyx holstered her mentally taxing pair of pistols, going to digitize her target with extreme prejudice.

Edited by khimera
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So your valkyr found a portal sound board? I approve of this, Khi




It had been several weeks since Saur had awoken form his cryosleep. He and Saichra had steadily been growing closer together, working together frequently to complete missions. More often than not, they were charged with the assassination of high value targets, working as a single unit in two parts once they arrived.


In training as well, they were inseparable. Saichra teaching Saur to use smaller weapons, like the Ether Daggers, and he taught her to use heavy weapons, including his own Galatine.


“Pick up the sword and swing it at me!”


“I can’t, it’s too damn heavy!!”


“You’re a Mag! The sword is metal! FIGURE IT OUT!”


The normally grey blade began to glow a pale blue, and she hefted the blade, having to hold it in both hands to keep the tip off the ground, even with her magnetic abilities helping. “Excellent! Now then, defend yourself!” charging at the Mag, he unsheathed his Scindo, bringing it in a sweep, toward her torso. Blocking with a polarized field, she hefted the blade in her hands and swung toward his head, magnetizing the air around it to accelerate her swing.Despite being swung toward her side moments ago, the Scindo appeared directly in her swords path, blocking it form its intended target. The block was so sudden that she lost her grip and concentration, letting the heavy sword fly from her. Before the sword landed, she was on the ground, the axe at her neck.




Moving the axe from her throat, he offered his hand. “Thanks, I think,” she said as she took it to get back up.


“To be honest, I’ve seen worse. I’ve seen better, but you aren’t the worst,” the Excalibur said as he retrieved the Galatine. “Now, let’s do that again, but only use your abilities to be able to hold the sword. Don’t use them to block.”


Grumbling, the Mag readied herself again.

Edited by Entari0
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Something quick for Quinn, dont know how to continue from there.....but still have ideas for Acantha! >:P





The sound of something heavy and very large hitting the ground brought Quinn out of his thoughts. 


“Hello uncle! See what i got for you today!” A cheery voice yelled behind him. Turning Quinn almost fainted. A ,very large, white and red Rhino, with a massive piece of granite. A dethcube floated near him if anything, looking concerned. 


“Uncle?” Was the only thing Quinn oculd ask as he walked slowly towards the granite, still holding the statue head. The Rhino looked at him blandly, and shrugged. 

Edited by QuinnsWing
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BWAHAHAHA! Khi! A character that can only talk in Portal quotes, I love it so much you have no idea! (I'm a gigantic Portal nerd, sorry.) The Lemon rant using the Penta is going to have me thinking that speech every time I'm in the game and use it to blow stuff up, it's awesome (My Penta is also getting a Yellow energy color so when the grenades are sitting on the floor they look more lemony xD ). I more than approve, I demand more! :D


(This is, after all, coming from the girl who got a Dethcube as her first sentinel entirely because it looked to her like a Companion Cube, and so painted it those colors and refered to it as such for quite awhile.)


And Quinn I'm dying of curiosity. Will I find out your ideas soon? o.o Please? I'll give you a cookie if I do :D

Edited by Jeahanne
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*looks at the cookie, looks at Jeahanne, bursts out laughing with a large grin*


no no *slides cookie back* 


All in due time, friend, due time.


now more for Ans....he is kinda pissed for no reason.... >_<




Sitting in his small cargo ship, Ans was sitting there looking at his broken blade. Why did he do that? Because he was that kind of person. He would die for someone he didnt know, he had almost multiple times. Tossing the blade aside, Ans shook his head in disgust. He wanted to help others but he couldn't trust them, not face to face, never. Standing, Ans went to start the un docking process, only to be block by the computer saying no one was allowed to leave. 


“F**K!!!!!!” he yelled punching the wall. He couldn’t stand it any more. He needed to get out of here. His frustration began to boil over and with that he stormed out of his ship. Rushing to no where, but everywhere. He couldn’t take it anymore he need to blow off some steam, badly. 


He was heading towards the training room, the hand to hand combat room to be precise. 

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I knew I wanted a tenno that quotes portal and Valkyr was perfect for it. I may bring her back now and then for hilarity's sake, especially with her flaming lemons penta. (I may actually have her mod the grenades to be lemon shaped for irony.) The Nyx, on the other hand, is the owner of a rather sinister dual-artifact that everyone has a chance to get their hands on. Let the hunt for a Green Nyx that hates fun and parties commence!

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