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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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As he entered the mysterious place, Ash felt a slight bit of nausea from the warping process. He steadied himself, drew in a deep and meaningful breath, and ventured into the bowels of the desolate, ancient place. His Braton Prime glimmering in the last remnants of light seeping into the room, Ash stared up at the massive hallways overrun by the dull, age old Infestation. He pictured in his mind a frightful image of this once prideful ship being converted into the mindless slaves that now wander the hallways. 


Screaming, confusion, and anxiety filled the air as hopeless Orokin lost their souls and bodies to the abominations as they mutated before their very-...


He broke free of his depressing imagery and began making his way through the initial chambers. "The once thriving Orokin fell prey to the Infestation here long ago," The Lotus calmly explained. "Be wary, Tenno..." He listened loosely as he had a firm grasp on the consequences of failing this task. His companions needed this artifact, or their elaborate operation back in the Sol System would be for a useless cause. They had their mission, he had his.


He struggled his way through the devastated remains of the chamber as he clambered his way through the repulsive Infestation. Ions old mutation took hold of the very structure and integrity of everything it touched, converting it to a plant-like system of intertwined limbs of grotesque life, alien to anything currently present in their home system. Navigating his way through the carnage, Ash found the next areas little more than another obstacle course as he made his swift and almost blissful way through the still operating laser beams fluctuating throughout the desolate fortress and the puddles of electrified water that had been rotting away entire rooms. These Orokin made sure their security measures remained online as long as possible to destroy any Infestation that tried to leave the facility in an attempt to spare neighboring ships of the Infestation.


His first contact with the creatures was just a few minutes into this ordeal, and Ash took every step with great caution as he did not intend to start any unnecessary engagements. He grew ever closer towards the mutilated husks and could hear the gurgling of the desecrated flesh as he cloaked his way past them, wondering to himself if they could smell Tenno flesh through the Warframe itself. He soon found his answer as he silently slipped past the Infested group without catching any unwanted attention.


Ash stared up in amazement as he absorbed the vastness of the next room. At least as large as an entire Corpus Scouting Ship, this room was swarming with enlarged trunk-like structures piercing in and out of various walls around the macro sized observatory. He noticed something out of the corner of his eye, peeking through a small, circular windowpane, a fellow greeting from a galaxy familiar with every Tenno, The Milky Way. "Riiight, there," he whispered to himself, as he raised his finger and pointed to the Earth's location and his fellow Tenno. He snapped back into reality as he felt a subtle tremor beneath his feet. Alarmed by this unusual occurrence, Ash was quickly looking for an answer to this sudden shaking, only to find a unfortunately familiar and unsettling face towering over him.


"Sooo, you like to play Dark Sector, eh?!"


Completely dumbfounded, Ash slowly replied, "What?"


"Ahh, c'mon! I researched your Wiki page and EVERYTHING! I KNOW you like Dark Sector!"


Still completely and utterly dumbfounded, Ash said, "I have no idea what you're talking about."


"Ok, look. There's this thing called Dark Sector and it tells the story of-...you know what, never mind. LET'S FIGHT, ASH!"


Ash, locked in a state of confusion, said, "How did you even get here?!"


The mysterious figure spoke once more. "DERF ANYO KNOWS NO BOUNDS when it comes to 'tagg'n along' with my best buddies, the Tenno!"


"Why do you even care? I'm just here to retrieve an Orokin Fusion Cell to power our Orok-"


"SILEEENCE! I need not an explanation for your business on this Orokin Derelict ship, all I need, IS YOUR BLOOD!"


"...Whatever." Ash cloaks himself in the thick shroud of smoke and walks away trying to comprehend what just happened.


Coughing from the smoke bomb, Derf Anyo chokes and desperately cries out, "W-wait! I didn't even get to show you my Shurikens!"


Derf tosses one of his custom made, limited edition Paper Mache Shurikens with it's red party streamer tail into the air and watches hopelessly as it immediately drops off into the treacherous pit below. Derf Anyo looks gloomily into the deep pit as he hears Ash quietly snickering as he leaves the observatory.


Derf proudly states, "That was just a prototype! Got more babies where that came from!" Derf proceeds to follow Ash but face plants as he trips over his untied shoelaces and stands up only to see that his Tenno "pal" has abandoned him...

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After returning to the dojo, Alex staggered out of the cruiser and stumbled towards his quarters. He didn't acknowledge anybody he passed by on the way there, still shaken by his nightmares. Once inside, he promptly disengaged out of his warframe and flopped onto his bed face first, silently pleading with his brain to cooperate before passing out right then and there, still in his circuitry suit.


8 Hours later, he roused on his own and stepped out of bed groggily, meandering on over to the bathroom to take a long overdue shower. After washing the accumulated filth and stepping into some loungewear, he sauntered on over to the mess hall, nodding amicably at anybody he passed, suited or unsuited. He walked into the kitchen and was immediately greeted by the heavenly smells of Guillermo's cooking. "Lex, took you long enough, sleeping beauty! I knew you'd take a nap first, so I figured I'd cook later!" Came the boisterous voice of the Frost, also in loungewear, working over the old-school stove they uncovered in some wreckage.


"Guillermo, my man. What're you cooking up for me?"


"Hell, just some macaroni and cheese. Comfort food for a long fight. 48 Hours, dude? I knew you've seen and done some things, but even the toughest of us haven't gone that hard before. Beer's on the table, take a seat already," He commanded, and the Rhino complied. "Alcohol, even during a war?" Alex raised an eyebrow.


"It's happy hour somewhere. Even the Grineer have beer, my man," Was the Frost's retort. Defeated by the Frost's impeccable logic and wisdom, Alex let out a sigh and dug into the scrumptious concoction as soon as the Frost set it down in front of him. Guillermo took his own seat and dug into his own portion, letting out a bark of laughter. "I've outdone myself again!" He bellowed, digging into the food with a whoop.


After the meal ended and they were slamming back the remnants of their drinks, Alex looked up at the Frost to ask him a question. "Gui, dude...where does Hadrian want us next?"


The frost was silent for a moment before answering him. "Welp, Hadrian wants us to go back in where you were last...that place has not budged at all and he's expecting the stalemate to stay there for the next 24 hours. Unless that changes, we're headed there tomorrow. Are you gonna be okay with that?"


Without missing a beat, Alex answered him, "Honestly? I just want to find Ellie. As far as I know, every Corpus body is gonna bring me one step closer to finding her, dead or alive - I can't have this mystery running around my head anymore or it's going to screw me up like it did yesterday."


The Frost nodded in solemn acknowledgement, "I hear that. Not knowing is just as bad as any torture the Corpus have in store."


And on that sobering note, the two of them sat in silence for a while.

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Wow...just...wow. Both stories are awesome, even if the Derf Anyo one is far more comedic I love them both, and I think the idea that our Tenno are tired of this conflict already is highly accurate, especially for those of us who actually did 48 hour runs. (so to speak and more or less)

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Weylon sighed a breath of relief as he entered his snub fighter, finally relaxing after a tough 5 hour mission along with 3 other Tenno. He had no idea who the other Tenno were as none of them had spoken and only really communicated with body language such as pointing or changing stance. After all, the only thing they had been doing was killing Corpus troops, Moas and Ospreys to aid in the war that was going on at the moment. He chuckled as the snub fighter left the battlefield and moved to the ''Station'', a constantly moving place where Tenno without a clan would go to restock on ammo and supplies and to accept jobs offered to them by the Lotus.


in the snub fighter Weylon cringed in pain as he looked at his leg, a burn wound was clearly visible through the hole in his suit, although the nanites had already begun repairing his suit and healing him. ''so i guess i got hit'' Weylon thought as he watched in fascination at the nanites doing what they did best.


He arrived at the Station 6 hours later, and in just a few seconds he was on his way to the armory, as the battle had left him quite dry on ammunition. As he walked towards the armory, an Excalibur ran up to him. ''Hello there milady, the name is Vaughan, can i be of assistance to you in any way?'' the Excalibur quickly asked, to wich Weylon responded:''I am no lady, although i am Nyx.'' Weylon could almost see the poor Excaliburs eyes widen after this revelation. ''But how can a man fit inside a Nyx?'' asked Vaughan, suprising Weylon. ''Well...uhm...you see, it is a very painful process, as your entire body is transformed to fit the specs of the frame, and when a man is forced to use a female specced frame, it begins with the crushing and reconstruction of his bones and then re-sizing most of the organs. This process seems to take a few years due to the pain you feel but in reality it only takes a few seconds before it is complete.'' Weylon explained to the young Excalibur as they walked towards the armory. ''same thing would happen if i were to enter a male specced frame in the form i got now.'' As they arrived at the armory, Vaughan handed Weylon a piece of paper covered in plastic.''What's this?'' Asked Weylon. ''It's my contact information, if you would ever need company on a long mission.'' Vaughan stated as he started walking away. ''Or if you would just like to chat, i'm relatively free most of the time seeing as i don't have many friends.'' The last statement gave Weylon a tiny shiver of joy.


He had finally made a friend.



First try at anything Fan ficcy

hope ye like it

Edited by FatViking
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I am both irked and curious about this process of which Weylon speaks...

Well, i could explain the process better but then again, why should i? leave a bit of mystery here and there and the audience gets curious and more interested in the story and searching for answers.

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Well, i could explain the process better but then again, why should i? leave a bit of mystery here and there and the audience gets curious and more interested in the story and searching for answers.

not a bad answer! But the explanation should be next or we will lose said curiosity if it never is explained XD

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The Nekros was panting. A Corpus Crewman was...flattened against the wall. Several other Corpus were scattered all over the place, a Corpus Tech was in the corner beaten to death with the leg of a MOA that was lying broken on the deck. "He...They all caught me off guard." He said "I didn't do it on purpose..." Janice couldn't see past Kevin's helmet but she knew he was in some sort of shock. She walked over to him and touched his arm. Kevin sighed. "I didn't..." he started.


"I know." Janice spoke gently "Come on...Let's head back okay? You just need some rest."


"I didn't mean to..." Kevin babbled quietly. "I never meant to..."


"Kevin," Janice gently pulled him away from the scene. "Come on, it's going to be okay..."




"What happened?" John asked calmly as he looked at the monitor. He saw Janice sitting down next to Kevin who had his head down.


"He's tired, John." Emm answered as she walked over to his side. "We've been fighting the Corpus with no end in sight." She looked at the monitor with practiced eyes, flying at her side was the Carrier Sentinel that was holding a clipboard using its Vacuum function. As the team's only Trinity Emm was a very important asset to the clan which was why John had put her in reserve in case something like this happens. 


"Let him rest, John." Emm said "I'll look after him."


"Very well." John said. "I'll redo the team rosters for the next battle. Just...make sure he'll be fine alright?"


Emm bowed her head as her Carrier gave a chirrup. "Yes Warlord."

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Alex nodded to Guillermo as the Frost sat on a crate, his Latron across his lap as he finished field-stripping the weapon, now having reassembled the rifle. "So, how's your day been?" The Rhino teased, smirking at his comrade behind his helmet. The Frost gave a lackadaisical shrug as he reached over onto the ground to grab some polish, a rag, and make his Latron shinier than that merchant Darvo's buck teeth. 


"Oh, y'know - the same ol' thing, killing Corpus, disassembling MOAs, no big deal or anything," Alex extended a fist, and the Frost reciprocated the gesture, bumping their metallic fists together. 


"Welp, six hours down, another 18 to go. You haven't been out here yet. You sure you up to the challenge, kid?" Alex taunted.


"Don't call me kid, I'm older than you," Guillermo retorted immediately.


"Whatevs," Shrugged the Rhino, turning to return to the front lines. "You coming or not, old man?"


"I'm coming, keep your panties on," The Frost grouched back at Alex, tossing his polishing kit aside and rising to his feet. With his Latron in his grasp, he nodded at Alex, as the two of them returned to the Spears defense line, where the Grineer were attempting to hold against a Corpus counterattack and Hadrian asked them to hold the line and push the Corpus out of the sector.


"Hey Alex, fifty thousand creds that I kill more than you."


"Double that, make it a hundred g's flat."




And the two were off to the races.

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"Our intel indicates that there is someone on board this ship who is vital to the enemy's cause. We need that subject brought back alive," said Lotus, her voice echoing through the Tenno's communication unit.


Vasto, check. Skana, check. Empty primary weapon slot for the reason of traveling light? Also check. Excalibur took in a silent breath as he detached himself from his ship and entered a life-sized tube pipe that led to the enemy warship's storage unit room. But before kicking down the malfunctioning air vent fan located just below his landing point, the Tenno checked his radar for any signs of life, particularly the Grineer who were said to have owned the vessel.


"Keep going, no detection from the ship's sensors," Lotus said, as if reading the Tenno's mind. Excalibur gave off a slight nod and dismantled the mostly broken vent fan, carefully placed it to the side, and hopped down into the storage room. Checking his HUD every so often, Excalibur creeped past the storage room and into an elevator up ahead, manning the controls to send him deeper into the space ship.


As the elevator slowed, indicating that it was soon arriving to the Tenno's designated floor, a few red dots came up Excalibur's radar - two of them were right beside the elevator door, while the third was patrolling very close by. Excalibur watched as the patrolling guard neared the two other guards. He gripped the hilt of his blade with one hand, slowly drawing it from its sheath. As soon as the door opened, the silent soldier focused some of his suit's power into the Skana and raised it in the air.


The blade flashed an unbearably bright white light that blinded the three patrolling guards before they knew what was going on. Dropping their automatic rifles to the floor, the Grineer grunts were powerless to the quiet and precise strikes that began from the back, or side, of their necks and out the other end. Excalibur noticed a sturdy, rectangular, bulwark that was freed from the grasp of a dead Shield Lancer.


"Leave it, Tenno. That shield will only slow you down," came the overbearing sound of Lotus's voice, but Excalibur paid no heed, picked up the shield, and wore it on his back. Saryn and borrowed his Dethcube unit, a few days prior, and returned from his mission without it. A new one was being rebuilt, but it would take some time to match it to Excalibur's specifications. His sentinel was responsible for watching his back, so the enemy's metal accessory would have to do.


At that moment, a pair of footsteps came up from behind him. His hand made its way to the handle of his revolver, but his radar showed no hostility. Instead, there was an ally.


"So much for traveling light," said another woman's voice. Excalibur sighed under his Avalon helmet and relaxed his hand from the Vasto. "Lotus was worried, so I volunteered to be deployed as your back-up."


Excalibur remained quiet as he proceeded through the warship, wary of any hostilities that may pop up into his HUD.


"What? Still not talking to me? If it's about your sentinel, how many times do I have to apologize?" asked the poison mistress. Excalibur ignored her, shaking his head at her antics. Before she could take another step, however, Excalibur tackled her onto a nearby pillar, under a video camera; one hand was just slightly above her bossom, and the other on her waist. Their Warframes were pressed together - titanium against titanium.


Before Saryn could utter even a groan, Excalibur drew the Vasto and fired it at the surveillence camera, effectively shutting it down. Because of the Suppress mod installed into his gun, the bullet left the barrel of the sidearm without so much as a peep. The hand gun was returned to its holster, on Excalibur's hip.


"If you want to leave your hand there," said Saryn, her helmet pointed on the hand pressed against her chest. "I won't stop you, Ex. You wouldn't take my credits as payment for your sentinel's accident, but there are other ways for me to pay you... if you know what I mean."


As Excalibur left the somewhat daring position, turning his back on the female Tenno, Saryn latched on his back - her arms were wrapped around his shoulders.


"Come on. All work and no play makes Ex a very dull fiance. We're warriors, but we're humans too. You haven't laid a finger on me since after that skirmish in Europa," she said. Excalibur's mind wandered to the moment that Saryn spoke of. The lights were dimmed and they had hours to themselves after wiping out an armada of Corpus. They could have spent their time simply waiting for extraction, but time is long when spent doing absolutely nothing.


"That was almost five weeks ago, Ex, and I refuse to wait until after this mission is over for you to pay some attention to me," she said, retracting her helmet.


Saryn placed a finger on and pressed a very narrow button just over the other Tenno's spinal cord, slowly retracting his armor. She let out some carbon dioxide from her mouth, hitting the surface of Excalibur's now exposed shoulder. The hardened soldier took a deep sigh and yanked the woman, as well as himself, from the empty corridors of the Grineer warship. After returning to the storage room, Excalibur closed the door and shot a bullet into the control panel, locking the door shut.


Both Tenno threw their weapons aside as their Warframe armors began to slowly retract into a collar that was worn around their necks. The armor was digitized, eliminating the mass and weight, so only the information was stored into the collar's memory bank. This made for easy access into and out of the armor.


"We're doing this on enemy territory? You sure know how to woo a girl, don't you?" asked Saryn, laying herself down on the cold metal floor.


Her upper body was supported by both elbows, and toned forearms. Heat pulsed from her body, excited that she would finally get a little fun after all the grueling missions from the Lotus. Just as Excalibur's helmet eased back into the collar around his neck, he slammed the bottom of his fist against a wall, shutting the lights off inside the storage room.


"No lights? Now that's the man I know."


Excalibur made no reply as he lowered himself to woman who was begging to be taken right then and there. He ignored Lotus's voice, coming from a modulator installed into his collar. He would get an earful from the Organization upon his return, but Saryn had a point. Although encased in powerful suits of armor, augmenting their abilities as ancient warriors of the Orokin era...


A Tenno is still only human.

Edited by Eggzodiya
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And also, sorry for the gratuitous Chinese ;^; I'm too lazy to provide their meanings... so yeah...



Its definitely not my cup of tea...i like a lot more action, very little drama. However, its also extremely well written. Pet your little inner Fangirl and tell her its a job well done. Color me impressed. :)

Welcome to the thread, and if you keep posting like that....We will bear with you till the end of time :)

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Heehee I guess more people here wuv action xD Maybe a future sequel would contain more action, considering there's a Tenno abducted...


I'm planning to write short fanfic about Yuikami's Nyx and Captain Vor for Christmas, hopefully she will like it ;w; But still, I will try and throw in some action in my future stories ;A;

personally, i prefer minor action, a dash of explaining and a whole lot of mystery..


maybe i should ''flesh-out'' the process my Weylon speaks of in my story, but that would require that i made him a backstory ._.

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Heehee I guess more people here wuv action xD Maybe a future sequel would contain more action, considering there's a Tenno abducted...


I'm planning to write short fanfic about Yuikami's Nyx and Captain Vor for Christmas, hopefully she will like it ;w; But still, I will try and throw in some action in my future stories ;A;

For me the action is part of the Tenno seeing as we are "space ninjas" i believe you will be able to pull more action with the abduction coming in.

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Heehee I guess more people here wuv action xD Maybe a future sequel would contain more action, considering there's a Tenno abducted...



Don't change your stories just to placate us though. If you don't enjoy writing action scenes a lot, you are most certainly not obligated to do so. These are YOUR stories, YOUR imagination. Go with whatever you feel good writing. You have earned the right to tell whatever story you want, not just by being a writer, but writing well. The only thing i request...is MOAR! :)

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