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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Yacob slammed the door to his room, its metallic clunk echoing down the halls of his barracks. He angrily flipped his Volt helmet off of his head and let it fall to the floor. He had lost 8 good Tenno less than 4 hours ago, during a raid on a corpus outpost. His blood still boiled from the thoughts of this much senseless life loss. No sooner had his helmet hit the floor, his knees followed. With hands still grimy with the blood of his enemies, and that of his friends, he pounded his bedroom floor for what felt like hours. It was only after his floor became dented that he realized he had also been crying.


When Yacob stood up, He was a different Tenno. Instead of washing up, He simply put his helmet back on and went to get a new assignment, whether they would allow it or not. He had a lot of vengeance to deliver.


Yeah really short....but hey its something.

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Don't change your stories just to placate us though. If you don't enjoy writing action scenes a lot, you are most certainly not obligated to do so. These are YOUR stories, YOUR imagination. Go with whatever you feel good writing. You have earned the right to tell whatever story you want, not just by being a writer, but writing well. The only thing i request...is MOAR! :)

EXACTLY!!!!! i might not "care" to much for this type of writing but i still enjoyed it and will read, as stated before, MOAR!!!!

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Yacob slammed the door to his room, its metallic clunk echoing down the halls of his barracks. He angrily flipped his Volt helmet off of his head and let it fall to the floor. He had lost 8 good Tenno less than 4 hours ago, during a raid on a corpus outpost. His blood still boiled from the thoughts of this much senseless life loss. No sooner had his helmet hit the floor, his knees followed. With hands still grimy with the blood of his enemies, and that of his friends, he pounded his bedroom floor for what felt like hours. It was only after his floor became dented that he realized he had also been crying.


When Yacob stood up, He was a different Tenno. Instead of washing up, He simply put his helmet back on and went to get a new assignment, whether they would allow it or not. He had a lot of vengeance to deliver.


Yeah really short....but hey its something.

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyymmm, dat tenno is angry. Short is better than nothing as well.

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Khimera wearily trudged toward Crowley's room, finally free of combat. He had long since lost track of the amount of time he'd spent slaughter enemies. Even his Warframe's systems had long since lost the ability to differentiate allied foes to hostile ones. If someone tried to look at his most recent battle recordings or those of the Wyrm he kept at his side they would see only slaughter. Neither Grineer nor Corpus could survive his presence. While he walked down the hall the Volt remembered his final battle and how terrible it had been this day.




The midway point was flooded with Grineer and Corpus alike, firing at each other and at the wasp-colored Tenno wading through their midst. Having released all limiters on his power Khimera maintained a circular barrier of electricity about himself to prevent further damage to his already ravaged body. Still, after he'd ceased to differentiate friend and foe both sides had begun to assault him. Not even intelligable words could be conjured from his battle-fried brain at the moment. Letting out a guttural snarl of frustration Khi sent out lances of electricity to chain through dozens of enemies, stunning them though unfortunately their force was not enough to kill. The brief respite was enough, however, to seal the fate of every creature gathered there.


Lifting into the air the Volt curled in upon himself, all lights and machinery in the adjacent rooms and corridors flickering and shutting off, grinding to a halt all things powered by electricity. Throwing his limbs outward Khi sent a wave of lightning as far as he could, the power wiping out both sides in the conflict, no survivors. What few crewmen and lancers came after the blast would see their allies held up on crimson spears of lightning like the Turks from Vlad the Impaler's terror tactics. The small red lights of the Volt's warframe were like menacing eyes glaring out from the dark as terrifying as any Nekros' Terrify ability.




Slumping against Crowley's door, Khimera barely brought a tired hand up to slap of the metal, making a weak hollow banging sound. Any Tenno would be tired after so much war, especially a Tenno with no one waiting for them or fighting by their side. Something that had occurred to Khi was that the person he was looking for was among the lost Tenno the Corpus had taken. It was what had fueled him to fight so long and so hard, but it had been such a mistake, even the few others who had deigned to fight alongside him at some point were afraid of him now. He felt lucky Crowley hadn't been there, or Issachar or Sandalphon or Scarlet. He could only imagine Scarlet was having the time of her life just blowing things up until she collapsed and fell asleep.


Opening the door the ice-blue Nekros dragged his friend in and tossed him onto the bed. "Honestly...you're such a wreck...I would think someone of your caliber would be so much more in-control by now." Crowley chided, shutting the door to his personal room. He didn't need anyone else listening in on this. "Now...surely you must know both sides do not deserve to win...I have been planning with our friends on a way to obliterate where the most virulent conflict is right now...and we need you awake and clear-minded. After all, you can't commandeer old ships without a computer expert."

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back-story time!



''Wake up Tenno, you are in danger.''


Weylon didn't want to wake up. it was too early.


''Wake up, or you will loose your life!''


Weylon opened his eyes. What he saw both stunned and frightened him as he realized he was no longer in his cryo-pod but rather in a room painted in sterile silver color. He quickly sat up, only to realize he no longer had his Excalibur prime on. He frantically searched around the room for any sign of his precious frame only to find its helmet in pieces.


''They removed your frame, but do not fear, I am picking up signs of another frame in this facility.'' A voice suddenly said.


''Who are you?''


''All will be explained later, you will have to move quickly if you want to survive. A covert-agent has placed a map and a weapon on the table in front of you. Pick it up and move to the marked room. A new frame awaits you there, although you might not like what frame it is.''


''Move quickly, huh? I wonder who runs this place.'' Weylon thought as he quickly and silently moved to the marked room, armed only with a simple heat dagger laying in exactly the spot the voice had said it was. Luckily he had only been two rooms away and not a single person, camera or droid had been anywhere near, according to his digital map. He opened the door and walked in, only to be faced with what happened in this facility. In the middle of the room there was a large examination bench with a female Tenno lying on top of it and Weylon, out of ages old training, checked her pulse only to find nothing. Quickly remembering what he was doing in the room, he started searching for the frame, only to be met by a Nyx frame.


''Well, I always did say you had to try new things before you died.'' Weylon silently chuckled as he started putting the Nyx on. After placing the helmet on, a few messages displayed.


''Warning, new user registered. New users name?''




''Registering....Registered. User body not optimal for this frame, begin conversion? Yes, no?''




''Conversion started, user body optimal in 5 seconds.''


Weylon was surprised as he felt the nanites in the suit cutting their way into his body and started working on making his body suitable for a Nyx. The process felt like an eternity as the nanites kept him conscious and refused to let him go into shock as they worked, crushing his bones, re-sizing his organs, shrinking while also strengthening his muscles and forming a female shape out of a male body. When the conversion finally stopped, Weylon took a few seconds to adjust to his new body as his whole center of balance had changed. After finally working all the kinks that came with a more feminine out, he looked on his map only to see 2 red dots moving towards him although they thankfully were still out of hearing range. Wasting no time, Weylon immediately started searching for something to escape through, thankfully finding an open air-duct somewhat hidden in the corner. Climbing into the air-duct wasn't as easy with the new body but Weylon managed somehow to accomplish the task.


''Tenno, make your way to these coordinates.''


''Will I then get to know WHAT THE F*** IS HAPPENING?'' Weylon silently shouted, only to receive silence.


''At least this will be over soon.'' Weylon thought as he made his way to the extraction point. ''Hopefully I will get some explanation.''



Can YOU guess where Weylon was?


anyways thought this might clear the ''process'' up a bit.

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It might get more interesting if he is :>

Not really. I'm not the happy, party-thrower drunk. I'm the quiet, contemplative-of-universe drunk. I get very philosophical when inebriated.

Besides, right now I'm not drunk. I'm hungover.

Edited by Tyranthius
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@Samantha, I liked yours. It definitely helped kill the boredom that was lecture, today =P


And now for another snippet from Alex and Guillermo's excellent adventure!




"I hate you."




"...No, I seriously hate you right now."


Alex glared at Guillermo from behind his helmet as the two of them ducked behind cover in a Corpus installation, covered in a snowglobe as the frozen orb was pelted by a constant barrage of Corpus fire.


"This is totally not my fault!" Guillermo defended himself


"How can you say such a thing!? Besides the fact that the snowglobe is going to give me a case of literal blue balls, you just HAD to send Alad V a Doge meme image because of his robo dog!" Alex screamed, causing some of the Corpus firing at them to look at one another in confusion, scratching their boxy heads.


"...Do you mean robo doge?"


The barrage stopped completely for a moment, due to the loudness of the reverberation of Alex's gloved palm smacking Guillermo upside the head. 


The Corpus were very, very confused.

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Not really. I'm not the happy, party-thrower drunk. I'm the quiet, contemplative-of-universe drunk. I get very philosophical when inebriated.

Besides, right now I'm not drunk. I'm hungover.

Well i can hope, ive hung around enough drunk people to know that the contemplative ones can be entertaining as well. Though your hungover soooo not happening now.

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Hmmm civic's assessment...time to make or break!

(break *cough*)


And so after that i finished this! 

Just a quick write, maybe ill add more to it/ or make other stories form the event.



   Walking calmly among the Corpus, the lone Rhino warframe stood tall. Towering over them he looked towards the chaos of war. The screams and cries of dieing Grineer and Corpus filled the air, bullet flew past along with energy bolts, proving that this was a going to be a long war. The Rhino rushed into the scene and slipped behind cover next to a couple Corpus crewman. They almost ran away from the large warframe, but remembering that he was fighting for them. The roar of gunfire and energy weapons filled the air with an annoying and headache inducing buzz, Rhino reloaded his sobek shotgun and activated iron skin. With a defiant roar he jumped from cover and rushed towards the Grineer lines. The Grineer held their line well, for awhile.


   Their line gave way, and the Rhino charged in. He towered over all but the heavy gunners and bombardiers. Knocking aside his frail enemies he aimed for the cornerstone of the defences, the sawman. His shotgun roared and the bodies began to fly. The Corpus, seeing their temporary ally so easily crush such strong defences gained some little speck of hope they could and charged the line. 


Hours passed, the battle had been won, a harsh victory with many corpus casualties. The Rhino stalked through the dead bodies of the Grineer with his Corpus “allies” looking for anything useful. Loud chattering caught his attention pulling him away from his looting. A group of Corpus were talking and looking down at something on the ground. 


   “What should we do with it?” One of them asked the group.

   “Take it to Alad V, he could use it.” A few said, others nodded.


   Walking up to the group and pushing them aside the Rhino looked down to a sad view. A Tenno with their warframe mangled and torn, lay upon the ground, barely alive. A frown creased the Rhino’s face when he figured out what had happened. When he had broken through the Grineer lines this Tenno must of been on their side and in the chaos the Grineer had turned upon them. Crouching down the Rhino grabbed the tenno by the arm, surprisingly gentle for such a strong Warframe, and shook his head. His warframe had received some data from the mangled Tenno learning that this had been a Mag. Looking around he noticed that the Corpus were watching him, for his reaction. The Rhino knowing that what he was about to do was the wrong move, but acting on instincts rather than “Sacrifice” or “loyalty”, picked up the dieing Mag. The Corpus muttered amongst themselves in amusement. 


   “Trying to save one, Traitor?” One very brave Corpus said out loud. The other Crewman shuffled away from him, but he did not notice. Turning to the Crewman, still with the Mag cradled in his arms the Rhino walked up to the unlucky Crewman. Looking down the Rhino watched the Crewman fidget and shuffle in place, scared. Taking a step back the Rhino prepared a surprise for the unlucky soul. The Crewman thinking he was off the hook, looked up only to see a incredibly strong kick aimed at his face. The other Corpus just looked away as the Rhino walked calmly to extraction with the wounded Mag. The unlucky crewman was splattered against the far wall missing most of his head. His allies looked at him and started to call in the clean up crew.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Time for a new story!

This is based on an encounter whilst on a void run a few weeks back.



Kylar ducked as the lasers shot over his head. Standing, he took a step back and hurled his Glaive, watching with satisfaction as it tore a corrupted crewman's helmet like a hot knife.


"Fools," he thought to himself, as a burst of laser fire bounced off his Excalibur Prime's shields. Raising his Latron, he put four shots into a lancer, blowing holes in its head the size of grapes before turning to red mist. Catching his Glaive, he leapt high into the air, before slaming down knocking the remaining corrupted of their feet. One had got up faster than the others, and received a Vasto round to the brain. Kylar dispatched the others with the rest of the bullets in the Vasto, several of which blew large holes in the heads of the corrupted. 


"There are more further in," The Lotus chimed in his ear. "You had bett-"


Her voice vanished in a burst of static.


"Lotus?" Kylar asked, suddenly worried. The line between a Tenno and the Lotus was near impossible to jam. Another burst of static, but Kylar was able to make out some of the words.


"We ha- -ick- up his signal..." The rest was lost in static


"Who's signal?!" Kylar nearly yelled down the channel, though his subconscious already knew.


No answer.


"Lotus! Respond!"


"Kylar, there is no place to hide"


Kylar's blood ran cold. The Stalker. Kylar was terrified. He had been in a cell where one of the other members had been the target. The remains had been gruesome, to say the least. The Mag he had targeted was in medical for a year to recover from the wounds. She had still lost an arm. At the same time he was filled with rage. The Stalker had killed his sister soon after she had got out of cryo sleep. She had been waking Kylar from cryo sleep to prevent him getting captured by the Corpus.


"The blood of General Sagus Ruk is on your hands. Did you really think there would be no repercussions?"


Kylar did a check of his surroundings. He had heard from others that the Stalker always started a fight with a slash dash. He had to get up high. There was nothing near enough. 


"Your sentence is death!"


Black smoke appeared on the floor to Kylar's right, showing the position of the Stalker. The Stalker slowly rose. Kylar ran towards the nearest wall. He was still some way off when he heard the rush. He leapt up high flying ten metres into the air. The Stalker shot by below him, nearly hitting the wall that Kylar had been running for. His back was turned. Kylar wasted no time in emptying his Vasto into the Stalkers back. They did no visible damage. The Stalker's shields were powerful, capable of taking an Ogris rocket without being destroyed. The Stalker turned, flinging several throwing knives towards Kylar. Some missed, but others hit, one penetrating Kylar's shield and hitting him square in the shoulder. Kylar reeled, not expecting so few knives to go threw his shield. He stumbled again when an arrow whizzed past, and would have taken off his left arm if he hadn't moved, but it still delivered a deep cut into his upper arm.


"Bastard!" Kylar roared. "You will pay for what you did to my sister!" Kylar's Glaive was out and flying before Kylar had consciously thrown it. It scythed into Stalker, and seemed to cut deep into his hip. His Vasto was up and firing, six powerful shots slamming into his torso and head. Blood spouted from some of the chest wounds. The shields were down. Kylar caught the Glaive and ran at the Stalker swinging at his head. Stalker blocked with his scythe, before counter attacking hard. Kylar caught the blow on his Glaive, thought the tip of the scythe hit his shield, nearly removing it again. 


Back and forth, back and forth. Glaive against scythe. Kylar took and dealt several severe wounds. Both of them were bleeding from multiple cuts and gashes. They fought through many different rooms in the tower, chasing each other along walls, down corridors, through water ways. At times they stood back and fired at each other, bow against rifle, knives against revolver. They finally ended up on a balcony looking over a garden. The Stalker brought his scythe down for an overhead slam. Kylar raised his Glaive and blocked it. Both combatants backed off. They stood, breathing hard, regarding each other. Warframes were strong, and healed the wearers at an incredible rate, but they could not keep it up with out for ever. Kylar had a deep gash along his bicep, making his arm shaky, as well as cuts across his helmet, chest and legs. Stalker had many deep holes in his armour where the Glaive had stabbed, as well as a vicious cut across his chest from the Glaive in flight. 


Then the Stalker did something that surprised Kylar. He stood straight... and bowed to Kylar.


"You are a worthy foe to fight against. You will not be forgotten after your death" The Stalker spoke.


"What?" Kylar gasped. 


Too late, he realized the distraction. There was a familiar rush of energy from the Stalker, as he shot forward. Kylar dived sideways, but too slow. The scythe cut deep into Kylar's chest, right through his heat. Kylar collapsed to the ground. His vision going black, the last thing he heard was the Stalker's voice.


"It is done. Kylar is no more"






Hours later, the warframe's systems, finally repaired the damage done to the Excalibur Prime. Kylar jerked as his heart was jump started. He sat up groaning at some pain that still wasn't gone.


"Kylar. Kylar!" The voice of the Lotus demanded.


"Here," Kylar choked out.


"What happened? Your vitals went dead! We were about to send a rescue team to find you!"


"Stalker happened. I didn't get him."


" Your fighter is waiting two rooms down, get out of there. We will send another team to clean the tower. I'll make sure if they find any Dakra Prime parts you get them. That is what you were looking for, wasn't it?"




"Get going."


Kylar stumbled down the corridor. He was going to get an earful from the docs and-


Kylar groaned again. His mother was going to nearly murder him for scaring her. She had probably been told by the Lotus when his vitals went dead. His girlfriend would - well, she would knock the living daylights out of him. You did not scare a Nyx half to death and get away with it. 

Edited by Spikey844
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