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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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When he and his master turned against the Corpus in the heated battle, Heus made no discrimination between Dog and Worm. They were all his enemies. He was a brave Tenno warrior, not a lowly mercenary. His arrival to the battlefield heralded death for all. Heus fondly recalled the battle where he dropped out of a Snub fighter in the middle of the scene. It was glorious. The Snub fighter descended, and as he landed on the ground between the two factions, he sent an ice wave in both directions. The opposition began to rush to the middle of the battle, the scene degenerating from a battleground to downright insanity. Grineer were attempting to saw their way through to the audacious Frost, the Corpus trampling their own in an outrage. Laughing, Heus froze the air around him and formed a blizzard. Heus began mowing them down with joy. Braton Prime in one hand, his ever-present Lato in the other, he savored each death by his hand. They were pathetic.


They were vermin.


They were to be eradicated.


The fire in this Tenno was stoked into an inferno at the words of the Grand Master of the Dead. Raising a fist and shouting his approval, Heus eagerly awaited for their time to strike. 


Vivat Orokin et posteris eorum.

Edited by Ajkrumen
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.....Looking back on it, only part of it makes sense. Doh. 


Long live the Orokin and their descendants.


Also, this is only part of what I plan to contribute xD

Just had this hit me and I jotted it down. :D

Edited by Ajkrumen
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   A dark room, sparcely fit. Not that much was needed anyway. On a wall 3 Waframes stood, Excalbur, Rhino and Ash. Candles were lit providing the only illumination. For the Battle Meditation, such traditions were religiously observed.

''My eyes shall be hate ,my hands revenge, fear shall walk before me, despair shall follow me. Vae Victis'' It was a simple mantra yet the result was profound. As he continued chanting all the lights became dim , dimmer as he went on,and a black mist started swirling at his folded feet. In front of him a black scythe and a black bow lay, but as the chanting went on, a figure emerged, seemingly from the weapons. it was himself,and yet not. The figure stood there, cloacked in shadows, the black mist a cloak, and yet so much part of him one could mistake it for part of his body. he was tall and muscular, years of wearing a Rhino Frame in combat showing in this body. One hand was synthetic, which brought the meditating figure memories, recent ones.  

    He had met the Stalker twice, the first times his cell was cut down,falling to his scythe like wheat in a reaper's hand, as they cowered in fear, hunted.He was relearning his Excalibur Frame then. They met again, later, as he donned his Rhino. But most of those times he fell. The times he got his weapons as trophies he remembered well.He had started to remember old combat lessons, so one time, he let him put his scythe into his body and held him there, while the rest of his cell killed him.The bow was his trophy. Another time he met him alone, right after he had dispached some Grineer, and was almost surprised. Almost. He turned just in time to avoid an arrow to the head, but that arrow had pinned his left hand to the wall. ''I am your reckoning'' he said voice eerily familiar, flooding his memories. The memory that saved him, was a lesson from his old clan, before the Collapse. ''In combat be ruthless'' that was all he remembered and all he needed. ''Your Tenno powers are useless against me'' seeing as he had pinned his hand to the wall through the Iron Skin. His reply was '' I remember you brother, and i remember killing many like you'' the Stalker paused, because these words were said in a dialect of a clan thought long since dead. Exploiting the pause he roared, cut his own hand at he elbow, the Ether sword making a clean cut,and charged. He thrust his sword just below his neck, the heavily modified sword passing through the Stalker's shields and armor, severing his spine at a point where the Stalker was unable to move. ''You, you are from my clan'' the Stalker said in disbelief,using the same Orokin dialect, just as an Ether Dagger hit him square in the forhead. '' Yes fallen one, i am'' was the reply. The Stalker dissappeared leaving behing the schematic for the scythe. He sheathed his weapons, took the schematic, and proceeded to finish his mission. He still had one good hand, which would be enough. '' Pain is an illusion of the sences, fear an illusion of the mind '' he whispered to himself as he sought some nanocytes to heal the wound to his left hand. 

   Having finished his meditation for now, he focused at his simulacrum standing in front of him. He knew what it was. It was the darkest part of him, that gained form when he delved into the shadowy places in his mind, into his subconcious, into the dark recesses of himself, a long long time ago. It was the final test, and the price. But to be ruled by his simulacrum, would be to give in to the dark, to become a Stalker himself. Focusing at the creature's glowing red eyes, he saw malice, hate, joy to bring fear and despair, lust for the power these would bring, he saw a vision tainted with bleak hatred. Mustering all his willpower, he said in the same old Orokin dialect '' I am Pandinos, once of the Black House, the shadow clan, and you are myself. I accept you , and bind you to me, because i am your master'' As he spoke, the mist surrounding the simulacrum started forming into chains, chains the creature vehemently tried to break, but chains that brought him slowly and surely as the passage of time and the coming of death to their point of origin: the Tenno kneeling in meditation at the middle of the room.




Hope you  guys like it :) because i sure liked yours :)  

Edited by Pandinos
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Here it is, a Crazy story!




The fight was lasting a long time, the Corpus and Grineer were tired but they fought on.


   “hehehehe…” A quiet laugh echoed through the room. The Grineer looked amongst themselves, the Corpus still fired.


  “HEHEHEHEHEH!” The laughed echoed even louder through the room causing both sides to stop firing and look cautiously around.


   “hehehhee….hahahahahhahah!!!” The giggle turned into a maniacal laughter. A steel colored blur shot through the door and jumped over the Grineer landing in the middle of the fight. A Banshee giggled happily as she pranced over the dead bodies. The Grineer and Corpus stared, shocked and disturbed. Stopping the Banshee looked at both sides.


  “Whats going on?” She asked happily. No one answered, no one moved except the prancing Banshee. All eyes followed her, be them synthetic, electronic or normal, watched the Banshee bounce, prance and dance upon the dead. One Grineer shuffled his feet. The Banshee's head snapped to watch him intently. No one moved, or dared breath. The Banshee slowly walked forward and looked up at the Grineer.


  “Why did you move? No one said you could MOVE!” She yelled the last word right in the clones face. The clone, seeing as he was in danger, started to move backwards, what a horrible choice. The Banshee, seeing as she was somewhat unstable, decided to punch a hole through the Grineer’s chest effectively killing him. Doing a very neat backflip the Banshee landed back in the middle of the two groups. The Corpus were shocked and the Grineer were far past that, they were enraged. They began to fire at the Banshee but every single one of their bullets missed. The Banshee jumped up onto a perch to watch as the Corpus laughed at the Grineer. The Grineer began to shoot at the Corpus again.


  After watching for a few more moments and getting bored the Banshee jumped down and activated her ultimate. The bullets were are deflected back along with saw blades which flew around the room in a maelstrom of death. The sound alone was enough to blow a few of the Grineer’s heads off along with blowing up many Corpus helmets. After a few moment no one was left alive. Banshee stood up and giggles happily to herself. A soft noise sounded not far off. Intrigued she skipped off towards the sound.


  She found a shield Osprey floating close to the ground. Grabbing it quickly she giggled like a little girl.


  “Your mine now!” She said and the osprey made as sad a noise it could make, as if knowing its fate. As she skipped to extraction you could her one last sentence from her.


  “Ill name you, Juliet!!!”

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Reminds me of something Aigloblam said about Ty once.


Tyranthius had no energy, his Shields were depleted, and he was fighting against a Corpus Tech at threat level 91. He had taken a bet that he would finish a high-level Extermination without using abilities, Sentinels, or Primaries, all while recently polarized. His Lex had clicked empty only moments before. He had been doing well up to that point, but as the Supra sprayed a barrage of plasma, he wondered how dearly he really wanted that 50000 Credit sum. He was considering aborting and perhaps making a fresh attempt, when he heard a sound from the Corpus Tech. It sounded strange through the filters, but he recognized it all the same. Laughter. Smug, self-satisfied, derisive laughter. The Tech was laughing at an assured victory, at the supposed pathetic opponent before him. Something fundamental snapped somewhere in the Tenno's mind.




Abandoning all training, Tyranthius rushed the Tech, who was at this point too stunned at the outburst to react. He sliced with his Ethers; wild ineffectual swings that served only to stagger the Tech. In his surprise, he decided to trigger his Shield Osprey.




Tossing his Ethers aside, Tyranthius jumped and grabbed the Osprey, and swung it at the Tech on his way down. The Tech fell and Tyranthius bludgeoned him with his own Osprey, over and over and over.




The Tech was severely concussed through his cracked helmet, but he managed to shrug.




And he swung, and swung, and hammered, and by the time Aigloblam got there, the Tech's head was pulp and Tyranthius was still swinging.


"Uh, Ty...?" He said as he tapped the LOKI on the shoulder. He turned and screamed, "I NEED SCISSORS! SIXTY-ONE!!"


Aigloblam shook his head. He would need some industrial strength adhesive again. "Come on, Ty. Let's get you home." And he led the Tenno back to the snub fighter.




"I'm sure you could, Ty, I'm sure you could."

Edited by Tyranthius
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Guillermo exchanged a worried look with Keiji as they looked over Alex's shoulder as he observed footage of another Tenno beating a Corpus Tech to death with their own Shield Osprey.


To their chagrin, Alex nodded as if attending a lecture and agreeing with the lecturer's points, and was taking notes.


The horror, the horror. 


At least he wouldn't be beating Corpus to death with other living Corpus, anymore.


...They hoped.

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Actually, as far as timeline goes, that happened some time ago. When Aiglo was being interviewed in Psych, he mentions that event when asked about Ty. No problem, though. Had a laugh at that.


And beating a Corpus to death with another Corpus is probably more in the RHINO territory. *WINK*

Edited by Tyranthius
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Actually, as far as timeline goes, that happened some time ago. When Aiglo was being interviewed in Psych, he mentions that event when asked about Ty. No problem, though. Had a laugh at that.


And beating a Corpus to death with another Corpus is probably more in the RHINO territory. *WINK*


Even if the event in question happened a while ago, I'm sure that a certain Rhino can find use from old footage. It's like a boxer watching vintage Tyson or Ali fights. Plenty to learn, despite how long ago it is.

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Since Ty and Aigloblam are busy right now and can't continue with our big story thingy for whatever reason (understandable, life is like that even to me) I shall give people a sneak-peak sketchy of something coming soon from me and Quinn-sama.



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Sighing as he removed the blade of his Hate from a dead Grineer, the ice-blue Nekros took his time scavenging around the littered cadavers for what he needed. "Ugh, still no Neurodes." Crowley shook his head, using Desecrate to remove the clutter of bodies though it didn't produce any of the materials he needed either. "Quinn are you certain they've got a whole stash here on Earth? It's bad enough Vay Hek lives here with his impertinent, endless-ammo shotgun..." It wasn't really an uncommon complaint from Tenno, as many of them had tried to outlast Hek's ammunition stores assuming his shotgun was similar to their own models...apparently the truth was he had ammunition packs out the window or something, not that anyone had witnessed him deploying one.


Shrugging, the Vauban casually tossed a Tesla onto Crowley's shoulder since the gaunt Tenno didn't seem to mind having it happen. It made it easier for them to mow down the seas of Grineer they'd come across in their search. It wasn't like they had a choice; they'd run out of several rather rare materials and this was one of the best places to find Neurodes at the moment. "You know we could always buy some from other Clans, the Trading Posts are going to be ready soon." He interjected as he ducked a Scorpion's tether blow, letting Crowley fill her with holes with his special Soma before assuming upright position again.


"That's expensive!" Crowley retorted, flashing a Despair out to thunk deep into the helmet of a Bombard that just entered the room, causing him to reel backward and buy some time for Crowley to whirl about. As soon as the red-armored heavy unit came back in he was under a vicious assault by armor-piercing bullets until he fell dead. "I know I've got a lot of money saved up but it's SHARED with my entire cell. Do you remember the last time someone in my cell went 'shopping'?" The answer, of course, was going to be no and Quinn's head-shake confirmed this. "Nova-Quinn tried to buy a pet Osprey from the buck-toothed merchant...what was his name..."


"Darvo, and I never saw that in any of his deals." Quinn tilted his head seeming surprised. Dodging to the side as a grenade got tossed at the pair, Quinn removed a capsule from his chest and chucked it to the other side of the room, creating a Vortex that sucked the incendiary device right to it along with a multitude of Grineer soldiers. The explosion was glorious though Crowley didn't seem as amused as the Vauban.


"It wasn't in any of his deals...NQ got upset and told the Stalker where Darvo was hiding at the time when he wouldn't sell her one." Crowley said grimly, which explained the silence from the Corpus merchant to some extent. Walking over the new pile of corpses the keeper of the dead sighed and started his search for Neurodes again.


Letting Crowley distance himself a little Quinn took the time to open up the lockers, pleasantly surprised when a material capsule dropped into his hands. "Hey, guess what I found!"

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And to make you smile before I make you shudder, a cracky plot bunny that I won't actually pursue: 


The Infested have started to evolve further and amalgamate into giant 200+ foot creatures people start to call Devourers, due to the way they rampage across colonies and systems, devouring all in their path.


The Corpus, sensing an opportunity to profit from this new threat, have constructed giant war machines piloted by large crews of Elite Technicians. Sticking to their bird-oriented naming scheme, they have called them Condors - and charge colonists exorbitant prices for their protection from this new threat.


The Grineer, seeing the Devourers as a direct threat to their empire, have started to build ramshackle, makeshift titans, producing clones for the pure purpose of controlling these machines as Living CPUs of sorts. These machines are built around their organic core units, literally making these clones the heart of them. Crude, ugly monstrosities built only for war, these terrible forces have been referred to as Juggernauts.


The Lotus,sensed the Infested threat, as well the Corpus and Grineer responses as threats to her influence. This also meant potential extinction to the Tenno and what remained of the baseline humans caught in the middle. In response, she sent an ancient Orokin contingency plan for the this next-stage evolution of the Technocyte plague to the Tenno. These titans made in the image of the original Prime Warframes interfaced directly with Warframe technology, allowing the Tenno within to move these giants as easily as they moved their own bodies. These weapons were referred to as Shogun, which translated roughly into Warlords.


Unlike the makeshift Juggernauts of the Grineer or the unwieldly, costly Condors of the Corpus, the Shoguns fluidly and gracefully stopped the Devourers wherever they appeared. 



Tl;dr - I blatantly rip off the premise of Pacific Rim and apply it to Warframe




Warning: The following is super dark. If you're sensitive to torture scenes you might not want to read this...


"No, don't, please! I'll tell you everything I want to know!" 


The horrified panicking was cut off by a loud slap across the face.


"Shut it, you little ****. I saw what your boss, Alad V did to my brethren - literally slicing them apart to sell to the highest bidder!" He snarled, slapping the horrified Crewman across the other cheek.


Alex was not happy, to put it lightly, when leaked Corpus security footage of the Zanuka project found its way to his personal terminal, courtesy of the Lotus.


The resultant capture mission she immediately sent him on in exchange for this information was a price he would've gladly paid a thousand times over, despite the difficulty and the injuries he sustained during its course.


Nothing a quick hop in the regeneration tank couldn't fix.


The Rhino picked up a paintbrush and shoved it into his captive's mouth. The tip was coated in a dark red fluid that smelt of copper. "That paint came straight from the last guy I asked for directions. Now, I want you to mark the coordinates of that gas giant on this starmap or else you're gonna end up like him, capisce!?"


The horrified crewman nodded, shaking and soiling himself from fear. Alex got right into the crewman's face, laughing mockingly as he did so. "Don't cry, little baby. It'll be all over soon if you behave, okay? NOW MARK IT!" He bellowed, shoving the map into the crewman's face. The captive hesitated and froze out of fear, and Alex shook his head in disappointment. 


"Don't say I didn't warn you," He trailed off, reaching into his thigh holster. He quickly produced a Kunai and jammed it into his captive's knee, causing the paintbrush to clatter as it fell onto the floor, the captive's mouth opened in hysterical cries and screams, sobbing as tears of pain and despair streamed down his face.


"Mark it. Now. Or I'll take out the other knee." The paintbrush was jammed back into the captive's mouth, who nodded in acknowledgement as his muffled sobs filled the room. He circled the rough location of Alad V's coordinates on the star map with the paintbrush, before spitting it out onto the floor.


"Okay! I did it, now let me go, PLEASE!" He grovelled for mercy.


The next thing Alex did was take the star map and rip it in half slowly in front of the captive, cackling as he did so.


"WHAT!? WHY!?" The captive started to blubber and babble, devolving into incomprehensible speech.


"I never needed any of these coordinates. The Lotus was already on that from the very beginning. I just wanted to maim you and make you soil yourself," Alex chuckled darkly.




"Yes, Operative," Came the voice of the AI.


"Please record the following events and beam them to the Corpus operating in the vicinity of the Planet Venus. Let them know that not all Tenno are merciful warriors of justice. And be sure to let them know that I'm coming for them next..."


"Acknowledged, Tenno. You may proceed."


Alex walked over to a table and picked up an old blade, covered in dried blood and jagged in order to inflict more trauma; a butcher's tool as opposed to a warrior's weapon.


The Captive's eyes widened as he soiled himself once more as the Rhino stalked ever so closer to him, bound to an old steel chair.


"You're about to know what my comrades went through as your boss did the same things to them. Despite any cries for mercy, struggling, or attempts to bargain with them, he dissected them like lab specimens, all the same. The only difference is that I'm not doing this for profit, or research purposes."


Alex paused, reaching up to remove his helmet, dropping it onto the ground as he looked into the captive's eyes, a deranged glint entering his eyes and hints of mania starting to emerge in his voice as he raised his blade.


"I'm doing this for fun, and just to hear your cries."


And all that could be heard reverberating off the soundproof room's walls was the screaming and wailing of the Corpus captive.

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