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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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(This one is dedicated to how the enemies must feel when me and my good pal are playing, and is a good representation of what happens. Enjoy :D )


Deron was not trained for this. Well true he had gotten training in the usage and maintenence of his plasma rifle, but, he was not trained for...... this.


He was a trusted crewman of a corpus flagship, massive ships of great power all in the hands of his corpus masters.

Earlier that week, he had little idea what was going to happen, during briefing he and his fellows had been briefed that their ship was to intercept and retrieve a derelict vessel.


Deron was a proud corpus employee.... was.

He was never quite prepared for what they encountered on that derelict. He was right to doubt the sense in entering that gleaming white vessel with those... things seemingly growing out of it.

It was not like he could do anything about it when he saw it though, the first time he had actually seen the derelict was through a small viewport on their landing skiff.

They had traversed the empty corridors, with its alien architecture and strange growing entrails of matter Deron didn't want to imagine what it was composed of. They had after some time encountered the creatures known as the infested.


Deron had gone to all the briefings, all the training sessions, all the target practise. But actually fighting them.... they were them.

Nothing could have prepared him for them.

His squad had expertly engaged them, gunned down dozens of them and made headway far into the ship.

It was when he and his squad had entered a large intersection he had lost it, the door behind them had suddenly shut and locked shut. Their technician had not been able to open it, and was now certain to never open it after the first of the large ones known as ancients had fallen right on top of him, began feeding upon his face with those tendrils....


The room had been overrun, and it took only seconds for the squad to gun down the beast.

Seconds that had felt like an eternity for Deron. He could only stare dumbfounded at the beast as it sucked the life from their technician.

The squad quickly took up an defensive line on the plateu they were on, all but Deron.


Infested monstrocities came into the room from all ways, several doors were open and the variety of the beasts came storming into the room.

Deron crampingly held on to his gun and dived for cover behind a pillar next to some railings and dared look down at the approaching mass of enemies.

His aquadmates didn't seem to have any problems with the situation, they were chatting on the comms, doing their job.... their job.


Deron should have listened to his mother, he ignored the sounds of two chargers slamming down one in the squad and ripping him to shreds with his dying screams over the comms.

He should have kept on being one of the conveyor belt operators, but at the time the nice posters and the amount of credits promised seemed so inviting.


Another of the corpus crewmen was anniliated by a group of exploding freaks, a third was dragged into a deep puddle of electrified water by what could only be described as dismembered torsos by corpus dead.

Deron closed his eyes and tried to think, but he couldn't.


But right as the squad was to be overrun, a loud bang was heard.

The infested stopped in their advance, looked towards the door the blast came from and in unison began to run towards it. The room was quickly emtied and Deron dared watch the tumult.

Their squad had been decimated, but had gotten a relief in the form of.... Another blast was heard, and Deron began to sweat as the sounds of dozens, perhaps even hundreds of infested screams were heard from the passageway in the distant.


-"Is it just me or is hot in here?" One of his corpus allies said over the comms.


Deron watched his temperature meter, it was rising.... fast.

It wasn't just his imagination, it was hot in here. Down below the plateu the infested had halted their reckless charge. The screams from the passageway became louder and louder and all of a sudden several humanoid infested came running out of the door, flailing their burning arms around until they fell dead to the floor.

Another blast was heard and the temperature went up even faster. The infested below began to whimper and flee towards other doors in the room Deron and his squad was in. Some even ran into the concentrated fire of his squad to be gunned down.


The infested were now in full retreat and a deep orange glow could be seen from the passageway and the screams from inside became louder and louder. In the distance rapid discharges of a slug weapon could be heard, the massive discharges were far away, but the echo suggested it was something unlike anything Deron ever laid eyes on.


Another loud blast, and now tounges of flame spewed out from the walls and roof of the passageway in a massive blast. Infested bodies was sent flying into the room like burning rags.

Deron watched the temperature reader once more, he was sweating profusely now and could hear his panic. The reader was cycling upwards faster than he could comprehend and with a flash and a warning signal it only spelled the word ERROR in large red capitol letters.


And suddently, it entered through the door.

A female with a haunting beuty, but a deadly graze paced into the room, not in a hurry, not like a soldier. Like a lady at a big party, with her hands outstretched and her entire visage on fire. Her armour looked it was designed to resemble fire, it was hard to tell with all the flames.

She pointed the palm of her right hand at a large infested, as she stared at it the beast burned to a crisp where it stood.


Deron had heard of them, the warframes. Combat suits of great power, worn by.... Tello assassins?

It did not matter, he could not avert his gaze from the female the now stopped right in the open.


-"It's one of them! Take her out!" His squad barked over the comms, and charged in firing their rifles at full auto. Bolt after bolt of plasma energy slammed into the female, but blue sparks of energy came instead of blood and dismemberment.

She raised her hands, and made a gesture. And hit the ground with her left palm, more like a dance than of violence. As it connected with the floor another of those massive thuds was heard and the entire room was distorted by heat and fire. The air rippling as the very bulkheads of the ship started to melt. Paint was flying accross the room in small embers and as Deron stared upon the female in terror, his entire squad caught fire.


With forceful gesticulations she pointed the palm at his squadmembers, one by one she burned them alive.


Most infested had already fled in terror, but one massive beast was still there, with a red glowing head it closed with the female, ignoring the unbearable heat. She began to burn it to a cinder but the ancient extended a massive limb, and as it plunged into the warframe she was toppled to the ground by the force.


Deron was panicking and breathing franticly, he think he had soiled his suit, he wasn't sure, and he honestly didn't care. He was the only one left in his squad and the monstrocity had halted the female assassin.

He closed his eyes, fired his rifle blindly towards the she-monster and the room felt silent for a while.


After what felt like an eternity Deron dared look at what happened. He had managed to hit her, and she was downed. She was silently crying for help as several charger was chewing upon her body.


Deron couldn't believe it, he had got it! HE GOT THE TELLO!!!

His joy turned to despair as the room once more began to overflow with infested. The she-beasts onslaught had halted and the infested took all oppurtunity they had to make amends for it.


As Deron once more frantically stared down on the amassing monsters something was heard from above.

A discharge, and one more. It was the slug weapon from before...


From the roof, a tall male figure armoured in white metal dropped down from the roof. With a massive strike from his enormous sword he dropped right ontop of the female. The infested directly upon her were cleaved in twain from his massive strike. He then unleashed what could only be described as an avalanche of cold. Somehow sparing the female below, but clearing a large circle around him from infested as they froze in an instant and shattered from the weight of their bodies.


-"Another one?" Deron found himself saying out loud. Sulking and barely keeping his tears away.


Surrounded by a massive number of infested the male stood like a pillar, with a massive shotgun in his left hand and a strange device in the other. As he activated it the device began to heal the female and every single infested in the room rooared in unison and began their charge.

The thunderous blasts from the shotgun ripped through several infested with each shot. Deron saw an ancient ripped in pieces with three shots. Something Derons entire squad couldn't do.


The white warframe kept the foes at bay, and after a short while, he helped the female up with his right hand, stood her up and gripped his shotgun in two hands.

The female tapped him twice on his shoulder and then began to form a fiery orb between her hands above her head.


Deron never saw more than that. He remembered his plasma grenade and threw it at the jammed door and blew it open. He had barely escaped the room as another massive boom was heard and the screams of a massive number of infested was heard. In his periferals Deron saw flames licking past him, chasing him like a puppet. All to the song of the repeated discharges of the massive shotgun.


Deron ran, and never stopped running.




Or as how me (Ember) and my good pal Granax (Frost) saw it.


-"MUAHAHAHHAHAAA!!!" Ember roars over the comms as she traverses the orokin derelict, hordes of infested annihilated by her advance.


-"We have a mission you know...." Frost reassuringly reminds.

-".... and you are going the wrong way...... again." Frost continues with an unimpressed voice.


-"Gah, disruptor NOOOO!  *Blergh*  " Is the last words Ember gets out before she is overrun with chargers.


-" *Massive dissapointed sigh* " Frost is not approving.


Just in time Frost gets to Ember and begins his revitilisation.


-"Thanks for getting me up pal :D " Ember informs frost.


As Ember is back up she charges her world on fire, and all is back to normal.


The mission is a success, they got out another modulator unit. This one was Reach...... fits well with the thirty others.



Hope you liked :D

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Weylon:''Do you think FatViking suffers a writers block?''


Vaughan:''Probably. why?''


Weylon:''He hasn't put up a chapter since your awakening.''


Vaughan:''True, but then again, he chooses when to put up a chapter so he just might be waiting for inspiration.''


Weylon:''Yeah, but this is getting ridiculous.''


Vaughan:''Just relax, when the gas city tiles get put into the game, he will probably write about our adventures there a lot.''


Weylon:''Fine. By the way, wanna go get lunch?''


Vaughan:''F*CK YEAH!''

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So...had a thought...two thoughts. Inebriated Nova-Quinn and Coffee-Fueled Khimera.




"I feel soooooo fuzzy...heehee..." Nova-Quinn giggled as she stumbled through the clan hall, falling atop what amounted to a public sofa. Indeed, the normally spritely Tenno's head was fuzzy and clouded. Someone had reportedly let her into a bar and given her alcohol. This information, of course, did not take long to circulate so there was actually quite the crowd...though a very well hidden crowd.


Everyone knew the horror that NQ was on sugar, so it was the assumption of the Dojo that intoxicated she would be much, much worse. Fortunately, all assumptions as such were quite in the wrong. In fact, Nova-Quinn had been passably normal...except for very light mannerisms indicating she was inebriated. She'd been quite pleasant to everyone today, even going so far as to apologize (albeit with slurred speech) to the Loki she'd face-pied the one day out of boredom. From the looks of things she was now sleeping off her Grineer Beer ingestation and would likely have a hangover.


On that thought every available Tenno took every effort to drag Nova-Quinn to her room and tie her to the bed. Intoxicated she was pleasant...what happened when she woke up would be horrible if they couldn't prevent it.






Tapping what equated to a keyboard on his personal terminal at lightning speed Khimera had his helmet on to allow him to multi-task on things he was working on. Ever since the assault the wasp-colored Volt had been privy to a lot more information and data on old Orokin ships than before. Rather than letting time go to waste he'd started right away. Unfortunately during the first half-hour of sifting through data Khi got rather tired since after the Gradivus Dilemma and the assault he'd been somewhat...drained. Fortunately Sandalphon had been nice enough to offer him a beverage that was going to perk him up. Knowing the honorable Excalibur Prime wouldn't drug it for any reason Khi had taken the risk...the result was...interesting.


Khimera had taken the drink over six hours ago and he hadn't stopped tapping on his terminal since then, feeling like he was under constant effect of his Speed ability without the energy drain. "So...much...data..." He mumbled to himself, crouched on his chair like some electrical gargoyle staring into a glowing screen of technical words and terms almost no one would understand. Behind his helmet the Volt's eyes flicked from highlighted line of symbols to small images to a high-end encryption lock. "Oh-ho-ho no you don't!" With menacing glee Khi giggled and flexed his fingers in the air before activating Speed, his hands no longer visible as they flicked across the terminal screen, fighting the encryption even as it evolved and changed to keep its information greedily hidden.


When he crashed from his caffeine high it would be spectacular.

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Anya sat tapping away at her keyboard as X and Loki played whatever new video game the trickster had stolen that week. She growled as her eyes flicked over the latest email. 


"What's up, sis?" Loki asked, peering over her shoulder and ignoring her startled jump. She really needed to get used to that...


"Nothing much. My mother asked me to pick up her medication today, and I called it in right? But when I contacted them to make sure it was ready, they said the doctor had gotten it wrong. I normally wouldn't be too mad, but those people have screwed up every single order for the past month! I'ts gotten to the point where she just plans around it, because she's too passive to do anything other than give them a bad review!"


"Wow. That... sucks." Loki shifted uncomfortably. He hadn't expected a rant like that. Suddenly, his face lit up. "Hey, what if I took my catapult and-"


"No, Loki." Excalibur spoke up. He turned to his student. "Anya, you must remember that you are Tenno now, and as such you are given a large amount of freedom and authority within our society. We also act as a police force for those under our protection. Given that these people are in charge of life saving medications and they keep making mistakes, I would say you have the ability to discipline them yourself, if you wish."


"Really?" Anya perked up.


"Yes. Just think about the examples you've seen from the other Tenno here, and imagine how they would handle the situation." And with that, Excalibur and Loki went back to their game, leaving Anya to think by herself.


'Hmmm... How would most of the Tenno here react to someone lazily endangering their mother's life?'




The receptionist didn't even look up as the door opened. "Sorry, no appointments scheduled today. Come back later." She screamed as a lightning wreathed Scindo crashed down upon her desk.


Anya grinned under her Warframe. "Oh, I think he'll make time for me..."




This, like some other things I've wrote here, is based on real life. The worst part is, everyone keeps blaming each other and nothing ever actually gets fixed. My mother actually does have to PLAN for them to screw up, and sure enough they do, every single time. It's getting to the point where I'm beginning to wonder if I can sue them or something...

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OK, so before i start writing the story of Orriks awakening, i need to show you guys how i made Vaughan, Weylon and Orrik look like.


Orrik: http://i.imgur.com/jPkn2vg.jpg


Vaughan: http://i.imgur.com/y9H6thl.jpg


Weylon: http://i.imgur.com/rsqWH7T.jpg



there, now there is a definite image to remember and i won't have to describe them :3

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The dojo was quiet, abnormally so. Her Shade once again perched atop her head, Saichra began to wander the halls until she found the common room. It was empty. Unnerved, she slowly took her Vasto from its holster, and engaged her Warframe’s systems, modified to show all energy signatures, friend and foe alike. The map showed signatures all around her, but they were invisible.


The lights went out, and her Warframe systems cut out. “You can't run from your past.”


“Oh you MUST be kidding me”


The dojo somehow got darker.  “The murder of Saur will not go unpunished.”


“I didn’t kill him!” she hissed


“You shall not leave this place!” the lights came back on and a tall black and red figure shrouded in smoke stood before her.


“We’ll see about that,” she smirked.


Saichra reactivated her systems and attempted to polarize the shields of all shielded units in the area, weakening her enemies, strengthening her allies. At the same time, her Shade cloaked her.


“Your Tenno powers are useless.” The apparition’s shields were untouched, and the Shade’s cloaking field fell with her Shade to the floor.

She stared at the smoking lump of metal and plastics on the floor next to her. “Your first mistake was showing up here. Your second was breaking my hat, and your third was thinking I would let you live long enough to make a fourth!” Saichra dropped her Vasto, yanked the Galatine off of her back, and without thinking charged her opponent. He charged right back, and she grabbed his scythe out of his hands. Spinning it around, she brought it crashing down on his arm, and grinned manically as she watched the blood stain the floor around her and her enemy. “Not so fun when you are on the receiving end, is it?” she asked mockingly.


“I… Have failed… Saichra remains… Unpunished…” in a cloud of smoke, the apparition disappeared, the only remnant of the encounter the bloody scythe in her hands. Inscribed on the shaft was a single word: Hate..




As promised, here is another story before I go visiting more colleges this week. Hope you guys and/or girls enjoy, and any and all feed back is welcome.

Edited by Entari0
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more fun!

(this kinda happened to -_- )



Pulling his hand from the Infested mass, Quinn shook his head. Still no neural sensors.


“This is getting annoying!” Quinn almost yelled. His voice echoed through the empty ship, “These stupid Infested.” He continued on his way, grumbling to himself as he made his way deeper into the old ship. The flickering lights, were nothing new and he didn't notice when a shadowy figure appeared on the ground behind him.


“It is your time.” A raspy voice sounded behind him. Shocked he whipped around to see the “stalker”, with its Hate drawn, slash dashing his way forward. This was the first time there was no warning to his arrival. Dodging to the side, Quinn quickly pulled his Sobek from the magnetic plates on his back. Unloading a few rounds in the Stalker’s side and diving for cover, Quinn pulled out a tesla. Tossing it over the edge of cover, he waited for the scream. None came.


“That won’t work.” The Stalker said in his raspy voice. “Hahahah, fight me like a true Tenno.” The blade of Hate embedded itself next to his head. Rolling out of cover he whipped the sobek up and unloaded a full clip into the stalker. Stalker staggered but drawing an arrow in his bow, the stalker let it fly. Quinn was nailed in the shoulder staggering him and almost pinning him to the wall. The Stalker’s dry laugh filling the room, only to be cut off abruptly. The scythe's blade had almost cut him in half. From shoulder to waist there was a massive gash across his back.


“I….have..failed…” The Stalker’s voice faded with him.


“I cant leave you alone for even a tiny bit, can i?” A calm and cool voice cut through Quinn’s.


“hahah….no you cant Crowley.” Quinn replied as he fell onto the cold metal floor.


“I also found the Neural Sensors.” Was the last thing Quinn heard as he lost consciousness.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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