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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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I don't think the feels will be done until there's some sort of  funeral/memorial to the dead, in particular Ajkrumen. Well that's IF there's some sort of funeral/memorial. I personally would like to think there would be, but I don't think anyone really has any idea what the Tenno do for that kind of thing if they do do that kind of thing. If that makes sense...

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:c why they leave us?!?!?! 

you selfish fool!!!!!!!


:d but yea...more feels..i thought they were done for now :c

Hes been nothing but Pride and Warrior for a very long time...so he never had a chance to be the kind of selfish in grief person that some others get to be...So he didnt realize how selfish it really was to leave like that. For some reason, one specific death hit him a LOT harder than others have, especially since he was off by himself with nobody to talk with directly to vent his feelings. He just kinda snapped.

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I don't think the feels will be done until there's some sort of  funeral/memorial to the dead, in particular Ajkrumen. Well that's IF there's some sort of funeral/memorial. I personally would like to think there would be, but I don't think anyone really has any idea what the Tenno do for that kind of thing if they do do that kind of thing. If that makes sense...

That's good point... jettison into space and/or black hole? cremation? cryopod=coffin burial thing? Nekros ritual? Surely there'd a shrine  of sorts dedicated to the most recently fallen Tenno as well....?

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That's good point... jettison into space and/or black hole? cremation? cryopod=coffin burial thing? Nekros ritual? Surely there'd a shrine  of sorts dedicated to the most recently fallen Tenno as well....?


You'd think that, at the very least, there'd be some public gathering or something for it. Personally, with what I've read about Crowley I can imagine a public meeting for a "funeral" or sorts lead by the Nekros, perhaps using the old ceremonial version of "Desecrate" as it was originally intended? I'm not sure I'm remembering that story right or not to be honest, but I thought I remembered somewhere him talking about it was his and his kind's job not just to remember the dead, but to perform the rituals associated with the dead as well, and the original function of "Desecrate" was worked into that somehow...?


Bah, I don't know. Regardless, it's an quandry as to what would be done in this kind of situation, especially with the scale of the conflict there must be a lot of dead, including such a high ranking and respected Tenno as Ajkrumen.

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Like how all of it is already lookin in my head :)



I like that idea as well, having the Foundry Master make the memorial. But where would you put it? The site of the battle? The Dojo?

wouldn't put anything related to Tenno technology b/c those greedy milk and pumpkin headed dudes would mess with it.  I'd say Dojo, or maybe the Lotus organization/council has some place for fallen Tenno to recognized as well.



"They say your mind shuts down in cryo sleep. All but the primitive side. The Animal side"

- Rid$&*^

My body can't take this...sleep time

(incoming crazy Warframe dreams)

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Yeah I should be sleeping too, I have class tomorrow. However, I must say that the idea that the Lotus has some kind of place built for fallen Tenno really appeals to me. Perhaps hidden in the void somewhere like the dojos are? After all, you're right, putting a memorial anywhere accessable to the Corpus/Grineer/Infested is just asking for trouble. Some poor Tenno would probably find it for sale on the Corpus equivalent of e-bay somewhere in less than a week lol


Hmm..... Anyway. I'll think on the idea, and if I think of anything I feel is worth posting I'll share it.

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I had this saved on my hard drive from back when the log-in diorama event was going on. I'm thinking of continuing it if people like it:




‘Alright, listen up, Loki. You’re currently the only available Tenno in the region, so don’t expect any reinforcements along the way. The sudden surge of infestation attacks has been traced back to this… turd infested ship,’ I heard a sniff of disdain over the helmet’s comms link, ‘and the creature aboard it. You’re our one shot, Loki. Take it out.’


I didn’t reply; I didn’t need to reply, as anything the Lotus said, goes. All I did was activate my Heads-Up Display, and crouch down, preparing myself for the soon-to-come mad dash. With but a blink, my frame and I had disappeared, using my unique prowess to bend the light around me, camouflaging myself and speeding through the place, my fang daggers in hand.


The… creature aboard this ship is quite possibly one of the oldest living things in the galaxy. It was created by the Orokin to battle the Sentients, and has survived and grown stronger through self-replication and absorbing matter from everything – and everyone – around it. Be careful.’ The Lotus’s earlier words from back in my ship echoed through my head, making me grimace. I was going up against something much, much older than myself. I snapped back into focus as my targeting system locked onto something ahead of me, while also warning me that I had five more seconds left before I needed to allow my invisibility technique to cool down.


Focusing on the figure at the end of the hall I was currently in. It quickly became apparent that it was simply an infested creature – commonly dubbed as a runner. I resisted the temptation to cut it in half, and simply dived to the right and behind a couple of crates, just as my cloaking ran out. Taking in the information displayed on my HUD, I fought against the urge to go against my training and sigh out loud; instead simply settling for shaking my head. Tenno were trained and instructed to never make any verbal sounds while in the field. It was an annoying, but necessary part of our job. Well, it was to me. Some Tenno prefered not to speak at all.


While waiting, I stowed away my Fang daggers, and instead unhooked the bow I kept with me. A brief glance down at it showed the owner’s name slashed out and replaced with the name of the bow itself: Dread. It was a memento of my run in with The Stalker, albeit, a very emotionally painful memento. I closed my eyes and took a moment to issue forth prayers for my deceased cell, before fluidly lowering my bow and placing the arrow in the arrow rest, nocking back an arrow and taking careful aim at the runner, which was simply dragging itself around in aimless circles.


I let go of both my breath and the arrow, watching as it zoomed through the air; its tip rapidly expanding in a preposterous manner as it flew, eventually settling into a regular arrow with a one meter wide and razor sharp blade at its tip. It cleanly sliced through the runner, decapitating it before it even had a chance to recognize the fact something was flying at it.

Nodding to myself, I rolled down the hall carefully, taking in the surrounding area for any more infested. Unlike the Grineer or Corpus, who had to rush to, and fumble with, a control panel to declare our presence, all the infested masses needed was to see us, which automatically alerted everyone else thanks to their thrice-damned hive mind mentality. ‘I never did like sneaking past these monsters,’ I mused to myself, before breaking into a run while simultaneously activating my Invisibility, which had just finished cooling down.


Minutes later, about fifty meters away from the main chamber where the monster supposedly laid, I froze very briefly as I heard a rumbling around the corridor, before jumping high into the air in a graceful arc, grabbing the ledge above the door I was about to enter and flipping over the mantle, hiding atop the entrance. The rumbling had lasted only a split second, and the charger at the other side of the corridor didn’t seem to even acknowledge it, but I froze up once more as a voice echoed around me, "Tenno, we were… we are countless. Join us, Tenno. Consume us! Be reborn!” I paled under my helmet, rapidly looking around and taking out a pair of kunai knives, looking for the source of the voice. It seemed to be echoing all around me, with no clear point of origin. It then struck me – it wasn’t from the outside, I was hearing the voice from within my own head!


That should be impossible! My comms link was currently disabled, and only the Lotus could override that, to send me important messages. A glance through the comms feed confirmed my thoughts, it wasn’t in use.


For the next five minutes, all I did was patiently – and anxiously – wait as still as a statue for any sounds, any hints to anything other than myself and the infested crawling the corridor. My gray and red color scheme helped me meld into the shadows of the ship, as I abandoned my speedy plan to simply stick to the darkness, cautiously getting closer to the ship’s center. Along the way, I passed multiple rooms and chambers filled to the brim with the remains of Corpus and Grineer bodies, while their unluckier kin were walking among the bodies as victims of the technocyte plague. I pushed my mind away from thoughts of the plague and infested, as I grew a headache every time I thought deeply into it, and continued forward.

Edited by Kamal965
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Well running off 5 hours of sleep, in school having to stay after for almost 2 hours, and still thinking of the memorial Quinn will have to make "-_-"


On a good note i have a small "quote" to put on it.


You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. Victory. Victory at all costs - Victory in spite of all who try and stop us. Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival. We fight for order, for survival, and for our own kind, the Tenno.


-Unknown Prophet

    - Unknow Time Era

Edited by QuinnsWing
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I think embalming would work. I love all of the thought you guys are putting into this, it feels good to know that one of MY characters created such an impact. Never really wrote anything until this thread and I'm glad you guys truly enjoy the work I put up. I know I spent many a study hall reading this thread. :)

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Then I shall begin, yes?




The soft murmurs of the Tenno filled the hall like a whisper spoken in thousands of hushed voices that echoed off the walls. It was not until the doors opened that the voices ceased altogether, all heads -helmeted and not- turned to watch the procession of Ajkrumen's wake. Crowley led the procession, wearing both his traditional helmet and the Mortos Syandana and holding a Bo staff in place of a lost ceremonial one. He would have brought his scythe but...to bear a Hate to this occasion would be an insult to Ajkrumen's memory and the Nekros could only regret the Lotus would not allow him Lunasos for this...especially after what he'd pulled at the Gradivus Dilemma. Every step the old, blue-clad Tenno took toward the prepared altar was punctuated by the sound of the Bo lightly hitting the floor, creating echoes that resonated much like the voices that had since died down.


Behind Crowley were the four Tenno bearing Ajkrumen's coffin to its place of rest. It was much like a cryopod and had, indeed, been fashioned out of one on short notice but the craftsmanship put into it was no less impressive for it. Ivory, Gold, and Silver traced along the sides like vines of living metal slowly creeping upon a glass case, seeming ready to envelop the last vision of the Frost Prime and let him rest eternal. Aigloblam, Tyranthius, Khimera, and Heus were holding aloft the coffin, each of them having changed their energy colors to a respectful blue and their warframe colors to shades of white and silver upon Crowley's request. It was only a temporary and tradition-laden thing but it bore presence in this situation.


The walk was long and slow, it seemed, as time tried to grind its gears to a halt in the eyes and minds of the present Tenno. It was as if the cosmos did not want to see a cherished being lost. At the end the four coffin-bearers gently settled their load down upon the altar, Crowley standing behind it. The silence that followed was...unsettling...suffocating even.


Though no one could see it, behind his helmet the Grand-Master of the Dead had closed his eyes and tears lightly had begun to trickle down his cheeks. Lifting his head to look out at the assembled Tenno, he took a breath to steady himself. "Friends...family...loved ones..." Crowley's voice rang out, carrying even to the far back of the pews. "We are gathered to remember and honor one of our fallen. Many were lost in the war against the Corpus and the Grineer during the Gradivus Dilemma...but in our bid to cripple both forces we lost someone precious...a leader...a teacher...and to a few of us something more, perhaps." The four chosen coffin-bearers had bowed their heads whether it was in respect or sorrow it mattered not. Shaking his head slowly, Crowley waved a hand over the coffin, causing it to open up and reveal the unmarred body of Ajkrumen with his hands folded over his chest, his weapons stowed by his sides.


Raising up the Bo in his hand the Nekros let it slide down to crack upon the cold metal floor with a powerful, resounding sound. "I have not the strength to lend his spirit a short, last vestige of life...much to my deep regret." For once Crowley's voice cracked a little, leaking out the pain he felt roiling and writhing in his breast like a serpent in pain. "The least I can do...is give us all a look into his life...how he lived...his great deeds...It may be in dispute to some but I wish to commemorate the spirit of Ajkrumen among the legends of our past...alongside the great warriors, tacticians, assassins, and healers." Even as he spoke Crowley made slow, waving gestures over Ajkrumen's body, pale blue sparks of energy swirling up and connecting with the guardian of the dead and fanning out across the empty center of the hall in waves of coiling blue smoke that gave rise to images, to the memories and experiences of the deceased.


"Hanum erset mose uln akash mezet..." Soft words spoken in whisper from Crowley, words he had learned long ago and would forever be engraved into his heart. A prayer for the dead and their peace. The images were silent as they played while Crowley began to embalm Ajkrumen's body and draw out his spirit, but they did not detract from his glory. The greatest battles to the most tender moments as a friend and teacher were shown, revealing to all the noble and restrained nature of their comrade. A soft sigh too loud for this solemn moment brought to light the retreat of the images and the smoke, the pale energy coalescing into an orb of light, a wisp that could only be called the soul. Holding out his hand Crowley watched the wisp float lightly just above his palm for a moment before floating up toward the ceiling into a flash of brilliant light. "With love and respect we commemorate you to the next life, Ajkrumen. With sorrow do we say our farewell. Hail, legendary fallen...hail, beloved friend." The coffin closed itself, all but the glass over Ajkrumen's helmeted face becoming covered by the intricate vine-work of the rest of the device.










The four bearers spoke solemnly, marking the end of the ceremony. Both they and Crowley did not leave, though, for each and every Tenno present was to be given the chance to pay their respects at the altar before they left. The dojo would not be the same without Aj...but he would never be forgotten. The wall behind the coffin and altar seemed to come alight with the inscriptions of names and aliases, and at the bottom in the largest print glowing gold was Aj's name. A memorial for all who had fallen to the petty war of Sargus Ruk and Alad V.


Hail the Victorious Fallen.

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.....I only have one word to sum up my reaction to that masterpiece of a story.






Please, do mankind a favor and write novels or something. If everyone could experience the head-cinemas your writing induces the world would be a better place. ;_;

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Well done Khi! Just one thing caught my attention...isn't Aiglo supposed to be in a cryopod downstairs?


In the timeline, here's how I see it:


1 - Assault on Grineer and Corpus/Death of Aj


2 - Funerary Ceremony and Memorial Service


3 - Aigloblam in Cryopod


4 - Crowley off in the middle-of-nowhere-Eris


Also, I did write a novel of sorts...not a touchy-feely novel but kinda...



Edited by khimera
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