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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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"Now then," Excalibur lifted his Orthos and snapped his helmet back on. "I believe you came here for practice? Come, let me pass down some of what I know."


“I would be honored,” Acantha responded, placing her helmet back on her head.


As the Excalibur took his place in the training arena, she made her way to the far wall where the training weapons were lined up. She hadn’t brought any of her weapons with her; it would neither have been necessary nor appropriate to do so, so she would have to make do with what was here. She scanned the weapon racks, discarding most as either impractical or as something she had too little proficiency with. Although she was currently using the Galatine for missions, she discarded it as an idea as well. Compared to the double bladed Orthos, it would be too slow and unwieldy for what she wanted. In the end, she chose an Orthos for herself as well. It had always been a favorite of hers, and she hoped that having the same weapon as her opponent might help even out the match somewhat. She moved to stand in position in front of her sparring partner, giving the training weapon a few test swings to find its balance. She was pleased with it, as it felt nearly identical to her own, which was locked up back in her weapons closet on the Station.


She entered a ready stance, giving the customary nod to indicate her readiness and regarding her opponent warily. She had seen him practice, so she had some measure of him already, but she needed be cautious. She was at a tremendous disadvantage when it came to skill and strength. She was physically smaller than he was, even if their weapons gave them the same reach. If she wanted to make a good show of herself she would have to think and act cautiously.


The older Tenno held his own weapon at the ready as she did, seemingly at ease, and nodded in return. For a moment neither moved. Then, realizing he was waiting for her to strike first, she advanced. Her first few strikes were experimental and relatively slow, as she tried to judge his strength, and were easily rebuffed. Gradually, her attacks sped up, as she gained more and more momentum and confidence. Not one landed, as the older warrior anticipated and blocked her every attack, and she couldn’t even force him back a single step. Eventually, with a resounding crack, the two shafts of the weapons collided once more, but this time she was pushed back, hard, as the older Tenno switched from a defensive stance to an offensive attack.


Before she could react, the warrior brought his weapon to bear against her, and it took all her skill to defend herself. More often than not, she managed, if barely, to keep from receiving and hits herself, but she wasn’t always successful. Her defense wasn’t perfect, and her opponent’s technique was flawless. The first “injury” she received was graze across her ribs as she spun to try to avoid a slash that, if the blades had not been blunted and had landed fully, would have cut her in two. The second was a hit to her shoulder, from a botched attempt to block an over handed blow to her skull. She took yet another across her back, another to her left arm. Some would have been deadly or incapacitating in a real fight, others would not have been, but each one took a toll against her. She had managed to land no hits on her opponent in return, and slowly lost ground as she was pushed back towards the far end of the arena.


The continuous beating began to wear her down, and her blocks and few counterattacks began to slow as she tired. She took more and more damage, while the Excalibur seemed to still not be using all of his effort. In fact, she was certain that he had to be holding back, and if he hadn’t been throughout the fight she would have been defeated almost immediately. In a last ditch attempt to land at least one hit, she dug up the dredges of her strength to produce a flurry of blows against the Excalibur. For a moment, she had thought it worked, pushing him back a step or two before, with a final sweeping move low across her legs, she was knocked to the floor, with the other Orthos’s blade against her neck. Breathless as she was, she began to laugh.


“That was the most intense fight I’ve had in years,” despite her loss, she was grinning as she spoke, “I truly have a lot to learn don’t I?”


She was answered by the blade being removed from her neck and a hand reaching down to help her up. As she reached to accept it, she swore she could see the old Tenno smiling beneath his helmet, but perhaps it was just her imagination.

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Ok, so i recently bought Dark Sector, and i decided to show what the first of the Chronos is doing, going around in the timestream.



Lasria, 2008. A white being runs across roofs of a Prison camp, keeping constant watch over his charge. The being, is a result of several centuries of Orokin research, is known only as Chronos, his old identity means nothing to him anymore. He jumps across buildings, staying out of sight of Lasrian soldiers and infected creatures alike, only occasionally using his trusted blade to slice down those unfortunate enough to see him. No mercy is given, as Chronos is as merciless as time itself. At last he finds his charge, a human destined to become the first of a warrior order and an empire that will rule for thousands of years, his charge none other than the fabled firstborn, Hayden Tenno. He watches the young human snapping the neck of a soldier and communicating to his employers. Quietly, Chronos chases after Hayden, not wanting to alarm him to his presence as it could lead to a disaster. Unkowingly, Hayden moves towards his objective, as the silent Chronos removes any threat behind his charge.


An hour passes and Hayden is under fire from a helicopter. Knowing Hayden will die unless he manages to shoot down the heli, Chronos opens a small temporal rift into the helicopter and jumps through, killing one of the pilots and damaging the helicopters controls before disappearing through another rift. After shooting down the helicopter, Hayden looks around to see a creature, with metallic skin and a large blade where one of its arms should be. Seeing no other way, Hayden shoots a rocket at it only to have the creature holding the rocket in the air without touching it, and then shooting it at him. As Hayden jumps into the sea to escape, Chronos uses his abilities to delay the creature so that he can save Hayden from drowning due to several broken bones. Moving swiftly, Chronos places the unconscious Hayden on the beach and begins healing him before the creature can break out of Chronos's temporal stasis field.


Chronos watches silently as the creature picks up Hayden so it can bring him to its master. As Chronos chases the creature a single thought appears in his mind. 


This is going to be fun.



indeed it is Chronos, indeed it is.

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Ok, so i recently bought Dark Sector, and i decided to show what the first of the Chronos is doing, going around in the timestream.



Lasria, 2008. A white being runs across roofs of a Prison camp, keeping constant watch over his charge. The being, is a result of several centuries of Orokin research, is known only as Chronos, his old identity means nothing to him anymore. He jumps across buildings, staying out of sight of Lasrian soldiers and infected creatures alike, only occasionally using his trusted blade to slice down those unfortunate enough to see him. No mercy is given, as Chronos is as merciless as time itself. At last he finds his charge, a human destined to become the first of a warrior order and an empire that will rule for thousands of years, his charge none other than the fabled firstborn, Hayden Tenno. He watches the young human snapping the neck of a soldier and communicating to his employers. Quietly, Chronos chases after Hayden, not wanting to alarm him to his presence as it could lead to a disaster. Unkowingly, Hayden moves towards his objective, as the silent Chronos removes any threat behind his charge.


An hour passes and Hayden is under fire from a helicopter. Knowing Hayden will die unless he manages to shoot down the heli, Chronos opens a small temporal rift into the helicopter and jumps through, killing one of the pilots and damaging the helicopters controls before disappearing through another rift. After shooting down the helicopter, Hayden looks around to see a creature, with metallic skin and a large blade where one of its arms should be. Seeing no other way, Hayden shoots a rocket at it only to have the creature holding the rocket in the air without touching it, and then shooting it at him. As Hayden jumps into the sea to escape, Chronos uses his abilities to delay the creature so that he can save Hayden from drowning due to several broken bones. Moving swiftly, Chronos places the unconscious Hayden on the beach and begins healing him before the creature can break out of Chronos's temporal stasis field.


Chronos watches silently as the creature picks up Hayden so it can bring him to its master. As Chronos chases the creature a single thought appears in his mind. 


This is going to be fun.



indeed it is Chronos, indeed it is.


Please be exceedingly careful to not try and alter the canon. Dealing with time, especially with a set world like Warframe, in the manner you're entailing can be de-railing for other people if you've woven their stories in with yours and you end up, by accident or by purpose, altering the true canon with your story. Still neat, but I won't lie that I don't like the idea of the Chronos actually working since the ideals of your Vauban seem rather...zealous and time-changing which could lead to terrible repercussions.


Edit: I can only assume the 'creature' is Nemesis. Tread carefully with what you're doing, neat as it is.

Edited by khimera
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Please be exceedingly careful to not try and alter the canon. Dealing with time, especially with a set world like Warframe, in the manner you're entailing can be de-railing for other people if you've woven their stories in with yours and you end up, by accident or by purpose, altering the true canon with your story. Still neat, but I won't lie that I don't like the idea of the Chronos actually working since the ideals of your Vauban seem rather...zealous and time-changing which could lead to terrible repercussions.


Edit: I can only assume the 'creature' is Nemesis. Tread carefully with what you're doing, neat as it is.


Agreed. Great story, but that is something that can get really complicated.

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alter the canon of dark sector? never! i just place chronos in areas where it would make sense for Hayden to have a guardian ''Angel''.


Edit: Orrik is old...and mad...and fixated on changing history so that the grineer/infested/corpus never come into existance.  it's what makes Orrik, well, Orrik. But on the topic of changing time and altering the timeline of the WF universe, relax. If there is one person knowing that time is unchanging, its Chronos himself.


Edit 2: i forgot to mention, that these types of chapters will Only appear when i find a spot in Dark Sector where Hayden seemingly has a Guardian Tenno.

Edited by FatViking
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I read it like 1,3,2,4

It just seems like Aiglo heard the news on his way back to the dojo (still a week out), arrived at the dojo, and went straight from his snub to the cryopod the way Aigloblam wrote it. (my interpretation)

but no biggy

Thats totally my fault....I felt the urge to write and didnt realize there would be any kind of ritual send off....So lets do what all writers of long stories have to do eventually....Retcon Aigloblam's departure to after the service. Had i known it would happen, the Lotus herself couldn't have kept me away.

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aha da funnies Yandere!  enjoyed reading that first thing in the morning...

idk how far they should go, but they are a cute and funny couple.  Write what you think fits them and the story!

yes a great first reading in the morning, and i agree write what you think fits them XD

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Quick bit:  changed Skirata's rank to Master, bugged me ever since I put it up, finally decided it didn't fit him as the character I've built him to be.  Anyways, got this done. First full post so hope you like it and all feedback is welcome!  This will take place a day or so after the ceremony...


*  *  *


Skirata had gotten his room assignment from Sandalphon earlier, and after leaving his few belongings and reprogramming the door locking mechanism, he decided to take a stroll and began memorizing the dojo’s layout.


An hour later he came down the corridor leading to the clan hall, and then back to his room.  He could hear raised voices from inside the hall.  Just as the door opened to his presence, or so he thought, a Frost came flying into him, half covered in soot.  “Ooof!”  They were now sprawled on the floor a few meters from the door, Skirata under whom he now recognized as Heus.


Heus rolled off Skirata and stood up.  “Ooheruh.  I am so sor- oh... it’s you.”  He was surprised to see it was the new member, a Master, of the clan who he had just flattened.


“Gee, thanks, I feel so welcomed here already.”  Skirata said as he rolled backwards over his head and stood up.


“No, that’s not what I... I’m sorry about that.” Heus shrugged.

“Don’t worry about it.  Whew, you weigh a bit don’t ya?”  Skirata folded his arms.  “Now, why were you a missile again?”

“It’s Zel, an Ember whose mentor was Aigloblam.  She is not taking it well, to put it nicely. I tried to calm her down while Khimera went to get Crowley to help... If she escalates... well let’s just say it will be a meltdown.”


“Hmm, well being as you were thrown out of the hall, and Khimera and Crowley aren’t here yet, I should probably give her a go, huh?”  Skirata made for the door, Heus moved to stop him.


“I think we should wait for Crowley.”


“And I think you should just trust me.”  Skirata side-stepped Heus, pulling him by the shoulder.  “Come on, I might need a witness.”

They enter the room, Zel is sitting against a pillar, the air surrounding her was arid and flames were dancing lightly on her frame and the surfaces around her.  Her head snapped up as they walked in, followed quickly by the rest of her body as she stood and walked towards the center of the hall to confront the unwelcomed party.  Her anger rekindled, the dancing flames now growing into fiery, racing creatures about her feet as she walked.


“GO AWAY, LEAVE ME THE F ALONE!” Her tone and behavior declared rage, her face exposed, showing off her emotion filled eyes.  Her flames were intense, the heat produced by her forming a pulsating torrid atmosphere around her. The flames on her frame appeared to liquify, flowing across her frame like a humanoid cut-out of a volcanic pit filled with magma.


“Zel, I’m only here to help, everyone has taken in Ajkrumen’s death and Aigloblam’s decision and are dealing with.  You need to start to as well, it’s foolish to act like this in their memory.”  Skirata approaches Zel, getting on the edge of the heat radiating around her.


“Don’t tell me what’s foolish! Think about it, Master!  How could he do that?!  Right when we need him most?!  He must know there’s no point in dealing with it... dealing with us!”


“He was alone when he heard, he spent nearly a week alone with no one to communicate with.  Imagine what that must have been like.  To feel completely alone and unable to help his friend, unable to even direct his rage and sorrow since the Stalker was killed. It’s not that he gave up, he vented his emotions unto himself.”  


Skirata starts getting closer as he talks.  He could feel the temperature of the air change on his face from a steady flow of warm air to waves of blistering heat.  He got as close as he dared with his helmet off.


“Those few days drove him to retreat into a dark, fragmented place in his mind.  We’re lucky he didn’t redirect his ship into the Sun or another nearby star!”


“YOU, CANNOT, DO NOT, KNOW THAT!  How are you even a Master, you’re way too dam young!  You’re just a pompous foo-!  ”  Creaakwhoomph!


Skirata, Pendragon back on, had thrust his right fist towards her followed by a sudden burst of bright light and sound in a cone of energy directed at her face. He had activated his blinding ability on a smaller, controlled scale as to not cause physical harm, but still strong enough to stun her mid-sentence.  He then took his right fist in his left hand, elbow pointed forward now, and followed through with a dash, stopping just as his elbow contacted her solar plexus, effectively killing her power output as she was thrown off her feet and landed on her back, gasping for air.


Skirata takes a few steps to stand at her feet.  Zel gags and inhales sharply as she tries to find her voice again.  “How can you speak on his behalf so easily?” Coughing, followed by another sharp inhale.  “You haven’t even seen him, let alone talk to him about his feelings!  YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT HE FELT OR CARED ABOUT ON THAT SHIP BY HIMSELF!”


“Actually, I can...”




BECAUSE I DID!”  He was shaking now, he still hadn’t fully come to terms with... "I did lose friends, Tenno, I was alone... I... I did redirect my ship into the sun!  I commanded that snub to fly straight into that churning heaven of endless light because I couldn’t take the pain! If it wasn’t for the Lotus hearing about what happened to...”


Zel’s fire died down during the confessions.  Clear streams against the dark soot leaked from the corner of her eyes as she stood.  They were both trembling from their adrenaline rush, the stimulating chemical having run its course.

“Look, I know what it feels like to be alone, helpless, and completely hate yourself and everyone around you, regardless if they deserve it or not.  You gotta trust me here, I know Ajkrumen and Aigloblam wouldn’t want you, or anyone else for that matter, like this.  Come on, get up, Heus help me take her to her room.  Zel, I want you to take a breather - no missions for a week, then report to me after that.  I’ll let you know when and where in due time.”

*  *  *


Edit:  punctuation

Edited by BRad_Skirata
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Zel stood and admired her newly polished frame in her mirror. She had woke early that morning to scrub tear stains out of the lining to her helmet. It had been a week since the statue of Ajkrumen started its everlasting vigil. She had not worn her frame since the funeral, having been temporarily relieved of duty by Skirata,  but today required her to be fully suited. The search for Aigloblam had turned up nothing, her Mentor seemed to have vanished off the tapestry of the universe. She worried about him, but knew that to be of any real use to her tenno brethren she must continue the long journey toward mastering her powers. Aigloblam had taught her untold thousands of ways to kill enemies, survive hostile environments, even low-grade mechanical skills that he thought would make her a better Tenno. But he lacked the ability to help her with her most important lesson, Overcoming her anger. He had never been filled with the rage she had, he had never felt so out of control. She needed someone who had been to the dark side of things, someone who had felt the power, the passion, of totally letting go, but at the same time someone who had come back to themselves. Every time Zel lost control, things went from bad to worse. She had the power to melt ships, disintegrate hoards of enemies, but that power was worse than useless without control. She knew that if luck hadn't been with her, not only would she be dead long ago, but she very well might have taken many other tenno with her into death. This simply would not do.


Zel pulled her helmet on and walked purposefully down the hall to her new Teacher's private sparring room. Memories of how Skirata had calmed her down after she almost lost it over Aigloblam's disappearance swirled in her head. If it had not been for that moment, those shouted words, She may have caused more damage than just a few burned sections of floor. His words had hurt her, hurt her deeply, but now she realized that they weren't what she wanted to hear, but what she needed to be told. Just maybe Skirata really did understand. After a deep breath, she tapped the comm switch on the door. "Zella, Ember First Class, Reporting for training". She tried to sound tough and ready to learn, but it was obvious to anyone listening that apprehension boiled inside her.


An eerily calm voice replied after a few seconds that felt like days. "Enter"


Zel opened the door and nervously walked in, having no idea what this may lead to, but hoping for the best.

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On the subject of drama and recovery...




Walking down the hall at a leisurely pace Khimera was doing his best to keep the recent battle out of his head. They had lost someone important and even though a week had passed many had not yet moved on. It was something that Khi had been dealing with since his awakening...not that anyone really knew or understood. He'd been urged to give Sandalphon a chance at least since the Excalibur Prime had been very persistent in requesting a date...but the wasp-colored Tenno simply could not oblige. While Sandals had indeed found a way to wield a Galatine one-handed Khimera stipulated at that time it did not count because it was more like the Excal was flinging it about leaving himself open during the intervals in which swing direction had to change. The bet about the Gradivus Dilemma was null and void when it had been the majority of the Clan's choice to choose Loyalty over Sacrifice, including Khimera and Crowley. At every turn Khi was avoiding explaining his reasoning. Today he would not be so fortunate.


Shuddering, Khimera whirled about as a hand briefly touched his shoulder, the green-striped Excalibur Prime with a Pendragon helmet entering his vision. "What do you want?" He questioned sourly, folding his arms over his chest and scowling so obviously behind his helmet it wouldn't be hidden. "Is it another love declaration, flowers, or are you finally giving up?"


"What? No...please, if you'll merely allow me your time I assure you you'll warm up to me." Placing his hand over his heart Sandalphon pleaded softly, trying to give Khimera a little privacy even with the hall so sparsely populated. "It may be good for us both after this...tragedy..."


There was a deafening silence, as if a storm were fast approaching and the air was being saturated with nature's fury. In reality, Khimera was having a good deal of trouble keeping his power in check and so the electrons in the surrounding air were becoming agitated. "Tragedy?" Khi tilted his head sharply, glaring at Sandalphon through his helmet. "You know nothing of tragedy, let alone my heart." Turning on his heel the Volt made to walk away onto to be stopped by the foolish male grabbing his wrist.


"Is there nothing I-"


Sandalphon had no chance of finishing that sentence as Khimera whirled about and backhanded him so hard that the electric charge left a scorch mark on the Pendragon helmet the Excalibur Prime was so proud of. "NO! There is nothing you could ever do for me! Nothing you could do to worm your way into my affections!" He shouted, voice carrying high to the ceiling and echoing slightly which attracted attention. "What could you possibly know, you who just arrived here and just met me by any large span of time?" Throwing his arms out as he spoke, Khimera unconsciously gestured in an expressive way, letting his bottled-up emotions free. "Has it never occurred to you in your micrometer-sized cerebrum that I am waiting for someone? That I search for someone far more precious to me than you could ever know?! You, you who would seek to supplant that person in my heart are but a thorn in my side! A crushing snake trying to rip me from the last thing I have ever loved in this life!" Tears of rage and sorrow began to flow even as Khi's voice hitched, biting back a sob as he grabbed at his helmet, ripping it off and throwing it to the floor. "How could you possibly ever understand you arrogant, egotistical, casanova wannabe?! You only think of what YOUR heart wants, not about the hearts of the ones you chose, don't you? Do you have any idea how much pain you cause me every time you try to win my love? How much I am reminded of the one person my heart will always belong to? I have one chance, ONLY ONE, to find him and you will not hinder me any longer!" The pause in voice was lent mostly to the lack of oxygen in Khimera's lungs, something his ragged breaths sought to rectify swiftly. When he next spoke, the Volt's voice was low and filled with his frustrations. "I hate you...and there is nothing you can do to make me love you...I hope the Infested eat your rotten heart."


Scooping up his helmet and holding it to his chest Khimera continued to cry softly as he left, head bowed to hide his face as best he could behind his stark white hair. Sandalphon simply stood where he had been left, stunned into silence for once even as he reached up to touch the scorched part of his helmet. Behind it he could feel the sting of the blow and the cutting words in his chest like a hundred arrows. While the Excalibur Prime's intentions had been pure, they had led to only misery, a thing he had never considered before. He hadn't known, how could he have known? That was no excuse in Khimera's eyes, and likely not in the eyes of anyone else now. Shoulders sagging slightly, Sandalphon bowed his head in shame and turned around to go back to the training room. At least there one did not have to feel anything.

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srsly, am i needed to bring happiness back to this place? to reduce drama from us and engage in comedy? to entertain with stories of ridiculous projects and even sillier people? because i am low on inspiration right now and can't even produce three hundred words. comedy and jokes will return at the appointed time, aka, when inspiration returns. :3

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