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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Well, I'm still stuck half in a storyline with Acantha meeting X. I'm trying to give frosty time to add on it. One of two things might happen with that, frosty will write something and I will be happy, or they won't write something (or I get too impatient waiting xP) and then I go nuts and still end up happy! Well, I already AM nuts, but you get me meaning.


But when it comes to comedy, it will return. It just takes time for any character/writer to work through a big thing like what just happened.

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Sorry...I didn't want to do something involving Crowley's apprentice yet (given he's still on the search for the osprey-toting Banshee and I hate making more possible timeline conflicts) so I decided to finally pull out an event that's been needing to happen. I promise this is the last bit of drama I write for a while in the thread, honest!


Besides...once Quinns gets his inspiration back there will be tea and crumpets maybe...maybe not crumpets...space biscuits? Yes...perhaps space biscuits...maybe...I don't know.


PS: anyone who's payed close attention in my fanfic if you read it and a few moments in some semi-recent posts involving Khimera from me you will have figured out he does have a sweetheart he's looking for. That and yes, Khimera (and myself for that matter) is gay.

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Alright, Viking, lightheartedness it is.


Harahel peered from behind the antiquated closet door, his energy a dim, swamp green. He had been staring for nearly half an hour, and yet he was perfectly content to keep staring. After the finishing touches on the war effort, he was happy to go back to what he loved best.


Absolutely fascinating, he thought, as Nova-Quinn hummed a soundless tone while having a tea-party with what appeared to be stuffed animals made out of explosives.


Unfortunately for the sepulchral Tenno, Nova-Quinn turned towards the closet door.


Oh no.


She told her explosives that she'd be back later, that she would need to see if that strange light wanted to be friends.


I am so going to blow up.


She stood up, and walked towards the closet.


Continued later.

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Well Jeahanne, I'm kinda stumped on what should happen next, so you can continue it if you want. I might put up an addition to Loki's list later though, when I get some inspiration. On the plus side, I started my own Clan, the Galactic Ghosts. If anyone wishes to join, just shoot me a message!

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I am so going to blow up.


Nova-Quinn walked tentatively towards the closet.


What would they say when they find my corpse?


Her expression changed to one of determination.


Would I even leave a corpse?


"Helloooo? If you're the ghostie again, there aren't any marshmallows in here."


Merciful Orokin, I swear, this will never happen again if you just let me live.


She reached the closet door.


I'll be good. I'll donate to the colonies, I'll - 


Her hand was on the knob. She was about to turn, when-


"Nova-Quinn, could you explain the bonsai cherry trees now growing on my bed?"


It was Tyranthius. Never had Harahel been so glad to see him.


NQ giggled, then laughed and spoke incoherently. Tyranthius stalked out of the door, possibly hoping NQ would be more lucid later. Meanwhile, Harahel found a sheet, draped it over his head, and hoped for the best. I am so dead anyway.


NQ looked back at the closet, and seemed to grow confused. "Sheet? Are you a - AAAHHHH!!! IZZA RACIST GHOSTIE!!!!"


She yelled, knocked over the explosives at the tea table, and ran out of the room still screaming. Harahel scratched his head. Better find a new hiding place.

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The loss of Ajkrumen hit Saichra like a ton of bricks. She remembered when she had first met Saur, and how he told her it was for him.




The battle raged outside, yet within his cryopod was only silence. Wave upon wave of corrupted grineer, corpus, and infested ancients swarmed the raised platform that the cryopod and four tenno occupied.


His eyes snapped open. Outside the pod stood a dark grey and teal Mag, levitating and crushing the life out of a veritable army of the attackers. No sound came through the walls of the cryopod, but from the way she almost collapsed, he know she was exhausted from her attack.

He saw the button to release the lid of the pod and hit it, getting a shocked look from his defenders. Standing, he took the Galatine from the casket from which he rose, and asked how he could help.


The Mag muttered into her helmet, something about needing extraction, and unforeseen circumstances. almost instantly, five ships, each with a humanoid shape hollowed out of the bottom, flew overhead and hovered several meters away. “MOVE!!” she yelled.


Acting on impulse, the black and blue Excalibur climbed onto the fighter and piloted it after the other four.




“Who are you, and what was going on just now?”


“Me?” the Mag asked. “My name is Saichra, and I think you should know what was going on. We were protecting your helpless a**.”


“Much appreciated, but I could have defended myself once I got up. My name is Saur, by the way. Thanks for asking.”


“I didn’t ask, but thank you for sharing,” she retorted.


“As I recall, when I activated my cryopod, there was something called respect. Did that die with the Orokin?” he thought he could see the girl blush under her swirling mask.


Then she punched him. Hard. Her Kogake almost cracked his helmet, and he fell backward, spluttering. “WHAT THE HELL?!?”




Smiling sadly, she continued to wander the halls of the clan called Aequitas.




The clan has been named. :3


Edit: Apparently Google docs does not copy over to the forums well. Duly noted

Edited by Entari0
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Heus walked down the empty corridor, his footsteps echoing off the walls. He came to pay his last respects to his master, alone. 

That's when he saw the statue of the late Frost Prime holding in his hands the Stalker helmet, victorious. The sight brought tears to his eyes.

Here he was in the presence of a legend, his heroism commemorated in this great monument. Now he considered his time under Ajkrumen's tutelage, of all the wisdom he shared, of all the praise, the admonishments. It now sunk in how privileged that he, a mere rebel from Mercury, was able to learn from the ancient Tenno. 


"Hail, you who were a father to me, a leader among men... and my very dear friend."


Heus knelt before the statue and wept.

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I use Microsoft Word... mostly because it's just habit from school to use it anyway ._.

I usually do as well, but the computer I had word on isn't working, and I wanted to write. The not having word thing is a long story that I don't feel like explaining

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I see. I can understand where he's coming from. I still feel bad for him though, as my character lost her mentor too (when is still a bit fuzzy in her backstory as of yet though), and Aj's loss dredged all that up for her, so yeah....



... on a different note, I'm as idea-less as frosty when it comes to where to go from where I left off on the X thing. The only think I can think of that Acantha would do would be to go back home. She wouldn't be the kind of person to return to the dojo without an invitation. I was thinking of working it in that X invites her back to train, but I don't know. Writers block sucks. I think I must need more caffeine or something :/

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Jeahanne has a point. NQ has a tendency to...do things...when she's bored. The tea party with dynamite animals is her being tame...when in doubt, make her drunk! As proven in a previous post of mine, Nova-Quinn is exceedingly pleasant when at least lightly inebriated, scary as that is. The hangover will make her want to stay in bed all day and do nothing. Therefore: Drunk Nova-Quinn is safe Nova-Quinn.

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