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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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On another note, part 3 is finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's amazing what a good night's sleep  will do for making what you put on paper (or into a word document) make more sense.


A few notes:


1.) I hope that I captured X's personality fairly well, as I was trying to keep as true to his character as I could with the dialogue. *crosses fingers*


2.) Acantha refers to her time fighting before and after the long sleep as "not too long". This is rather intentional. Her back story is still incomplete right now, so I used this phrasing to denote the fact that she's still young and semi-inexperienced, while not being entirely green. She is, after all, a full Tenno in her own right, but as to how long she's been one... well that will get filled in later when I have a better idea of what all I'm going to try to cram into her history lol


and 3.) I have no idea as of yet what's going to happen after this, I'll worry about that when I get to it unless anyone has ideas.


I hope this was worth the wait. Thanks guys.




After their initial match, in which both Excalibur and Acantha took each other’s measure (with Acantha coming out with a new collection of bruises), the old Tenno proceeded to tutor the younger in how to rectify the weaknesses in her technique.


“Place you feet like so,” he instructed, nudging her into the correct stance with the flat of his weapon, “Now, straighten up. And keep your muscles loose, tensing up like that is a bad habit that will only make you less agile than you would be otherwise. Now, let’s go through that combination again.”


She took a deep breath, held it, and then slowly released it. She thought back to her apprenticeship, remembering her oldest and most basic lessons. Clearing her mind of anything but the muscle memory and the instincts she knew by heart, drilled into her since she was first accepted to become a Tenno, she yet again exercised the forms as she was instructed. This was the umpteenth time she had redone this exercise, as each small flaw in her execution was noticed, pointed out, and then fixed relentlessly. She subdued her irritation at herself for her flaws, and accepted the criticism as she endeavored to eliminate them one at a time. Straightening up from the final stance she looked at the other warrior.


“Better,” he said, “Next time, hold the final pose for a moment before finishing. Now, try again.”


X, as she had learned most called him, wasn’t an impatient or unkind teacher, but he was stern and uncompromising. She knew why. It was one thing to teach an apprentice skills when they were a blank slate, and had nothing to be written over when being taught. However, she was no apprentice, and while that meant she was competent in her knowledge and skill, she had also learned bad habits that would have to be broken before she could relearn better ways to fight. She was also young. She hadn’t been fighting outside of her awakening from her Long Sleep for too long, nor had she graduated from her apprenticeship to her Master too long before that. She had a long way to go, and both of them knew it.


She had no opponent in these exercises, as speed and power was less the focus of them than precision. She went through each form, repeating them over and over to ingrain them in her muscle memory and override the bad habits she had formed over the years. She took another deep breath; in, then slowly out. Clearing her mind, she went through the set asked of her again, attempting each one with as much exactitude as she could. When she finished the move set that had been asked of her, she held the finishing pose for a moment. Straightening up, she looked at X for feedback, her muscles trembling with exertion. He nodded.


“You’ve made progress just since arriving here,” he said, “That’s a very good start. I think, however, it would be a good time to call it a day. You have a solid base to work from for awhile now. With some practice you should be ready to progress further.”


She smiled, removing her helmet. She was covered in sweat, even with her warframe’s internal systems working to keep her cool. The thing she wanted most now was to go back to her rooms and shower. She wasn’t sure how long they’d been working, and in a way the passing of time hadn’t mattered to her. She’d come here initially to relieve her feelings of restlessness and inadequacy she’d felt since the memorial, hoping that physical exertion would help her forget, at least for a while, her emotional turmoil, while simultaneously moving her towards her goal of becoming a better fighter. She had never anticipated instruction like this being not just available, but freely offered to a complete stranger like herself. It was true all Tenno were brothers in arms, and were treated with equanimity and respect by all others, but for someone to go as far out of their way to help another as X had in tutoring her today went beyond that, and she was immensely thankful for it.


“I am grateful for the instruction, honestly. Since awakening, I haven’t had any formal instruction, or even a regular sparring partner. I’ve done all my own training alone at the Station’s training room or in the field. It’s heartening to feel like I’m finally able to move forward and improve. It makes me feel hopeful again. Thank you.”


“Ah, you’re clan-less, then. I see, that explains much,” he replied, “Regardless, passing along knowledge is one of the responsibilities of a more experienced warrior; I would have been neglectful not to have. It would be good though, if this were not the end of your progress. You will do well training on your own, but instruction from others will help you hone your abilities even more. You are not a bad fighter, but you do have room for improvement. If you would come back here, I could, perhaps, find time to pass on a little more of what I know.”


Acantha looked at him in surprise, and then smiled. It was often when unlooked for that the greatest generosity would be given, or so her master had always said. It seemed he was right.


“Thank you, I am in your debt.”


“Not at all. Now, I must be going. May your blade ever stay sharp Tenno,” the old warrior said, as he made his way towards the door.


“And yours,” she replied, watching him leave.


She didn’t stay long after X’s departure, just long enough to tidy up the part of the dojo they had used, cleaning the practice weapons before putting them away. Once that was done, she replaced her helmet and walked out the door. She would return here, she thought, at least once more. But first she needed a shower. Making her way silently through the dojo to the shuttle that would take her to the Station, her white and black warframe shining against the ivory-colored walls and bright lighting, she felt hopeful for the first time in a very long while.

Edited by Jeahanne
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Hmm, he could always take a break to go get something to eat or some such, there are always ways xP


It could also be written that she gets distracted from her walk by the noise of Quinn tearing into the Stalker, and she goes to investigate... dunno.


Like I said, there's always ways ;)

Edited by Jeahanne
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yes yes but when he is working...he doesn't take breaks as you might of noticed before with the statue. he most likely will be out and about the next time you visit, or you hear people talking about stuff he made. 


I still have to finish the stalker, tearing apart and looking at whats inside, writing 

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I did want to write about the statue that he made and put up in the dojo, and have her run across it on her way out, but I wasn't sure the timing would be right. I don't really see the events I've written about taking up enough time to cover the amount of time it took Quinn to make and place it. Also, I felt it was kind of fitting to end that little arc of the story on a hopeful note, and having her walk past Ajkrumen's statue might have made Acanatha sad again before leaving, and I felt like it was time for her to come out of her little self-hating emo-fit, at least mostly lol However, time is pretty flexible in storytelling, and X did ask her what she was doing in the training room "so late". So if that's taken into account perhaps it could work, and she could walk past the crowd gathered in front of it and hear about Quinn that way.


Or, if you like, you or I could write something about her walking past his rooms and peeking in at him working. Not sure how Quinn would react to that though. I know he's a pretty private person.

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I did want to write about the statue that he made and put up in the dojo, and have her run across it on her way out, but I wasn't sure the timing would be right. I don't really see the events I've written about taking up enough time to cover the amount of time it took Quinn to make and place it. Also, I felt it was kind of fitting to end that little arc of the story on a hopeful note, and having her walk past Ajkrumen's statue might have made Acanatha sad again before leaving, and I felt like it was time for her to come out of her little self-hating emo-fit, at least mostly lol However, time is pretty flexible in storytelling, and X did ask her what she was doing in the training room "so late". So if that's taken into account perhaps it could work, and she could walk past the crowd gathered in front of it and hear about Quinn that way.


Or, if you like, you or I could write something about her walking past his rooms and peeking in at him working. Not sure how Quinn would react to that though. I know he's a pretty private person.

if you peeked it, which doesnt bother me at all..Quinn of the other hand XD, Acanatha could see the elevator to the "secret" part of his foundry surprising Quinn while he was working on the stalker remains. If you do visit and by chance do go down the elevator, have Quinn thinks its Crowley *cough* since they have been working together on something 

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Lol that sounds exceedingly dangerous. I'll think about it, but I might just wait until her next visit, which won't be too long from now. I'm trying to keep my story's timeline close to or in-line with, what's going on with others, so I'm planning her next visit about a "week" or so story time ahead of when she leaves. Will that time out alright you think?

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it should, the stalker should be done, and a major project should be in its final stages by then,if not completed. if anything a surprise visit might fit better to break the ice with Quinn when you do visit again, seeing as he would be straight business if you asked for an appointment like the others.

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I don't think I will make an appointment. The way I wrote it left a lot of avenues open for how Acantha could stop by the dojo again. I did that as much because it fit the story to write it like that as because I wasn't sure how the situation might present itself as to how/when she could go there again.


My current idea is to have her in the area of the dojo anyway, coming from a mission, and she decides to drop by. I haven't decided if she's going to send a message to X saying that she's coming ahead of time or not, since right now he's the only one she knows. If she does, he might be conveniently "away" for a short period of time, leaving her open to wander around for a bit and run into random people as she may since she wouldn't realize he hadn't gotten her warning that she would be there (this is all assuming that this is ok with frosty as X isn't my character, and I don't know what he's working on at the moment, as well as ok with anyone else involved). This  whole thing could end up entirely dumped out the window though depending on what other people post, and I'm completely happy with that. I'm just  trying to think ahead.

Edited by Jeahanne
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he isnt creating anything this time, he is "ripping" apart whats left of the stalker. :D


edit: and truth be told, this will be hard to keep canon, seeing as we do not know that much about the stalker.

you know, i have a feeling that there are more than a one stalker...i mean, how can he attack Tenno is several places at once? he must have been a part of a larger force, no?

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well after some more writing along with some very nice music i have done this!!!!!


The walk back to his room took him longer than expected. Quinn was exhausted, after making the lotus flowers and statue he needed to rest. His door opened without a sound and he stumbled to his bed to lay down.


Only a few hours passed before he heard someone walking down the hallway, though he was to tired to see who it was. Rising from his bed, Quinn walked to the foundry. What was left of the stalker was sitting on a cart ready to be torn apart. Gather some tools and wheeling the cart near the computer system, he looked down at the warframe.


  “What secrets do you hold?,” He asked the frame,”and what made you tick?” The neural sensor was taken from the helmet before it was added to the statue, plugging it into a computer Quinn began to surf through the masses of information. Not much was new to Quinn. Letting the computer sort and send out the information, he went and looked at the body of the frame, and began to carefully extract the control module. A small smile played on Quinn’s lips as he plugged the worn device into another computer.


Terabytes of information flowed into the dojo’s systems. Setting aside the gauntlets of the frame Quinn began looking through the information. Clicking here and there until he found what he was looking for. The ability cancellation.


  “We can use you.” He said while stashing the info away into the database. Again he began searching. Grineer data flew bye, then the corpus showed up. Slowing do the pace Quinn took his time. His eyes opened wide when he saw the new prototype weapon there were developing.


  “This will be very interesting.” Sliding the weapon data to the side, he read through it,”hahahahha, I will make you in time.” Letting the computer take control again Quinn made some search parameters. He made the computer look for coordinates to a base, a home, anything which might lead them to where this corrupted Tenno “lived”. A few hours passed with nothing of much interest, Quinn was pretty much done examining the empty warframe, and it was nothing t interesting, though it was a mix of an ash and excalibur warframe.


 With a deep sigh, Quinn sat down and began to look through what ever info the computer had grabbed.


  “Ho ho, what have we here?” He asked to no one inpeticuler. There were some coordinates were scrolling across the screen along with some information. The info was a description of the stalkers next target or targets. Along with the next marks, there were coordinates to where to send the reward, the location was the stalkers “home”.

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Think i'll join in on the thread's story, if no one minds. Besides, this is a great timing to introduce my Ash character (if you read my earlier post you probably realize why).



-So, why are we going to this place?-Shade asked, genuinely curious, for once.


After all, his master never visited any Dojos. He was a loner, most of the time, and not very talkative, the rest of the time.


-Ever wondered what happens when you are off?-the Ash asked, rhetorically.


-No, If i did, i would have already deduced it-Shade stated, with great certainty-and you'd likely be in some sort of trouble.


-Exactly-Ash responded quickly-You should be quiet once we get there, you'll draw enough attention just being there. No one keeps sentinels on around the Dojos.


-Why am i going, then? Do we plan on sneaking out? Because that'd be dumb-Shade pointed out.


-You are coming because Tenno Dojos are built by Tenno themselves, and the organization is, at times, rather lacking-Ash answered-I am guessing you have the schematics already.


-I always do have them-the Shade answered smugly, as much as it could show anyway, and it displayed the schematics.


-We are looking for a foundry subsection, most likely-Ash said as he looked at the tri-dimensional scheme-Somewhere discreet.


-This place-Shade answered, highlighting a section-Only accessible by elevator. Not fully locked, no area seems to be, but generally discreet, as you say. Also, let's face it, having a locked area is akin to asking someone to go see what's inside.


-Now you are learning about psychology?-Ash asked, jokingly-The end is nigh, indeed.


-Yes, if by that you mean the end of our trip-Shade answered, ignoring the joke-The ship is performing docking maneuvers. We are but a minute away from that room. Walking, that is.


They were on their way as soon as the ship had finished landing. Luckily, they weren't the only visitors. It was a time of mourning in the Dojo, and many had attended to the funeral.


Ash considered paying his respects, but he had to make sure first.


It probably wasn't him, and even if it was, there was nothing to be done. But he needed to know. He also wanted to know other things... But that was more like wishful thinking.



It's a short intro of Ash getting to the Dojo. Figured i'd leave some space for someone to interrupt him, since no one knows him at all.

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You got X down perfectly, Jeahanne! Nice job. And I don't really have anything planned right now, so he's kind of an open character that anyone can use if they want. And now: Additions to the list!



*You are never allowed to speak entirely in internet slang. EVER AGAIN.


The entire cafeteria sat in stunned silence at Loki's mangling of the English language. Finally Tyranthius rose, walked over, and punched him square in the jaw.


"Ow! Wha-"


"Go sit in the corner Loki."




"NO! You go sit in the goddamn corner and you think about what you just did!"


​You are not allowed to have a banana suit


"But it makes horrible situations like drunk public urination funny!"




Stop pointing out plot holes in popular movies


"Have you ever noticed that things would actually have turned out better if Indiana Jones had done absolutely nothing?"


"But he's the main character!"


"Yep. And if he hadn't interfered, the Nazis would have opened the Ark right in front of Hitler and all his officers, ending the war right there."


Stop trying to choke people with your mind.


"Hey Nyx, have have you ever wanted to Force Choke someone?"


Nyx took a moment to think of all the things Loki had done before replying.


"Happens more often than you'd think..."


You are no longer allowed to use the Bio lab to inspire your cooking


"Why!? Why would you infect pudding with a sample of the Technocyte Virus!?"


"It seemed like a good idea at the time!" Loki answered as he ducked under one of the monster's flailing limbs.

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same here seeing as Quinn is currently digging through stalker a little bit still.....though the foundry is not completely defenseless, he was not able to put high grade defense weapons in there due to the risk of injury to fellow tenno/the dojo.



edit: and that frosty.....XD

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Hah...Loki in the corner...and Technocyte Pudding...sounds like a Final Fantasy monster.


On another note, the project between Crowley and Quinn is in its last Phase. It merely requires some more tweaking and working in order to be just right, like any good project product...after all, experience in the field trumps knowledge from a book so to speak.

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