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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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On that note I wish I had the inspiration to write more about getting the Osprey...instead I have an isolated incident involving Nova-Quinn and pie.




It had been forever since anyone had been pranked by NQ. Not literally, but it felt that way to the spritely Nova as she trotted along in the Dojo trying to think of something to do. The dangerous beast called boredom now prowled the halls and all had every right to fear its attentions. The red and black female spotted a somewhat new face and hid behind a pillar, peeking around to watch a bone-colored Nekros shuffling slowly down the hall looking rather tired. After the Gradivus Dilemma all Nekros had been overworked, regardless of if it was giving allies and friends proper burials or clearing the field of gross rotting bodies. Taking advantage of this poor Tenno's drowsy state made Nova-Quinn grin mischievously and begin slinking into the shadows.


Yawning, the Nekros waved a hand in front of his helmet. He was wearing a shroud and all his colors save for energy and his one secondary color were a tan-white bone color. The other color, which tinted the bone-like parts along his forearms and shins was a dark purple color, his energy a pure white. Looking around, the unsuspecting Nekros noted it was rather quiet today, despite having been a while since the funeral. Shrugging it off he resumed shuffling, aiming for the barracks.


Using Wormhole NQ blipped up to the top of one of the pillars, starting to slide down it as she observed her prey like a black widow watching a struggling insect in her web. Blipping to another pillar, then the next as the Nekros progressed slowly she felt her excitement mounting. Finally, right before the poor male made it to the exit door, Nova-Quinn jumped down. Equipped with Heavy Impact because she'd found out how fun it was to use with Wormhole, NQ made a Dojo-quaking shockwave that knocked the Nekros on his rear, leaving him prone and surprised by no small margin. Running up and standing over the Shroud-wearing Tenno NQ didn't let even a second pass before she hoisted her arm up and slammed down a custard pie in his face before running off.


Several long seconds passed as the Nekros just lay there, letting what just happened sink in before high-pitched tapping reached his ears, NQ returning in the blink of an eye. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB!" She shouted before running off again, giggling like a maniac.

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oh yea....the weapon i found on the stalker....that might be for your character Jeahanne *cough cough* ;)


Presents O.O


:D *spazzes out*


You must really like Acantha a lot ^^: Thanks! I mean, even if she doesn't  get presents it makes me really happy to think she'd get something at all from the Foundry Master let alone something that sounds this cool. I feel like a little kid at Christmas xD

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Quinn, I am so excited you have no idea. I feel like getting up and releasing my inner ten-year-old to run around the house jumping up and down while yelling "SQUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" But that might be influenced by just reading about Nova-Quinn and me being slap happy.


Needless to say, I'm excited and infinitely curious. Any requirements my Nova needs to meet before she gets a fun new toy to play with? O.O

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Quinn, I am so excited you have no idea. I feel like getting up and releasing my inner ten-year-old to run around the house jumping up and down while yelling "SQUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" But that might be influenced by just reading about Nova-Quinn and me being slap happy.


Needless to say, I'm excited and infinitely curious. Any requirements my Nova needs to meet before she gets a fun new toy to play with? O.O

be prepared for something that has never been used by anyone else :D


and Khi.....your right where did those potato stories go? now i wonder....what happens if a certain Banshee gets drunk.....or eats potatoes ?? O_O

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from smiling face to very serious face.......who is "leading" this clan?

uhoh, nominations, then votes? luls....

Here is Zel's first session with Skirata. Enjoy :)


*  *  *


The man before her was kneeling, facing away from her.  It was an odd sight as well, his warframe was retracted, exposing all of his body except for his spine, and from his knees to his waist the warframe’s upper leg part remained.  She could barely make out tiny cuts on his skin, the kind of remaining scars that resembled prolonged healing, natural healing.  That doesn’t make sense, his ‘frame should have healed him without leaving those marks.  “Master?”


“Firstly, drop the ‘Master,’ ‘sir,’ and anything else along those lines.  I’m not saying don’t respect me, but being here and accepting my training is respect enough in itself. I don’t need to hear you say it repeatedly. Second, Zella is nice name, do you prefer Zel or Zella?


“Thank you, Ma-Skirata. And Zel is fine.”


“Excellent.  I heard that you have supercharged your frame, yes?”


A sudden memory of the source of that reactor flashed through her mind, she looked away, “Yes and also one forma.”


“Impressive, I’ll have to hear how you got those later. For now though, without a weapon, I want you to pin me to the floor or incapacitate me, whichever comes first.”


With confusion in her voice, “Uhm ookaaay, do you want me to reduce my ‘frame like you?”


Skirata laughs sharply, “Heh. No. Consider that my handicap, I might as well have something of a challenge while trying to teach you right? Just no abilities...yet.”


“Oh I’ll give you a challenge...” she lunges at the kneeling master, who still hasn’t even twitched since her arrival.  She went for a tackle, aiming to fasten his head in the crook of one arm while locking his opposite arm against his back. She collided with the hard surface of - nothing. Before hitting the floor, she tucked into a roll and got up facing Skirata.  He had shifted at the last moment, and managed to completely reposition himself facing her while avoiding her attack.


“Much too slow, Zel.  Not to mention loud.” He stood up, folding his arms, and positioning his left foot slightly behind his right, making his hips face at an angle from Zel.  “Surely having your ‘frame would enable you to move faster than my natural speed, no? Come, try it again.”


This went on for over an hour.  Zel continuously attacking Skirata, who mostly either dodged or easily countered her moves.  They went back and forth, Zel managing to land the occasional kick or a weak jab before getting sent onto the defensive again.  If it was her without a warframe’s protection and physical enhancement, she would not have been able to last this long.  About half way through the session she noticed he had begun to perspire.  This kept her from losing hope, knowing that Skirata had to tire at some point... hopefully soonTM.


Zel stepped forward, and with incredible speed delivered a roundhouse and jump spin hook kick, and while still in mid air came down with her fist onto Skirata’s head.  Or, at least that was the plan.  Skirata just deflected her kicks, catching her wrist as her arm descended. As she landed, he stepped into her body with his left foot, and blocked the jab coming from her free hand.  His left leg came underneath her right thigh causing her weight to shift suddenly backwards. As her butt and back hit the ground, Skirata twisted around causing his leg to bend hers back as she rolled onto her stomach. He kept hold of her wrist, holding her arm behind her, bent into itself and her back as he applied force and completed the hold above her.  Her leg was twisted around his, and her arm was contoured against her back making her literally want to eat the floor to relieve the pain.


“Well I had fun. You have fun?”


“Yeah, sure, nothing like getting owned by a half naked man, how is this remotely helpful to me again? You know its fun being your punching bag and all but-Ah! Okay okay...”


Skirata clicked his tongue twice, tsk tsk, and released her.  “Now, how do you even expect to survive out there if you just depend on your sharp tongue and ‘frame’s abilities?  Especially when you can’t focus enough to even engage your ‘frame properly.”


Zel stood up.  “What do you mean? I know how to use my ‘frame!  I obviously haven’t died yet, see?”  She motioned to herself.  “Still here!”


“True, true... but then again, there was that one time you nearly died in a fantastic display of fire... oh wait, that’s happened several times, hasn’t it?”


Zel flushed and clenched her fists.  “At least I’m not some self imposed loner - you haven’t hung out with anyone since you’ve been here.”


“Ouch, that actually hurts a little.  It’s not entirely self imposed - I’d tell you why, but that’s a topic for another day.”  Skirata walked over to the corner, and picked up a large slab of thick metal.  “Here,” he stood it on its edge between them, holding it from the top edge, “This is a piece of the outer hull of an Orokin vessel. I want you to cut through this with just the power you can conjure in your finger.  I want you to focus and direct a beam of energy hot enough to cut right through this, channeling it through just your finger.”


“Fine.”  Zel crouched down.  She reached her hand out, palm facing down, and stretched out her middle finger.  Skirata cocked an eyebrow, and grinned slightly.  Zel’s finger began to glow, becoming the most deadly bird anyone’s ever flipped.  She concentrated and began to press down on the metal.  Some smoke rose, a few sparks leaped from under her finger, but the metal did not give way.  Zel felt the heat begin to rise up her neck, and not from her powers.  She could do this, no stupid piece of junk was going to beat her.  She pushed down harder, her hand now starting to glow.  Her finger got hotter, but so did her hand and now her forearm.


The metal was yanked back.


“Hey, what gives?!” Zel stood up her anger mounting, as did her warframe’s temperature.


“That! That’s what I’m going to fix. If you can’t control yourself in your 'frame, you don’t deserve to train in your 'frame, let alone go out on any dangerous missions.  I’m restricting your mission availability, you won’t be able to accept any missions of level 2 or higher until I’m satisfied you aren’t going to explode any more than Nova-Quinn.”


“What?! That’s not fair!  She’s shoots antimatter at will, and is definitely not playing with a full deck!  Please don’t do that, I’ve had nothing to do for the past week.”


“Not my problem, although you should never let time go to waste...after all it’s precious... I recommend you meditate on your emotions. You're also welcome to try burning through the hull plate in between sessions, just be sure to record what happens.”  Skirata’s warframe began to grow over his body once more as he put the slab back down in the corner, only a black smudge visible where Zel’s finger had contacted it.  “See you tomorrow, same time, here... Oh and make sure to bring your Zorens, very important you bring those.”

Zel blinked several times, it was against tradition to bring their weapons to the friendly, sacred, training parts of the dojo.  She knew no more about what she was getting into than when she first walked into the room.  She watched Skirata leave, his dark colored Excalibur warframe fully engulfing his body once again, the last thing she saw as he disappeared around the corner was his Pendragon slide over his scarred face.


*  *  *


EDIT: dat punctuation always gets me somewhere...

Also:  haidufaspdivnapsdigt

Edited by BRad_Skirata
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